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“No will can deprive life of its right to survive! If life loses its meaning, no matter how strong human beings are, they are just a body without any use!”

The God of Eternal Life Will will continue to oscillate.

Although he did not attack, under the influence of his will, the cells on his body seemed to rebel at the same time. The feeling is that all patients in the later stage of cancer have an outbreak of ten times and one hundred times speed.

Although Baili Qingfeng can continuously convert these proliferating cells into the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique into energy, but …

I ca n’t see anything in a short time, but if this This kind of hyperplasia lasts for ten days and eight days. Once the cell growth is exhausted, he is within the body’s vitality, and the only thing waiting for him is the dead end!

“No! I ca n’t go on like this, I have to reverse the situation!”

Baili Qingfeng’s body is violently violent, and he punches out, accompanied by the earthquake and the violent winds, the front is hundred meters The space was once again completely exploded and exploded, almost turning into a vacuum!

Unfortunately …

Not useful!

The god of longevity is like a wind, like a fire.

Human fist strength can crush the wind and break the flame, but it cannot be completely eliminated.

Baili Qingfeng ’s mind is running fast in his mind: “True God ’s Core is the will, the god body is just the carrier of the will, but it is not the only carrier like human beings, their will is still derived from believers … It seems like the Flying Sword of Refining Spirit Saints, losing their bodies is like Refining Spirit Saints without Flying Sword, which may make them no longer have effective physical killing methods, but they can still use Refining Spirit Secret Technique again and again Killing the spirit of the enemy’s spirit … “

Thinking of this, he suddenly stopped.

Refining Spirit Secret Technique?

Will is the combination of spirit and heart.

True God ’s will is indeed stronger than Legendary ’s will. In front of True God ’s will, Legendary ’s will is like a small flame in front of the water, which is killed by the death, but this does not mean flame. There is no reason for the water flow …

When the flame is so huge that it is like a blazing sun hanging in the sky, and it is directly projected on the earth, the high temperature and flame emanating from it cannot be destroyed by any water flow.

Not to mention the flow of water, even the rivers and the sea can give you a scene of burning the heaven and boiling the sea.

Who can use water to destroy a star?

“So, the same Legendary will and Legendary spirit may not be able to fight against True God will, but as long as the number of Legendary will and Legendary spirit is large enough, it may not be possible to touch True God will!” > p>

At this point, Baili Qingfeng stood still again, the right hand pulled away, and when the god of longevity rolled again, a punch came out!

“Useless, how mortals understand the greatness of True God …”

Facing with such attacks, the God of Eternal Life is not afraid.

“hong long!”

The air explodes!

The body of this True God’s condensed body is once again blown with a punch as the void tears.

It’s just different from the last time. When the body of the longevity god was exploded and his will was lost, the astral world transformed by Baili Qingfeng spirit World, thirty bright stars, two slightly dim. A one-point star shines at the same time, gathering all the energy into a star in the center containing terrifying high-energy particles.

With this Strength injection, a terrible innate Fiendgod seems to have been born from the stars, born out of the sky, holding a Thunderbolt, scrolling through the wind, aiming at the longevity True God’s will to lose the carrier’s will, and go with.

Refining Spirit Secret Technique-Nine Heavens Thunder Move!

“hong long long!”

Thunderbolt is empty!

The will of Long God True God was bombarded by Baili Qingfeng ’s Refining Spirit Secret Technique. Surely it was slightly paused, and it seemed that there were very few annihilations.

But …

Only for a moment, the wills belonging to Changsheng True God reunited again, and the annihilated part of the will was repaired with extremely fast speed.

When Baili Qingfeng condenses 2nd Refining Spirit Secret Technique Nine Heavens Thunder Move again, his will damage seems to have been restored.

At least it looks like this …

“Fighting the True God will with the Refining Spirit Secret Technique? How ridiculous this is!”

The will of True God The continuous proliferation impacts Baili Qingfeng’s spirit: “Mortal, succumb to the longing of the beginning of life, and wait for all things to grow!”

“strength of Faith?”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t bother with the struggle of True God. He felt the strength of the strength born by the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Nine Heavens Thunder Move.

Refining Spirit Secret Technique After all, there is an attack interval, and then, at an instant, Changsheng True God has reunited the lost willpower.

In other words … his attack power is not as good as the opponent’s recovery speed.

“A continuous output is required!”

Baili Qingfeng quickly realized this.

Seeing that Changsheng True God’s will is still chattering in his ear, he once again punched the body condensed by Changsheng True God, and then all Strength in the astral world was concentrated on being thirty-two Stars ring on the neutron star.

“weng weng!”

Under the support of Spirit, which is far beyond the imagination of any Legendary, this star, which only exists in the astral world, suddenly manifested. Out, suspended above Baili Qingfeng’s head.

In the moment it manifested, a powerful “Gravitation Force” that was incomparable swept through, forming a huge vortex against the spirit of all things at once.

True God, who has been blown away by the carrier, has not had time to re-consolidate. The neutron star ’s horror “Gravitation Force” for spirit, heart, and will has been rolled into his body for a long time. True God’s escaped will is thrown into the neutron star by little by little, and then crushed into horror powder by the terrible degenerate pressure and universal gravitation force on the neutron star.

True God thought that this neutron star manifestation was only a form of a more powerful Refining Spirit Secret Technique by Baili Qingfeng. With the formation of the neutron star, he continued to pull his will into the star continuously, and was starved by the star Gravitation Force crushed into a more fine-grained composition, and could no longer return to his control, and he finally slumped.

“What is this mystery!”

The longevity True God will quickly begin to condense and confront the neutron star transformed by the Baili Qingfeng episode strength of Star World.

Nai He didn’t wait for his will to condense and form, and integrated Strength into a whole. Baili Qingfeng has already hit the past with a punch.

Without the carrier, Changsheng True God’s will is like the rootless duckweed, which floats and drifts further and further away.

Because of the existence of neutron stars that Baili Qingfeng manifested with the strength of Star World, those distant wills that lose control will be captured by neutron stars and eventually put into neutron stars.

“Not good!”

After struggling for a while, I couldn’t get rid of the terrible Gravitation Force of the neutron star, Changsheng True God finally realized the crisis, and the will was boiling to the extreme.

Unfortunately, no matter how he controls his own will, if he loses the carrier, he is like a star that has lost the Gravitation Force and the electron layers have begun to escape. The original energy and matter are all occupied by the neutron star around him. Swallowed until it became weaker and weaker.

“Damn! This is definitely not the Refining Spirit Secret Technique! Thedivine technique! This is thedivine technique! And it is the High Level divine technique!”

True God, struggling, will Gradually, there was no such thing as aloof and remote, which saw humans as ants, but for the first time a mood called “panic” appeared.


Baili Qingfeng noticed the gradual weakening of Changsheng True God ’s will. The spiritual force of the thirty-two stars is no longer reserved, and he spared no effort to invest in neutron stars. For a while, this star neutron starlight, which was completely simulated by spirit, was even more bluish to even emit a faint blue color, and it devoured the will of Changsheng True God.

This kind of feeling like being trapped in a swamp, can only be little by little Watching yourself step into death makes the longevity True God’s will shake more intensely: “Are you a man or a god!?”

Seeing that he couldn’t get rid of the Gravitation Force devised by the neutron star Baili Qingfeng, he clenched the teeth and immediately discarded a large number of escape wills captured by the neutron star Gravitation Force, all concentrated in one place, instantly Get out.


At this moment, he can only choose to survive by breaking the tail!

“Human … I admit that I underestimated you … but …”

Fleeing from the neutron star transformed by Baili Qingfeng spirit, Changsheng True God has to say, Waiting for him, it is the Refining Spirit Secret Technique-Nine Heavens Thunder Move on display!

Thirty-two spirits It is not difficult to separate the one to perform the Refining Spirit Secret Technique.

“hong long long!”

Suddenly, there was no carrier, and the long-lived True God with a scattered will was blown into shock again.

When he finally managed to stabilize his will, Baili Qingfeng’s manifested neutron star included him again.

“You …”

The “horror” in the spirit fluctuations of True God in Everlasting finally became clear: “What the hell are you !?”

Baili Qingfeng felt the longevity True God ’s will to resist fading, finally sighed in relief, and got the energy to talk back: “I am just an ordinary martial artist that’s all in Martial Practice less than five years!”

“Ordinary martial artist with less than five years of Martial Practice ……”

True God True God ’s response to “What are you doing to me?”

He is struggling violently, but the neutron star transformed by Baili Qingfeng is composed of thirty-two equivalent to Refining Spirit ten-spirit structure. No matter how desperate he is, he still cannot escape this restraint.

“If I still have a body of God, using the body of God as a carrier, I ’m an equivalent to martial artist standing on the ground, and Strength has support points. Why fear such a weirdness that is manifested by the zoom technique of the zoom technique? Means? “

A trace of remorse emerged from Changsheng Zhen Divine Heart.

The core of True God lies in the will, but it can have a god body and the destruction of the god body. The influence on a True God is too great after all!

If it wasn’t because he belittled Baili Qingfeng, when the body of the god was destroyed, he temporarily avoided the frontier, and waited for a new body of God to gather again to deal with Baili Qingfeng.

“That kind of weapon … was shot from that country called the Golden Eagle? Did they have betrayed the great Lord!?”

This flashed through the mind of the god of longevity. idea.

Seeing that the situation was irreparable, his fierce struggle was gradually subsided, and his gaze was fixed on Baili Qingfeng: “Human, you can’t kill me, my will and my soul have already been dedicated to the great Lord, Surviving in the Lord’s Divine Kingdom in the form of Holy Spirit immortal, even if you completely wipe out my will at this moment, I will still be reborn with the will remaining in the Lord’s Divine Kingdom someday in the future … next time , You will never have such good luck again. “

As soon as he finished speaking, his residual will burst out, and a gap was ripped from the Gravitation Force of the neutron star transformed by Baili Qingfeng spirit, Carrying a message, dissipated between Heaven and Earth.

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