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It is not easy to ask a question seriously.

Has his contribution been less recently? Every time he only asks the boss, not uploading exercises in the forum, so the bosses use this method to remind him implicitly?

Yes, it must be.

Baili Qingfeng sorted out her most recent experience …

Didn’t get a new method for a long time?

Although assassinating Dojo Lafie of the Aurora Empire and Qilin Sword Sect’s 5 Grandmasters, he didn’t get any skills from them?

The only method that can be calculated is the method of raising interest on the mysterious Grandmaster Black Crow?

But at the first glance, the interest-gathering method knows that the grade is very low, and the uploading is not allowed to make the big guys sneer, which makes them even more cold.

“Wait a minute! The war song I got from the Grotto Singer should also be one of the secret methods? That song can stimulate Heart Strength, increase the cultivator ’s battle strength, and in nature and martial skills There seems to be no difference in mystery. “

Baili Qingfeng thought, immediately entered the forum, using the computer’s own camera to take a picture of the parchment that wrote the song, passed it to the forum, and gave a note.

Finally made a little contribution, Baili Qingfeng had a little confidence in his heart, but still hesitated to open the chat group, waiting for the big guys to respond.

At this moment, there have been two minutes in the group without anyone speaking.

In this kind of tormented waiting, East wins finally took the lead to say: “Boss Thunder Dominator, say it, what you want to ask, I can stand it!”


Seeing that the Sword Monarch moderator finally answered, Baili Qingfeng confirmed his guess: “People and people still help each other a little more. Several big brothers provided me with information consulting services. I also have to upload some methods from time to time. For the moderators and the great social ideas of several big brothers like dragons, I learned this time. Some of the efforts may not be rewarded, but it does not mean that you can keep asking for them. Sometimes, even you Strength is meager, and he ca n’t give anything back to the other person. When facing the enthusiastic help of others, just a thank you and a gratitude can warm the heart of others. “

Baili Qingfeng realized this and made a secret decision. In the future, after killing those enemies, he will not only collect their ill-gotten wealth and contribute to those in need, but also ask, search and upload their exercises. Go to the Sword Rain Rivers and Lakes forum.

Now Shia vigorously promotes Martial Dao cultivation, and is committed to everyone like a dragon. Numerous families want to obtain a powerful cultivation method and have to pay high teacher fees to study in those dojo and Sect and follow those teachers, but even so, those dojo and Sect Teacher may not be willing to teach the true story.

When things continue to ferment, Sect and dojo monopolize the Peak Martial Dao resource, which will inevitably cause 2 polarizations. The weak will never get the Peak method to become the powerhouse, and the powerhouse will continue to deprive the weakened by relying on the monopoly of the method …

In this case, the emergence of the Sword Rain Rivers and Lakes forum is undoubtedly an impact and challenge to this phenomenon, and it also provides a channel for providing timely help for all those who are interested in learning martial arts but have no mechanics.

Get it in one fell swoop!

This is a great event that contributes to the 1000 autumn benefits to the country!

Baili Qingfeng keeps this in mind.

“Please start your performance.”

Sword Monarch also appeared when Baili Qingfeng was distracted.

Seeing the return of the big brothers, Baili Qingfeng tried to speak in a more sincere way as much as possible: “I worked hard to make a project difficult and earned a group of Chen Jin to sell. I do n’t know if I want to How can I sell for a better price? “

“Chen Jin !?”

Quantum Wargod issued a shocked expression: “Thunder Dominator Chen Jin is so much that he can sell it for sale?”

“Is it strange that Brother Thunder Dominator has Chen Jin to sell it?”

Sword Monarch asked back.


Quantum Wargod speechless.

Baili Qingfeng on the side explained quickly: “No, I ca n’t bear to sell Chen Jin. After all, I also want to create a set of heavy-duty boutique armors. Such armors can really guarantee my safety. Only recently I have a lack of money, so I Intends to sell 2 tons of Chenjin … “

“2 tons …”

Quango Wargod sent 2 words, and then added a “faint sorrow” emoji … dynamic picture.

A person squatted at the corner, a cold wind blew, rolled up a fallen leaf, and autumn was full of thoughts.

“Don’t be calm, isn’t it just 2 tons of Chenjin … Well, 2 tons, I’m not excited, I’m not excited at all, I’m calm.”

“Yes, this is not at worst, it’s just 2 tons of Chenjin that’s all, alas, suddenly the keyboard feels a little dirty, and I want to wipe the keyboard with my knee.”

“Kurech% W @ 贝 && 博斯 …”

Baili Qingfeng watched the messages sent by several big brothers each and everyone, and sure enough, for the big brothers, 2 tons of Chen Jin seems to be nothing, maybe as long as they want to collect Chen Jin, one man one sword Cave people World, the direction of the sword light, blood flowing into a river, killing hundreds or thousands of cave people like as easy as pie, when the time is not a few tons and tons of explosion?

Just …

The tone of their speech was strange.

If he hadn’t witnessed the extraordinary powerhouse posture of white clothed Sheng Na, he would have thought that the big brothers were pretending to be calm and bluffing.

And now…

“Big guys are really temperament.”

Baili Qingfeng is sincere.

He waited quietly for a reply from Quantum Wargod and the others, but this …

Wait a little longer! ?

3 minutes, 40% minutes, 5 minutes …

For 60% of the time, no one in the group spoke.

For a while, Baili Qingfeng had to ask: “Big guys, are you still there? I’m just a student, I don’t have access to such a big businessman, I don’t know anything about Chen Jinye, and I don’t know where to sell it These Chen Jins will not be pitted, and I would like to ask the leaders for guidance. I am grateful. “

After waiting for more than 30 seconds for this message to be sent, Sword Monarch only said faintly: “Boss Thunder Dominator, where did you get the 2 tons of Chenjin? Shouldn’t you … end up in the cave man’s nest?”

“Well? How did Big Sword Monarch know?”

Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised.

However, considering that the weight of the big brothers must always do this kind of thing, it would be reasonable to associate with a cave man tribe based on 2 tons of Chenjin.

“Really a cave man’s nest? How is this possible !?”

Quantum Wargod is full of surprises.

“Not to mention, I did n’t have this ability, I killed five-six hundred cave people. After all, there were too many of them. In the later period, they escaped 4 places. I only have one person, and I ca n’t bring all the cave people. Killing can only be done to that extent. “

Baili Qingfeng quickly used a modest tone.

Paragon’s Misty Fairy in the fairy is low-key and changed to Misty Shrimp. He just killed a few hundred cave people and defeated a cave people tribe. There is nothing to be proud of in front of many big brothers.

“I … I’m too young …”

Quantum Wargod made a vomiting expression.

“One person, one person … five-six hundred, five-six hundred … I … my smoke … no … smoke is not good … medicine … my medicine …”

East wins get down.

And Sword Monarch didn’t speak, but just silently made an expression of “however I’ve seen everything through”.

Then stop talking.

At this time, if anyone can see Sword Monarch itself, he must be able to find that he has left the computer silently, walked to the balcony, facing the breezes from the balcony, and tremblingly took out a cigarette, lit After a moment, he didn’t ignite, he simply didn’t force it, he looked lonely at the sunset that fell at the end of the sky.

The afterglow of golden light fell on him, giving him a layer of golden light, a sense of loneliness that rises in the mind when the world is drunk.


Baili Qingfeng misses Aword Sword God at this time.

After all, compared to other people, the moderator Aotian Sword God, although he also likes to make jokes, but after joking, often can immediately answer his questions and answer his doubts.

Like these big guys …

Can only look at luck, look at the mood of the boss.

Unfortunately, Aword Sword God seemed to be recalled because someone was seriously injured at home, and it is estimated that the chat software will not be available for a short time.

Even if it happened once or twice, he didn’t necessarily meet it. For a while, he had to wait patiently and answer his questions after the big brothers in the group had fun.

After a while, the first to recover was not Sword Monarch and Eastern Winner 2 Moderators, but Paragon’s misty shrimp.

He seemed to ask tentatively: “Brother Ruler, do you really want to sell the 2 tons of Chenjin? Chen Metal is a precious strategic material, and no Peak force will be too much.”

“Sell it, of course, as long as it is cost-effective.”

“200,000 a kilo, what do you think?”


Baili Qingfeng responded happily.

200,000, which is the price Baili Qingfeng wants to sell.

“Yes !? How about the Thunder Dominator if it’s really for sale?”

“Well, the big brother Xianzun actually looks like this 2 tons of Chenjin?”

Just … 2 tons! ?

Misty Fairy … Misty Little Shrimp just regained his mind and re-said: “Seeing, of course, if Brother Ruler really intends to sell, I can go directly to the boss, we will trade in person, and Pay by hand and deliver by hand. “


“Cash, transfers, supplies, all!”


Baili Qingfeng took a sip of air-conditioning, and the big brother is worthy of big brother, 400000000 million in cash, say take it!

What amazing financial resources is this? And what terrifying forces are behind this amazing financial power! ?

“Sell! I’m in Char’a! I’ll sell it to you when you come!”

“Okay, I’ll be there in 3 days, Brother Ruler. Those Chen Jin 10000000 will be kept for me.”


(The first Silver League, chatting on WeChat in the afternoon. An old reader told me personally that he had been watching piracy for eleven years. In recent years, business has improved. I came here to supplement my previous subscription. Indeed, this 10000 reward I can make up for it, I am grateful, thank you, the hard-working people, the sky is up, heaven rewards the diligent, I hope our future will be smooth and better.)

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