Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1012

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“Go …”

The teenager looked at Zhao Jiansheng and instinctively drove him away, but when he realized the strength of his Legend Level, his eyes flickered for a moment, but he still The irritability was depressed.


“Ai, Little Brother, do n’t go, True Immortal method if you think it ’s too difficult, I have other secrets here.”

Zhao Jiansheng said, and took out a book directly from the book.

One year Golden Core, three years Nascent Soul, five years Primordial Spirit, nine years Law Manifestation …

The young boy endured the discomfort in his heart, his voice said solemnly: “I want to cheat I ’m going to take care of you while I ’m away. ”

“ Cheater, Little Brother, ca n’t you talk nonsense, how can I lie to you? Although you are very talented, you are born holy … Of course, It may also be that a great character is hidden within the body and carry the Great Grandpa with me, but I can guarantee that the cultivation method I sell to you is definitely World Peak. I have taught nearly 3,000 people, and everyone has learned it. “

Juvenile complexion changed.

This old man …

Obviously just a Legendary, actually seeing that he is the body of Demi-God ’s will body possession?

Thinking of their current situation, once their only a fish that escaped the net is exposed, the future of the Imperial Family of the Stars Empire is truly ruined.

“No! The great god of the realm once again fell. Baili Qingfeng may come back at any time to kill all the members of the Imperial Family of the Imperial Family of Stars. Those who come down must learn to forbear, at least … leave the Star City first and then talk. “

Bright light glittering in the eyes of the teenager:” As long as I leave the Star City, I will hide the stars of our Imperial Family The treasure of the Treasure is unearthed again, or through the Records of Numerous Stars passed down from generation to generation to communicate with the astral world, the strength of all cultivation records of the Numerous Stars are received and use for oneself, to achieve battle strength Demi-God , Can quickly restore the vitality of the Imperial Family lineage … Before that … Let ’s follow this old man first, so as not to cause any movement, wait out of the city, be prepared, with the power of God ’s will, a Legendary … I have 90% certainty that I can kill him directly! “

The Empire of Stars ruled the North for thousands of years, and the end Deep, air transport sheng, a blessing for a trifling Baili Qingfeng can completely defeated in! ?

Thinking of this, this young man by Seize Body For Rebirth seems to finally show a touch of movement on his face: “Really so powerful?”

“Of course , My old Zhao never deceives people. “

” Well, my home is outside the city, you can teach me to practice first, if I am really bad, I will learn. “

” No problem, just walk around, we will start practicing now. “

Zhao Jiansheng said with a smile on his face:” I can’t think of the 3000th discipline I taught that there is such an Innate Talent, I believe you are treated After entering the path of Primordial Spirit, I became enlightened! “

Although he does not know what changes he will make when he becomes enlightened, he firmly believes that what is waiting for him must be an unprecedented brand new Heaven and Earth .



Baili Qingfeng and Baili Bamboo quickly arrived in the Star City over a Legendary bird with Divine Beast Bloodline.

With the emergence of the two of them, the Star City that was originally in trembling with fear, people were alarmed became more frightened, Bailizhu could clearly sense that only a moment, almost every corner of the city emerged A huge power of fear.

“Imperial Palace is gone.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the palace in front of him that he had just visited a few months ago, with some emotion: “This The next empire of stars does not exist. Where can we find the Chief-In-Charge of the empire of stars? How can we establish diplomatic relations with the empire of stars and promote peaceful coexistence between the two places? “

” Qingfeng big brother, that Are we going down? “

” Of course we have to go down. The Imperial Family of Imperial Stars is gone. We can help them build another regime. When the time comes, we can live in peace again, so it will not be solved? A little trouble. “

Baili Qingfeng said, sensing it carefully, and quickly sensing a gathering place where Digital Legendary is located.

But before he rushed to the gathering place, he seemed to be keenly aware of something.

When he carefully sensed it, he was a little surprised: “I seem to … feel the breath of the Shouzhen Senior and the Void Knight Group?”

“en. “

Bai Li bamboo is nodded.

She also noticed several familiar breaths.

The two crossed the void and quickly came to the courtyard where the edge of the Star City was located.

When the two of them appeared above the Star City, the members of the Knight of Truth and Nothingness had already sensed that when the two arrived, the entire group quickly stepped out of the courtyard.

“Great True God Your Majesty.”

No matter what the past has been in Baili Qingfeng, everyone is saluted at this moment as if facing True God.

“Is it really you?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at everyone: “How come you are here?”

“Your Majesty, we sensed it Records of Numerous Stars The starry sky imagined collapsed, worrying about your safety, so I rushed over … “


“Not only us, the King of Flames and Zhao Jiansheng also arrived, but the King of Flames was still outside the city due to his size and breath, but Zhao Jiansheng temporarily left after learning that Your Majesty was safe and unsure. Where did I go? “

” King of Flames? “

Baili Qingfeng carefully felt through his own contract for a moment, and really realized where the King of Flames was.

“I will summon the king of flames immediately, there is exactly one thing that needs your help.”

“Your Majesty refers to the aftermath of the empire of stars?”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “I don’t want to destroy the empire of stars, and a bunch of people will immediately appear to continue to block us.”

Shouzhenchao all around glanced at: “Your Majesty, what do you think of the Star City?”

“A city with a huge population.”

“Rebuild a Divine City It takes a lot of time, energy, manpower and material resources, but if we rebuild it on the basis of Zhongxing City, the difficulty will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. “

Shouzhen based on the information they previously discussed one after another introduced: “In terms of geographical location, Zhongxing City belongs to the Northland Center. According to our understanding, the entire Northland was developed from Zhongxing City as a starting point, and Zhongxing City itself has good water and land transportation. In addition, there are 10,000 Star God arrays set up by the gods of the field personally. If the Wan Star God array is hosted by more than six Demi-Gods, the formidable power it exerts is enough to wipe out the body of True God. Even if there are no six Demi-Gods, just let Legendary sits in town, with the help of Divine Item Myriad Realms crystal power, he can still reject any Demi-God. I am afraid that ten Demi-Gods will join forces. If they are not good at attacking, breaking the Formation’s powerful Divine Item can’t help Star God in half. “

Strictly speaking, Baili Qingfeng thought slightly.

If you really take Star City as a strategic transformation of Divine City …

Would n’t he be able to retire a lot of time in advance?

“And the great Your Majesty, the Star City is the capital of the empire of stars, and the center of the North World. If we can really occupy the Star City, will we always be reminded to let the northern countries and many others The forces understand that what will be paid for daring to invade our heaven and earth world in the future? “

Baili Qingfeng heard, slightly nodded:” It is indeed a way, but the Star City is not a small city. It is necessary to completely destroy this city. Mastering is not an easy task, especially if there is definitely a residual of the Imperial Family in the city. “

” Your Majesty, not at all is as difficult as we think. ”

Shouzhen smiled slightly: “Zhongxing City has Wan Star God formation, as long as we have Wan Wan God God formation, it is almost equivalent to taking charge of the power of life and death against all forces of Zhongxing City.”

“The core of the Wan Star God formation is Myriad Realms crystal ……”

Baili Qingfeng said with a glance at Baili Bamboo.

Bai Lizhu immediately realized that he took out the Jianshen Mirror, and a large and small dozen or so light spots were projected on it, but only one of these light spots met the Myriad Realms crystal standard … …

“Outside the city, not far away, less than 80 kilometers.”

“Xiaozhu, I take the mirror and take you here, you wait here for wait for me.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

For him, 80 kilometers is about 60% of the time. Traveling with the faithful and the others will waste a lot of time.

As he rose up with electromagnetic suspension, the Star City quickly passed under his feet, and 80 kilometers had been crossed by him.

But as he was about to appear at the location of the Myriad Realms crystal, he faintly felt a familiar breath approaching.

Until he sees the master of this breath, disable to bear exclaimed: “Zhao Uncle?”

“Qingfeng Little Brother, why are you here?”

It is coming in this direction, it seems that it is Zhao Jiansheng who is going back to the Star City.

“I ’m looking for something …”

Baili Qingfeng said, glancing at the Jianshen mirror in his hand: “Something is on you, Zhao Uncle?”

“What is it?”

“Myriad Realms Crystal.”

Baili Qingfeng said a little bit: “A crystal stone that looks similar to a polygon.”

Zhao Jiansheng listened and took it directly from his pocket: “This?”


Baili Qingfeng recognized it at a glance: “This is what Wan Star God array controls the Core Myriad Realms crystal. “

After he finished, he said a little strangely:” This Divine Item … how is it on Zhao Uncle? “

” Do n’t mention Well, I finally saw a spiritual man who was full of spirituality, thought he was born sacred, and wanted to take him as my final disciple, inheritance of my Three Thousand Great Dao, how can I know that it is just a Demi-God body possession The body, not only refused to be my disciple, but also wanted to kill me when I was deceived outside the city. If it was not for me, I still have a little patience, I ca n’t talk to you here. “

Zhao Jiansheng said Here, there is an unprecedented tone in the world wind and the sun: “The people of the double moon world, there are really not many good people, body posse ssion Other people ’s bodies do n’t speak, but they still have no words. He begged me for mercy, and said that telling me a secret technique can make me become an ancient Demi-God or something. I saw him sincerely, thinking about the prodigal son I do n’t want to change the gold, so I let him go. As a result, he used this … Myriad Realms crystal wanted to harm me, and I had to kill him. “

Baili Qingfeng thought deeply about Zhao Jiansheng ’s words Ran: “The two-moon world is indeed a wicked person, and we kind-hearted and honest people can’t survive.”

“Yeah, especially for low-level farmers like us, this World It’s not easy! “

” This is a depraved and dark World, it ’s a human distortion! “

” Yes, sneaky rampage, it ’s moral depravity! “

The two said, glanced at each other, and sighed at the same time, feeling: “It’s too difficult.”

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