Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1096


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“I am my “True God”, spirit, and fleshy body, all belong to the foundation of the concept of “True God”, and the divinity from “True God”condense is used to communicate “null” To restrain the existence of’True God’ with the opposite of’real’ nihility, and maintain’True God’ immortal……”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes shone brightly.

Although he vaguely felt something was wrong.

But what’s wrong, he couldn’t tell.

There is a kind of vagueness. Concepts other than “I” are all in the field of “True God”, and true Divine Source is in Spirit World, which is controlled by thinking, so…

I am True God, True God is nothingness, and nothingness does not exist.

It is precisely because it does not exist that the meaning of the concept of existence can be projected.

I think so I am here?

As long as I still maintain the ability to think, continue to make up the brain, use the “True God” constituted by brain thinking to communicate the nothingness, and then project the truth with the nothingness, I can be Undying and Inextinguishable.

Strength is exhausted?

Just enter the state of “nothingness”, communicate “True God” to reappear.

Fleshy body shattered?

It just enters the state of “nothingness”, and the communication “True God” will reshape it.

“Although it seems a bit problematic, the theory is at least correct, true and illusory…existence and extinction…positive matter and antimatter…the existence of these theories can form a stable universe…”

Baili Qingfeng said this, and quickly put aside some minor problems.

This unprecedented peerless Magical Powers is born, and it is normal to bring a little flaw.

Rely on him to slowly adjust and run in.

It is the same as the Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique he created.

When I first practiced, there were a lot of various problems, but it was not repaired later, so that I quickly set foot on the cornerstone of top powerhouse realm! ?

“For this practice method, first of all, I need to put my spirit in the body in the form of “True God”.”

Baili Qingfeng thought, gradually putting this idea into action.

The powerful spirit suddenly roared out of spirit world and penetrated into the fleshy body.

When the two merged with each other, Baili Qingfeng clearly felt every detail of fleshy body.

He saw the detailed distribution of his acupuncture points, saw the growth of his skeleton, saw the connection of his meridians, saw the transmission of nerve signals, saw the energy fluctuations inside the cell…

Spirit scanned, any subtle and clear one in my mind, one after another, finally…

Evolved into a True God!

A True God who exists in the realm of “Void”!

The existence of this True God is like backing up his character information. Next, no matter how he tossed his body, the backup information recorded by “True God” is still there. Perish.


Baili Qingfeng feels his special state.

He doesn’t know if others call smash void to see whether True God feels the same as himself, but he feels…

It’s as if there is another self, in another kind of “nothingness”, exchange information with him all the time.

At a frequency of one million times, ten million times, and hundreds of millions of times a second, he updates his body state all the time, and stores this state.

Death is not real death, nihility is not real nihility, just a transformation of information, Universe records the information that this life once existed, and his’True God’ can read it again, Nature can be reborn from death.

“Is this “True God” formed by the integration of spirit and fleshy body? It seems to be different from what was expected.”

Baili Qingfeng thought slightly.

For a moment, he set aside this idea.

He didn’t read too much, he didn’t want to understand too much, and after communicating the nothingness through “True God”, he achieved the indestructible body of True God…

You can use it.

“Since ‘True God’ can easily communicate with ‘empty’ Undying and Inextinguishable, it is also possible to use the substance of ‘True God’ and Fleshy body to transform into Divine Transformatio… then…”

Baili Qingfeng’s spirit continuously penetrates into the body, and analyzes and copies the part of his body that belongs to the first-class gold.

For a moment, the spirit of the spirit transforms into something amazing.

Within the body, a large number of cells and energy began to change towards the first-class gold under the interference of spirit.

“Stone becomes gold!”

Baili Qingfeng with emotion.

Implementing the cells that make up life forms into first-class gold, what is it?

When he put in more than three hundred spiritual force transformation substances, he likes a tone to refining a thousand parts of first-class gold, and the firmness of the fleshy body reaches an incomparable level.

While the Fleshy body becomes strong, it is natural to use a circular magnetic field to inject more energy into him within the body through the fusion of deuterium and tritium.

“Then… try the limits now!”

Baili Qingfeng said, starting to inspire Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique.

However, when he was just planning to enter the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique state, a violent air wave emanated from him, blowing a chaos throughout the room.

“Not good! I will tear down my home!”

Baili Qingfeng immediately stopped the excitation of the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, and at the same time, he was going to change his fleshy body state back.

However, this back-to-back transformation made him stunned and found…

Can’t go back.

Spirit’s excessive interference and influence on the fleshy body made his fleshy body gene seem to be destroyed. Just a moment, Baili Qingfeng felt that the fleshy body began to collapse.

It’s like dropping a drop of ink into a pot of clear water to make it black easily, but then let him return to a pot of clear water…

Almost extravagant.

“bang! bang! bang! “

The disturbance caused by spirit interference with the fleshy body completely destroys the normal operation of the fleshy body, and all organs, meridians, and even cells no longer perform their duties.

“Pu chi!”

For a moment, a gulp of blood spit out of Baili Qingfeng’s mouth.

He can clearly feel that his fleshy body is beginning to deteriorate and deform, although this deterioration and distortion is not as fast as the first time he performed the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique three times in that year, but at most a few minutes, he will become One does not even know that he is and so on monster.


Baili Qingfeng is awe-inspiring.

spirit interferes with the fleshy body, and transforming the fleshy body form can cause such bad consequences.

“Fortunately, I have condensed ‘True God’ and can communicate with ‘True God’…”

Baili Qingfeng secretly rejoices that in the collapsed fleshy body, the “True God” of spirit and fleshy body is gradually appearing.

It’s like…

Reread the file.

For a time, the character templates archived in “None” began to feed back information through “True God”, and little by little reversed those parts that deteriorated, collapsed, and distorted to restore them to their normal form.

However, within a few minutes, his body had become intact.

“This is the strength of ‘True God’! I’m really able to be Undying and Inextinguishable like the God Lords who have Divine Kingdom.”

Baili Qingfeng said with emotion.

True God communicates nothing.

The real collapsed, the nihility still exists, and his Fleshy body is distorted in the real world, but his intact information is still recorded in the nihility, and the two concepts of real and nihilism are constantly entangled, laying a real undead body.

Baili Qingfeng took a closer look and found that his fleshy body status did indeed seem to reset, and then opened the electronic bracelet to dial a call.

Soon, the voice of Gundam came from inside: “Hello Mr. Li, may I ask what you have to say.”

“Sorry disturbs you at this late hour. I just learned something about cultivation. I want to find a relatively empty place to try my Strength limit. I don’t know if you have any good places to recommend?”

“Try the Strength limit?”

Gundam’s eyes lit up suddenly.

until now Baili Qingfeng This Divine King is like a mist in their eyes, full of mysterious and powerful, especially when he personally beheaded the Divine King, which was invaded by the double moon realm, makes him look deep. and unmeasurable.

The kind of power that far surpasses Divine King, has made them think that this is one is an ancient god that brings the horror shadow of human civilization.

Even countless experts Scholar analyzed his battle strength limit specifically based on his information, but he never got a result.

Unknown most terrifying.

He is going to try his Strength limit now…

Wouldn’t it be said that they can hope to collect the real energy level data on him, so as to understand the limit of this great existence! ?

Thinking of this, Gundam quickly said quickly: “Yes, absolutely! Mr. Li will wait a moment, I will pick you up immediately!”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you on the apron.”

Baili Qingfeng said, hung up electronic communications, changed his clothes, and went out.

And when he hung up the communication, Gundam immediately reported it to him.

For a time, I don’t know how many great characters were awakened from a deep sleep.

Xiang Polun, Sokala, Aslan, and even President Zhou Guang have all been online in less than 3 minutes.

At the same time, a professional analysis team was quickly convened. Each of them is the existence of cream of the crop from all walks of life. They will collect information from all aspects and evaluate the final data of Baili Qingfeng.


After half an hour, Baili Qingfeng appeared a huge…

In the arena.

However, this arena is not about other technologies, but Mecha fighting!

It’s just that all Mecha in the arena is emptied, and Baili Qingfeng is left in the huge arena of ten square kilometers.

“Mr. Li, there are no residents for a hundred kilometers, you can try your strength freely.”

Gundam’s voice was heard from afar.

“Okay, but my movements may be a bit big, if it causes some damage…”

“It doesn’t matter, Mr. Li, you can do as you please.”

“Then I will rest assured.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Considering that there is more or less 100 million in oneself…

“So, let’s get started…”

Baili Qingfeng’s powerful spirit penetrates towards his body, and his body structure gradually changes.

In the eyes of outsiders, his black hair and eyebrows soon overflowed with a layer of golden light.

Not only hair, but even the body showed a golden glow.

Next, it seemed that energy was injected into these golden dazzling lights, and the bright golden flame burst out of him. Then, an unprecedented powerful energy burst out of him.

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