Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1039


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Twenty six in April.

Qingyuan Mountain and Thunderbolt Sect were busy all day.

Since Shiyiyi ’s parents were killed in the turmoil of Early-Stage, the only time she left Shi Tianya, and Shi Tianya, as a Thunderbolt Sect Elder, naturally lives in Thunderbolt Sect.

So, three days ago, Shi Yiyi had returned to Thunderbolt Sect and lived in Shi Tianya ’s yard, treating it as her mother ’s house.

In the early morning of April six, the relatives of Bailidie, Bailihuang, Bailiji, and Bailitianxing arrived early at the place where Baili Qingfeng lived, and the long convoy was full of old people. The city … the location of the square outside the renovated old city.

In addition to the personalities of the Baili family, Sword Monarch, Quantum Wargod, Ethereal Immortal Sovereign, Aotian Sword God and the others of the Golden Twelve Star Palace were also specially dressed up, each and everyone in suits and leather shoes accompanied by Baili Qingfeng around.

Baili Qingfeng’s own dressing is the same.

At more than six o’clock, there were already professionals to help him make up and organize his clothes.

As the time hand reached 7:08, Baili Qingfeng got on a car that he didn’t know where he came from, and he didn’t know it either. The team moved forward and headed directly towards Thunderbolt Sect.

Along the way, I do n’t know how many residents of Xia Ya spontaneously stood by the road, looking forward.

When I saw the convoy passing by Baili Qingfeng passing by, there was a lot of cheers and applause.

Everyone sincerely wishes this Guardian who brought the prosperity of the city of Shaiya, the stability of the country of Shia, and the peace of the Union of Heaven and Earth.

Fireworks and firecrackers are obviously forbidden, but there are still some people who do not know how many people ignite the fireworks in this brief moment, making the sky above the city of Xiaya full of joy and joy.

In a burst of fireworks and cheers, the convoy gradually drove out of the city of Xia, crossed the bridge across the river between Xia and Wuhe, entered the Black River City, and slowly went to Wushan in Sanshun Town And go.

Listening to the cry from outside, Quantum Wargod sitting in the second car heartily expressed with emotion: “Qingfeng …… Thunder Dominator’s reputation in Xia City has really reached its peak. I can see that everyone It came from the heart to congratulate him, congratulations, no reluctance, no one secretly organized. “

“In terms of Thunder Dominator’s contribution to Shaya City in recent years, he deserves the congratulations and gratitude of the people of Shaya City.”

The misty fairy also in the car followed.

The two best man Sword Monarch and Dongfang Bisheng sitting in the car are very nodded.

“Actually, I thought that there is a woman who is worthy of Thunder Dominator. With his identity and status, he would not simply marry, didn’t expect …”

“I also feel this way. After all, in recent years, his status in our sky federation is too high. Now that he is married, I feel that he is closer to us. Let us know that He, like our ordinary person, will go through the process of getting married and having children … “

A few people in the car were chatting.

In this process, the team quickly arrived at Thunderbolt Sect, which is only tens of kilometers away from the city of Xia.

Thunderbolt Sect has already been celebrating with joy and joy.

Baili Qingfeng is both a Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master and a grandson of Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master, and the Yiyi he is about to marry is also the granddaughter of Shi Tianya. In this case, even the banquet is held. Thunderbolt Sect.

when the time comes Baili Qingfeng, then Shi Yiyi will first go to the Thunderbolt Sect’s courtyard of his Vice Sect Master, and then attend the wedding ceremony held in Thunderbolt Sect.

The convoy drove into the Thunderbolt Sect, and the long-awaited Thunderbolt Sect suddenly roared.

Countless fireworks rushed to the sky, with gorgeous rays of light and sound, it seems to spread this joy of universal celebration throughout the heaven and earth.

Yes, Putian celebrates.

Except for the necessary positions, all company units of the entire Tianhuang Federation are on holiday at the same time, only to celebrate the arrival of the Baili Qingfeng wedding banquet. Through this wedding, Tianhuang Federation has a unified for the first time after the establishment day Sex festival.


The team stopped outside Shi Tianya Elder ’s courtyard.

Baili Qingfeng got off the bus, and accompanied by Sword Monarch, Quantum Wargod, Aotian Sword God, etc., they entered the yard noisily.

However, due to Baili Qingfeng’s identity relationship, the passing gates set by Shi Yiyi’s bridesmaids just meant something.

Finally, in the cheers and the accompanying photographers taking pictures, Baili Qingfeng received Shi Yiyi.

No particular excitement.

No difficulty.

Baili Qingfeng feels that after all, he and Shiyiyi have lived for so many years, and he really ca n’t do it like the performance on TV, full of happiness and intoxication.

According to the process and steps, the two went out together, went to the ancestral hall for 5 minutes for Shi Yiyi’s parents and the deceased elders, and returned to the Vice Sect Master Baili Qingfeng under the crowd In the courtyard.

It’s busy, it’s eleven o’clock.

Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi, who put on a white wedding dress, came to the gate of the Great Hall of Thunderbolt Sect.

There are already a lot of tables here.

Under the Thunderbolt Sect, there is even a large water table. Anyone who has the heart can go to the Thunderbolt Sect to drink a glass of their wedding wine.

Welcome, take photos …

Thunderbolt Sect ’s Dongshengyang, Nanfengguo, Yu Changqing and the others, Yuli, Tang Naide, Zhou Xingyun, Nabo and the others, Prime Minister Yasuo, Duanmu Rui, Alov, Yuan Disk and the others, as well as Reynolds, Prince Riyi, William XII, Halein, Pope Sith and the others in the Confederacy …

Each and everyone’s heavyweight guests called World Peak are all on the stage, smiling.

There are countless news media reporting on this wedding banquet, which will transmit live scenes to every corner of the World in the form of live broadcast.

Everything looks so peaceful, sweet, happy, and happy.


Cultivation cave.

Bai Lizhu sat quietly.

She has no cultivation, and she hasn’t even stopped the growing will to fear.

At this moment, she only feels nothingness.

Empty, nothing, nothing.

With “Television”, she can easily see the wedding celebration of Thunderbolt Sect which is tens of kilometers away.

But …

She didn’t watch it.

She didn’t even mean to go to Thunderbolt Sect.

At this moment, many things flashed in her mind.

Baili Qingfeng, Paragon Divine Sword, Immortal Divine Emperor, Forged Sword Aristocratic Family, Dread Lord, Star City …

“Promised me … find my family for me … the last thing … and fear the Lord …”

By marrying, Baili Qingfeng should have lived the life they wanted with Shiyi, then she …

“Qingfeng big brother … Am I your burden …”

The Baili Bamboo stays in the cultivation cave.

For a while, she stood up, ignoring the faintly discernible eyes of the cave, and looked at the small courtyard 100 meters away.

In the past, the peaceful, peaceful, uncontested world brought her a courtyard where she did n’t know how much happiness and laughter, but this moment was very lively.

There is a festive salute echoing in the sky.

“bang! bang! bang!”

Sound shock sky dome.

Everyone is cheering and celebrating Baili Qingfeng.

Bai Lizhu has been watching for a long time …

She turned around and took a pen and paper from the stone table beside the cultivation cave …

In her mind, she remembered the singing that she had heard in Baili Qingfeng’s study.

“I want to take you to see the clear sky ten thousand li …… I want to tell you aloud that I am fascinated by you …”

She wants to write down this text.

But she didn’t write in the end.

After stopping for a while, her eyes fell back on the paper: “Qingfeng big brother … you know, outside the Star City, that was the happiest time I felt. At that time, there were no other people, only The two of us, although … you are sleeping, although there are many people chasing outside, but at that time, you belong to me alone, as long as I think of you by my side, I will be fearless and dauntless, nothing afraid … … I really hope that time will stay in those months … “

Complete the pen …

But …

Love is not coercion or gratitude.

She writes this will make Baili Qingfeng feel guilty and make her in mind love mixed with other things.

Love …

Bai Lizhu looked at his fair hands …


She is too young.

“I will grow, Demi-God has hundreds of years, nearly thousand years of lifespan, you only need to wait for me five years, even four years, then I will be an adult, when the time comes I can open and aboveboard stand by you, you are Demi-God, I am also Demi-God, we have the same philosophy, we have the same goal, we have the same topic, when you need to show, I will stand behind you and worship Looks at you, because you are a hero that no one can replace in my heart, you feel tired, I can stand up, draw a sword for you, carry the responsibility for you for you, guard the peace of the Heavenly Wild Federation … We Two are a natural pair! “

Those words are brewing in Baili Bamboo’s heart.

But …

She still can’t write these feelings.

It should be said that she had already said it in front of the cultivation cave not long ago. She believed that Baili Qingfeng understood it.

But he still made his choice.

He is a responsible person.

Like his life, Faith has always been holding on to his heart, holding on to his duties, bearing in mind his original heart, tirelessly, and moving forward.

Although she knows that he is destined to rays of light ten thousand zhang, he is destined to change World!

She wants to tell him that heroes only exist in biographies.

She wants to wake him up, and the past will never come again.

She wants to make him understand that World has its own operating system, and if you want to reverse this system, you must have the Strength to suppress World …

But …

Not now.

Thinking of this, the surging thoughts in Bai Lizhu’s heart suddenly subsided.

All thoughts, in this brief moment, disappeared and turned into nothingness.

“My family, I’m looking for it, fear God, I’ll kill, my destiny, I’ll carry it, my future … I’m the master!”

She has a thousand words, she has deep feelings, she has unlimited thinking, and finally there is only one sentence left on the paper …

“I am gone.”

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