Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1021

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Tianque Mountain Space Gate.

At this time, the Space Gate is actually an Old Acquaintance.

Ancestral Dragon Mountain white elephant dragon.

Although Bai Xianglong has not yet reached the point where he needs to use Space Gate ’s vitality to understand the field of Legendary, the efficiency of cultivation in the area of ​​Space Gate is obviously faster than other places. Because of this, he Abandoned Ancestral Dragon Mountain and enjoyed life comfortably and ran to Tianque Mountain.

Baili Qingfeng was also a little bit happy to see the white elephant dragon: “I am married sixty month next month, Master Baishan remembers when the time comes to have a glass of wine.”

“It must be certain, When the time comes, it must be there. “

Baixianglong was somewhat flattered.

“Yes, and Xiaoyu, I hope to rely on them to support me, and our Golden Twelve Star Palace members have n’t gathered for a long time. Time to get together. “

Baili Qingfeng said.

“when the time comes I must bring Xiao Yu to the scene.”

Bai Xianglong respectfully said.

“Well, I ’ll leave first.”

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand and stepped into the Space Gate.

After seeing Baili Qingfeng leave, several other distinguished Level 9 powerhouses, and even the retreat recognizing the mysterious supreme powerhouse in the field of Legendary, came up together, envying the face: “Ca n’t think of Baishan Lord and Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty is so deeply connected, Your Majesty actually invited you to come to his wedding … “

” I also took advantage of the opportunity to know his convenience when Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty was not fully Awakening That’s all, although I once sat down with Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty for dinner, talked to the sky, and even pointed out his martial arts cultivation base, but these not at all are commendable. “

Bai Xianglong said modestly, but the pride on his face could not be concealed.

“Eat and chat with Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty …”

“Instruct Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty …”


The eyes of each and everyone are full of wonder.


At this time everyone ’s topic protagonist Baili Qingfeng has crossed the Space Gate and went directly to the World of Caves.

I did n’t feel much before. At this moment, when I set foot in the World of Caves, Baili Qingfeng can obviously feel the harsh environment here.

Of course, if it is not the cave people who escaped to survive in these harsh environments, they will either be wiped out by the countries of the North, or they will be wiped out by the Fierce Beast entrenched in the wild mountains and wild mountains.

Compared to genocide, the hardship of living and living is nothing.

“The Grotto World should now be in its heyday, with four True Gods and hundreds of millions of people … oh, there are only two True Gods left now …”

Different True Gods live in different burrows in the World, but where is it, Baili Qingfeng has no idea.

Thus, after thinking for a moment, he quickly recognized a direction, strode meteor, and went straight in that direction.

Without a day, Baili Qingfeng has arrived in a mountain and river.

The mountain and river is exactly the dry rock city where Baili Qingfeng and True God broke out after the fierce battle.

It ’s just that it has n’t happened in a while. This area has already changed. The mountains and rivers have been built directly into a temple, which looks magnificent and magnificent. It was originally only one of the dry border cities of Chishen. It has also undergone tremendous expansion and development, and has become one of the most famous super large cities in the World of Grottoes. The resident population has broken through seven figures, reaching more than 1.2 million people.

Know that the World of Caves is harsh and the number of people is scarce. It is similar to the city of Blood Wolf City with tens of thousands of cave people. Even if it is a big city, the former capital of the Red Ginseng country has a resident population of less than 200,000. From this point, we can see the development efficiency of Dry Rock City.

Baili Qingfeng stepped on the mountain and river, and stood on the high side to watch from afar, actually found a giant statue outside the dry rock city, the person who carved the statue …

It is the person who is wearing the storm torn Baili Qingfeng of Battle Armor.

Even if it is not a special holiday now, there are still thousands of cavemen worshipping all over the square where the statue is all around, mutter incantations in the mouth, begging the blessing of the great nothingness True God.

Seeing this scene, Baili Qingfeng relaxed a little: “It seems that this cave world has really changed itself. Although it is an alien, but knowing the mistakes can improve it. From now on, as long as You do n’t step into Tianhuang World, and I wo n’t beat your idea when Chenjin and Yaojin are lacking. ”

After all, collecting Chenjin and Yaojin is too slow, he might as well do some magic gold, Then proceed directly to the transaction, maybe the other party will deliver it to your door.

Baili Qingfeng ’s eyes stayed on the giant statue for a moment, as if he suddenly sensed something.

next moment, his spirit will be agitated, it seems to blur the communication of a mysterious Strength contained in the statue. At once, the statue radiates a bright fluorescent light, illuminating all the squares of 1000 meters.

All the cave dwellers irradiated with fluorescent light felt that their bodies were filled with infinite strength. Some of them directly advanced from soldier breakthrough to elite warrior, and even grew from elite warrior to cave man warrior.

This abrupt change quickly caused a commotion in the crowd, and countless cavemen shouted and knelt loudly: “Gods Vestige! Gods Vestige! This is Gods Vestige!”

“Great True God Your Majesty has come!”

In the shouts of these people, another special Strength moved towards statues condensed, and every Strength seems to contain their Faith and Appeal.

It’s just that these newly increased strengths are weaker than the previous layer of fluorescence entrenched in the statue.

“strength of Faith?”

Baili Qingfeng has some surprises: “My Will Core has not been transformed into the will of God, can I actually touch the strength of Faith?”

He observed for a moment and quickly reached a conclusion.

The reason why he can touch this strength of Faith is because the strength entrenched in the statue is too pure, so pure …

It seems to contain saints.

Furthermore, his utilization of this strength ca n’t be put on the table at all. Otherwise, the strength of Faith accumulated by millions of cave dwellers in the past few years will not only form a weak fluorescent cover. A few 1000 meters.

“Saints …”

Baili Qingfeng sensed carefully, and his eyes soon fell into the temple not far from the statue square.

Several silhouettes in the shrine also sensed something, and quickly came out from the inside, each and everyone expression was full of excitement.

Baili Qingfeng ’s guidance is not even needed. With the help of the saints and True God …

and the believers, he perceives Baili Qingfeng ’s location and quickly runs away Come over, with an unstoppable fanaticism on his face.

“Great Lord!”

A total of three cavemen quickly came to Baili Qingfeng, and after seeing his real body, all the people trembling slightly, Each and everyone knelt down quickly and kissed the ground in front of him: “Your humblest servant greets you …”

“I remember you.”

Baili Qingfeng He was nodded. This caveman was called Black Tooth. He had represented Blood Temple on his behalf.

Not seen for a few years, he has also grown to Half-Step Legend level.

“You are the Pope of this temple? It seems to be developing well.”

“The Great Lord … These believers are called by the glory of the Lord … … ”

Black tooth prostrate oneself in admiration said.

“I came here to inquire about the whereabouts of the god of war … the god of war is one of the four True Gods of the cave dwellers, also known as the god of courage and glory, you know his Where is it? “

” Know that, a few years ago, the god of courage and glory had launched a war against the rest of the Blood Temple and destroyed the rest of the Blood Temple. According to Pope Vlad of Temple Temple The God of Glory is in the Dark Rock, which is an extremely large underground World. If you want to go, you must borrow the human kingdom on the ground. “

” Tell me more about the path. “

Baili Qingfeng said.


The Black Tooth has no reservations, and the path to the Dark Rock will soon be made clear.

Baili Qingfeng who successfully got the specific route no longer stays, and will leave when he turns around.

However, seeing the pious black teeth still kneeling on the ground, considering the need to borrow their strength to prevent the appearance of the cave dwellers in the heaven and earth, he politely encouraged: “Good If you can guard the portal here, I can give you a true divine essence in the future, allowing you to unify this cave world. “

” Can be effective for Your Majesty, it is black The greatest honor for the life of the tooth. “

The black tooth is full of fanaticism.

Baili Qingfeng ignored it, waved his hand, and left under the sight of black teeth.

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