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The Lord of Flames roars in pain, controls his own blood, and makes his own blood surge in the inside of the body and cause high blood pressure. Wash him out of within the body, and even turn the blood into pure high temperature, like molten iron, completely submerged Baili Qingfeng.

Under the high temperature of several thousand degrees, no creature can resist, even Demi-God will be melted by life.

But Baili Qingfeng resisted.

Let the Lord of Flames struggle, let him growl, and let him control his blood, relying on his strong defense, he will run into the Lord of Flames within the body, and will be born within seconds. The body of the King of Flames penetrated, and I did not know how many internal organs had broken into pieces.

Large lifeforms have the advantages of large lifeforms!

The King of Flames has gained speed that surpassed Baili Qingfeng and Strength that made him almost defiant by the convenience of his body shape. Even if he was hit by Star Assassination Technique by Baili Qingfeng, in addition to losing flight ability, It has no effect on battle strength.

When Baili Qingfeng forcibly kills within the body of the King of Flames, and the blood of the King of Flames within the body cannot kill Baili Qingfeng, the situation between them is instantly reversed .

“Stop! Stop! Dear True God, killing me is not good for you … Conversely, if you stay with me, I would like to join your deity and become your servant god, Bless you as the King of the Great Gods and Lord of the Gods. “

Just as Baili Qingfeng continued to destroy, the voice of the King of Flames rang again.

Any desire for life in any life, even True God is no exception.

True God …

It is also a kind of life.

But …

Baili Qingfeng still hasn’t stopped. His body shuttles, bathing dragon’s blood, and soon comes to the heart of the King of Flames!

His heart is like a huge blast furnace, exuding fiery rays of light dominating the molten iron blood.

“I found it!”

True God is not sure, but the Life strength of Legendary is tenacious, but once the heart and skull are lost, there is still only dead end.

Although the King of Flames used to be True God, his life form is now falling. As long as his heart is destroyed, he may not be able to survive again.

If he is still alive, at worst, he will disassemble his entire body, and when the benefits are given to the people of Void Legion, by the way, he can strengthen the battle strength of Void Legion members.

“No! Stop!”

The King of Flames seems to really sense the breath of death, and the voice comes again from the outside: “Under the crown of the Great True God, please be merciful. The Heaven Wasteland Domain has been stared at by the Lord of Fear. This is one. The Evil God is extremely difficult. And I have fought with him and know how to expel him. If the crown is willing to give me a chance, I will be a pioneer for the crown. , Against the Lord of Fear. “

” The Lord of Fear … “

The words of the King of Flames made Baili Qingfeng move slightly.

According to their news from Legendary’s life, such as Burning Wings, Gore, Holy Spirit, etc., the Lord of Flames was indeed severely wounded by the Lord of Fear and had to escape to this world to be wounded, while his people are constantly being hurt. When the subordinates of the Lord of Fear hunted down, there were only two waves of Holy Spirit and Burning Wings. With the death of these two waves, the power of the King of Flames was declared dead.

The two True Gods have been entangled in confrontation for decades. If the King of Flames really has a way to expel the Lord of Fear …

There is still some credibility.

“You are a True God, and I am not assured that a True God resides in the Heaven Wasteland Domain.”

Baili Qingfeng.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng finally speak, the King of Flames was relieved in relief.

As long as Baili Qingfeng is willing to speak, he can hope to live.

And live …

You can have the future, you can have everything.

“Although I ’m True God, I have n’t fully united Divine Kingdom. I ca n’t be immortal. Moreover, I was seriously injured when I was dropped. I have been hiding in this World for more than ten years. What’s more, I can barely maintain the Legendary form, and I can fight against the crown, relying on the strength provided by the sacrifices of the people, so the great nothingness True God can completely transform me into yours. Legendary Holy Spirit, even if I recover in the future and return to the throne, I can only become your slave and servant god. “

” Legendary Holy Spirit? “

Baili Qingfeng choked.

What Legendary Holy Spirit?

He doesn’t even know how to transform people into this lifeform.

“Forget it, it’s too much trouble.”

Baili Qingfeng said, took up 弑 divine spear and aimed at the huge heart of the King of Flames …


“No, no, no!”

The king of flames beating with a small heart frantically, shouting quickly: “The great nothingness True God is merciless under the crown, I think you are in trouble Is there an easier way, besides, does the Crown do not want to know how to expel the Lord of Fear? The two of us are better together than the next one to fight against this powerful Evil God. “

” Easier How? “

Baili Qingfeng moved in his mind.

He has read a lot of biographical novels, and he seems to have something called the recognizing Master contract.

Although the King of Flames can speak and communicate, it is essentially just a Legendary Fire Dragon.

Fire Dragon is a giant dragon …

giant dragon is a pet that is almost a standard feature of protagonists in biographical novels.

Although he doesn’t expect that he can be treated like the main character, but …

Calling a baby Fire Dragon, it seems like …

It’s pretty good.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng said directly: “I can give you a chance to sign a contract.”


The King of Flames is somewhat doubt.

“It is the master-servant contract, the baby contract, don’t tell me you don’t know.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Master-servant contract, baby contract …”

The King of Flames is a little bit embarrassed. Listening to the statement of this Lord True God, it seems that this master-servant contract and baby contract belong to one Kind of well known thing?

But the King of Flames has survived for thousands of years. I have never heard of such a thing.

True God controls other True Gods. Isn’t it that they are first converted to Holy Spirit or servant god by rendering of Holy Spirit?

Master-servant contract …

Especially that baby contract, what is this?

“It looks like your surrender doesn’t have any sincerity … even if you don’t give the contract, just surrender? Do I look cheated?”

Baili Qingfeng voice With dissatisfaction: “is it possible that you want to delay time? Then don’t blame me for not giving you a chance!”

After that, the majestic Strength permeates in him without the body Into the 弑 divine spear in his hand.

“No! No! No! The Great Nihility, True God, please stop …”

The King of Flames shouted in horror, and his strong desire to survive let him down. His thinking was almost to the extreme. Suddenly, his mind seemed to be divine light flashed, and he thought of a special contract passed down in ancient times …

The Dragon Knight contract.

The giant dragon concludes a contract with Knight through a special Bloodline ceremony, which not only allows Knight to clearly pass each command to the giant dragon, but also obtains a portion of the strength of the giant dragon.

And once Knight dies, the giant dragon will also die in a very short time.

This kind of contract is too unreasonable because it restricts the giant dragon too much. After a while, Jinghong appeared, and those nations that possessed the Knight were annihilated by the giant dragon family that was also the World Overlord at that time. Since then, no country dare to say that it has a Dragon Knight, and the Dragon Knight contract has gradually become a legend.

I ca n’t think of it …

This venerable True God is so poisonous that he wants him to sign this evil agreement of bereavement and disgrace to the dragon …

He The King of Flames is the powerful Fire Dragon, the noble Legendary Bloodline, and it is a great existence that once reached the True God stage …


Baili Qingfeng’s long spear stabbed.

“I think of it, I think of this contract!”

The King of Flames shivered and shouted: “Under the crown of the Great True God, we will sign the contract ”

“ weng weng! ”

The 弑 divine spear pierced by the hand of Baili Qingfeng stopped at a distance of one centimeter from the heart of the King of Flames. He broke the surface of his heart and let his heart contract for a while.


“Thinking, thinking, let’s conclude a contract!”

The King of Flames said, soon, heart On the surface, a drop of blood like lava was removed by him: “The blood of the cohesion of the contract has already been formed, and I will form a contract.”

Outside, the King of Flame seems to be extremely fast. speed is busy.

And Baili Qingfeng ……

I felt the broken inside of the body of the King of Flames and recovered a little.

After all, the Quantum Battle Body only temporarily suppressed his injury, does not mean that he is intact, and what really can accelerate his injury recovery is Phoenix Nirvana Technique.

After a while, when the pain on Baili Qingfeng’s body was relieved a lot, the flame king’s voice was full of weakness, and then came in again: “Under the crown of the great nothingness True God … I have already contained With the blood of the contract of spirit idea, you just need to take it to complete the contract Ceremony … so you can come out. “

” It is a tenacious life … ”

Looking at the still-talking King of Flames, Baili Qingfeng sighed heartily.

But …

He still felt it. Now the breath of the King of Flames has fallen thousand zhang, and it is difficult to pose any threat to him before the injury recovers.

Soon, Baili Qingfeng took the gun and came out of the King of Flames within the body.

The eyes of the huge king of the flames looked at Baili Qingfeng, and the expression was a little complicated.

He had guessed the result of his possible defeat before starting the battle against Void True God, after all …

This great existence has the horror of killing the two True Gods. Record.

At first he thought that in this World, the true body of the void True God could not come in person. He should have a hard time facing an incarnation, but didn’t expect …

Still Landed in such a field.

For a time, the King of Flames felt a little lonely in his eyes.

Baili Qingfeng’s gaze fell on a ball of blood exuding intense spirit fluctuations and fiery heat waves.

“Under the crown, this is the blood of the contract.”


Baili Qingfeng asked.

The King of Flames heard Baili Qingfeng’s lightly startled. Listening to what he meant, it seems that he doesn’t know?

Or …


Would you like to …

Add a little bit to it?

After a moment of hesitation, the Lord of Flames would not dare to make a joke about his life.

The ancient existence in front of him has killed two True Gods. The record is so real that he cannot continue to take risks.

Take this time as an example. If he did not choose to die with Baili Qingfeng, but abandoned the foundation of Shang Guzhou before he arrived, he would not end up like this.

I can fight back, it really is the three illusions of life.

With this weak king of penitent flames, he lowered his head: “Yes, you can use it directly.”

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