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“I do n’t know if President Xingqing ’s hand is useful.”

Baili Qingfeng returned to the embassy area where he lived, sitting at the desk with some sighs, with a trace of sadness on his face : “I never thought that I would eventually fall to the level of the back door …”

“Qingfeng big brother, why do n’t we go directly to the emperor Your Majesty of the Star Empire?”

Follow me Baili Qingfeng side Baili bamboo is a little puzzled.

“Why? We have to wait for the Emperor Your Majesty from the Star Empire.”

“But … with the ability of Qingfeng big brother, you can go directly to the Star Empire The emperor, the Qingfeng big brother is only High Level Legendary, but even the king of flames has surrendered. The strength of battle strength is not inferior to any Demi-God. It is easy to see the emperor of the empire of stars. “

“The words ca n’t be said, although I barely have a trace of God ’s Force, but the empire of stars as the Lord of the Northland, the depth of the inside is still extremely amazing. The veterans of the Empire will be placed on the surface of Demi-God There are four. If you put half of it and hide half of it according to the common sense in the biography of the novel, it will be the eight Demi-Gods, not my High Level Legendary, who barely possesses Demi-God battle strength. ” p>

Baili Qingfeng finished speaking: “Besides, the purpose of our coming to the Star Empire is to reach an agreement with the Star Empire on behalf of the Heavenly Waste Realm, so that the two sides can establish friendly relations and promote the peaceful coexistence of the two worlds, so naturally Step by step according to the original rules and regulations. “

” If the Star Empire really has eight Demi-Gods, it will not be so passive in the battle with the Three Great Kingdoms … “

“You don’t understand, according to common sense, this is because it is not time for life or death.”

Baili Qingfeng taught carefully: “Xiaozhu, you must remember that the water of this world is very deep, You never know what terrifying existence is hidden under the World. There are only four great veterans on the surface of the Imperial Family of the Stars Empire, but when the life and death exist, four or eight more will appear. I will not feel the slightest doubt, even some. Demi-God can also use some Divine Items to temporarily own the Strength of True God … “

” But … these are all Qingfeng big brother you guess … “

“It’s not guessing, it’s common sense! Defining the key points, common sense! Just like one plus one equals two, it is very troublesome to argue, but it is an indisputable fact.”

Baili Qingfeng said.


Bai Li Bamboo has flat mouth: “I ’m just not happy that they do n’t respect Qingfeng big brother, Qingfeng big brother is so powerful, so great … why? They … “

” What am I to say is great, what is great, and to say greatness, the blazing sun above the head and the silver and purple moon are really great. “

Baili Qingfeng said, and touched Xiaozhu’s little head: “Besides, since we have been to other people’s places, we should act according to other people’s rules.”

“But Qingfeng big brother, I heard, The rules are all made by people. The powerhouse sets the rules, and the weak follow the rules. “

” That is the case, but the most important thing for a person is not to indulge their desires, act wilfully according to their own preferences, Once there are no rules, no bottom line, what will this World look like? “

Bai Lizhu listened, the pretty little face still had an unhappy look:” But if Even if you can’t do what you want to do, then what is the point of our cultivation and becoming stronger?

“It ’s not that we ca n’t do it, but we ca n’t do something.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “When the powerhouse disregards the rules and acts arbitrarily, this World will not be destroyed. It’s far away … just like how chaotic we were at the beginning of Shia? Not only are people living in dire straits, but war is also likely to come at any time, dragging the entire Sia Kingdom into the abyss of the country’s ruined family … “

“So the Qingfeng big brother stood up and set up new rules anyway?”

Baili Qingfeng thought about it, nodded: “Yes.”

After finishing, he also added: “The rules are formulated, we will naturally obey, this is respect for the rules, and it is also right Respect yourself. “

” I understand. “

Bai Lizhu listened, and a sweet smile appeared on his face:” Then I will also make rules and formulate One … the rules that will allow Qingfeng big brother and us to do what we want to do. “

” Oh, then you have to work hard, making rules is not an easy task. “


The nodded of Baili Bamboo.

“Yes, you seem to be stuck at the critical point of Refining Spirit 9th layer Peak for a while, or … try it with the divine spirit? See if you can in a spurt of energy breakthrough to Refining Spirit is tenfold? “

” Is it ok? This seems expensive … “

” What does it matter if you are expensive, we are a family, and my stuff is your stuff. ” “

” Thank you Qingfeng big brother. “

Bai Lizhu shouted happily, then hugged him directly, and gathered his side face:” MUA …… “

Baili Qingfeng froze, followed by speechless saying: “How old are you little girl, who taught you?”

Bai Lizhu’s lovely face has a hint of pink.

“On TV?”

“It ’s like expressing likes.”

“It ’s good, but it ’s okay to be under ten, hug and hug It ’s okay for Gao, but you all have 12 years old birthday now. You ’re 13 years old. You ’re already a big girl, but you ca n’t do that anymore. ”

“ I like Qingfeng big brother. ”

“Well, I like Xiaozhu too. We are a family, but we ca n’t do that again in the future …”

Baili Qingfeng thought of this and felt that he should find a professional instructor to help Xiaozhu I have a lifeform lesson.

After returning, let Shiyi take note.

“Okay, now, to refine this divine spirit, I will protect you.”

Baili Qingfeng said, take out the divine spirit and urge Xiaozhu Go cultivation.

It’s a day since the time flickered.

The Baili Bamboo cultivation went on this day, and no one was noisy around him. Baili Qingfeng was really boring.

And he had to make sure that Baili Bamboo hit Refining Spirit ’s tenth safety, and he could n’t leave, so he had to wait quietly in the room.

However, on the afternoon of the 2nd day, Baili Qingfeng seemed to sense something. Spirit stimulated and formed a layer of noise barrier directly in the small bamboo cultivation room.

Sound originates from vibration and then propagates through the medium. As long as you understand this principle, use spirit to stabilize the propagation medium so that it cannot resonate with the sound wave, and naturally it can block the sound wave.

Sometimes after finishing these, a knock on the door came from the suite. As Baili Qingfeng opened the door, a beautiful silhouette appeared outside the door.

“Marcia Young Lady.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the visitor unexpectedly.

“Mr. Baili Qingfeng.”

Macia in a full dress raised the skirt: “Mr. Baili, would n’t you please let me go in and sit down.”

“Please come in.”

Baili Qingfeng gave way.

“Mr. Baili didn’t come to the Star Empire to come to our Qiyushan collar. It seems that our Qiyushan collar is a little transparent in mind.”

Marcia’s tone With a hint of girly grudge.

Although there is a hint of blame, this kind of tone makes anyone dislike does not raise.

“I am not a heavy responsibility, so I plan to do the things at hand Do you want to visit the Marquis of Saitama afterwards? “

Baili Qingfeng Road.

The marquis in the empire of stars are the highest titles available to foreign surnames, the king and the grand duke, which is a special honor that only members of the Imperial Family have.

“Mr. Baili refers to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Heavenly Waste Realm and the Starry Empire? But as far as I know, this matter seems to have been discussed several times by the upper family of the Imperial Family, but the result is not very good … “

” Has the upper empire been discussed? “

Baili Qingfeng was taken aback.

He thought he had not yet sent the official book of his visit to the hands of the Holy Star Emperor of the Stars Empire.

“Of course, due to the generals’ confusion, the Imperial Family also pays much attention to the Heavenly Waste Realm, especially most recently. It seems that there are two True Gods in the Grottoes who have been hit hard. There are even rumors of falling, which makes the empire up and down not dare to neglect the arrival of Mr. Baili. “

Marcia said with a slight smile.

Baili Qingfeng This feels a little strange: “Then why hasn’t Your Majesty called me?”

“On the one hand, Your Majesty needs more detailed information to judge the purpose of Mr. Baili. On the other hand, the troubles of the three countries of Granlin, Suzawa, and Pterosaur disperse their energy, and there is a more important point. … The things carried by Mr. Baili also make our aloof and remote Holy Majestic Your Majesty very greedy. “

Macia said, lightly said with a smile:” 100 Mr. Li probably does n’t know, you still have at least two true divine essence news, has it been circulated? Although it is only circulated in a small area, there are more than thirty people who have this news … … “

” President Star Chamber of Commerce of the Hexagon Star!? “

Baili Qingfeng frowned.

“Yes, this president of Star Engine is one of the confidants of our star emperor, Your Majesty, which is pulled up with one hand, otherwise it is also impossible to hold the position of the president of the Chamber of Commerce of the Hexagon Star This news spreads. If there is no indication from Holy Majesty Your Majesty, I am the first to believe it. “

Baili Qingfeng is somewhat incomprehensible:” What good are they doing to spread this news? ”

After that, his eyes looked towards Marcia: “What purpose do you guys tell this news to me specifically?”

“Tentative, more than two copies The true divine essence is inspiring, but the news that the two True Gods of the Grottoes are suspected of falling is too horrible, so let some people try it out. It is obviously the best choice. As for our purpose … “

Marcia smiled slightly: “Mr. Baili is the Earl of Yunding Mountain, the lord of the empire, we are a natural ally! Therefore, you are in danger, we naturally have to help, this is our purpose.”

Baili Qingfeng heard something faintly realized …

It seems that he was involved in virtually factional fight inside the empire of the stars?

Maybe …

There is also the game of open strife and veiled struggle between the six kingdoms and the empire of stars?

“This kind of plot …”

Baili Qingfeng felt that he was on the wrong set.

He is on behalf of the world of heaven and wasteland to establish a friendship with the empire of stars …


At this time, Baili Qingfeng seemed to feel What’s up.

A spirit wave suddenly escaped from the room of Baili Bamboo ’s secluded cultivation, and the kind of interference on the spirit level contained in it continuously diffused.

“Xiaozhu breakthrough?”

Baili Qingfeng’s face showed a happy look.

Next moment, Sword Intent condenses!

A horrible Sword Intent that seems to be able to tear the spirit erupted from the room of Xiaozhu cultivation and went straight into the sky!

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