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Baili Qingfeng glanced at the people present and adjusted his emotional state. It took ten seconds for him to speak in a relatively gentle tone: “I am Baili Qingfeng.”

“oh la la oh la la!”

A sentence, a simple one can’t be more simple, but it made everyone in the venue that was quiet for the previous second applaud at the same time.

Baili Qingfeng!

These four words changed Heaven Wasteland Domain.

There is no need to trace his contribution to Heaven Wasteland Domain over the past few years, because anyone present is fully aware of Baili Qingfeng ’s dedication and achievements.

And these efforts and achievements are totally worthy of their warm applause for the young man in front of them.

Applause lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually subsiding.

And Baili Qingfeng on the podium reopened again: “Thank you for taking the time to be a part of your busy schedule to participate in this international council, which is related to the future of Heaven Wasteland Domain. All of you should have received the information I sent to you through Heaven’s Mystery Building. In the next few hundred years, thousands of years … In the most recent hundred years, Heaven Wasteland Domain and Shuangyuejie will be integrated, from now on to the next two. There is almost no barrier between the round trips between the world … even, after the fastest 50 years, this phenomenon will have significant signs, such as the speed of the birth of Space Passage, the opening time of Space Passage is prolonged, the opening period of Space Passage is shortened, and the space gate ’s opening period is shortened. Construction is more convenient, etc … “

As Baili Qingfeng spoke, many people in the field were constantly reading the materials that Shia had prepared for them.

The future integration of Heaven Wasteland Domain and Shuangyuejie will be irreversible. Many countries have made relevant predictions, but they do not have accurate evidence that ’s like Heaven ’s Mystery Building, which incorporates the World Alliance. all.

Because it is known that the future integration of Heaven Wasteland Domain and Shuangyuejie is the general trend, it is associated with the power of Heaven Wasteland Domain. None of these countries can be confident of the complex and changeable situation after a hundred years. In order to protect their own interests, they will be so enthusiastic about the convening of this international conference.

After all, Legendary ’s chaos was not long ago.

With the power of Legendary, the other party regarded William XII of the Glorious Empire and the nautical mile of the Iron Empire as Your Majesty was nothing, and broke into their palace directly to force them to cooperate with the search for Heaven’s Mystery Building, Jiemeng, The whereabouts of the Hunter ’s Association, Myriad Realms, and the others were killed without being obedient.

Even William XII of the glorious empire and the nautical mile of the Iron Empire due to Your Majesty, let alone those of the second-tier countries.

And as far as they know, although the Legendary powerhouse has an extraordinary weight in the Northland, it can be equivalent to Level 9 martial artist at best at their Heaven Wasteland Domain. Once the two worlds merge, hundreds of Legendary Influx into the Heaven Wasteland Domain, what does everyone in the Heaven Wasteland Domain compete with the Double Moon Realm? What to protect their interests in Heaven Wasteland Domain.

“The human civilization of Heaven Wasteland Domain is more prosperous and brighter than the two-moon world, and the people are richer than the people of Heaven Wasteland Domain countless times, but when it comes to battle strength, the entire Heaven Wasteland Domain is not as good as 10% or even 1% of the bimonthly boundary, not to mention that the northern boundary in the bimonthly boundary that we are most familiar with is only a small part of the tip of the iceberg of the bimonthly boundary, outside the northern land , As well as the Middle Earth called the World Center, and a large number of territories that are not inferior to the Northland, or even stronger than the Northland. In this case, if the human civilization of Heaven Wasteland Domain does not want to be affected by the fusion of the two realms Severe repression, unity and unity as much as possible will be the only way out. “

Baili Qingfeng said, reading through the information:” So, I propose, from now on, to form a federated federation and unify Scheduling all resources of Heaven Wasteland Domain, uniformly training all troops of Heaven Wasteland Domain, and cultivating Heaven Wasteland Domain Peak martial artists in a unified way, completely ending the civil war of heaven and earth, and avoiding us Heaven Wasteland Domain Human civilization consumes limited resources, time, and energy on itself. “

” Agree! “

” Consideration. “

” Austria Linpis supported Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty’s proposal … “


each and everyone, the country representatives spoke one after another, and the whole meeting was incredibly harmonious.

Of course, this is because everyone has passed each other before the meeting.

“Okay, 103 countries, 29 special forces, a total of 132 votes, all members passed.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at this number, a bit sighed, There are also some emotions: “I am very happy that you can make such wise decisions at the time of our Heaven Wasteland Domain crisis. You are all heroes of Heaven Wasteland Domain in the future to prosperity and stability.”

The field was very orderly and there was almost no confusion.

And Baili Qingfeng continues to enter the next issue: “The newly established Tianhuang Federation, for the convenience of governance, is divided into 36 districts according to the distribution of economy and population, each district has a highest The ruling officer, under the highest ruling officer, there is a judge, a military leader, and a president of the Martial Dao Association. Each ruling officer, judge, military leader, and president of Martial Dao can be admitted to the Central Council, that is 36 District Lieutenants elected 144 members. Among the 144 members, there was one speaker and three deputy speakers. Of these three deputy speakers, there must be a military leader and the president of the Martial Dao Association!

Baili Qingfeng read out the details of the Union of Heaven and Waste Federation one by one.

At the end, he added again: “And outside the Central Council, there are nine other swordsmen! The swordsmen are held by Heaven Wasteland Domain ’s strongest martial artists, regardless of origin or ability, to Martial Dao contends, the nine swordsmen are regarded as Heaven Wasteland Domain’s strongest nine! The swordsmen do not hold any additional positions, but … there are five swordsmen allowed, they can be the chairman of the central parliament, there are seven The swordsmen agreed to order the reorganization of the Central Council. If the nine swordsmen agreed in full, they could temporarily take over the Central Council! “

The emergence of this agreement raised a slight argument in the field.

In fact, the main issue in the third edition of the matter mentioned by Sylvia and Baili Qingfeng is this right.

Although the nine swordsmen do not hold any actual positions, they have the right to remove the chairman of the central parliament and order the reorganization of the central parliament, which is almost equivalent to mastering Imperial’s Sword.

“Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty still insists on implementing the swordsman system?”

“Ah, Your Majesty’s original intention is good, but regardless of the origin of the nine major swordsmen, On Martial Dao, it ’s obviously easy to take advantage of this. In the event that a bi-monthly powerhouse comes to our Heaven Wasteland Domain, we accept the Heaven Wasteland Domain as a disciple, spare no effort to pour resources into guidance, and finally make them Heaven Wasteland Domain Swordsman, is n’t Heaven Wasteland Domain at the mercy of the two-moon world? “

” If you ca n’t say that, if our martial artist born in Heaven Wasteland Domain even has a swordsman quota, Can’t grab it, then we can imagine what the situation of Heaven Wasteland Domain has become. Can it be meaningful for the Central Council to be said by the two-month boundary? “

Discussion In the sound, the white clothed Sheng who had been walking outside the Conference Hall rushed over and looked at Baili Qingfeng on the podium.

It took a while for him to get close to Shi Yiyi and whispered: “Miss Shi, I have a message to report to Your Majesty. I do n’t know if you have a way …”

“News? What’s the news?”

“Starting this morning, the satellites of our Heaven’s Mystery Building have failed one after another. After continuous investigation by technical staff, these satellites have not been repaired, but there are some It has been able to be used normally … If that’s all, but after the satellite troubleshooting, some anomalies have attracted our attention. We found that the Los Fleet that was originally cruised by the Golden Eagle Empire two thousand kilometers away has actually approached. The East Divine Continent is less than 600 kilometers away from the city of Chaiya. In addition, the two other Black Eagle fleets and Yasef ships of the Golden Eagle Empire are also separated from the city of Chaya by 3,600 kilometers and 4,100 kilometers. , Shortened to 1,900 kilometers, 2,400 kilometers … “

” The three fleets of the Golden Eagle Empire are coming to our East Divine Continent at the same time? “

” Yes! Especially 40% A few minutes ago, our satellite monitoring system in Heaven’s Mystery Building detected rocket launch data, and we are currently conducting flight orbit calculations … “

white clothed Sheng said this, his face was solemn:” I have seen it By the way, although the messenger team of the Golden Eagle Empire this time is huge, but there are almost no heavyweights coming, especially the President of the Golden Eagle Empire, George, who helped promote the international conference, actually canceled the trip a few days before his departure. It ’s hard not to let me have a bad association … After all, the Golden Eagle Empire is one of the countries in our Heaven Wasteland Domain that has only one after another country with Divine Punishment weapons. ”

Divine The four words Punishment Weapons finally seemed to touch Shi Yiyi. Now she quickly nodded and immediately found the faithful not far from her.

After conveying the guess of the white clothed victory to the faithful, the faithful quickly separated out the spirit and passed the message to Baili Qingfeng across the air.

Baili Qingfeng on the podium could n’t help but be surprised, but he did n’t see any movements, but the voice rang in the mind of Shi Yiyi and the white clothed victory: “Golden Eagle Empire? When did this happen? “

” It was just now. “

” I am understood. “

Baili Qingfeng said, part of the spirit was passed to Prime Minister Yasuo:” Contact President George. ”

“President George?”

Although Prime Minister Yasuo was somewhat unclear, he immediately dialed President George ’s private phone.

In a moment, the mobile phone was connected …

“Hello Dear Prime Minister Yasuo, I ’m Assistant President Chery, it ’s not convenient for your Excellency President to answer your call …”

Yasuo Prime Minister looked to Baili Qingfeng, and Baili Qingfeng directly oscillated at the spirit frequency to simulate a special sound wave, these sound waves contain a strange spirit resonance, carrying a convincing strength through the phone Passed on: “Hello, please call President George.”

The phone stopped for a while, and responded quickly: “As you wish.”


And hypnosis across the phone!

With a slight sound of footsteps and door pushes, the voice that President George deliberately suppressed soon rang: “Prime Minister Yasuo, help me transfer Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty immediately, quickly …”

“Your Excellency, this is Baili Qingfeng.”

“Your Majesty!?”

George startedled, followed by an extremely hurried tone: ” Your Majesty, 42 Divine Punishment weapons were launched at Chaotic Star Sea bases, Black Hawk, Los, and Yasef fleets 40% of the time ago. It is expected that 60% of them will arrive over the city of Chaya at the same time. >

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