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Upper Island.

World Jiuzhou.

Although it is not as good as Xiyanzhou, East Divine Continent, Nanlizhou, Beihanzhou, Shangguzhou occupies most of the world’s population, but during its heyday, it had over 2,000,000,000 people.

However, decades ago, I did n’t know which Space Passage was opened and a Legendary Fire Dragon was born.

This Legendary Fire Dragon not only has an incomparable horror Strength, but also can use its Bloodline Strength and True Dragon Aura to infect each and everyone’s powerful lifeform into Jackie Chan. By this means, he In just a few years, hundreds of dragons have been developed, and each dragon is a terrifying existence like human top powerhouse.

This Strength is united together, and the Legendary Fire Dragon from time to time emerges from the doomsday volcano, and it is outrageous. Within ten years, the ancient continent fell and became a dragon, Fierce Beast. paradise.

It’s just …

Baili Qingfeng sitting on the boat turned over the information from Heaven’s Mystery Building. After a while, he looked up. Looking at the members of the Primitive Alliance who are in charge of assisting themselves, Quango Wargod grandfather, archeologist, and language master-Yuan Zhishi, said with a stunned expression: “Although the people of the ancient continent were subjected to brutal rule, but … are they not hot? There are rumors in the outside world that the people are plunged into an abyss of misery. It is entirely a slander of the Legendary Fire Dragon by the human nations. Worried that the soldiers and the people would not swear resistance when the Legendary Fire Dragon invaded their country? ”

“It ’s true.”

Yuanzhishi nodded: “The war in the ancient continent lasted for more than ten years, due to various factors such as war, famine, plague, flight, hunger, etc. The population of this continent has been reduced from 2,000,000,000 to 1 billion, but most recently, with the end of the war that lasted for more than ten years, all the large-scale resistance forces have been eliminated by the Dragonborn of the Legendary Fire Dragon, and the chaos in the ancient continent has gradually begun. After the rest, the surviving people succumbed to the rule of the Legendary Fire Dragon. Although the degree of freedom and civilization is lower than that of the East Divine Continent, Xiyanzhou, and Nanlizhou, there is no Law Manifestation, but it is more than a few months. I came to the occupied area of ​​the former West Yanzhou, but I ’m better, I do n’t know how many times. ”

This result really surprised Baili Qingfeng.

In fact, he really thought that the ancient islands and other countries propagated in deep water.

“Actually, the situation in the ancient continent is similar to that of the Aurora Empire, and even … it is an Aurora Empire with a land area several times larger than the Aurora Empire.”

“Aurora Emperor The rule of the Lord? “

” No! “

Yuan Zhishi looked at Baili Qingfeng and lowered his head slightly:” It is the great temple of nothingness. “

He immediately Explained: “The Legendary Fire Dragon has established a Flame Temple, and the Flame Temple has been equivalent to the Nether Temple. The Legendary Fire Dragon has been Equivalent to the Flame Lord, and the hundreds of dragons below him are the Knightless Void … … In addition, there is a tens of thousands of dragon warriors Legion in the Temple of Flame, all of which are composed of War Grade powerhouse. This structure is also coincidentally similar to the Legion of Nothingness. If it was not for Sia Kingdom’s understanding of the ancient continent, it would not have reached us. To the extent of Heaven’s Mystery Building, we all think that His Excellency Yasuo and His Alof copied the political system of the ancient continent to the Aurora Empire. “

” Really. “

Baili Qingfeng hear Introduction of Tomoyo, feeling a little strange.

It’s strange where he can’t tell.

At this time, there was a commotion from the battleship, accompanied by the roar of guns.

“Stupid people?”

Baili Qingfeng did not move, but under the spirit’s induction, a large number of soldiers have seen guns firing at some scattered stingy people. .

Although Shangguzhou is not like Lone Star Island, it is lonely overseas. It is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the world center of West Yanzhou, Divine Continent, North Hanzhou, and Nanlizhou, but even the nearest From Xiyanzhou, there are still more than 6,000 kilometers.

Due to the existence of the Tatars, there are more than 4,000 kilometers of unmanned land in this 6,000-kilometer distance. Except for the Golden Eagle Empire, the most advanced aircrafts currently have a combat radius of only 2,000 kilometers. I want to go On Old Island, there is only one way to go by boat.

It happens that Heaven’s Mystery Building has a large-scale and advanced-equipped fleet. When I learned that Baili Qingfeng was going to go to the ancient island, he was summoned by the white clothed victory and took him to the ancient island. .


Baili Qingfeng looks at a human-like life that resembles a human but has fins.

“Once the Tatars are on the scale, they will become very terrifying. Although the Tatars’ fierceness and battle strength have deteriorated greatly after growing up in our World for a while, they live underwater. Naturally, it has a geographical advantage. In the entire Heaven Wasteland Domain, except for the Golden Eagle Empire, which possesses advanced battleship manufacturing technology, no one dares to say that it can cope with the threats of the Tatars. Even the Golden Eagle Empire has reached a certain consensus with the Tatars … … The Golden Eagle Empire does not provoke Tatars, and Tatars do not attack the fleet with the Golden Eagle empire flag. “

Yuan Zhishi expression grave said:” They are the most terrifying pirates in the ocean, and they also block the world ’s nine. The culprit of continent exchanges, if not for the existence of tartars, our Heaven Wasteland Domain human civilization should be more prosperous. “

Baili Qingfeng heard nodded.

Heaven Wasteland Domain The ocean area is too large, and he can’t think of any good way to deal with the scum in the ocean in a short time.

The fighting lasted for a moment, ending with a savage repulsion.

Most of the Tatars have degraded, and they cannot destroy a 10,000-ton battleship underwater.

Because the speed of the battleship is only 50 kilometers up and down, and 6,000 kilometers, it takes a full five days to count the supply along the way.

Within two hundred kilometers to the ancient island, the soldiers of the fleet entered their respective guarding ports with full armour.

Yuan Zhishi was introduced beside Baili Qingfeng: “We are going into the ancient continent right away. There are flying units in the dragon descendants of the ancient continent, and they also deliberately domesticated some powerful birds as air forces. These The air force is watching over the ancient island as a reconnaissance eye, we will definitely be noticed when we approach the ancient island. Next … I am afraid that it will enter the combat phase. “

” I will try my best to ensure you Safe. “

Baili Qingfeng said, showing the telescope.

As his spirit becomes more and more powerful, the number of lenses polished by Shi Yuanyuan is also increasing. Today, the maximum observation range of Wang Yuanshu has reached 600 kilometers.

No matter how far away, what restricts Baili Qingfeng is no longer the strength of the spirit, but his own computing ability.

The processing of data such as exit pupil diameter, multiples, caliber, exit pupil distance, viewing angle, and coating will cause a lot of load.

The distance of six hundred kilometers …

Just right.

Baili Qingfeng pays close attention to the wind and grass moving all around.

Two hundred kilometers, one hundred kilometers, fifty kilometers, ten kilometers …

With a beach that can land, all around is still calm and calm, Baili Qingfeng I can’t help but glance at Yuanzhishi in wonder: “Don’t you say we will be attacked when we are close to the ancient continent?”

“This …”

Yuan Zhishi doesn’t know how to explain.

Waiting for a while on the ship, Baili Qingfeng and Yuanzhi entered the dinghy on the small boat and stepped into the land of Shangguzhou while keeping the person in charge of Heaven’s Mystery Building on alert.

Baili Qingfeng soon understood why they were not attacked along the way.

When they set foot on Guzhou for a few kilometers, the entire group came over from a distance.

“Be careful! It is a dragon!”

Yuan Zhishi saw the first person in the entire group with a reddish complexion and a hint of gorgeous young women, and whispered quickly.

When Yuan Zhishi and the others saw this entire group, the head of the female dragon descended into Baili Qingfeng far away, and her face was filled with a kind smile: “Great God Nothing True God Your Majesty, a dragon-born gossip, have seen Your Majesty, we represent father, the Lord of the Ancient Continent, the Flame God Temple Lord, the founding emperor of the Flame Empire, and convey our respect to you. “

” en? Do you guys know me? “

Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised.

“The ancient continent is not a place of isolation from the world. Some of us in the ancient continent in East Divine Continent, West Yanzhou, South Lizhou, North Hanzhou, etc., have a true God Your Majesty The name is like thunder piercing the ear. “

The dragon ancestor said, and said again:” A few months ago, our flame empire wanted to send people to Xiyanzhou, Beihanzhou and other places to other continents. The human nation expresses our friendship on the ancient continent, but … the great nothingness of His Excellency True God seems to have misunderstood our flame empire. This misunderstanding may have deepened and we stopped all activities. “

Fei Jing The words let Yuan Zhishi look at Baili Qingfeng involuntarily.

Although she speaks nicely, Yuan Zhishi guesses her meaning clearly.

A few months ago, the ancient kingdom was about to move. Their so-called flame empire itself wanted to invade Four Great Continents and expand its influence, but didn’t expect Baili Qingfeng to be born and kill the Legendary Temple of Death. Holy Spirit didn’t say, it even created a horrific feat that caused the death of True God. This behavior obviously frightened the Legendary Fire Dragon.

So Legendary Fire Dragon Fruit stubbornly seduced himself, hiding in the ancient islands and keeping his troops, to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

It’s just that didn’t expect Baili Qingfeng eventually set foot on the land of Shangguzhou because of the ruins.

Looking at the smiling dragon-born gossamer, Yuan Zhishi sighed.

I can’t think of Baili Qingfeng’s name of Void True God has already passed on to the ancient continent, and even this Legendary Fire Dragon is jealous and afraid to be an enemy.

“Originally we always wanted to establish diplomatic relations with the True Nothing True God Your Majesty. Now we are fortunate to be able to welcome the great Nothing True God Your Majesty in person. Welcome to the Empire of Flames, we are already the Great Nothing True God Your Majesty has prepared the banquet, and I wonder if it is such an honor to invite Your Majesty to attend. “

The Dragonborn Feijing bowed respectfully.

“No need.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the Dragonborn: “If you really have the sincerity, let your Ruler of the Flame Empire, the Legendary Fire Dragon come. See me. “

” This … “

Fei Jing lowered her head awkwardly:” Master Father is now inconvenient to see the True God Your Majesty, but the True God Your Majesty is the most distinguished guest of father’s personal account. Please let me know if you have any requirements. As long as we can do it, we will try our best to meet you.

———————— ——

(Everyone should guess the identity of this Legendary Fire Dragon.)

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