Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1083


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“It’s here!”

“It’s too late!”

At the end of the sky, the two teams appeared at a distance.

Although the two teams have only a hundred people, at best barely equivalent to two True God Level battle strengths, when the Mecha warriors who were fighting the Seven True Gods and many Demi-Gods saw the first two Mechas, each and everyone’s morale!

“It’s a breakthrough!”

“Your Lord Sokala is here! Our leader of the stars!”

“very good, there are Lord Polan and Lord Sokala, we will be able to expel these True Gods out of our World!”

Screams of surprise came from the crowd.

Everyone’s spirit status has changed from previous worries and weights to positive and high-spirited.

But Sokala and Xiang Polun, who arrived quickly, did not disappoint the more than 500 Mecha fighters who survived. They quickly met two True Gods, and they were also in the same team The True Gods of their respective opponents are undermined. If they continue to fight, the two True Gods may be at risk of being killed by them.

“bang! bang! bang! “

The shooting between Baili Qingfeng and this Divine King continues.

Neither Baili Qingfeng nor that Divine King knows how many such shots lasted!

Dozens! ?

Hundreds! ?

Or hundreds of times!

The Essence, Qi and Spirit status of the two of them has inspired Peak to the utmost, and even ignored the other War Zones. Each and everyone turned Flying Sword and sword light to the extreme!

“A Demi-God can fight to this degree with spells and this seat, you are proud of yourself!”

Divine King’s mouth screamed loudly, the huge divine force surged again, and the six sword light would condense again!

However, when he took the divine force from the Divine Kingdom on the ground to form a divine technique, he found that the transmission of the divine force was choppy…

So much so…

divine technique condense has one less word light.

As he glanced at Divine Kingdom on the ground, Yu Guang suddenly found that Divine Kingdom on the ground seemed to be almost half blurred.

In other words, in the less than ten minutes of shooting just now, he pulled away from half of Divine Kingdom’s Strength! ?

This anomaly made this Divine King’s face slightly stiff.

“How is it possible?”


The hostile Divine King’s offensive is a bit slow, and Baili Qingfeng also feels the pressure suddenly lightened.

He will not let this precious opportunity pass.

Also, with these nearly ten minutes of shooting, Baili Qingfeng has completely wiped out the two True Gods who suppressed the spirit world, and he has been able to mobilize more spiritual force.


Spirit stimulates, Baili Qingfeng moves with one hand.

In front of him, that Divine King’s response speed is extremely fast, the sixth sword light of the moment of loss has been made up, and the six swords shine together, exuding the Sensen Sword Intent!

Each of these sword light has the power to reinvent the god body. If it is shot at any Mecha warrior, what is waiting for that Mecha warrior is the result of fate.

It’s like a mortal dodges bullets shot within ten meters, good luck can avoid it, bad luck…

dead end.

It’s just that this time is obviously different.

Although he completed six sword light, the number of Flying Sword Baili Qingfeng took out in front of him was not six handles, but…

“Eight-handed Flying Sword!?”

This Divine King complexion changed, and the divine force on his body fluctuated for a while.

Eight handles Flying Sword roared, six handles and six sword lights collided and cancelled out, and the remaining two handles were assassinated straight to his body, forcing him to have nothing to do, a prism in front of him form.


The prism did not bounce Flying Sword away. During a roar, a large number of cracks burst into it and broke apart at the next moment!


The Divine King was followed by a finger pointed, the divine light exploded, and the two flying Swords that had been exhausted were quickly fired by him.

But after such a delay, he obviously missed the opportunity to re-condense the divine technique.

When his eyes turned back to Baili Qingfeng, the flying Sword with eight handles in front of him hung in the air again, turned sharply, and then the electric arc exploded.

“zi zi!”

sword light is empty!

Not only that, while the Eight Sword Flying Sword screamed at this Divine King, Baili Qingfeng entered the Person and Sword Unite state in an instant, the electromagnetic Sword Technique broke out, almost following the Eight Stalk Flying Sword with the fastest speed ran towards the Divine King.

Although his speed is one point slower than that of Eight-hand Flying Sword, but…

It is still above ten times the speed of sound.

The distance between the three and four thousand meters can be crossed in just one second.

And once the two get closer…

“A Demi-God…”

This Divine King flashed a fly into a rage out of humiliation in his eyes.

But at the critical moment, he was also extremely resolute and retreated to his own Divine Kingdom on the ground. The powerful will of God broke out, and a large number of divine forces were diverted from the entire Divine Kingdom on the ground. Wei An’s figure stood up.

“xiu! xiu! xiu! “

sword light Flying Sword Collision!

The remaining two sword lights roared through this Divine King’s body, and the violent force contained in it almost shattered his god’s body.

However, his Strength in Divine Kingdom is endless, and the moment when the god’s body is torn is reshaped.

And his figure is with that magnificent silhouette fuse together.

This silhouette is as large as several hundred meters, exuding an infinite amount of divine light. The will of the gods in it is enough to let any cultivator of Refining Spirit realm fall into the heart, unable to bear prostrate oneself in admiration. Worship.

“Heaven surrenders!”

Divine King folded his hands together, and a huge silhouette of 100 meters on that followed his outstretched hands, aiming closely at Baili Qingfeng shot in the form of electromagnetic Sword Technique Person and Sword Unite, as if…

A normal human palms together to shoot mosquitoes!

And when both of his hands meet, Divine Kingdom seems to be flipped, overturned, and confined to the space. It seems that this is not a void, but a world.

“Pocket Divine Kingdom!?”

Baili Qingfeng was shocked.

The space seems to be imprisoned by the power of Divine Kingdom. At this time, if the person uses the divine technique to display nothingness, he may be able to bombard this giant of 100 meters into oblivion, but he will face nuclear fusion strength before he can escape. Short-range impact.


Reducing formidable power!

Control the equivalent within the range he can bear!

Baili Qingfeng reads so far, two hundred and fifty-six spirits are running at the same time, within the body, the strength of the nuclear fusion in the ring magnetic field is in a wave shape, and waves are being pulled out, and then in the palm of this giant Detonated in the process of convergence!

A small range of rays of light shines.

Even if the giant’s palm is sturdy, it can still quickly collapse under the impact of this blazing white radiance.

“Is this your last resistance!”

The Divine light bursts in the eyes of Divine King, and it seems that this result has been expected.

Fighting the price of this giant’s hands near collapse, he slammed the entire Divine Kingdom, and Grandiose’s divine force was injected into the giant within the body. His collapsed hands recovered as before, and he continued to palm up towards Baili Qingfeng.

“It’s over!”

“Great! Divine King’s true terrifying not only the cultivation base, means, but also their scheming plot against, only the best way to deal with me was directly obtained through my combat method, and I was easily caught in a desperate situation !”

Baili Qingfeng thoughts turned in his mind.

So far, he has only one way to break the game!

Fight for life!

burn both jade and stone!

After all, this giant is built from a lot of energy. Although the divine force contained in it is magnificent and majestic, it makes people suffocate. Once it explodes, it can crush his body in minutes, but when it comes to the strength After all, it is not as good as the god body.

And what he has to do at this moment is to treat himself as a Flying Sword in the posture of Sword Technique Person and Sword Unite, and pierce and tear the palm of this energy giant under the tenth town…

Although in this process, he may hit his head and break the blood, but…

He is fearless and dauntless!

“zi zi!”

Electro-optic burst.

thunderbolt roars!

In the moment when the giant is carrying the imprisoned space, the hands that block the world and put Baili Qingfeng in the center, Baili Qingfeng Transform Body into Sword, Sword Qi rushes into the sky, and it collides with the energy giant in close proximity!

At this moment, he seems to possess Sword Immortal, deducing his return to the Natural State Grand Dao Reaches The Simple’s Kendo cultivation base to vividly and thoroughly!

Swords are people, people are swords!


“hong long long!”

The moment the sword and palm intersect, Baili Qingfeng feels that the sword he stabbed hits not a mass of energy, but a Strength of Immemorial Divine Mountain, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. With his body, he suppresses the golden flame on the surface of his body, even though the strong defense of the Frost God Armor is oscillating in front of this terrifying impact Strength, broken apart inch by inch

The anti-shock force that acts on the body is to tear his body completely, and I don’t know how many places have internal bleeding.


Under such a violent shock, he finally survived.

Relying on the sacrifice of the Frost God Armor, the powerful body created by the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, the speed at which the Sword Technique erupts, and the Grand Dao that he used to replace the sword with his hand at a critical moment. With Reaches The Simple’s sword, he finally tore the palm of this majestic giant and slammed into his body. In just a moment, he would pass through the giant within the body!


Aware of Baili Qingfeng’s breakout, this Divine King complexion changed, and then he seemed to think of something.

“Not good!”

The Divine King exclaimed that he would disperse the body of the giant.

next moment, the energy wave of destruction escapes.

Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation, which penetrates this giant, exhibited a diminished version of the divine technique.

“Stop it!”

“hong long long!”

Divine King is mixed with anger and horror, the will of the god is rolling, violently impacting the Spirit World of Baili Qingfeng, trying to interfere with his Strength operation.


No use.

Now his release of the divine technique has nothing to do with the nihility. Even a dozen spirits can be easily used.

Carrying Divine King’s will shock, Baili Qingfeng instantly throws tritium and deuterium into the strength of the annular magnetic field…



His figure emerged from the giant within the body.

At the same time.

bright radiance blooming!

This Divine King is pressed against the majestic giant manifested in Divine Kingdom, and is instantly swallowed by the blazing white glow.


(If you want to write the Earth plot, you can write millions of words, but when the time comes is almost repetitive content, everyone is said to be the number of water words, ready to start the last plot.)

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