Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1018

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Star River Building.

When Shi Yiyi took Baili Qingfeng to the restaurant in the 19th layer of Building 5, a woman who looked up and down, dressed in a professional dress, and seemed to be very capable and swift, quickly welcomed her: “Teacher Welcome, Young Lady. “

Looking at the nameplate hanging on her chest, she is the restaurant manager.

“Mr. Xu, please arrange a position with better vision for us.”

“Of course no problem, division Young Lady …”

is called Manager Xu’s woman said that she couldn’t help looking at her side Baili Qingfeng.

Although Baili Qingfeng ’s dress was unremarkable, when she saw Baili Qingfeng, her brain was stunned, and there seemed to be a thunderbolt roar in her ears, making her Spirit World “weng weng” for a while. It sounded …

For three seconds, this manager Xu could n’t stand thinking in his place.

“Manager Xu?”

Until Shi Yiyi spoke again, the manager Xu was awakened from the shock.

“Teacher Young Lady … 100 … 100 miles … Your Majesty … Thank you for choosing … Choose … our restaurant … Your arrival will make us … ”

The manager Xu, who seemed to be quite swift and decisive a second ago, was already trembling at the moment, and it seemed that he didn’t even speak very neatly.

Obviously, she recognized Baili Qingfeng ’s identity.

“Manager Xu, please take us to the table.”

Shi Yiyi said it again.

“Yes yes!”

Manager Xu was shivered and finally woke up.

She secretly raised her head and looked at Baili Qingfeng, who stood beside Shiyiyi. There was nothing strange in her excitement. The whole body was shaking with excitement all over her body. Redness, as if drunk.

“Teacher Young Lady, Baili … Your Majesty, please come with me …”

She bowed down respectfully, emptied her hands and went straight The restaurant has always reserved the cream of the crop.

Walking towards the box, she also gestured to a service person.

The service staff saw the manager ’s lost self-control, and they also recognized the teacher Yiyi, the famous Xia city celebrity, and then heard what she called Baili Qingfeng. Eyes widened, Baili Qingfeng could not move away for a few seconds.

After she reacted, she hurried upstairs in a panic.

Baili Qingfeng actually came to their restaurant …

This matter must be reported to the general manager at the fastest speed.

Baili Qingfeng watched this Manager Xu lead himself directly to the box area, and after a few deliberations, said to the teacher Yiyi: “The box seems to have the lowest consumption … We just have dinner in the lobby Right. “

” Then … just arrange a place in the lobby. “

Teacher Yiyidao.

“Understood, I … I will arrange it for you …”

This manager Xu has been nodded again and again, and took them to the most spacious and best view location .

At the same time, the news of Baili Qingfeng’s arrival seems to be finally known to the upper classes.

The general manager who got the news was also ignorant for a few seconds. Immediately afterwards, he seemed to think of the huge influence that Baili Qingfeng might have at their restaurant. Immediately spirit immediately stood up and ordered: ” There is a sign suspending business at the door, and no more new guests will be received from now on. “

” In addition, from now on, all service personnel will go to work, serving each table of guests at the highest standard one-on-one , Can’t make any table guests dissatisfied! “

” The kitchen side contacts all the Peak ingredients that can be delivered at the fastest speed in Shaiya City. We will do our best to present the best for Your Majesty. Delicious! “

The general manager issued several orders at the same time.

“dīng líng líng!”

At the same time, the phone in front of him rang.

After he connected the phone, the voice of the chairman came quickly: “Old Wu, Your Majesty has come to our restaurant to eat?”

“Yes , I have made arrangements … “

” Good, we are on our way, I wo n’t say anything more, I can trust you! Can our restaurant be in the city of Shahia or even Shia? When the country hits, it depends on this time! “

” The chairman is assured that I will respond to this opportunity with 100% spirit! “

This general manager Hang up the phone and quickly go downstairs.


The atmosphere of the whole restaurant is rising winds, scudding clouds with the arrival of Baili Qingfeng. During the period, I do n’t know how many calls were made.

Countless people have such opportunities for their restaurant, and they can win Baili Qingfeng who rarely eats outside.

But for these, Baili Qingfeng himself does n’t feel much.

That ’s …

He clearly felt that other people looked at him more.

Although these people behave as naturally as possible, as usual, with the keen sense of Baili Qingfeng, they naturally see their eyes clearly.

Considering today ’s purpose, he still suppressed the idea of ​​taking the teacher Yiyi to a different place to eat.

Looking like the teacher Yiyi, it seems that she likes this restaurant very much, then follow her.

“Qingfeng, look at what you want to eat?”

“Come on, I can do it.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“That ’s good.”

Shi Yiyi looked at it, and quickly ordered two main dishes, a green vegetable and a bowl of soup and four dishes, and added a snack.

“Will there be more?”

Baili Qingfeng wants to say that two people eating five dishes is a waste.

But …

Teacher Yiyi is the mainstay today.

Moreover, he remembers that when men and women fall in love, the man should behave more generously.

So he suppressed this idea, and nodded with a smile to Shi Yiyi, who seemed to agree with her order.

“Qingfeng, the Black Tortoise fish here is very unique. Although I learned half a month with the chef in this shop, I still ca n’t learn the taste he made. You will try it later. Taste, I promise you will like it. “

Shi Yiyi smiled.

“Since you say it ’s delicious, it will definitely not be bad.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

When the two were chatting, the guests around all finally realized that the restaurant was coming to Baili Qingfeng. For a time, the quiet restaurant became quieter, and everyone was excited. At the same time, the respectful eyes secretly looked at Baili Qingfeng, and at the same time, the words and deeds became more cautiously, for fear of affecting your meal by Your Majesty because of their rudeness.

This restaurant serves food very quickly.

Ordering in less than ten minutes, two people who seem to be the top of the restaurant have accompanied the chef and the service staff to come to Baili Qingfeng and give an introduction to the dishes he served. Just serve and leave.

“The service attitude of this restaurant is very enthusiastic.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Is it affecting your meal? Let me talk to them.”

“No, we just use a normal meal, no specialization is needed.”


Baili Qingfeng Road.

Teacher Yiyi listened, nodded.

Baili Qingfeng ate something, and it did taste good.

Although he has eaten a lot of delicious food in Zhongxing City, due to the restriction of civilization development, the cuisine of Zhongxing City is worse than that of Xiaya City.

Of course, this is related to everyone’s taste.

He is accustomed to the taste of Xia Ya City, and then replaced with the taste of Zhongxing City. Even if the dishes over there are cooked well, it will invisibly be lower.

“Come on, Qingfeng, you try this dish.”

Shi Yiyi said, sandwiching a piece of fish with bone removed into the Baili Qingfeng bowl.

“No, I ’ll do it myself.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

During the dining room, he glanced at all around …

Although there were a few tables of guests, the atmosphere was very quiet …

Plus The decoration of the restaurant is quite unique, the spotless cleanup, and the soft and scattered lights make people look quite comfortable.

For a moment, he turned his head and glanced at a distance …

The height of nearly two hundred meters made him look towards the city of Xia Ya here, almost half The city of Xia Ya is included in the field of vision, especially the area of ​​the university city he is most familiar with and the longest he has lived in.

The entire university city is brilliantly lit, prosperous, and full of prosperity.

“Perfect World …”

Baili Qingfeng heartily sighed.

In order to achieve the glorious prosperity of peace, peace, and prosperity in front of him, he has traveled around the world for many years and has put in countless time and energy, and today …

All those words were finally done.

“The world is prosperous and full of laughter, and the wind is in June.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the face reflected on the glass window.

Although still looking young …

Dressing up is just like the student of the Shire University, but …

He is not like a teenager after all .

“Yiyi, we have known each other for five years now.”

Baili Qingfeng asked.

Shi Yiyi listened, slightly trembled, but soon said in a relatively calm and casual tone: “Well, the first time we met was on Moon Island, and from that time on, it was Five years and eight months. “

” More than five years … “

Baili Qingfeng glanced at her:” Over the years, you have taken care of you. “


“I am your life assistant, take care of you, shouldn’t it be?”

Shi Yiyi said with a faint smile.

“So what do you plan to do next?”


Shi Yiyi took a look at Baili Qingfeng. Without the previous shyness, plus her character itself has a really strong and unacceptable factor, so pretty face is raised: “Continue to take care of you, as long as you do n’t hate me one day I will drive me away, take care It ’s okay for you all your life. “

Baili Qingfeng was startled.

What should he export while he ’s still brewing, even …

Whether or not like the normal open mode of dating, first eat, then go to the movies, and then Then go shopping, give each other a little gift, and so on, and wait until the feelings are brewing, then make this request …

How now …

It seems to be directly to the Time for a showdown?

Is it too fast?

But now Yiyi has already spoken, plus he has already made a decision …

Although skipping the process of falling in love and accumulating feelings, but ……

It ’s more than five years of getting along with me, and I do n’t need it anymore. I feel that I can go on in the future and will not quarrel for the trivial things in life. According to Yiyi, to preserve her reputation, then …

Just do it.

Other, not important.

“Then …”

Baili Qingfeng picked up the tea in his hand and gave a toast to the teacher like a toast: “For the rest of your life, please take care.”

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