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“Study out?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Xiaozhu in surprise.

“Yes, but it is not perfect yet. Sword Technique needs a premise and a resonance point.”

Bai Lizhu said, with a trace on her pretty little face Sorrowful: “I don’t know when I can break through to Refining Spirit’s tenth weight. Only by Refining Spirit’s tenth weight can I really show that Sword Technique and perfect some of its flaws.”

” Refining Spirit’s tenth count is a small level in the Refining Spirit stage. It has only been more than two years since you entered Refining Spirit, so the card is reasonable at this stage, but I believe that as you continue to settle, it will not take long. Can cross this bottleneck and enter the ten major areas of Refining Spirit. “

Baili Qingfeng Road.

It took him nearly three years to break through to Refining Spirit’s tenth.

Of course, at that time, he did not have the rich resources like Xiaozhu.


Xiaozhu responded weakly. After a while, she still inspired her spirit and said: “Qingfeng big brother, I still tell you this Sword Technique, this Sword Technique is the inspiration that I glanced at ‘High-Dimensional World’ and combined with the Fengfeng big brother you and the Sword Immortal that I mentioned, all things in the World are relative, there are causes, there are results, there are There is death in life, this is the matter, this is the energy, this is the space, this is the time, and this is also the case with Heart and spirit. In addition, I remember talking with Qingfeng big brother, the extreme of space is a point, and the dimension has climbed to the extreme The latter is also a point, so as long as we find this point, we can make the two corresponding spirit, matter, energy, and cross-domain voids connect. “

” Find this point? Like a wormhole Do you curl up the Universe plane as well? “

” No, we are out of this plane. “

Bai Lizhu said, thinking for a moment, explaining,” When We live in Heaven Wasteland Doma in this star, I feel that the earth is vast and the stars are vast, but if we leave Heaven Wasteland Domain and stand in the space hundreds of millions of kilometers to watch Heaven Wasteland Domain, we will only see one point, to those universes In the photo, the Heaven Wasteland Domain we live in may be just a pixel on the photo. “

” This statement … is not right. “

” I just like to make a metaphor, actual The above is a kind of recognition on the spirit level. It is like two children playing games. Without the interference of any external factors, they fantasize that they have come to another star and take risks in this star, even if everything is It ’s fake, they can still play with keen interest pleasure. “

” Do you mean to see the world of reality with cognitive high-dimensional thinking? “

” Yes, When viewing the Real World with this kind of thinking, as long as someone upholds the same idea, this cognition will change from unreal to real. “

” I understand. “

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “It ’s like Personally hypnotize another person, saying that he has superability, he will die if he calls his name, and if that person really believes it and believes it, when that voice really sounds, he will fall into conscious death . ”

” Yes, the Sword Technique I developed is like this. The so-called “point” is the way to convey that kind of belief to the goal.

Baili Qingfeng finally understands why every attack of Immortal Divine Emperor is after running Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique on his own.

When he runs Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique , The spirit between him and the immortal Divine Emperor has resonated, in other words, he already has the same knowledge.

In addition, Paragon Divine Sword has the ability to form this “point”, attacking To achieve natural where water flows, a canal is formed.

“No wonder why not every attack of the God of the Dead will have an error, and after the error occurs, he cannot immediately get the result immediately, he is only a guidance The person, or just responsible for giving orders, how to execute, and how to execute, are all Paragon Divine Sword things, so naturally he can not get first-hand information. ”

Baili Qingfeng gradually became clear based on this guess: “There are only two ways to avoid being attacked by the immortal Divine Emperor as soon as you step into the Double Moon Realm. The first method interferes with Paragon Divine Sword ’s formation of that point. The second way to lock the time is to disconnect the induction with the Immortal God Emperor … But the last time I clashed with the True God of the Double Moon Realm, I obviously did not run the Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique, but the Immortal God Emperor seemed We still feel our existence … It seems that the degree of induction is very high, then, work hard on Paragon Divine Sword as an executor … “

Baili Qingfeng recalled his previous practice …

True God of Blood and God of Death two times, he just turned himself into a little transparent, plus there is Death True God, True God of Blood to attract firepower for him, Paragon Divine Sword this executive The attacker naturally vented the attack on them.

But now he seems to have a hint of Paragon Divine Sword ’s sword shadow in the body …

Maybe …

He should try Paragon Divine Sword This executor developed into an ally?

“Just wait for the dread god to come and take the dread god to the double moon realm, I can confirm whether the guess in my heart is feasible … If Paragon Divine Sword can really be developed into a friendly army … … I undoubtedly have an extra card. ”

Baili Qingfeng thought.

Of course, this hole card must not be used a few times.

It can never happen again, it can never happen again.

If Immortal Divine Emperor fails to kill him with the third, fourth and fifth times of Paragon Divine Sword, he will doubt that he has come up with a way to balance Paragon Divine Sword. Therefore, stability Such a poor card may not come in handy.

In the next period, Baili Qingfeng discussed with Xiaozhu the perfection of her new Sword Technique, and he tried again and again.

During the period, he quietly sneaked into the Divine Kingdom of the Immortal Divine Emperor to deepen the feeling between himself and Paragon Divine Sword, hoping that the friendly allies on his body would be deeper.

It is just that the Immortal Divine Emperor has absolute control over his Divine Kingdom after all. Baili Qingfeng does not dare to take too many actions, and the plan to develop friendly forces is quite slow.

In addition to these, Baili Qingfeng’s other energy is used for will cultivation.

He looked directly at his heart. From small to large, he always adhered to the concept of equality and integrity to demand himself.

Because of this kind of life philosophy and life values, these three Faiths quickly condensed and formed, and he was gradually integrated into his own will Core, expanding his own Will Core, efficiency Quick, even he himself was a little surprised.

After all, most High Level Legendary gestates a Faith to integrate a Faith, it often takes several years, more than ten years, or even decades to unite knowledge and action, like his integration into speed …


It can only be said that High Level Legendary is really a welfare-like realm.

In addition to the two Faiths, the three Faiths of Baili Qingfeng spirit World, which are friendly, fair and harmonious, also gave birth to a bud.

When the Faith integration of equality and integrity is completed, he will try to nurture these three Faith by Concentrates One’s Mind.

The more Faith you integrate, the stronger the core of the cultivator ’s will.

Of course, Faith Core is not the more the better.

Faith will strengthen the Will Core, and at the same time, it will also be transformed into a cultivator. Once the cultivator does something that is refuted by equality, integrity, and harmony, Faith will conflict, and eventually It will cause terrifying consequences. In severe cases, the Core will collapse and become a demon.

It ’s been half a month since the time passed.

On this day, Baili Qingfeng received a call from the white clothed victory, and then quietly left the East Divine Continent and embarked on the land of North Hanzhou.

Also with him is the Void Knight Corps, which has grown to a hundred people.

Of course, since the enemies in this war are not weak, there are only more than 60 members of the Void Knights participating in the war, but there are no exceptions to these more than 60 people, all of which are Level 9 starting, top powerhouse accounted for In the last half, Constantine and Luo Sha, who have gradually digested the essence of true divine essence, broke through to the Half-Step Legend level.

More than thirty Level 9 of equivalent to Knight, more than twenty Level 10 of equivalent to Great Knight, plus two Half-Step Legend All are luxurious.


“Your Majesty.”

White clothed led the senior core of Heaven ’s Mystery Building to respectfully greet Baili Qingfeng saluted.

Baili Qingfeng nodded, looking at the mountain range at the end of the sky: “That is where the Suxinzong Mountain Gate is located? Space Passage is also there?”


white clothed wins said, said solemnly: “Most recently the animal movements there have obviously become more frequent. It is conservatively estimated that at least 4,000 people have gathered in the mountain range of Suxinzong, obviously they are preparing To welcome the arrival of the great character in the Church of the Lord of Fear. “

” They did n’t build the Space Gate? “

Baili Qingfeng is a little strange.

Without Space Gate, you ca n’t get the continuous strength infusion in the bimonthly world, and the continuous combat ability of Legendary and True God will be seriously affected, which is extremely unfavorable for the church of fear of affirming expert as clouds.

“There is no space fluctuation outgoing, but they transported a lot of materials to the Space Passage, there seems to be a trend to build Space Gate, we Heaven ’s Mystery Building has data calculated, even if there is Demi- With the remains of God ’s body stable in Space Passage, it will take two or three months to build a Space Gate, even if it ’s replaced with the remains of True God … it still takes at least half a month. ”

Baili Qingfeng Listen There was a vague guess.

Fear the Lord ’s Church. This is to avoid beating the grass to scare the snake.

The construction of Space Gate is so powerful that it ca n’t be concealed at all. In case they are prepared to avoid their edge, in those circumstances where the Peak powerhouse is inconvenient to stay in Heaven Wasteland Domain for a long time, it will become Tug of war.

“Space Passage will be opened in three days?”


white clothed wins nodded, what came to mind at the end, added: “But The opening time of Space Passage generally has a small range of error, but it only floats in a few minutes, a dozen minutes, and at most a few small times. “

” Okay, notify the two kings of flames in Xiyanzhou Come over in the future, and then we will take action to clear all the beasts around Space Passage, and then cultivate one day to meet the opponents behind Space Passage in the best posture! “

Baili Qingfeng ordered immediately.

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