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In the cave.

Lu Ping, Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya and Hong Tiange waited anxiously.

Although by their age, all kinds of winds and waves have already experienced, it is impossible to be restless and sleepless like little youngsters, but the immediate matter is related to their long-term plans for the next fourteen years. No matter how mature their temperament is, they still can’t calm down at this moment.

“It’s almost 4 hours, Baili Old Brother. It looks like your grandson Qingfeng can’t complete the task in 4 hours.”

Lu Ping said with a smile, with a trace of regret in expression.

“It’s ten minutes. Don’t worry, we need to give youngster a little more tolerance.”

Shi Tianya said aloud, and smiled.

Baili Changkong glanced at Shi Tianya …

Lu Ping said that Baili Qingfeng was fine, but Shi Tianya’s words were a bit awkward.

This youngster almost killed you back then.


He didn’t justify it, but said with some emotion: “It seems that within four hours he really couldn’t poison all of those Thunder Beasts. Based on my understanding of this grandson, if he really completes the task, he will definitely return immediately, no It will wait a few minutes or tens of seconds until the Space Passage starts to close before suddenly jumping out of it. “

Lu Ping and the others heard Baili Changkong say that, and sighed slightly.

Although they knew Baili Qingfeng’s so-called task completion in four hours was a joke, in their hearts, they did not take the joke seriously.

Even if the joke is only 1% of possible, they still hope that a miracle will happen, but even Baili Changkong has said so, I am afraid …

“en! ?”

At this time, Lu Ping keenly noticed a ripple of the picture on the vortex-like Transmission Gate, and now the expression faltered: “He is coming out.”

With less than a second of his words, Baili Qingfeng’s body has emerged from the Transmission Gate.

Look at him …

Slightly embarrassed.

Detecting the burn marks left on Baili Qingfeng’s clothes, Baili Changkong complexion changed: “Qingfeng, are you attacked by those Thunder Beasts? Are you okay?”

“The injury is severe and the ribs should be broken.”

Luping expression grave aside.

“Damn, what’s going on inside? Isn’t the Thunder Dominator concept unusable? Shouldn’t it? Thunder Beast’s lifeform has poor eyesight. They rely entirely on human hearing and a special enemy-my-friend discrimination system to judge opponents. The disguise of Thunder Dominator and Thunderbolt Breath 2 should be able to fool Thunder Beast’s perception, why … “

Hong Tiange’s expression is full of unwillingness.

If this method does not work, would it be tantamount to denying all their preparations and efforts for more than ten years! ?

“Our approach really doesn’t work?”

Baili Changkong looked at Baili Qingfeng with a bitter voice.


Baili Qingfeng said.

“en! ?”

Before waiting for Baili Changkong, Lu Ping, and the others to breathe a sigh of relief, Baili Qingfeng then added: “But the thought of getting the approval of the Thunder Beasts to make you as your own clansman should be a fight with them. “

“Fighting … Fighting !? You mean that it’s not enough to have the Thunder Dominator concept and thunderbolt breath, you must make sure that those Thunder Beasts are like theirs by playing a game?”

Lu Ping’s face was a little pale.

“Probably this means, because those Thunder Beasts belong to the same tribe, we are Outsiders, and we must fight with them to be accepted by them, but …”

Before Baili Qingfeng has finished speaking, the expressions of Shi Tianya, Hong Tiange, Lu Ping, and the others have all faded: “It’s over!”

“Thunder Beast is an equivalent to human Wargod. Who among us can beat Thunder Beast?”

“Although you don’t have to worry about being besieged by Thunder Beast, you can fight against Thunder Beast to verify the authenticity of your identity. What is the difference between this and the plan failure?”

Their faces were filled with inexplicable depression.

There is even a decade of painstaking management that has turned into a despondency.

Instead, Baili Changkong knows Baili Qingfeng very well, and when he sees what he has something to say, he quickly asks: “Do you have anything to add? In addition, if Thunder Beast really needs to play a game to get their approval Why did you stay there for so long? You defeated Thunder Beast? Those Thunder Beasts accepted you? Then can you rely on them to accept your chance and then poison them one after another with poison? “

“Why poison? I think these Thunder Beasts are still very obedient.”

“En !? It’s important!”

Baili Changkong repeated.

Others also moved their hearts and refocused on Baili Qingfeng.

“Those Beasts took me as a foreign challenger, and then their king ran out and challenged me, I killed their king, and they became a new king surrounded by them.”

Baili Qingfeng speaks very fast, and 3 words and 2 words explain the entire process of development.

“You … you became the new king of Thunder Beasts?”

“King Thunder Beast singled out for you? Defeated by you? Now all these Thunder Beasts have listened to your orders?”


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

“Be specific, be specific!”

Baili Changkong’s voice was a little excited, and it seemed that he couldn’t wait to understand the truth of the whole thing, but he had a lesson from the previous lesson, and added sternly: “No one can say one sword! Be precise, be detailed!”

“To be precise, to be detailed?”

Baili Qingfeng organized the language a little bit: “I entered the Transmission Gate for a while and stumbled in the Transmission Gate for a period of time. This period is not accurate. After that World, I looked at the all around environment. It took 34 seconds. Thunder Beast found that it took 2 seconds to have a friendly exchange with that Thunder Beast. It took 29 seconds. The Thunder Beast roared summon other Thunder Beasts. It took 5 seconds. The Thunder Beast king arrived with a wave of Thunder Beast in 40. In 6 seconds, King Thunder Beast roared. It took 6 seconds, and a total of 82 heads nearby arrived. In 64 seconds, Thunder Beast started to provoke me. It took 3 seconds, I fired back, and it took 2 seconds. The first round started to arrive. The end, in 3 seconds, Thunder Beast King show off one’s military strength, in 2 seconds, the second round … “

As Baili Qingfeng continued to describe it, Baili Changkong’s face gradually became darker and darker, and the expression of dissatisfaction continued to overflow to his face.

For a while, Baili Qingfeng’s voice couldn’t help but be a little weaker, supporting the counterargument: “2 grandfather, what I described is very accurate, accurate to the second! Is it possible that you want me to be accurate to the millisecond? I can remember that the second is very good. How many milliseconds can I remember? I can only give an approximate value at best. I entered the World and looked around the environment in 34 seconds and 89. millisecond……”

“Enough! Accurate enough!”

Baili Changkong took a deep breath, constantly admonishing himself, “You can’t beat him, you can’t beat him” and then recovered slightly: “You really became their new king?”

“Really, I never lie!”

Baili Qingfeng repeated.

Lu Ping, Shi Tianya, and Hong Tiange felt that they could not keep up with Baili Qingfeng’s ideas. Now the youngster, has the operation been so powerful …

I’ll just let you get rid of those Thunder Beasts. You actually ran directly to the king who killed them and became their new king?

“Thunder Beast, equivalent to human Wargod, this point we have sent more than a dozen people at the expense of more than half of the cost of the verification will never be false, the King of Thunder Beast can command Thunder Beast, more than human Wargod Powerful? At least the Equivalent to Kingdom Guardian land-based True Immortal, you … You just got your War Grade certificate not long ago, how … how could you beat the Thunder Beast King? “

Hong Tiange asked a little puzzled.

Not only Hong Tiange, but Lu Ping and Shi Tianya also want to know this problem.

“This involves the use of wisdom!”

Baili Qingfeng said: “I 2 grandfather should know that the most different thing between me and others is that I am good at using my brain when I am in trouble, like the King Thunder Beast? Is it powerful? Powerful! It is so invincible! Regardless of speed, strength, life, and defense, all of them are stronger than mine, even if it can kill its body with one sword, the current counterattack on it can cause me to be seriously injured or even die on the spot. Facing this This kind of opponent, the recklessness of head-on confrontation is absolutely impossible to win … “

“Skip the intro and just talk about the process, how did you kill King Thunder Beast!”

Baili Changkong directly.

“Assassination! I stabbed King Thunder Beast within the body’s strength of Thunder to electrocut himself.”


“I beheaded King Thunder Beast. This involves a lot of knowledge. If 2 grandfather really wants to know, let’s start with the charge and electric field of electrostatics. From this chapter, we first talk about the quantum nature of charge, Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s theorem, the electric field and electric field energy of spherically symmetrically distributed charges, and then the potential difference in the potential, the potential function, the dipole, the vector function, the Laplace equation …

Baili Qingfeng began to talk with great interest. Hearing Lu Ping, Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya, and Hong Tiange’s expressions gradually became stiff, and their thinking began to freeze.

After a while, Lu Ping’s mind was almost filled with words such as “potential, charge, current, and voltage” before he suddenly shook his head and looked to the side of Baili Changkong: “Old Brother, you Qingfeng grandson … Is it serious? He really used this kind of thing to finally defeat and kill the King of Thunder Beast? “

Baili Changkong thought nodded: “I’m afraid it’s true …”

After speaking, he glanced at Lu Ping: “Although my grandson is sometimes unreliable, we have to admit one problem. Times are different. If we want to keep up with their times, we must advance with the times. … I received a leaflet the day before yesterday, a night tuition course for seniors. I plan to go and see. Would you like to go with me? “

“Old college … Really have to learn this?”

“Live old, learn old.”

“Then … then go together …”

Lupinono responded.

Watching Baili Qingfeng in the eloquent narration, he faintly inferior himself for his lack of knowledge and ignorance!


(Spread positive energy, nothing to read more, increase reading!)

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