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“Icy, cool, like liquid gold, but not completely liquid, looks similar to jelly …”

Luo Ying heard the rain and thought seriously.

It’s hard to get a place where such realm’s Baili Qingfeng is still useful to her. If she can answer for Baili Qingfeng and gain his favor, it will be a good thing for the entire Stargazing Hall.

It ’s been over ten days, and the news of the Bucks Kingdom has already reached the Star Watching Hall, not to mention the silver body that has not yet been confirmed whether it is true. Baili Qingfeng and even the strongest sword defeated the prince Riyi who was converted into a silver body. It is enough to attract the fear and even terror of any East Divine Continent.

If one year ago, Luo Yingtingyu could still be proud of herself as a Core member of the Stargazing Hall when facing Baili Qingfeng, now …

Baili Qingfeng alone has grown to the point where he can suppress the entire stargazing hall.

Not to mention he is also the chairman of the Joint Military Committee of the six nations, standing behind the entire Sia Kingdom.

“Brainstorm and think about it.”

When the fallen cherry blossoms listen to the rain, people invite him to Father Roya.

When Luo Ya learned that daughter Luo Ying asked him to come to answer Baili Qingfeng’s questions, it also called most of the high-level stargazing halls, and many experienced and knowledgeable stargazing hall masters rushed to them and came to Luo Sakura Tingyu’s study.

“The taste is not very delicious, but it is very supplementary. It is necessary to digest the physical and digestive functions of the Level 9 Ruler, Chairman Baili Qingfeng, for 2 to 3 days! It must be heavenly materials earthly treasures.”

“What kind of heavenly materials earthly treasures are in this form? Golden, liquid, like … jelly?”

“Can it be the flesh of a golden apple?”

“No, right, the golden apple does not have a liquid shape. I guess it is Xinhua liquid …”

A group of 7 old and 80 elders gathered together, and according to the characteristics described by Baili Qingfeng, they had a fierce discussion, and they just converted the living room of Luoying Tingyu into a Conference Hall.

“Luo Ying, ask Chairman Baili Qingfeng if he can describe it in more detail.”

Loya urged.

Luo Ying heard the rain and quickly typed and asked in the group.

At this time, several people in the group, Sword Monarch and Eastern Wins, also tentatively answered one thing, but without exception, none of them were what Baili Qingfeng needed to find.

“He has a new description. He said that the kind of golden jelly seems to have a layer of golden brilliance on it, and that it doesn’t bite, it doesn’t chew …”

The newly-received cherry blossoms cried again after hearing the rain.

“His, golden brilliance, a dish that shines? From that culinary master?”

“I’m afraid that the cooking master alone is not enough. You need to have enough Peak materials.”

“If it’s a processed product, it’s troublesome. Many foods can be golden-yellow after processing.”

Several experienced and knowledgeable great characters couldn’t help but meditate and didn’t answer for a long time.

It was a little disappointing to hear the rain for a while.

Sure enough, great characters like Baili Qingfeng do n’t ask what they want to ask, it is extremely difficult to ask, and it is by no means the answer that most people can answer.

It looks like they want to please Baili Qingfeng with this question …

No hope.

At this time, an old man hesitated a little hesitantly: “Actually, according to the chairman’s description, I faintly feel that there is something familiar, maybe he wants to find it …”


Roya and the others lit up immediately.

“Forget it, maybe it was simply that I thought wrong. This thing … wasn’t eatable … if it wasn’t for the chairman saying that what he was looking for might not be food, I wouldn’t think of it …”

old man shook the head.

At this time, Luo Ying heard the rain and suddenly called out: “It’s a picture! It’s a picture! Chairman Baili Qingfeng is about to send a picture!”


On the other side of the computer, Baili Qingfeng described for ten minutes and saw that everyone didn’t give an accurate answer. It was a bit frustrating: “It looks like my text description is not good, but fortunately I don’t write novels, otherwise dead end, 3 months. It ’s time to go to sleep over the bridge. If you guys do n’t know what kind of thing is and so on, I can only ask Frozen Snow … ”

A few words of ice and snow jade turned around in his mind, and Baili Qingfeng couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

Who can imagine that such a kind girl on the Internet, speaks nicely, is enthusiastic and enthusiastic, but it is someone with ulterior motives like Tessie?

“En !? Speaking of Frozen Emerald … in the chat room of the Heavenly Knowledge Hall forum, I seem to have the screenshot he originally sent?”

Baili Qingfeng suddenly cheered up Spirit and said in the group: “You guys, I have a picture.”

“It’s easy to get a picture.”

“Yes, as long as there is a picture, even if we can’t recognize it for a short time, when the moderator is online, he can start the comparison process inside their Heaven’s Mystery Building and find out the high similarity item data from the database.”

Sword Monarch and East Wins have spoken.

Baili Qingfeng didn’t delay time. When he spoke, he quickly boarded his Heavenly Knowledge Hall account, found the chat room, and quickly flipped out screenshots from the chat history.

Then he directly selected the golden jelly, and one after another posted it: “The picture is here, this is what I want to know about that, who knows?”

“This thing, why do I feel a bit like that …”

“I feel a lot like …”

Although Sword Monarch and Oriental Winner are not well-educated, they have a wealth of knowledge and are worthy of the name of the big brother. Immediately identified the things sent by Baili Qingfeng.

An incredible feeling rose from the hearts of two people.

“Boss Thunder Dominator … you said … this one is eaten?”

It took a while for the East to win before asking with trembling with fear.

“I’m not quite sure. Anyway, I don’t have any taste, it’s cold and cold, just like eating Liangpi, and it doesn’t chew. It takes several days to digest after swallowing. It ’s so difficult to digest, maybe it ’s not eaten, but used? Maybe it ’s applied like a shower gel? ”

“You … did you eat !?”

An irresistible terror is revealed in the tone of the East win!

“I ate, but I ate just a few pieces.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Eat … a few pieces … only !?”

“Big guy … please accept me!”

“Please accept me 2 worship!”

“I can’t understand what the big guys are talking about, but the Big Thunder Dominator shot. I think this expression is always right.”

Quantum Wargod added a “Mengxin shiver coldly” expression.


In front of the computer, Luo Ying Ting Yu, Luo Ya, many high-level stargazing halls, old men watched the dialogue between Baili Qingfeng, Dongfang Shengsheng, and Sword Monarch 3, each and everyone seemed to be on the spot, as if he had been fixed. general.

After a while, Luo Ying turned her head a little hard after listening to the rain, and glanced at a stingy old man: “Grandfather Liu, can this thing … be edible?”

“Can … can eat …”


The falling cherry blossoms were sighed in relief relieved by the rain.

“… a ghost!”

The old man was trembling all over his body, and his mouth was breathing heavily, which made people wonder if he would suddenly be unable to catch his breath and just let go of him: “Too much gold! This is too much gold! It is used for tempering weapons Too much gold for upgrading weapons! “

Another old man immediately took out a picture book and handed it to Luo Ying to listen to the rain: “Quickly … Send this picture and text to Chairman Baili Qingfeng to see if what he said is really too first-rate gold ! “

Luo Ying heard the rain quickly, and took a picture on the illustrated book: “Chairman Thunder Dominator, look at it … is it what you are looking for?”


The news from Baili Qingfeng came back immediately and was shocked and delighted: “Luo Shui listen to the rain, do you know what it is? Do you know where this thing can be bought? Is it necessary to supplement some other digestive materials for internal or external application? “

“Apply internally and externally …”

Luoying listened to the rain and quickly turned her eyes to the Grandfather Liu and the old man who took out the illustrated book.


The old man opened his mouth and couldn’t say a word.

“The oral gold is too good …”

Loya also looked at the other people in the field, her face was blue and white, and eventually …

A word came out.


Luo Ying heard the rain and saw that the elders did not answer, and Baili Qingfeng was asking again, but it was rushed by others, and she quickly typed: “This thing is called first-class gold, maybe … should … maybe, it is inedible of……”

“Well, it ’s just that this thing is not tasty and difficult to digest, but it has a good nourishing effect, strong muscles and strong bones. I have eaten several pieces, what bad symptoms do not at all …”

Baili Qingfeng was a little confused.

When Luo Ying heard the rain, she immediately turned her eyes to Luo Ya and other elders in the stargazing hall.


The surname Liu old man saw Baili Qingfeng answer, with a hint of temptation in the doubt: “Maybe … we know too little about the first-class gold? In fact, the first-class gold really eats it? Can it also strengthen our bones? “

“Chairman Baili Qingfeng has such status … shouldn’t have tricked me into waiting … or … try? I remember the ancient books have said, food, town spirit, strong bone marrow, Tongli 5 dirty and evil spirits, serve Divine Immortal … Maybe, too much gold is really edible? “

Another old man was also shaken.

However, Luo Ya cautiously said, “Isn’t Chairman Baili Qingfeng buying too much first-class gold? If it’s too much first-class gold, we have just accumulated 2 yuan over the years. Sakura, you will not meet in the star track city in a while. He gave one of them to Chairman Baili Qingfeng and saw if it was what he was looking for. “

“Give it to …”

Luo Ying heard the rain and listened to Father’s words, took a deep breath.

The first-class gold value is extraordinary, but father would like to give it away for free in order to make good Baili Qingfeng …

“The outside rumor that Baili Qingfeng has never walked out of the Xeon Road is that he deliberately released it, in order to confuse the audiovisual and win time. If he really embarked on the Xeon Road, he will now have a silver body. , He will be able to step on the top of the East Divine Continent. We show in advance and make a good destiny, which is good for our stargazing hall. “

Luo Ya seemed to see the thought of Luo Ying listening to the rain, and said it carefully.

“I … I see.”

Luo Ying listened to the rain nodded: “I will pass on this superb gold to him at that time.”


(There is something in the afternoon, and the code is a bit urgent. Chapter 3 is slower.)

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