Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1027

Several ups and downs, Baili Qingfeng has already chased behind the god of war …

“hong long long!”

At this moment, a strong breath came from the sky Ascending at the end, and rolling at a very fast speed.

Among these breaths, there are strengths and weaknesses.

Even the powerful ones are inferior to the Demi-Gods such as Holy Star Dust and Holy Star Yao, two of which are closer to God ’s incarnation that God of Death dropped, and the weaker That energy fluctuation is also not bad, barely a Legend Level number.

Although Legend Level is less of a threat to him, but it ca n’t stand a large number, Baili Qingfeng feels a little bit and finds that there are hundreds of Legend Level breaths.

“Demi-God !? Holy Spirit!?”

Baili Qingfeng looked up.

At this time, he found out that he had already chased the area less than one hundred kilometers away from the war temple.

Hundreds of Holy Spirit and the Demi-God of the Twelfth National Congress …

most likely is the accumulation of Divine Kingdom on the land of war gods over the years.

“It ’s not a fight, it ’s a call, and True God is no different from those of the Martial Dao Sect Master ……” , Demi-God army, but his face is not at all any fear.

This is the war between him and the god of war.

war itself does not mean individual to individual, but a force against any force.

If you want to completely eliminate war and usher in peace, you must completely destroy and destroy the opponent ’s forces, so that they do not have the foundation to fight again and usher in peace.


The distance between the two is getting closer.

It seems to realize that his men have finally arrived, and the god of war, who is running the secret arts, has finally stopped again.

His eyes turned to Baili Qingfeng: “No matter what you are, I would like to see, when will your strength be able to persist!”

After finishing the talk, he Divine light was on the body, and bright radiance went straight to the sky, instantly covering more than one hundred and 40 Holy Spirit and 12 Demi-God who swept through.

Under the rendering of this layer of divine light, the breath of every Holy Spirit is crazy skyrocketing, although not directly promoted to High Level Legendary, but without exception, there is a trace of magic breath.

The existence of these magical techniques makes them harm even if they are used to confront True God, not to mention Baili Qingfeng a High Level Legendary.


After the god of war blessed all Holy Spirit and Demi-God with the group gain status, the right hand suddenly waved.

The Holy Spirits formed a battle front. Under the leadership of Demi-God and even the god of war, they went straight to Baili Qingfeng to kill.

“zi zi!”

The current burst.

Baili Qingfeng ’s Electromagnetic Sword Technique shoots three swords in succession, not only shoots a Demi-God and three Holy Spirit bodies, but the unrelenting strength is the god who shot the god of war Body, blasted half of his god body into blood mist, and flew out involuntarily.

Shooting three swords in succession, the remaining Demi-God has already carried the Holy Spirits to Baili Qingfeng.

Even if they witnessed the power of Baili Qingfeng who defeated the god of war, these Holy Spirit and Demi-God did not flinch.

“For my Lord!”

“Glory is my life!”

“Burning Courage!”

All Holy Spirit The Demi-Gods are fanatical, inspiring their strength to the extreme, and incarnation under the traction of divine magic as a sun war chariot, carrying Faith straight forward, it seems to be crushing all the creatures blocking them in front of them Into the powder.

Baili Qingfeng shoots three swords in succession, destroying three “sun war chariot” formed by the combination of battle formation and divine art, but the remaining battle formations still carry the roar of trampling the void, and His body fiercely bumped together!

“bang! bang! bang!”

In an instant, Baili Qingfeng felt as if he was hit by a truck at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and his body was under the force of that terrifying shock It was hit by a distance of 100 meters.

Although the Holy Spirit who was the first to collide with him was also directly transformed into powder under the anti-seismic strength, the body of Holy Spirit shattered, but …

In the god of war With the support of a large amount of Holy Spirit, he was pulled from the Divine Kingdom on the ground dozens of kilometers away, and injected into the Holy Spirit who shattered his body, so that their body was reshaped in less than a few seconds. .

“There are too many … must be cleared … but the god of war will be in the vicinity. In case he is also cleared, the true divine essence will be gone …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the god of war. For a time, the power of the toroidal magnetic field ran to the extreme, and the continuous energy was injected into the body, making the golden flames of him all over.

“hong long long!”

With a circle of electric arcs exploding, his figure rushed out of the surrounding circle of many Holy Spirit and Demi-God under electromagnetic ejection Go straight to the god of war.

The god of war must be forced back!

“courting death!”

The god of war screamed, and the voice was full of shocking Divine Power.

If it is replaced by an ordinary Legendary, I am afraid that with such a sharp drink of will, it will be able to deter it from standing still and daring not to move.

At the time of anger, the god of war has his hands wide open, and his body is like a big bow that was pulled apart. When Baili Qingfeng killed 100 meters in front of him, his fist was like an arrow, and he shot out , The space in front of fist strength is directly exploded by this devastating Strength …

“Not good!”

Baili Qingfeng complexion changed, originally intended to use Sword Technique to push him back immediately behind his sword, turning into an attack!

But even so, when the fist strength exploded by the god of war volleying on the horizontal sword, the strength of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood still used this Demi-God Artifact class Divine Weapon Break, the remaining Strength explodes on the frost god armor of his body with thunderbolt power!


A wave of naked eye visible sweeps all directions!

Even with the invincibility of the Frost God Armor, under this violent fist strength, a fist print collapsed, and the through-strength penetration penetrated his body, constantly destroying his Internal organs, let his mouth spurt blood spit out.

And his figure is like a shell hit by the fist under this fist, hitting the ground heavily, smashing countless rocks, and plowing out a trench of several dozen meters long.

“This kind of Strength …”

Baili Qingfeng watched as many Demi-Gods and Holy Spirits forming a battle line followed him to death, there were many The trend of hiring him to death.

Especially the god of war, a terrifying magic is already brewing!

Even True God has to spend some time preparing for the magic, you can imagine to what extent might power might be forced.

“True God …… such horror!”

Baili Qingfeng sighed, and his face was full of heartache.

“The mouth vomits blood, the sword is cut off in the air, and even the frost god armor is destroyed … The blood has no return …”

With deep loneliness, Baili Qingfeng spirit inspire.

The river system manifests, and the star force field from the double moon world pulls in …

Countless elements of “deuterium” and “tritium” break away under the terrible gravity pressure , Synthesis of heavy nuclei, a large number of neutrons began to be released, and the terrifying energy storm was almost completed in an instant.

Preparing divine art to expect Baili Qingfeng ’s instinct of war to instinctively perceive a have one’s hair stand on end, but before he had time to accelerate the release of the divine art, bright radiance , Blooming instantly …

The ray of rays of light cannot be described in words.

Even though the god of war is True God, when he looked directly at the rays of light, he was blind for an instant.

Before he had time to figure out what these lights were, God ’s will was already madly warning!

“Retreat! quickly retreat!”

The god of war roared loudly and his will was violently shaken.

But …

If he had one’s hair stand on end when he felt the sudden retreat, he might be able to avoid the rays of light of the swallowing the world, But now …

The horror heat and flames sweeping through the rays of light swell in an instant, flooding the entire Heaven and Earth, swallowing the god of war, the Demi-God of the twelve congregations, and hundreds of Holy Spirit .

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