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Zhongxing City.

Also known as Wanxing City, Star City, etc.

until now, the city is the political center of the Northland.

It is rumored that the city was built by the rulers of the Northland, Supreme ’s domain master called his believers and Holy Spirit to build together, and many places in the city were blessed by the divine force to make it become no stronghold one cannot overcome.

Because the God of the Field lowered Gods Vestige himself, the grandeur of the Star City is beyond everyone’s imagination.

Even Baili Qingfeng, who used to see countless steel jungles in another World, was involuntarily shocked by the city ’s splendor and grandeur when he came outside the Star City.

Especially the towering towers in the twenty-four districts of the city make people have to sigh that this is an architectural miracle.

Each of these towers has at least 300 meters, and the individual has reached an amazing 1000 meters!

These towers are like pillars of sky, straight into the sky, piercing the sky. At the top of each tower, there is a crystal of divine force, shining brightly.

At the critical moment, the crystals of the divine force on these towers are activated and will form a huge array, enough to destroy any enemy.

If it ’s not Gods Vestige, it ’s hard to imagine how such a towering tower can be built with the productivity of this world.

This tower is equivalent to the economic window of Zhongxing City, and is also the most prosperous Core of Zhongxing City.

Identified and qualified highlords first entered the towers by flying the Fierce Beast when they entered the Star City, where they will be fostered in foster care.

“What a big city.”

Bai Lizhu looked at the land, the sky, and the continuously traveling carriages, boats, and flying palaces on the river, and said heartily.

“Zhongxing City is the largest city in the Northland, and none of them. Although the industrial level of this World is very low, it is about 4,500 years behind the world of heaven and earth, but due to the existence of True God, this World is also It will be a miracle that cannot be compared to the heaven and wasteland. In terms of the star city, this city has a population of more than 40 million! This terrifying population, no city in the heaven and wasteland can match, even the glorious empire The capital of the Iron Empire is no exception. “

Baili Qingfeng introduced.

“Gods Vestige …”

Bai Lizhu nodded.

She has read a lot of books, and she naturally knows how scary the materials that a city with a population of 40 million needs to consume every day. The bi-monthly industry with low industrial level can afford such a city. It is really only Gods Vestige To describe.

“The City of Stars is the largest city in the Northland, and there is no one. It is also the most prosperous city in the Northland. In this city, it is really better than … cough cough …

Baili Qingfeng, considering that Xiaozhu has not yet broken through to the supreme powerhouse level, suddenly changed the saying: “There are many experts in the Star City, we have to be low-key.”


Bai Lizhu nodded.

“Of course, if anyone dares to bully us, let’s not be polite. Although I can’t beat their Peak expert, but my assassination world is matchless, if they are bully intolerably, I can make them desperate to pay the price.”

“Qingfeng big brother is the most powerful.”

Bai Li Bamboo sweet said with a smile.

In the chat, Sky Gull Bird quickly came over the Star City.

Baili Qingfeng Although he did n’t show any identity, the Legendary bird that he was riding was a symbol of identity. Once he entered the airspace of the Star City, a ray of light was shot from the nearest tower. Guided him to fall into a clearing in the upper middle of the tower.

When Baili Qingfeng falls, a middle-aged man with two servants quickly greets him, and politely greets: “Welcome Zunjia to Zhongxing City, I am not in Zunjia Sensing the breath of the Stars, this is the first time Zunjia has come to our Star City? I do not know how to call it? “

” Zhongxings. “

Baili Qingfeng and Linde Prince seems to have heard him talk while chatting. This is an identity token that any resident of Star City needs to use.

In recent years, the contradictions between the Six Kingdoms and the Star Empire have intensified. In order to ensure that the people of the Six Kingdoms will not be mixed into the Star City to cause damage, the top management of the Star Empire has introduced this system.

“My name is Baili Qingfeng, it is indeed the first time I have come to Star City.”

“I do n’t know where the Zunjia came from? Why did it come?”

“I come from the Heavenly Waste Realm, the messenger of the Heavenly Wasted Realm, and came to see the Majesty Empire to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two realms.”

“The Heavenly Wasted Realm?” aged man slightly startled, for a moment, he actually thought of: “Zun Jia said that the barren world?”

“The previous name of the sky barren world is indeed barren world.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

The middle-aged man glanced at Baili Qingfeng. The tower they were in was built by the god of the field with Supreme divine force. It has all kinds of incredible capabilities. It is only basic to investigate the strength of the comers. One of the functions, so he knows that Baili Qingfeng is a High Level Legendary.

A High Level Legendary from Heavenly Waste Realm, and also came with the purpose of establishing diplomatic relations with the Star Empire …

“Please drive with me, I will Your story is reported to the tower master. “

Middle-aged man said, and greeted the two servants:” As for your mount, we will take care of you. “

Baili Qingfeng nodded, took Xiaozhu’s hand and walked inside the tower.

In this tower, there is a simple instrument similar to an elevator. Baili Qingfeng followed the middle-aged man and quickly reached the middle of the tower through this elevator-like instrument.

At the middle level, another man took over his job and took Baili Qingfeng to go inside.

Despite being expert as clouds, the Legendary Powerhouse still has a decisive weight, especially similar to the High Level Legendary of the Condense Will Core such as Baili Qingfeng.

So the staff of this tower did not dare to neglect him, and soon led him to the office of the owner of this tower.

“Hello, Baili Qingfeng in the Heavenly Waste Realm.”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng, the main tower tower stood up and said with a smile: “Or, I should call Baili Qingfeng is the Palace Lord of the Nihility Temple? “

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the tower owner, and it was only a short time before he thought that he had already obtained his relevant information, even he was in the heaven and earth. Some of the information is also available.

But he understood it in a moment.

The fact that he defeated Legendary is not small, and the true divine essence he sold in the Kingdom of Alfonso led to the investigation of the Star Empire, so that the other party had some information and it was naturally not strange.

I just do n’t know how much information they have.

“Hello, I want to visit Your Majesty, the emperor of the Star Empire. I do n’t know what procedures are needed?”

Baili Qingfeng asked gently.

He came with a peaceful friendship, so he naturally had to act in accordance with the rules of the empire of the stars, so as to show the sincerity of their hobby peace in heaven and earth.

“If you want to see Your Majesty, we will first arrange you in the embassy area and report the news to Your Majesty. When Your Majesty has time to come and meet you. “

” Okay, work hard. “

” This is what we should do. “

The tower master said to call a subordinate, He commanded him: “Take His Excellency Baili Qingfeng to the embassy area.”

At the same time, he also handed Baili Qingfeng a piece of star order: “In recent years, you need to use this thing to enter and exit the Star City. Please also keep it safe. “

” many thanks. “

Baili Qingfeng took a look at the star order in his hand …


There are five kinds of star orders in Zhongxing City, bronze, silver, gold, chenjin, and Yaojin, silver-level star orders …

It is only one higher than the civilian level Level, probably equivalent to the level of the ordinary nobility of the empire.

But these Baili Qingfeng are obviously unaware.

When he left the tower owner ’s office, he looked at the star order and found that the silver content was quite sufficient. If he took it out to sell it, he might be able to sell hundreds of blocks.

When Baili Qingfeng came to the embassy area, a deputy to the embassy area entertained him, and after understanding the situation, he was arranged in a room.

“Sorry, because of your expensive … the shrine not at all opens an embassy in our Star City, so we can only let Zun Jia wait here temporarily. Will be notified immediately. “

Deputy Envoy.

“There is work.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

The next time, the people in the embassy area could not find themselves, he did n’t run at all.

Since he came to represent Tianhuang Realm, he naturally has to be friendly to the people of Tianhuang Realm, and he has to set an example as a member of Tianhuang Realm, even if he really wants to be in the Star City Going around for a few laps, buying more crystals to complete the cultivation of thirty two spirits, but in order not to increase the workload for the staff of the embassy area, he still waited patiently in the room.

First wait is ten days.

For ten days, if it was n’t for the daily delivery of food, Baili Qingfeng thought that he and Bailizhu had been forgotten in the embassy area.

When there was still no news from Twelfth days, Baili Qingfeng had to find the embassy district Chief-In-Charge Yu Yan: “Is your emperor Your Majesty free to see me? I’m still waiting to finish things here and go back to my hometown to get married earlier. “

” Sorry, during this time, the rebellions of the Granlin Kingdom, the Suzawa Kingdom, and the Pterosaur Kingdom are in conflict with the empire. Your Majesty spent most of his energy on dealing with the rebellion of the Three Kingdoms. In addition, other kingdoms sent messengers to visit in order to understand the situation in the North, so Your Majesty did not at all free time during this time. “

Yu Yan said, a little vaguely mentioned: “If Zun Jia is in a hurry to see Your Majesty, you may wish to walk around the relationship of several other ministers, maybe you can see Your Majesty with the other ministers.”

“Going through the back door?”

Baili Qingfeng shook the head: “I came here on behalf of the heaven and the wasteland, dignified, and came to visit the emperor Your Majesty of the empire of stars with a formal visit ceremony , How can you use other means “

” Then … Zun Jia can only wait for a while. Maybe Your Majesty will be busy after this period of time, he will summon Zun Jia. “

Yu Yan Said, a look that could not help.

After seeing this, Baili Qingfeng had to leave for the time being.

“It may take some time to see this look, so simply buy Chengjing Crystal first, it is better to buy a little better item than Chengjing Crystal …”

Baili Qingfeng returned to the room with this idea.

In the room, Baili Bamboo is sitting at the desk reading a book quietly. At this moment, she is flipping through a large book with thousands of open pages.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the title of the book-Glory of the Stars.

The above records all the glory and glory of the Star Empire since its establishment.

“Xiaozhu, stay bored.”

Baili Qingfeng said, raising several purple gold cards with the gold coins of thousands of gods in his hand: “Go, I Take you shopping and shopping, what do you like, despite the opening. “

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