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Baili Qingfeng climbed the tower and successfully retrieved his Legendary flying gull bird with the stars in his hand.

“Qingfeng big brother, I have a feeling of stillness, as if something bad will happen.”

Xiaozhu is pulling Baili Qingfeng’s sleeves.

Baili Qingfeng knows what ‘bad things’ she senses.

Looking at her small face with worry, Baili Qingfeng felt a little guilty in her heart: “I’m sorry, Xiaozhu, bad things will happen in a while, but … I assure you, I will Solve at the fastest speed, and then we will be able to go home with peace of mind. “

” Qingfeng big brother, is there an enemy? “

Bai Lizhu raised his head and asked Dao, the cute little white face blows.

“Well, there is one thing, this is my negligence, but I think about it carefully, we will have such a battle sooner or later when we come to the Northland, although the hearts of our heavenly world are full of friendliness , Yearning for peace, but the people in the bimonthly world are different. They are like the Sia Kingdom whose order has not been restored … “

Baili Qingfeng thinks of the people of Heiqi and Sarah who have encountered themselves What they did, said again: “no! Their behavior is worse than the martial artists of the Three Holy Alliances in Sia Kingdom. The martial artists of the Three Holy Alliances were only infected by them. They gradually learned badly, and later in my With careful guidance, most people have corrected it, but the people of the two-moon world … I ca n’t persuade, and I ’m too lazy to persuade anymore … I am only an ordinary … Legendary martial artist … “

“Qingfeng big brother is a good guy, they are all bad guys, and when I grow up, help Qingfeng big brother wipe them out.”

“This is still too extreme, but forget it , The humans in the bimonthly world are so strong, the martial artist is so Many, we ca n’t eliminate it anyway. The human race is one of the giants of the two-moon world. I have a weak power, and all I can do is guard the piece of land that protects my heaven and earth. ”

“ Qingfeng big Brother did n’t say that before, is Fierce Beast the supremacy of the two-moon world? ”

“ Fierce Beast is a lifeform with few IQs, although they add up to countless times stronger than the human race, but Normally, most of the time is used to kill each other, and the climate cannot be achieved. “

Baili Qingfeng said, looked towards Xiaozhu:” Okay, let’s go. “

said When he was finished, he divided a spirit, urging the sky bird to take off.

With a gust of wind blowing, the commanded gull bird wings fluttered, rose into the air, and quickly went straight into the clouds.

In Baili Qingfeng, the Sky Gull bird flew into the void for less than a moment. Several Legendary birds simultaneously hatched at the same time. After ensuring enough distance, they chased away.

Some people send information according to the flight direction of Baili Qingfeng Sky Gull Bird. In just ten minutes or so, the information exchange between high-level inside and outside Zhongxing City has almost doubled.


“It ’s started.”

In a mansion in the Star City, a true divine essence was previously bought in Baili Qingfeng The Marquis of Saitama looked at the distance and talked to himself.

“Father, when did our lord lineage take action? Is Qianye grandfather here?”

Marcia sat on the side of the Marquis Saitama, and looked like a girl.

“It ’s not your grandfather who made this time, but someone else.”

At this time, one of the birds that followed closely behind me suddenly accelerated: “Everyone is expected to wait for someone to try the depth of this child, but if we try again, Baili Qingfeng may not know Where did you flee, since you do n’t dare to go, then I ’ll go to ‘Feitian Yaksha’ for a head start! “

Feitian Yaksha is three people, and they are all High Level Legend Level powerhouse, of which One person is not just in name only, but also in reality, the title Legendary.

But this is not the point, the point is the mount under them.

Golden cloud carving!

A Legendary bird that is very good at breaking out!

Although the physical strength of the golden cloud carving is not outstanding among Legendary birds, if it only takes ten minutes to fly, the flying speed of golden cloud carving can be called the top three among all Legendary birds.

“Ca n’t let Baili Qingfeng fall on the hands of Feitian Yaksha three brothers!”

“Get together! If Baili Qingfeng is really capable, he wo n’t rush out of the city in a hurry “!”

“Danger lurks within the riches and honour, how can you beat the true divine essence without taking the risk Demi-God, since ascending to the skies with a single leap, for hundreds of years

Seeing the Yaksha three brothers rushing to Baili Qingfeng, three of the Legendary birds that followed came out of the crowd.

The Legendary birds may not be as physically capable as the gull birds, but the speed is quite out of the ordinary. Soon, one of the birds with two High Level Legendary sitting on one of them has already intercepted Baili Qingfeng first : “Baili Qingfeng! Hei Qi Nai is our Junior Brother, you killed him in Qianming mountain range to find us to avenge you …”

After finishing the talk, one of the Legendary powerhouse has already gone Then, the blade light broke into the sky and went straight to the gull bird under Baili Qingfeng.

Obviously, this High Level Legendary is not good at air combat, so I want to cut the sky gull bird first.

“Xiaozhu, you have to remember that we are not in trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble!”

Baili Qingfeng facing the blade light from the High Level Legendary, He ordered the Sky Gull bird to fly high, and he was holding the bamboo and falling down to the misty forest not far below.

“Can I escape.”

High Level Legendary follow closely from behind.

“Misty Forest … Frost Lord Long …”

The other Legendary flight that followed was a middle-aged man who was also a High Level Legendary cultivation base. Looked at a black robed man.

However, the black robed man named Frost Dragon did not respond, but turned to another Legendary bird ten kilometers away, and the spirit inspired: “Holy star, I know what you are thinking, the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind, but who would be so stupid to be a carduelis? But if the two of us have been facing off, it does n’t make any sense, and now Baili Qingfeng goes straight to the misty forest, although this forest seems to What is dangerous, but heaven knows whether there is any ambush, it is a night long dream, we first team up to capture Baili Qingfeng, and then seize his ultimate attribution by means of each other? “

Legendary bird wearing a 10 km away Middle-aged man slightly nodded with full body armor: “Yes, take Baili Qingfeng and say it, so as not to change.”

At the same time, the two of them flew out of the Legendary bird at the same time and fell straight into the misty forest. Baili Qingfeng pounced.

The moment the two stepped down and rushed into the misty forest, dozens of bright golden lights screamed out of the mist.

Be the first to kill the Yaksha three brothers of Baili Qingfeng, who could not dodge, and was suddenly penetrated by several golden lights!

The speed of these sword lights has made the two suddenly shrink suddenly.

“The Divine Art !? Title Legendary, he is the title Legendary!”

“How about the title Legendary, so many of us ca n’t help him with a title Legendary!?”

“I’m so old that Demi-God is a dead word, it’s better to lay down my life!”

The remaining Legendary who were used and encouraged by the Imperial Family Then, each and everyone applied Magical Powers towards the misty forest.

And just as they rushed into the misty forest, a magnificent breath erupted from the misty forest. For a time, even the mist that filled the misty forest seemed to be suddenly exploded by this Torrifying aura’s tearing and dispersing, a hurricane and arc, a golden silhouette with a sword in one hand, standing.

“Greedy can only be truly stopped at the end of life. If you ca n’t control the desire in your heart, then I will help you.”

—————— ———

(There seems to be something missing, no song?)

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