Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1030


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A day later.

Baili Qingfeng long let out a long breath.

“Finally wiped out.”

He has to feel emotionally. True God ’s will is more resilient than Demi-God.

This power comes from the believers ’continuous support for them.

If the life value is used to describe the will of God, the health value of Demi-God is one hundred, the health value of True God is about three hundred, and Baili Qingfeng can consume their ten health points for each star collapse. .

For Demi-God, ten star collapses can almost exhaust his health.

However, True God with the support of the believer is equivalent to that someone is always returning blood to him, and his own star annihilation kills his ten points of life, and the believer immediately brings him back nine points, in this case. It is more than a dozen times harder to compare the will of a True God to Demi-God.

“Fortunately, although my resilience is not good, I have conceived a large number of” stars “. With the endurance provided by the quantity, in the end, I still insisted to the end.”

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t help but feel relieved.

“Believers …”

Baili Qingfeng felt the vague prayer, and he was very subtle about this kind of magic.

“What is strength of Faith? Is n’t there a great god who wrote a book describing the principle among believers, strength of Faith, and the will of God?”

Baili Qingfeng is puzzled.

The reason he can be so smooth on the cultivation road is not because of how good his Innate Talent is, nor how high his perception is, but because of his learning ability.

He deeply realizes his shortcomings. Compared to those real geniuses, he is an ordinary person who relies on reading a lot and transforming knowledge into strength to achieve today’s achievements.

Because of this, he did n’t relax himself for a moment, and when he had a chance, he paid close attention to reading, studying, and enriching himself.

Just now …

It seems that there is no written knowledge to explain things like faith.

Even from Earth World, who has a World as a foundation of knowledge, he has not found any books that can explain this phenomenon …

“Wait a minute …”

At this time, Baili Qingfeng seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up slightly: “It may not be that there is no book that can explain this phenomenon … there is actually a principle that can explain 99% of the phenomena in the universe, that is the law of universality. ——Quantum mechanics! ”

Quantum entanglement!

True God ’s will and the strength of Faith can actually be described by quantum entanglement.

In quantum mechanics, when several particles interact with each other, because the properties possessed by each particle have been integrated into a whole property, it is impossible to describe the properties of each particle alone, but only the property of the whole system. The phenomenon is quantum entanglement or quantum entanglement.

In one sentence, the existence of “Void True God” can actually be seen as another body of each and everyone. All particles pray to the characteristic of “Void”, which makes them show the characteristic of “Void” , Which is the overall nature of each particle.

It’s just that this “whole nature” is in his Baili Qingfeng’s hands and can be used by him.

“Probably this is the reason.”

Baili Qingfeng clapped his hands.

Sure enough, quantum mechanics are omnipotent.

“I think, therefore I am, when a human thinks, it produces an energy. This energy is shallowly referred to as brain waves, and deeper it is” observer “energy. Brain waves are generated by the same whole Resonance, and then captured by the “Void True God”, used to strengthen itself, and then became the powerful root of True God …… All together. “

Baili Qingfeng has a clear comprehension on his face.

Like an emperor who is in charge of killing hundreds of millions of people, he clearly belongs to the flesh and blood like an ordinary person, but because of the will of hundreds of millions of people blessing him, his heart is angry and exudes power. Enough to make ordinary person shiver coldly.

Even if some timid people are so glared by him, the body will produce a lot of adrenal hormones, causing the blood pressure to rise instantaneously, beyond the ability of blood vessels to withstand, and then causing bleeding of important vital organs such as brain, heart and kidney, and death on the spot.

This can also be regarded as a strength of Faith application at some level.

After destroying the god of war, Baili Qingfeng rested for a long time.

Looking at the split 256 spirits, he also felt a headache.

As the spirit splits more and more, the amount of resources he spends to cultivate these spirits to Tenfold Peak is also as the tide rises, the boat floats, although he has discovered a new cultivation material—Holy The spirit, even a divine spirit, can simultaneously moisturize several spirits to Refining Spirit Ten Peak Peak, but …

He scraped away the holy spirits accumulated by the entire empire of stars for many years, but only got dozens of copies, and these holy spirits are helping him to raise all 128 spirits to ten peaks, and reserve a little more for After Xiaozhu, there are only 14 left.

Fourteen Holy Spirits …

Want to moisturize the newly split 128 spirits to Refining Spirit Ten Peak Peak, which is obviously not enough.

“There are still thirty vacancies of the Holy Spirit.”

Baili Qingfeng made a little calculation, and his eyes fell to the direction of the temple of the war god hundreds of kilometers away.

The best way to eliminate war is to eliminate war in the cradle, and not allow one of them to have the ability to start war.

As a True God, the God of War, even if it is a True God that will be plundered by the gods of the North every once in a while, the savings and heritage they still possess are not imaginable by any Human Kingdom.

Especially …

several decades ago, after the field god led the northern gods to the Middle-earth World, it has been a long time since the northern kingdoms were organized to come to the underground world to fight the autumn wind. There should be a lot of treasure on the war god site. Yes.

If these treasures fall into the hands of believers of the God of War, it will not take long for them to grow up with these treasures, become a Legendary, Demi-God, and even be promoted to the new God of War.

And once the new war god appears, the wars of the Heavenly Waste Realm and the Dark Rock will surely start again. When the time comes, I do n’t know how many people will be scattered in the war and their families will be destroyed.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, in order to avoid the recurrence of war between the heaven and earth world and the cave world and cause unnecessary sacrifices, for the two places to maintain peace and coexist for a long time …

He must take away many treasures in the war temple.

At this point, the arc at Baili Qingfeng ’s feet flickered, and his figure rose into the sky, skimming the sky.

But within tens of minutes, a mountain appeared in Baili Qingfeng’s field of vision.

The special environment of the Underground World ca n’t create mountains. The mountains in front of us are said to be peaks. It ’s better to say that they are huge blocks of stone, but each of these huge rocks is at least 100 meters high, and there are many in number. There is a sense of standing in the mountains.

Baili Qingfeng ’s gaze immediately fell to the tallest of those giant stone peaks.

This huge stone is more than 300 meters high and nearly 100 meters in diameter. It seems that most of the cavemen who have been dug by Mastery have been hollowed out. He can even see many stairs winding up.

The most conspicuous thing is that on the top of this boulder, stands a huge temple, which is as high as fifty-sixty meters, looks magnificent and magnificent, compared with the domain temple of the empire of stars. .

“The temple of the god of war … this is it …”

Baili Qingfeng carries a deafening sky-splitting sound, as if thunderbolt generally broke the speed of sound and landed on the square in front of the temple.

The temple at this moment is full of uneasiness.

The kind of Heaven and Earth and compassion when the god of war was wiped out are far away, but the devotees and fanatics who belong to the god of war can still sense the grief that spirit has lost.

Baili Qingfeng now brings the will of the god who just broke through, but still can’t converge perfectly. Many cave people in the temple shattered and fled.

Of course, a large number of believers who were zealous for the god of war rushed out, ignoring the huge gap between them, shouted in their mouths, and launched a decisive charge against Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng took out the Legendary field, killing these rebels one after another.

Although these moth flies into the flame are all diggers and Inhumans, their behavior still makes Baili Qingfeng move.

“Sure enough, my decision is right. With the hatred of these cave dwellers against human beings, if they are really allowed to grow up, they will retaliate against the new born in the world of heaven and earth in the future, so I will move all the resources of the war temple. Going, letting them grow up, and not giving them the opportunity to start the war, is entirely for the sake of peaceful coexistence between the two places. “

Baili Qingfeng thought to take out the country of the field.

For a time, it was like Divine Kingdom manifested on the ground. Within the area of ​​1000 meters, it was covered by Divine Kingdom on the ground.

All hatred is hard to dispel, and the devout and fanatical believers to the god of war are cleared by one after another.

While clearing the rebels, Baili Qingfeng has come to a treasure house in the deepest part of the war temple.

The treasure house is built on the side of the palace where the god of war lives and cultivates daily, and is guarded by the god of war himself.

But now the god of war is dead, and all the materials in the treasure house are seized by Baili Qingfeng.

“There are not many holy spirits, there are only twelve copies … But … there are not many kinds of god gold, and the number of red god steel exceeds one thousand kg …”

Baili Qingfeng turned around for an hour and quickly understood the proceeds from this treasure house.

Although there are a lot of things, there are not many good things, and the value is even worse than the secret of the Star Empire, but it is richer than the treasure trove of the Star Empire.

“It is not difficult to sell some of these resources that are not needed, and then trade with the six kingdoms of the Northland for 30 copies of the Holy Spirit …”

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t help but have a slight meal after getting this data.

With thirty holy spirits, he can undoubtedly split 256 spirits into 512, but …

To divide the 256 spirit cultivations from the split into the Refining Spirit Shige Peak ……

The resource vacancies required are even greater.

For a time, Baili Qingfeng could not help but think of the True God of Black ……

After learning of his weakness, the God of War wants to launch war against the Heaven and Wasteland, as does the True God of Black.

In addition, he is now in the Grotto World …

Come all here.

Simply …

Go to the Black True God Temple again.


(In case of indecision, quantum mechanics.)

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