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The small courtyard under Qingyuan Mountain.

Baili Qingfeng ran from Xuelan Town for two hours.

Since he did not return to Qingyuan Mountain after coming out of the laboratory, he ran directly to Xuelan Town. Now he returns to Qingyuan Mountain again to find that the environment around all around has actually changed a lot.

Three months …

Almost equivalent to the previous three years of development in Xia Ya.

“There is more and more modern city breath.”

Baili Qingfeng passed through the old city, and said with sincerity.

The current city of Xia …

Or the current university town area, compared to the center of his previous life county-level city, it is not much worse, in the humanities The environment is even more impressive.

“According to this development trend, the environment of Xia Ya in ten years is not much worse than those of the cities where I lived in previous lives.”

Baili Qingfeng Xin Thinking.

During this time, he spent most of his time in the laboratory, researching and promoting the system and lifeform computers, and showed an attitude that he did not intend to abide by the “containment agreement.” This agreement has existed in name only, and no effect can be seen in a short time, but it is foreseeable that in the next ten years, the technological development of the human world will enter the advanced by leaps and bounds period.


Baili Qingfeng looked for a moment, as if he noticed something, suddenly glanced towards Qingyuan Mountain.

In his spirit induction, one …

A special stream-like existence quickly crosses from the other side of Qingyuan Mountain and heads towards a courtyard below.

When crossing Qingyuan Mountain, this stream of light seems to be aware of something. Yaoyao greeted Baili Qingfeng and continued to return.

But this peculiar existence surprised Baili Qingfeng. Spirit fluctuations spread quickly: “Boss Zhao? Did you practice your Primordial Spirit?”

“A few It was almost a month ago, and it’s been a few months now. I haven’t practiced it yet. “

The streamer condenses, and it quickly turns into a silhouette.

It is Zhao Si Zhao Jiansheng.

Or …

Zhao Jiansheng’s Primordial Spirit form.

Baili Qingfeng is full of curiosity when looking at Zhao Jiansheng’s special body, which seems to be completely composed of energy and spirit.

“By Qingfeng Little Brother, what is the next step for Primordial Spirit? We don’t seem to have discussed it yet?”

“Next step …”

Baili Qingfeng pondered for a while Fan: “Should it be the Law Manifestation Realm, right? Primordial Spirit Law Manifestation, are they all saying that?”

“Law Manifestation Realm?”

“Yes, but I do n’t know who it is There are more typos or other reasons. I don’t know whether it should be called Law Manifestation or Faxiang … the former should transform his Primordial Spirit into a powerful form, while the latter … is similar to Shi Tianfadi , Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation. “

” Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation, this sounds a bit better. “

Zhao Laobo immediately said.

“Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation is relatively simple, just let Primordial Spirit continue to grow.”

“Let Primordial Spirit continue to grow? This is a bit difficult.”

Zhao Jiansheng said: “I found that the concentration of Primordial Spirit consumes a lot of strength. In addition to its high-speed mobile advantage, not at all is too convenient. If you want to make the Divine Transformation bigger, right The energy consumption is undoubtedly more, as much as the Golden Core in my body cannot support it, and it cannot be sustained. “

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Zhao Jiansheng’s Primordial Spirit …

It’s really weak.

As he said, except because it is an energy body, the speed is amazing, and the attack power is at best equivalent to an ordinary Refining Spirit Top Ten Holy Sword Assassination.

It’s defense …

The spirit and energy structure, as long as the spirit and energy are continuous, he can be continuously broken and reborn.

“Continuously broken rebirth …”

Baili Qingfeng flashed a single thought in his head.

This situation …

Similar to the Holy Spirit in the excited state.


Holy Spirit is also a combination of flesh and energy. If the body is destroyed, it will still die, but Primordial Spirit ……

Energy is not extinguished, and spirit does not fall, you can resurrect it again and again. Rebirth …

Of course, this is the most rational state.

Every time the Primordial Spirit is dispelled, it is a great damage to the spirit of the cultivator itself. This kind of damage is similar to the fear that the Refining Spirit backlash becomes a vegetative. I want to be truly Undying and Inextinguishable …

Unless he has a continuous energy like a torrential river and nine thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth distractions, and these distractions themselves can continue after death Recovery, remodeling, and let the distraction fill up nine thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth.

“Our energy reserves are too low after all. Unless I can carry a piece of land with me, and continue to farm, harvest, eat, and replenish energy, otherwise the Primordial Spirit situation should be the limit.”

Zhao Jiansheng said with regret.

“Bring a piece of land with you …”

Baili Qingfeng finds this idea very distinctive: “Why not just carry a farming space with you … wait … space!”

He suddenly thought of another kind of existence that accompanied the birth of True Gods-Divine Kingdom!

Maybe …

The realm behind Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation is to open up your own Divine Kingdom?

But something like Divine Kingdom is too high-end for him, he only needs a small World.

Just …

How can we condense the small world?

Baili Qingfeng scratched his head: “I’m afraid we need a way to become a god. Although I got the Records of Numerous Stars that were crowdfunded and became gods recently, most recently when I was cultivation, I found that Records of Numerous Stars should be a bit problematic. In case that astral world is transformed by some kind of lifeform Divine Kingdom, the problem is very serious. “

” The law of becoming a god? “

Zhao Jiansheng is now愣: “Is the realm behind Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation so difficult?”

“No, the realm behind Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation needs to open up a small world, but I do n’t know how to open up a small world. I can only refer to the process of True Gods condensing Divine Kingdom, but the problem now is that we do not know how True Gods condenses Divine Kingdom. “

” This way. “

Zhao Jiansheng is nodded.

For a moment, he thought of something, and quickly said: “Stop it, my porridge is going to be mushy.”

“Go and go.”

Baili Qingfeng waved.

After Zhao Jiansheng left, Baili Qingfeng quickly entered his yard.

Because it is already May and coupled with the early summer of Xia Ya, the courtyard is full of flowers and it looks quite gratifying.

He came in a hurry, not at all to call Shiyi in advance, she was not at home.

It’s Xiaozhu. After hearing the movement below, he quickly ran out.

“Qingfeng big brother.”

“Little bamboo, long time no see.”

Baili Qingfeng laughed and hugged Xiaozhu and turned around.

“Have you been obedient at home in the past few months.”

“I am very obedient.”

“I believe in Xiaozhu.”

Baili Qingfeng put down Xiaozhu: “What about Yiyi?”

“Shi Tianya grandfather celebrates birthday, Yiyi elder sister helps.”


Baili Qingfeng nodded: “Why didn’t you go?”

“I’m studying with Zhao grandfather.”

“Zhao grandfather? What did he teach you?”

“A lot, teach me to practice Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Primordial Spirit, and his Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique …”

Bali Bamboo said this, Seems to pause.

“What’s the matter?”

Berry bamboo shook the head: “Nothing.”

“Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique is a problem, you better not to Practice, if you really want to practice, don’t care about those hallucinations and hallucinations, let alone follow those seeing and hearing things, do you understand? “

Baili Qingfeng said.

Bai Lizhu’s eyes lit up, but he still behaved nodded: “I’m understood.”

Baili Qingfeng talked with Xiaozhu for a while, took her upstairs, and came Go to the study.

When Xiaozhu read the book by himself, he took out the information that Marcia had given him about the Lord of Fear.

The bimonthly world has never been a hole in Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Fierce Beast, Legendary species, alien, evil, Evil God, Divine Beast, are populated outside human settlements.

The aliens are a little bit better. They have the possibility of communication. With their strength guarantee, they can ensure that the two parties are safe and sound. Coming threats are often unpredictable.

Evil God in particular, they can even use their Strength to disrupt and destroy each and everyone human kingdom from the inside.

“Envy, greed, fear, slaughter, destruction, abomination …”

Baili Qingfeng looks at the description of Evil God in these materials.

The number of Evil God is small, but not small.

The key is that this existence and its intractability are exemplified by the fear of the Lord of God. As long as people’s inner fears persist, he cannot be killed.

“This kind of monster that can’t be killed is really troublesome …”

Baili Qingfeng’s headache.

Xiaozhu, who was sitting next to him, heard Baili Qingfeng talking to himself, and suddenly said, “If there is really no way to solve these problems, why don’t we cast a container and use them? What about it? “

” The container? “

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Xiaozhu.

“It ’s like … forging a sword.”

Bai Lizhu thought for a moment: “Qingfeng big brother remember what I said to you before? I seem to have one in my memory. Swords can feed on emotions and strengthen ourselves. If we imprison such bad Evil God into the sword, on the one hand, we can transform them into Strength to destroy more bad people, on the other hand, we can also solve their undead Question … “

” Take Evil God and make a sword? “

Baili Qingfeng looked at Xiaozhu, a young age, and was very aggressive.

At the moment he smiled and said, “Xiaozhu really has an idea, but I’m afraid this thing is not so simple. I guess I can’t do it. I can only wait for Xiaozhu to grow up and help me solve this problem.”

Bai Lizhu listened, nodded hard: “I will help Qingfeng big brother.”

“Little bamboo is really good.”

Baili Qingfeng wiped Wiping Xiaozhu’s head, for a moment, his eyes fell on Xiaozhu’s book: “What are you looking at? World History?”


“This This kind of book is a bit boring for you. “

” It looks good, just like watching adventure stories. “

Xiaozhu said, pushing the book in front of Baili Qingfeng:” Qingfeng big brother You see, these people are amazing. They said that the rapid development of science and technology in human society in the past few years is because of the discovery of the relics of other civilizations, especially computers, mobile phones, rockets, satellites and other technology. Searched out from that ruin. “

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