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At four in the afternoon.

Baili Qingfeng followed behind a middle-aged man and walked straight to the palace of Shengxinghui, the emperor of the stars.

As soon as he entered the Imperial Palace, Baili Qingfeng sensed that the number of powerhouses was significantly larger, let alone the Great Knight equivalent to supreme powerhouse, even Legendary is not uncommon.

In his induction, Legendary alone has a dozen or so, many of whom have developed High Level Legendary of Will Core.

A dozen Legendary ……

This number is a little low.

But according to the common sense of putting half on the surface and hiding half in secret, it is inferred that there are at least thirty Legendary in the Imperial Palace.

In addition, the empire of stars is the inheritance of the Divine Lord. The Legendary powerhouse in it must master various secrets of restraining aura. He has a lot of strength in his empty space, and he has no mastery of high secrets. High Level Legendary can’t find the hidden Legendary to be completely reasonable.

From this inference, double it again, that is, 60 Legendary.

Sixty Legendary ……

Demi-God can also live and die.

I thought, Baili Qingfeng has come to a palace.

“Mr. Baili, please, Your Majesty has been waiting for you there for a long time.”

middle-aged man said with a sly hand.

Baili Qingfeng stepped into the palace and was seeing what the current emperor of the Stars Empire, Sheng Xinghui, was communicating with the four.

The four people, a young man, a young woman, and two old men.

Among the two old men there is an acquaintance of Baili Qingfeng, who was the leader of the army that had led the army to the skyland, which caused Legendary ’s ghostly chaos, the generals of the star emperor, Yingying.

However, while seeing several people, Baili Qingfeng seemed to be aware of something, and the involuntarily pilgrim Xinghui looked behind him.

Where …

He felt a stronger, more subtle atmosphere.

On this aura, he faintly noticed a trace of mysterious fluctuations similar to the death True God, the eternal life True God, and the fear god, but compared to the three True Gods, Special fluctuations are undoubtedly much weaker.


Baili Qingfeng guessed.

“This is His Excellency Baili Qingfeng, the messenger of heaven and earth?”

At this time, Sheng Xinghui’s voice came.

Baili Qingfeng is also a saluted greeting to Sheng Xinghui respectfully: “Bai Qingfeng of Tianhuang Realm Federation, see the respected Your Majesty of Sheng Xinghui.”

“Tian Famine Federation? “

Sheng Xinghui doesn’t seem to know about the Famine Federation yet.

An old man next to him inspired a trace of spirit fluctuations. The two exchanged moments on the spirit level, and he soon understood what was said with a slight smile: “I ca n’t think of the world of heaven and earth in a hundred miles. It ’s really gratifying to have such reforms and changes under Mr. ’s development. “

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the old man …

It seems that the stars of the Empire do not pay much attention on the surface Heavenly Waste Realm, but secretly feared that many spies have been sent to lurking and gather intelligence in Heavenly Waste Realm.

“Your Majesty has won the prize. I came here this time with our friendship in the world of heaven and wasteland, hoping to promote the common development of the empire of stars and the world of heaven and wasteland from now on. Peaceful coexistence, contribute to the prosperity and stability of the two major regions … “

” Mr. Baili is willing to represent the Heaven and Wasteland and our Alliance of Star Empires, our Star Empires are naturally welcome, but … I do n’t know how Mr. Baili Qingfeng explained the army that attacked our Star Empire a few years ago? ”

Sheng Xinghui said, and also looked at Legendary with a sideways glance:“ Mr. Baili should still recognize General Fell Right. “

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Ying Ying, somewhat puzzled:” In the past, it was this insulting general who led our army to attack our Heavenly Desolate Realm, and our Heavenly Desolate Realm was compelled by circumstances. Then we rose up to resist, afterward Both of us have reached an understanding and things have ended peacefully … “

” Mr. Baili said this badly. If someone in your wilderness world invades the blood state of our subordinate kingdom of stars, confuse the general. Will the soldiers send out the world?

Sheng Xinghui said this tone slightly: “Of course, our Star Empire has certain ideas for establishing friendship with the Heaven and Wasteland, otherwise, Mr. Baili slaughter my brave soldiers of the Star Empire One thing, our starry empire is already under pressure, pushing the entire world of aboriginal world … I do n’t doubt that our starry empire has this kind of strength. Mr. Baili. “

Baili Qingfeng thinks this star empire ’s The emperor had some strong words. They came to attack the world of heaven and did not allow the people of the world of heaven to resist?

“I believe that the Star Empire has the ability to push the heavens and the desert world, but if it does, the Star Empire will inevitably have to pay a great price. War is a hard work for any two parties. Not pleased. “

” Hehe … I like the sentence of Tianhuangjie, the asset is growing in the barbarism … So I do n’t agree with Mr. Baili’s words, of course , Tianhuangjie came here with friendly sincerity, and our Star Empire can’t do without any expression, but … “

Sheng Xinghui looked at Baili Qingfeng:” How does Mr. Baili make us believe Is your sincerity sincere? Is it not for another purpose? “

” I am a hobby peaceful person, and the heaven and wasteland is also a hobby peaceful world, especially with the establishment of the heaven and waste federation …… “

Baili Qingfeng has not finished, Sheng Xinghui has waved to interrupt his words:” Peace, that is based on the equal status of the two. Can the wasteland be on par with our empire of stars? “

Baili Qingfeng The thought.

The Imperial Family on the surface has four Demi-Gods, the Imperial Family has two Demi-Gods, and the Lord ’s faction has four Demi-Gods, plus the Domain Temple. The four Demi-Gods on the surface add up to fourteen. If you count the Demi-Gods hidden in the dark …

The number of Demi-Gods may not be too low- forty …

This kind of strength, it is by no means an empty talk.

But …

“Maybe our Heavenly Waste Realm is not as great as the Stars Empire, but I do n’t think that Heavenly Wastes Realm is not qualified to communicate with the Stars Empire on an equal basis. The Wasteland may only be a low-energy World, but our World has also developed our unique civilization system. Perhaps this civilization system is still weak, but if it can continue to grow, I believe that there will eventually be a glory. one day.”

Baili Qingfeng said resolutely.

Sheng Xinghui and several others in the great hall looked at Baili Qingfeng and were a little surprised by his stubbornness and persistence …

For a time they could n’t help but guess that Baili Qingfeng was behind It is not true that there are hidden strengths that are secretly supported.

For a while, Sheng Xinghui said again: “That’s the future. For now, I don’t think it’s good for us to unite with Tianhuangjie, especially not long ago. When we have fought war … “

” Is it … “

Baili Qingfeng was a little disappointed.

The mission has not been fulfilled. The empire of the Stars looks down on their heaven and earth, and they are determined to hold him accountable for defeating Legendary …

It looks like he has to go back. War is ready.

However …

Heaven is hobby peaceful, but not afraid of war!

Throughout the history of Tianhuang Realm, it is a scene of war full of blood and flames. Even compared to the powerful Star Empire, the weakness of Tianhuang Realm is like a baby who has just learned to walk. However, in the face of aggression and oppression, the people of Heaven and Wasteland will still take out their weapons and defend their homes with fierce and unafraid of death, and fight with these invaders to the last moment.

Even if their generation is beaten, a new generation of people will grow up and still take over the banner of their elders, and continue to fight for the freedom and independence of the world.

“The core personnel of the empire of stars are all hidden in the Star City. Perhaps, I should try to make some 100 million tons of hydrogen bombs to see if they can be successfully detonated in the bimonthly world. If so, take ten. If you come to the Star City in eight, you will definitely be able to inflict heavy damage on the Stars Empire. In this way, the pressure faced by the natives of the Heaven and Waste Realm will also be less … But, there are 40 million people in the Star City … There are too many innocent people. A hundred million ton-equivalent hydrogen bomb, I do n’t know how many people will die because of it … But in the two realms war, we are obviously in an extremely weak, pitiful, helpless situation, in order to seek the glimmer of survival from the nine deaths, in order to I can get the final peace … I have to do it … “

Baili Qingfeng is full of heavy hearts.

He looked at expressionless and did n’t know what to think and so on Sheng Xinghui, for a long time, he sighed: “Then … I can only say sorry … Farewell …”

After he finished, he planned to turn around and leave.

This scene fell into the eyes of Sheng Xinghui and made him stunned.


Not to mention this?

Should n’t the conversation between the two countries establish diplomatic relations between you and me go to study for 10-15 days?

Why now …

“Wait a minute.”

Sheng Xinghui quickly stopped Baili Qingfeng who turned and wanted to leave, and coughed: “Since Mr. Baili Qingfeng came with friendship, as our Lord of the Stars, as the Lord of the Northland, we naturally have to show how generous we should be as masters, so if Mr. Baili can make 200,000 gods of gold military Compensation, and went to the Red-Clouds Mountain battlefield for ten years, let us see your apology and sincerity in the world of heaven and wasteland, we can not blame the matter of the world of heaven and earth killing our Star Warriors It is not difficult to enter the prince … “

Red-Clouds Mountain ……

It is the front line of the battle between the Star Empire and the Pterosaur Kingdom.

Baili Qingfeng heard it and shook his head directly: “Our Heavenly Wasteland is a hobby and peaceful civilization, and we are not willing to intervene in the civil war in the Northland. In addition, I am sorry for the death of the soldiers of the Star Empire, but I am not I do n’t think I ’ve done anything. What I did at that time was just to perform the duties of a person in the Heavenly Waste Realm, to guard the Heavenly Waste Realm and defend against the invaders, nothing more. ”

Holy Star Watch With Baili Qingfeng …

His answer …

I suddenly became stronger?

“Intruder? Who is the real intruder in the end!?”

Sheng Xinghui was dissatisfied and said: “It seems that you have no sincerity in the world of heaven and earth.”


“Our sincerity is very sufficient, but …”

Baili Qingfeng thinks of Shengxinghui and the others knowing that he has come, and has aired himself for more than ten days, and now is another Deputy aloof and remote accused himself of appearance …

Sure enough …

weak are prey to the strong in the double moon world.

The weak have no human rights.


Baili Qingfeng said, no longer paid attention to Sheng Xinghui’s cold eyes, and turned away.

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