Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1025

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As Baili Qingfeng gains momentum, the figure of the god of war is getting closer and closer …

Two hundred kilometers, 150 kilometers, one hundred kilometers, fifty kilometers … …

The closer the two are, the stronger the coercion contained in the god of war. With the guidance of this coercion, Baili Qingfeng does not even need the telescope to assist in aiming.

“Human …”

The will, mixed with infinite anger, oscillates into the void and rolls in.

Along with the god of war appearing at the end of the sky is more than six meters high, and the body is filled with golden radiance, a silhouette like a golden statue.

True God’s body!

This is the real body of God!

Every cell contains a terrifying energy response, and every drop of blood contains an infinite strength. Their actions, words and deeds can cause a storm in the bimonthly world.

If you go to the world of low energy level such as Tianhuangjie, because the low energy will dilute the high energy level, it will soon cause a storm and cause a huge natural disaster.

Baili Qingfeng stared at the god of war and sincerely expressed emotion for the power of True God.

But …

He is also a bit strange.

“It seems that the bodies of True God surpassing True God and True God of Changsheng are only three or four meters in height. Are n’t the cave dwellers originally short? The god body is so tall?”

Although puzzled, his movements did not show any delay.


The electric arc explodes!

Flying Sword with six handles penetrates the void at the same time, and shoots at the god of war, which is in the Storm Core 30 kilometers away.

Without divine art, there is no violent energy response.

The characteristic of Electromagnetic Sword Technique is fast.

With extremely fast speed, combined with the sturdiness of its own equipment, it forms a strength of no stronghold one cannot overcome, which penetrates all materials that can penetrate.

Especially for these six swords, Baili Qingfeng spent a lot of time accumulating power, and the formidable power climbed to the peak of Peak.

Even in the special environment such as the two-moon world, when the six flying Swords whizzed out, the speed still reached an amazing sixteen times the speed of sound.

sword light is empty.

Although the god of war reacted, but …

Thirty kilometers, for Flying Sword up to sixteen times the speed of sound, within seconds.

As the pride of True God, the God of War was reluctant to flinch in the face of a mortal attack. When the first Flying Sword shot, his almost transformed into a Divine Kingdom-like field on the ground Under repression, under the influence of the will of God, it seems to manifest magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, aiming at the Flying Sword shot by Baili Qingfeng to launch a desperate charge …

“bang ”

The moment when the two strengths collided, the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses was torn by Flying Sword carrying terror kinetic energy, and the edge of the sword edge was quickly shot towards the god of war. Here.

This scene finally made the God of War look a little different.

As he stretched out the flicked the fingers, the streamer exploded, and the Flying Sword, which tore the realm of God, was instantly flicked and shocked into the void.

But this is just the beginning.

After the first flying Sword is shot, the second, third, and fourth flying Swords follow …

Although none of these Flying Swords can He touched the body of the war god, but he had torn a piece of his field, and every flying Sword was getting closer and closer to him.

The first flying Sword was flicked by him, the second flying Sword was deflected by his volley, and by the third flying Sword, he already had a battle blade in his hand.

When the fourth handle Flying Sword hits, the speed of his knife obviously becomes rushed, and the fifth handle Flying Sword forces him to capture with his left hand and will shoot one meter in front of him Flying Sword’s tight handshake.

But even so, he still did not block the sixth handle Flying Sword.

Flying Sword collided head-on with the golden god armor he was wearing, leaving a sword mark on the golden god armor on the spot. several hundred meters.


At this moment, the expression of war True God finally became dignified.

As he lifted the sword in his hand …

The Flying Sword of Baili Qingfeng is here again.

The King of Flames completed his sword-making mission perfectly. Although these Flying Swords may not be called real Demi-God Artifact, when it comes to quality, let alone Demi-God Artifact , Even compared to Divine Item, which is not famous for its solidity.

At least, if Baili Qingfeng uses Jianshen Mirror to resist these Flying Sword ’s electromagnetic Sword Technique, the final thing is definitely Jianshen Mirror instead of Flying Sword.

This kind of sturdy, fierce, and well-guided Flying Sword brings a total of thirty handles. The six handles that were shot in one breath are only responsible for tearing the defense of the god of war with thunderbolt Crack, the rest …

is the real trick.

Seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth …

Jianxiao streamer.

Although the subsequent Flying Sword speed, such as at first, can reach sixteen times the speed of sound, it floats between ten and twelve times.

Furthermore, with the continuous shooting of Flying Sword, both Baili Qingfeng and War God are consciously narrowing the distance between the two. Therefore, Flying Sword shot at ten to twelve times the speed of sound, deterring Sex is not much worse than the six flying Swords shot previously.

In this case, faintly resembles an ordinary person holding a semi-automatic sniper rifle, aiming at a Martial Master holding a battle knife …

The gunman keeps Shooting, and the Martial Master holding the knife will perform his Blade Technique vividly and thoroughly …

Although the Blade Technique expert cannot cut the bullet of the sniper gun with every knife, fortunately He also worked on the enhanced version of the Golden Bell Cover, so it didn’t matter if he shot two shots in the upper middle.

However …

With the passage of time, when the distance between the two is getting closer and closer, the probability of the war god being shot by Flying Sword has been greatly increased.

In the nineteenth word light Tearing the Void, the Strength with Thunderbolt was exploded on his body, and the golden set of armor on his body was finally overwhelmed and shattered.

The shrine shattered, and the twentieth sword light followed, and in a flash he pierced his god body …


blood mist!

“You ca n’t do this anymore!”

The god of war has a chilling light in his eyes.

The almost exploded body was quickly reshaped by the will of God.

At the same time, the mighty divine force burned on him.


When Baili Qingfeng’s 21st handle and 22th handle Flying Sword were killed, the god of war suddenly shot golden light all over him, and the whole person seemed to be incarnation For a strong sun.

rays of light is not only full of human vision, but also their spirit. Under the rendering of Strength, Baili Qingfeng even gave birth to a method that does not care about right or wrong, regardless of life and death, and discards all means. Taking up the sword, the urge to charge with flesh and blood.

“Sacred Art?”

The bright stars in Baili Qingfeng spirit World!

Faith within the Will Core is surging …

Equality, justice, friendliness, integrity …

Under this Faith, that You can abandon everything for glory, and even disregard right or wrong, and the will to disregard right and wrong is quickly dispelled.

At the same time as he dispelled this strength, he had already noticed that the god of war was carrying it in front of him with the mighty power.

As he fell, Baili Qingfeng felt as if he was in a devastating torrent composed of magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. No matter how he dodges, he will be hit by iron hooves Crushed into powder.

“It really is the will of war!”

The idea flashed through Baili Qingfeng’s mind.

generally speaking, human beings, with their own strength, cannot fight against the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

But …

Martial artist can.

As long as he did n’t have the supreme powerhouse, he dared to go alone and block the gates of the Blood Wolf City with tens of thousands of people. In other words, this kind of carrying the magnificent army with thousands of men The will of war formed by the trend of and horses …

In fact, not at all is commendable.

It ’s just that it takes more time to kill it.

At this point, the spirit of Baili Qingfeng becomes clear.

“The best way to sharpen your will is to confront each other head-on, using desperate situation, oppression, and even death to stimulate your potential, thereby letting yourself break through!”

Baili Qingfeng spirit shocked, the will seems to be transformed into a sword that cuts through all obstacles under the layers of grinding, and the Faith and the will of the god of war, fiercely, collide with each other with a Faith and martyrdom.

“Let me see, how big is the gap between me and True God!”


Heng Kongjian and war God’s slashed swords crashed!

One is the mighty prestige wrapped in the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, the other is the invincible momentum that goes straight forward, the moment of the collision of the swords, the foothold between the two is blasted Explode, the square hundred meters sink at the same time, and the shock wave formed by the pressure of the air swept through wantonly, twisting the flowers and trees within 1000 meters into powder.

Strength ’s formidable power …

It ’s not inferior to hundreds of tons of explosives detonating at the same time!

Baili Qingfeng at the center of the confrontation clearly feels that under the opponent ’s knife, the violent knife and knife almost suppressed the strength of the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, and even the knife and knife suppressed the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration. Technique tears and cuts heavily on his body, causing the Frost God Armor to violently oscillate.

Apart from this, the penetrating Strength also penetrates the Frost God Armor, filling his body, if not because his physical strength is also out of the ordinary, I ’m afraid it has to be disabled to bear mouth Spit blood.

“This is the strength of True God!”

Baili Qingfeng is awe-inspiring.

He had previously weakened the god of war, and he also blocked his sword with a horizontal sword, but the remaining Strength still kept shaking his internal organs without any protection. The opponent was slashed …

There is a frost god armor, I am afraid that it will be killed on the spot.

“No, it ca n’t be carried!”

Baili Qingfeng has to admit a little bit …

“Compared to True God ’s body, my Strength It ’s still a bit weak. ”

“What the hell are you!?”

The god of war is able to resist Baili Qingfeng, who ca n’t die to bear his eyes.

A human!

A realm who is clearly a High Level Legendary human can actually compete with his True God body! ?

“zi zi!”

The current burst!

Baili Qingfeng instantly opened the distance between the two with electromagnetic ejection, and at the same time …

Flying Sword with three handles appeared from behind him again …


“Not good!”

Complexion greatly changed in the god of war, the strength of the foot erupted, and it was as if the shells were rushing towards Baili Qingfeng. …

But …

“Head-on confrontation still won’t win True God.”

Baili Qingfeng sighed helplessly.

The arc is diffused and the word light is whistling …


The god ’s body of the war god was shot again.

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