Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1098


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The slight shock from Nikolaovic’s electronic bracelet broke the silence.

“An inquiry message from the relevant departments of Olympus District, nearby Di Shi District, and Snowy District, saying that an earthquake of 8. Level 4 was detected at coordinates outside Tianhua City and detected To high-intensity thermal energy reactions and atmospheric vibrations…ask whether we are conducting any high-intensity nuclear tests?”

Norwich glanced at the message above and said.

President Zhou Guang thought for a moment, and finally said: “Copy the data detected here and send it to the relevant persons in charge in other districts. We have to let them understand what we are facing.”

“As you wish, Your Excellency the President.”

Norwich complied.

And after this communication, everyone in the field came back to his senses from this shock.

People Zhou Guang first glanced at everyone in the monitoring center, and his words were powerful: “This Divine King from Heaven Wasteland Domain Divine King is the best ally of our federation, unless one day Heaven Wasteland Domain fights with our federation, otherwise this will never change, please bear in mind.”


Several people were nodded.

“This is a very correct choice.”

“The moment I saw Li Divine King, I knew that we had made this friend!”

“Li Divine King is not far ten thousand li from Heaven Wasteland Domain, with peace and friendship, and our federation has always belonged to a friendly country. For such friends as Li Divine King, we should be extremely sincere and sincere. Passion.”

President Zhou Guang’s proposal was passed smoothly.

At this time, after the energy intensity on the large screen soared to the limit, it gradually decreased and dissipated until it disappeared.


In the environment where the steel bars were melted into molten iron and the earth was burned into lava, a silhouette slowly emerged from the endless flames and high temperature.

It is Baili Qingfeng.

The people who observed this scene through the Peak equipment all felt a suffocating pressure assaults the senses.

It’s like…

It’s not a person who walks over, but is a Supreme Divine Emperor, a Supreme Divine Emperor that exudes the mighty Divine Power, like a blazing sun.


It seems that because his location is filled with terrifying high temperature, the matter is burned by the high temperature around him, the rays of light are twisted around him all around, plus he seems to have some reflecting prisms around his body, making the whole People seem to have mosaics, so people can’t see it…

But it is this special state between illusion and reality, but it makes people who witness this scene more afraid and awed.

At this moment, everyone’s attitude towards Baili Qingfeng is not like treating the Divine King, the strongest invader in the two-month world facing the Earth Federation, but respecting it as the God Emperor!

Supreme God Emperor!

A Peak only backed by giant gods, second only to ancient gods exists!


“God…Your Majesty…”

A few kilometers away, Gundam had changed to Mecha sometime, carrying a high temperature of hundreds of degrees and saluting respectfully.

The Baili Qingfeng expression that came out of this area somewhat solemnly said to Gundam Yaoyao: “I have something I need your help.”

“Despite the orders of His Majesty the God Emperor, as long as I can do it, I will do my best to complete it for Your Majesty.”

Gundam’s expression immediately became aloof, even with a decisive tone in his tone: “Even if you give your life, you will not hesitate.”

“Um…life, that’s not necessary…it’s like this. Wasn’t my sturdy sacred armor damaged during the battle… Plus this time I came to the Federation to visit relatives and didn’t wear mine The storm tearer, so that when I first came to test the Strength limit, I was wearing ordinary clothes…so…”

Baili Qingfeng said of this, some sorry said: “Can you send me a suit?”


Gundam glanced at all around light, a mosaic of Baili Qingfeng, silent for a second.

Next, he was corner of the mouth twitched, but should immediately be shouted: “I will prepare for His Majesty the God Emperor.”

“Thank you.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Gundam left quickly, Baili Qingfeng is still behind the film still contains hundreds of degrees of horror heat, many places seem to have flames burning arena…

At the moment, the relevant facilities in the ten square kilometer arena have completely melted. The Baili Qingfeng Strength erupted Core has a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, and there are still thousands of degrees of high temperature within one kilometer. Under this strength, no equipment can survive. .

Even on the edge of the arena, 10 square kilometers away, there are still many places where the flames are engulfed, as if swallowed by flames.

This is because the arena material has good heat resistance, a good fire protection system, and a large number of fire fighting robots. Otherwise, the fire is simply impossible and only burns half the sky…

“They said, let me do whatever I want, it should…will not let me compensate…”

Baili Qingfeng whispered.

It is not a problem to see the fire burning like this.

In addition, it belongs to the suburb of Tianhua City, and it is still big at night. The staff of the fire brigade were sleeping and sleeping well and were awakened to work hard.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng’s starry realm is excited again, and he reaches out and pulls towards the sky dome.

“hong long long!”

Celestial Phenomenon Upheaval, where the clouds meet!

in the sky Atmospheric pressure continues to increase, and carbon dioxide directly transforms into a liquid state. In a short time, heavy downpours pour down, covering hundreds of square kilometers.

The torrential rain with a rainfall of 300 millimeters quickly suppressed the terrifying heat in this area, and the fires in the buildings on the edge of the arena were quickly extinguished.

“Steam sauna.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the place where he had just stayed, and slowly left the area with a mosaic.

Soon, Gundam has returned the clothes for him.

When he changed his clothes and came out again, he was refreshed again.

“I have worked hard for you, so I have trouble for you to come and accompany me to get up and down in the middle of the night.”

Baili Qingfeng is facing Gundam Road.

“It is my pleasure to work for His Majesty the God without hard work.”

“What is His Majesty the Emperor? Isn’t it? I’m just an ordinary martial artist with a Martial Practice for six years…”

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand.

“Common…martial artist!?”

Gundam suddenly opened his eyes wide.

“Yes, in fact, my Innate Talent is not worth mentioning compared to our Heaven Wasteland Domain. Many geniuses are not worth mentioning. Because of this, I will always study hard and never forget to improve myself. I was able to get closer to the gap between those geniuses, but even so… I still catch up with the people around me who still catch up.”

“Your Majesty means, in Heaven Wasteland Domain…and there are people with Innate Talent who are stronger than you?”

Gundam’s voice trembled a little.

“Of course.”

Baili Qingfeng’s silhouette of Baili bamboo flashed in her mind, and she heartily said: “If others don’t say it, just talk about my discipline. She followed me for a few years, but now it’s actually afterwards, although It hasn’t surpassed me, but realm has reached the same level as me… you know, she is still a child!”


Gundam tone trembles.

“Yes, there is Zhao Uncle who lives next to my house. The cultivation base is also very scary. He normally grows flowers, farms, and hoes. I hardly see him cultivation, but it is powerful. It’s unbelievable. Although I haven’t really dealt with him, I’m not sure that I can beat him…”

Gundam’s eyes were rounded: “Your Majesty the God Emperor, you have no certainty to defeat him!?”

Baili Qingfeng cautiously nodded.


Gundam suck in a breath of cold air.

He has obtained the data from the monitoring center. The Divine King in front of him…

The highest value of energy intensity reaches an unprecedented one hundred and one hundred and one hundred and fifty thousand!

This is the number that Divine King in the bimonthly world can’t reach after they bless God’s Force.

But such a terrifying existence, in their World, there are opponents who can’t beat it! ?

And that opponent…

I am still an ordinary person who grows flowers, farms, and hoes! ?

“Have you heard, have you heard!?”

Gundam passed a special instrument, and the spirit violently shook and shouted.

Monitoring center!

Pay close attention to President Zhou Guang, Sokala, Xiang Polun, Aslan, Norwich, Zhong Tianya, Zuo Shanming and the others, who are all closely and solemnly nodded.


Too terrifying!

“Heavenly World… actually terrifying to this extent!”

“It’s reasonable to think about it, don’t forget that our spirit enabler system was learned from Heaven Wasteland Domain, and the data we just detected not long ago showed that Li Divine King… Li Shen The strength of His Majesty’s Spirit is 1.29 million!”

“At that time, the elder of the Old Zhong family had only stayed in Heaven Wasteland Domain for more than ten years. In more than ten years, he could get in touch with the true seniors of Heaven Wasteland Domain? Indefinitely, like our common nine-year compulsory education textbook, it is a junior and intermediate level knowledge, but in fact the cultivators at the top of Heaven Wasteland Domain have reached Refining Spirit eleven layers, 12-layer, and even 13-layer, 14-fold To the point.”

Everyone speculates, and the more they think the more it makes sense.

For a long time, everyone looked at each other, sucking in a breath of cold air while involuntarily.

Heavenly World is really…

Deep and unmeasurable.


“It looks like you have to find a way to get a shrine armor, otherwise every time you explode, the energy fluctuations and high temperature emitted from your body will burn all your clothes and pants… The wilderness is better, if it is In the city, under the eyes of everyone, you still have to be caught in the crime of destroying the city’s appearance.”

Baili Qingfeng felt that he really had to go to the bimonthly world.

Exactly, his newly split 256 spirits need to step up tempering to Refining Spirit Ten Peak Peak, but it’s just that fearing the God Lord, the perpetual motion in his calculations is no longer possible, he also has to go to double Moon World to recharge, in addition, he had to go back to Heaven Wasteland Domain to take Shi Yiyi to the Earth Federation to let his father Li Xian see…

“When the father meets the teacher Yiyi, I can consider the matter of having a child. As soon as the child comes out…the life is really Perfection.”

Baili Qingfeng has a smile on his face.

The life of an ordinary person should be so unpretentious.

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