Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1035


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“It’s over.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the temple of the True God below and exhaled for a long time.

The whole temple of the True God of Black is directly reduced to nothingness.

The flames burned and the earth melted.

The entire Black Gold Plain has been completely transformed into a spiritual extinction.

“Interracial …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the scene in front of him, even if he dealt with some cave dwellers, there was still a slight shake in his heart.

However, this shaking continued for a moment, and the scene he saw when he first appeared in Xiyanzhou appeared in his mind.

At that time, the army of the four True Gods of the Grottoes swept across Xiyanzhou, ignoring how much damage was caused to the entire Xiyanzhou, and hundreds of millions of humans were killed in that disaster.

As a result of the disaster, the wives are separated and the homeless are innumerable, which cannot be measured in billions.

Compared to the miserable state of Xiyanzhou at that time, the Black Gold Plain with the number of burrows in front of you that does not exceed 10,000,000 even counted as being completely uprooted?

The death and injury of 10,000,000 cave dwellers is less than 10% of the catastrophe damage suffered by humans in Xiyanzhou.

Not to mention, how many human beings have died in the disaster caused by the cave dwellers after the collision of the two worlds again and again because of the closest proximity between the cave dwellers and the heaven and wasteland?

Being kind to the cave people is cruel to the human race.

“The only way to solve the threat of the cave dwellers to the human world and bring peace to the human world is to eliminate the cave dwellers fundamentally, although I am weak alone and do not have the ability to cut the cave dwellers. The ability to kill everything, but at least, I can do my best to weaken the strength of the cavemen, so that the cavemen no longer have the strength to launch war against the humans of the heaven and wasteland. “

Faith in Baili Qingfeng’s eyes gradually became firmer.

Under this Faith, his God ’s will seems to be a little strengthened.

The unity of knowledge and action is effective!

This is the only way to enhance the will of God.

Baili Qingfeng Uphold the peaceful Faith to eliminate the cave dwellers, so that the cave dwellers no longer have the ability to launch an invading human world war, so that Tianhuang Realm will not have to worry about being harassed by the cave dwellers for a long time, This is the unity of knowledge and action and its effectiveness.

In this case, his will of God is strengthened, which is entirely reasonable.


Next Baili Qingfeng Concentrates One’s Mind wipes out the True God of Black.

Compared to the last time that War True God was wiped out, his spirit was split into 256 at the moment, although 90% of the extra 128 spirits have not yet grown to Refining Spirit Ten Peak Peak, it is reasonable to say that he It should be much easier to wipe out the True God of darkness.

However, the fact is that his efficiency in destroying the black True God is significantly slower.

The reason is that in addition to dealing with the Black True God, the Star River that Spirit World transformed him, Wu Shuo waited for the remaining will of Demi-God to be included in the Star River, and he was equivalent to At the same time, one True God and the top ten Demi-God are being wiped out.

Due to the interference of these ten Demi-Gods, the True God of Black, which could be wiped out in a day or two, insisted that it fell completely until the fourth day.

With his fall, the brand of his will completely disappeared. Tens of kilometers away seemed to be caught in an inexplicable sorrow. It seemed to use this emotion to put an end to the future of the cave dwellers.

After four days of buffering, the horrific heat of extinction that flooded the black gold plain gradually dissipated.

Because the nuclear fusion radiation is much smaller than that of nuclear fission, and the members of the Void Knights took the blood essence of Legendary, after the enhancement of the blood essence of Legendary, each individual is not inferior to Level 9 martial artist, At this time, they can come to the Black Gold Plain and collect as much treasure and resources as possible.

“What a great strength this is.”

Walking on this still hot land, the members of the void Knight group each and everyone are born with awe in their hearts.

“This is the strength of the True God Your Majesty of the nothingness … If this strength comes to our heaven and earth, any city will be directly erased!”

Another Knight followed with a sigh.

The Heijin Plain has nearly ten thousand square kilometers.

This is the most elite area in the whole Xuantie Mountain Grotto World.

But now, there is no place in this area that can allow people to survive. With a radius of nearly 10,000 square kilometers, without knowing how many times the nihilism attack, there are no surviving cavemen. One.

As for those palaces, lofts, houses, gardens, more than half of them are raze to the ground.

Even if some towers are still alive, they are still burning under the fire.

It is estimated that after the flame is completely extinguished, the complete house will not be saved.

“We are very fortunate that the void True God Your Majesty is the True God of our human beings … the Guardian God of our heavens …”

Another Knight said.

His words made everyone in the field take it seriously.

Next, they also gave birth to a kind of hard to describe pride.

A kind of pride that Baili Qingfeng was born in Tianhuang Realm, and they, fortunately, became members of Baili Qingfeng, a group of True God Your Majesty Knight.

Under such pride, their belief and respect for Baili Qingfeng reached an unprecedented peak.

The direct change brought about by this peak is that Baili Qingfeng’s perception of them has increased.

Especially among several well-know figures, he even has a feeling that if he wants, he can pass a portion of his Strength to those Knight within the body, thus controlling their actions like controlling incarnation.

“Is this the principle of True God incarnation?”

Baili Qingfeng, who is summing up his battle gains and losses, glanced at the void Knights: “However, if I really want to pass Strength to the Knight within the body, the wear and tear along the way is extremely great. For this reason, Often, only True God with a lot of believers and a large number of believers can afford this consumption … “

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng suddenly looked at himself within the body, the ring-shaped magnetic field that fell into silence …

Energy transfer used to be extremely expensive in the past, even one out of ten?

He seems to have excess energy now?

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng still suppressed the idea of ​​trying to come up with an incarnation.

He always feels that it is a disrespect for others’ privacy to put his will on others and make the other party temporarily his own incarnation.

Therefore, unless there are special circumstances, such as the life and death of the Knight, he will not interfere too much even if the life and words and deeds of the other party are not.


The time flickers and then three days.

In three days, Baili Qingfeng wandered around Xuan Tie Mountain, using Wang Yuanshu and Sword Technique to kill the Legendary cavemen who survived, and the members of the Void Knight group were burned into ruins. The black gold plains of the country continue to collect available materials.

However, Baili Qingfeng destroyed the Black Temple and the Black Gold Plains so thoroughly that the value of the materials that he barely collected was not as good as 20% of the Blood Temple.

For a time Baili Qingfeng had to regret returning with Constantine and the others, crossing the channel and back to the surface.

As soon as he reached the surface, Baili Qingfeng immediately felt the breath of two Demi-Gods and a High Level Legendary.

“Great True God Your Majesty.”

After sensing Baili Qingfeng’s appearance, the two Demi-God and the High Level Legendary immediately came together, with respect on their faces.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the High Level Legendary, but recognized it: “Are you … the messenger of the Frostland Kingdom? It seems to be called Yuanlu?”

The High Level Legendary was somewhat flattered and said: “I can’t think of the great nothingness True God Your Majesty remember me.”

“Remember, emptying tactics is good.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the two Demi-Gods.

“Shuangze Kingdom, Shuangqi, Shuangyuan, have seen Your Majesty. We are here to thank Your Majesty.”

Shuang Yuan said, glanced at the passage connecting the Xuantieshan Grottoes World, sincerely said: “Xuantieshan Grottoes World is different from other cave worlds, but it is the base of the Black Temple, which has the Zen Demi- God, a lot of Legendary, if we were not afraid of a trifling Xuan Tie Mountain when our north was strong decades ago, even when we learned that they had Legendary with more than three digits and Demi-God with more than two digits, There will be a great Your Majesty who personally leads the army to sweep and empty its slaughter, but we were in great trouble in the Northland decades ago. There are only 29 of the 29 honorable Your Majesty, and they are suffering from injuries. I can only watch them sit up and send guards to prevent them from taking advantage of the weakness of the northern countries to kill the surface. Now Your Majesty clears the people of the Xuantieshan Caves … and relieves us of a scourge. “

Speaking of this, he and another Demi-God Frost Qi, High Level Legendary Yuanlu, and all Frost Kingdom soldiers guarding this passage at the same time respected saluted: “Thank you Majesty for your justice, we Frost Ze Kingdom will always be a friend of Your Majesty. In the future, Your Majesty will be instructed that as long as we can do this, we will never give up half a point. “

“You are welcome.”

Baili Qingfeng humbly waved his hand: “I wiped out these cave dwellers just for the safety of the sky federation that ’s all.”

“In any case, Your Majesty helped us a lot in the Frostland Kingdom, so that we are not threatened by the True God of Black Iron Mountain and the many Demi-God and Legendary under him. It is a fact that our Frostland Kingdom up and down against Your Majesty is very grateful. ”

Shuang Yuan said, beckoned, someone soon handed over a box, respectfully said: “I heard that Your Majesty is collecting the sacred spirit, and our Kingdom of Suzawa ca n’t thank you. Twenty six sacred spirits, these are regarded as our gratitude to Your Majesty for destroying Xuan Tie Mountain and bringing us peace of thanks for the frost nation. “

“Twenty six holy spirits?”

Baili Qingfeng was stunned.

Somehow he does n’t understand the thoughts of the senior officials of the Shuangze Kingdom.

How come the gift came suddenly, and sent out six of the divine spirits in one breath?

When is the Frost Ze Kingdom so generous?

But …

“Reactive power is not affected by Lu. Although I really need these sacred spirits, they cannot be taken away in vain …”

Baili Qingfeng paused said: “Well, although True God has been hiding in his own Divine Kingdom on the ground so that I accidentally put his Divine Kingdom on the ground when he was beheaded, but in I still found some valuable things in that ruined Divine Kingdom. I will exchange these things with you for the divine spirit. “

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