Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1086


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“Which that Divine King is still the leader of a large deity with 14 gods-Yongye Divine King……”

This powerful existence was forcibly wiped out by this strange existence, and died on the spot…

It’s too scary.

This piece of Star River World…

How much True God was buried?

It is simply the grave of the gods.

For a time, the feared God who was bound in it felt his future bleak.


“weng weng!”

Every night Divine King’s falling moment, the perception between Divine King and the gods suddenly dissipated.

The seven True Gods who emerged from the entanglement of a fierce and unafraid of death Mecha warrior at the same time will oscillate with unbelievable faces

“Divine King!?”

“Your Majesty Divine King and my perception have dissipated? Your Majesty Divine King has fallen!?”

“Impossible! How does His Majesty Divine King exist, and how could it fall to this unique World!”

For a time, these seven True God expressions were insane, and their will erupted, as if the storm swept through. The nearby Mecha fighters were directly defeated by Spirit World.

“Revenge for His Majesty Divine King!”

“Kill him!”

The seven True Gods roared, carrying the mighty Divine Power, and struck Baili Qingfeng near the door of Asura with lightning, and the fluctuation of a door divine technique kept brewing in their hands.

“This is…”

“Divine King has fallen!? That Yong Ye Divine King has fallen!?”

“Be careful, Lee Divine King!”

Xiang Polun, Sokala, Gundam, Shen Donghui and the others were terrified, but his movements were not slow, and they tried to intercept the seven True Gods.

In the face of the torrent of divine technique exhibited by the seven True Gods at the same time, Baili Qingfeng did not dare to stop it and withdrew at the fastest speed.

But at the same time of the retreat, the few remaining spiritual forces were also stimulated one after another, with the body’s circular magnetic field operating, and a ruined Strength continued to brew in him for only one second…

The glowing white rays of light exploded in the center of the torrent of the divine technique, and the tens of millions of degrees of heat swallowed all the energy of the divine technique.

Baili Qingfeng’s figure flashes rapidly, breaking away from the high temperature and flames created by the divine technique void explosion.

But even so, there are still two divine techniques based on will attack in the Seven Sects divine technique. Through the interception of the white rays of light, they hit Baili Qingfeng’s body, almost diminishing his starlight spirit World. Shred.

“Sure enough, there are many gods! These divine techniques I can hide one door, two doors, and can block three doors and four doors, but Seven Sects release at the same time… Can’t hold it!”

Baili Qingfeng expression awe-inspiring.

In the state that he just wiped out the Divine King of Yongye and then confronted the seven True Gods, the situation is bound to be extremely dangerous. I am afraid that only a death can go to fight to have a glimmer of survival……

However, when Baili Qingfeng was facing the enemy, it was full of madness just now, even if it burned both jade and stone, it would kill him the seven True Gods who avenged Yongye Divine King, but he was killing him. After driving away from the door of Asura, he directly escaped into the door of Asura…

Run away?


Baili Qingfeng looked at the seven True Gods that disappeared in the door of Asura for a while, and finally seemed to be sure. These seven True Gods…

aggressive scared him back and really ran away.

Even if they each and everyone expression were crazy, they wanted to burn both jade and stone, and they wanted to avenge Yongye Divine King. They were also worried that they would block the door of Asura and break their retreat.

“Your Majesty abandoned us…”

“Retreat! Retreat!”

“Even the great His Majesty Divine King has fallen, we stay here only with the dead end, and leave this unique world!”

The remaining Demi-God and Legendary who retreated after the Divine Kingdom collapsed on the ground saw the seven True Gods escape at the fastest speed, and each and everyone is also one of the head out of fear.

For a time, they couldn’t even bother to fight and retreat, each and everyone ran to the door of Asura at the fastest speed and fled in a panic.

The Mecha fighters saw this scene and did not react for a while.

“We… won this?”

Shen Donghui muttered to himself.

In the night of Divine King led by the Divine King, Ten True God and many Demi-God and Legendary, when he killed Asura’s gate for revenge, he was sitting in the gate of Asura, when the enemy’s powerful moment destroyed them Especially after Divine King revealed the Divine Kingdom on the ground, he almost despaired him.

But now…

Facing the invasion of Divine King, Ten True Gods, dozens of Demi-God, and hundreds of Legendary, they…

Actually won! ?

“Kill! Chase while you win!”

Shen Donghui and many Mecha fighters were stunned, but Sokala was a spirit revival, immediately shouted: “Take advantage of the chase and expand the victory! We want to let these invaders dare not step into our Earth for a lifetime.” Federation!”

Hearing his cry, Xiang Polun, Gundam and the others reacted quickly: “Kill!”

For a time, the Mecha fighters once again formed a battle front, swept away towards the Demi-God and Legendary at full speed.

Dozens of Demi-God and Hundreds of Legendary are themselves powerful strengths. If confronted head-to-head, even though there are already seven hundred Mecha fighters on the Earth Federation side, various military technologies can also be used. The end result It is likely to be both sides suffer.

But Yong Ye Divine King fell, the three True God fell three, and seven others fled collectively, which has reduced the morale of these Demi-God and Legendary.

In addition to the sky above the gate of Asura, that silhouette like a venerable Demon King, engulfing the shadow of death with horror, covering all of them, making them simply unable to thrive. The courage to resist.

For a time, you Demi-God and Legendary fled, and they did not have the heart of a decisive battle at all. They just wanted to return to the two-moon world through the Asura gate at the fastest speed.

In this case, in less than a hundred kilometers, a large number of Demi-God and Legendary were spotted and strangled.

When those Demi-God and Legendary entered the door of Asura one after another, nearly 100 corpses had been left behind.

Among these bodies, the number of Demi-Gods falling has reached double digits.

Despite the chase, the Demi-God broke the divine technique to carry out a counterattack, which also caused dozens of Mecha fighters’ deaths and injuries. Compared with this brilliant result, this loss is not worth mentioning.

For a long time, calm returned to Asura’s gate.

After such a life-and-death battle, all the Mecha fighters fell into exhaustion, each and everyone either rested or gasped, adjusting their mentality.

Some people came to the wreckage of Mecha, their deceased comrade, sadly.

Not long ago these comrades were chatting with them and looking forward to the future, but now…

Most people have no corpses left.

Hua Polun, Sokala, Gundam, Shen Donghui and other Captain and commander-level characters took the lead in came back to his senses.

Despite the heavy losses in this battle, there are more than 150 Mecha warriors sleeping forever on this battlefield, but in any case, this is still an outright victory.


After a lapse of twenty years, another Divine King fell to their world of incompetence. This matter will greatly combat the arrogance of the invaders of the two-moon world, making them afraid to open the Space Gate any more. Get more breathing and development time for the Earth Federation.

“Collect spoils of war. Although these Demi-God and Legendary will not bring any good things every time we invade our World, there are still many basic spoils of war such as weapons and armor. Collect these things Get up, eliminate the above mark, and use our secret son to exchange cultivation resources in the double moon world, you can train more Mecha warriors…”

Sokara ordered.

After establishing the spirit cultivation system, the Human Federation can cultivate thousands of Mecha warriors in just six years, relying on blocking the invasion of the bimonthly world again and again, turning the spills of war into cultivation resources, thus Created a Refining Spirit who has a spirit strength of ten.

If it is not for the assistance of these external forces, even if the power of the Federation is collected, it is estimated that there will be no more than ten people who can get to the Refining Spirit’s tenth spirit talent in such a short time.

“Lee Divine King.”

Zokala came to Baili Qingfeng and gave him a military salute with awe in his eyes: “Thanks to Li Divine King for your help, you saved all the soldiers at the gate of Asura, everyone in the Federation will remember you Contribution by Asura Gate.”

“I won the prize. As a member of the Federation, I am just doing what I think I should do.”

Baili Qingfeng said, and then added a sentence: “Again, I am not a Divine King.”

While speaking, the energy of his within the body has shrunk sharply, the will of God degenerates into the will of Legendary, and then wraps all the energy of himself, all condensed into a Golden Core, gathered in within the body.

In this way, in front of this star leader, he reduced the energy level from the previous highest of 60,000 to 70,000 to less than one thousand.


Sokara looked at the energy level value displayed on the Mecha instrument and barely smiled: “Li Divine King is really…modest.”

“I am not humble. Compared to these True God and Divine King, I am really far away.”

Baili Qingfeng said, satisfied and sorry.

Because he is too weak, he can only smash the divine technique nothingness every time, and when the divine technique is nothingness, it will turn the gods of True God and Divine King into a lot of energy into ashes. The essence cannot be left…

Every time he thinks about this act of reckless waste of natural resources, he feels sad.


Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique Second Layer form can’t beat True God’s body.

I really don’t know when his Third Layer Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique can be successfully created.

“Our federation has always been used as a reference for energy intensity and spirit intensity. The real strength is judged by actual combat. Li Divine King has a strength over Divine King, that is, a fifteen-level Divine King.”

At this time, Gundam also came over and said sincerely: “Li Divine King, I want to apologize for my disrespect for you. If this time is not you, we…”

“No need.”

Baili Qingfeng quickly waved his hand, and for a moment he seemed to think of something: “I remember you mastering the technique of refining True God’s essence into a life-extending medicament? If you really want to thank me, why not make a few copies for me Longevity medicine comes out?”

“No problem! Lee Divine King, don’t worry, this thing is on me!”

Sokala said with a solemn expression.

Being able to build a good relationship with this Divine King is a milestone improvement for the entire Earth Federation.

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