Ember’s Gun

Chapter 498

Of course he will have all the answers at the end of this channel, but that is only the result after all. What Plague doctor prefers to enjoy is the process, the kind of racking, by fair means or foul, using one bloody after another Cruel experiments to prove clues one after another until the truth is reached.

This is like a jigsaw puzzle. Plague doctor is eager for the final answer, but he is also obsessed with the process of pursuit.

“Where should I start from?”

Plague doctor pondered for a while, seemed to have thoughts, and began to write.

“Sometimes I think that what I think of as “evolution” may be very similar to what alchemists think of as “sublimation”. It can be said that both are their original forms. A kind of’upgrade’ to some extent.

Alchemists believe that through mysterious alchemy, mortal matter can be sublimated to a higher existence, just like an ordinary person leaps into a god.

Well, I have to admit that this description is indeed a bit exaggerated, but from the alchemy I know, it is true. They kill metal and then forge stronger metal.

So what about evolution? “

Plague doctor stopped writing. This is a question he has been studying for nearly a hundred years, but so far he can’t find the answer, or he has found the answer, but it seems to be the wrong answer.

“I have always felt that humans and apes are so similar. Is it true that we are “upgraded” of apes? In some way we do not yet know, from one individual to another completely different Individuals, of course, these are just descriptions. I am not a literati, and my words are dry.”

Plague doctor often writes such things in his notes, as if he is going to read this note to someone.

“The first thing that inspired me was the damn Black Death. Humans died in the face of this disease, but I also heard that certain creatures have the power to resist it, and the disease cannot affect them at all. , Since then I have been thinking about whether human beings can become like them.

After that, I met Demon. This is really a perfect creature… If they can be called creatures, they are essentially humans, one after another being eroded and twisted, but in this mysterious Under the force of distortion, humans have become almost perfect creatures.

From the point of view of reproduction, the way that Demon produces the same kind is the weird erosion and spreading, and it also has a terrifying memetic effect. What a powerful force this is. Perhaps a human error will cause all Human beings become like Demon.

Demons themselves also have strange enough characteristics. From what I have found so far, they will produce transformation according to the environment. They will grow scales when facing powerful enemies, and they will be used for enemies that cannot physically kill. Illusion to interfere, not to mention that they have terrifying self-healing power and so on.

So sometimes I wonder whether this is the sublimation of Demon, the evolution of Demon, the… upgrading of Demon? “

Plague doctor stopped again. He lifted his left hand, then took off his glove, revealing the crimson-twisted palm. The flesh on it was still wriggling slowly, but the evil was full of power.

“Some people say that humans are different from Demon, and how can a distorted and hated existence like Demon be a’higher existence’? But what I want to say is that from a human point of view, Demon is indeed one Kind of terrifying damn monster, but from an absolute rational point of view, from a biological point of view, Demon is much stronger than humans.

Some people will also question the so-called ‘upgrading’, but just like my analogy and that speculation, humans were upgraded from apes. From the perspective of apes, how cruel and weird humans are? We enslaved them and played with their lives and deaths at will. Are we talking about them as another kind of Demon? “

Plague doctor hurriedly wrote in his notes while looking at his scarlet left hand.

“Yes, that’s it. I don’t have clear evidence to prove that humans were upgraded from apes, but we all know how humans became Demon. This is the evidence before our eyes.”

But if this is the case, according to Plague doctor’s own theory, he has completed what he thinks is “evolution”. Over a long period of time, he has replaced his body’s organs little by little with a weird The way of becoming a similar existence to the Demon Hunter people.

“Some people inside the alchemists tried to’sublimation’, but most of them failed to’sublimation’, some died, some suffered a huge backlash, and some people succeeded, but they’re sublimated ‘Is not complete, it seems that I am the same as them, I did’evolution’, but my’evolution’ is not complete.

This is the sublimation of incompleteness, the evolution of incompleteness, the upgrading of incompleteness. “

So…what is missing? Plague doctor didn’t understand this from beginning to end. He seemed to have stood in front of the door of truth, but was turned away by it because he didn’t step into the [voucher] in the entry.

Plague doctor gave up thinking about these things. In his opinion, the only difference between himself and Demon was his self-awareness, but this alone was the only thing that Plague doctor was afraid of.

The road ahead is a cloud of fog. All the Plague doctor can do is guess the trajectory of all this, but guessing is not necessarily correct. This is a gamble, and he is likely to lose everything.

So he didn’t dare to bet. He didn’t dare to bet his self-awareness on this evolutionary path. If the Plague doctor loses his self-awareness, then the so-called “Plague doctor” may be at the moment of completing the evolution. Was killed.

Kill yourself? Plague doctor couldn’t accept these things, and for this reason he also felt the so-called despair for a long time. The road was there, but once he set foot on it, he might die and couldn’t see the answer to all this.

Hope to be at the end of the channel?

Actually, Plague doctor doesn’t know whether he can find the so-called truth, whether it’s his “Theory of Evolution” or the truth. All of this is based on his own knowledge and speculation, even saying that he can People’s cognition of Demon is based on such trial and error, and it has taken shape.

“Come here first today.”

Plague doctor put down his pen, sighed, he has been following all this for a long time, and he has developed a calm mind, but he is unhurried.

He put the notes away and put them back in the drawer. Then he walked to the other corner of the cabin and stopped in front of the operating table.

“How do you feel now? Child.”

Plague doctor said that he took the scalpel and turned on the lights.

A painful whimper sounded on the operating table. With the rays of light on, you can see its appearance clearly. The reason why it is used to describe it is that it is difficult to assess its gender, or even whether it is human.

There are many stitched scars on the human-like body, some have healed, some are still bleeding, like a doll stitched up with countless rags, and more than that In many places, it has lost the appearance that a person should have. Its legs seem to have undergone some kind of terrifying surgery. The skeleton was broken, and then reorganized again to become a wild beast.

“Oh oh oh, I’m really sorry, I forgot that I just did a lung transplant and tracheal modification for you yesterday. Your tongue is too in the way, so I can only cut it off first.”

Listening to its painful whisper, Plague doctor repeatedly apologized.

“Then I think about it, where do I start today?”

Plague doctor picked up the post-it note that was hung on the side, it said the operation schedule of the past few days.

“Oh, it’s time to change the heart today. Wait a moment, I will pick you an absolutely powerful heart.”

Plague doctor said with a terrifying laughter. He inserted blood vessels for this gradually dehumanizing creature, and the hanging blood bag began to introduce blood into the body, all of which are extremely high in content. Low secret blood can maintain its life, but it will not lose control.

Turned around and opened the curtain next to the operating table. Behind the curtain is another operating table with a ferocious Demon tied to it, but at this moment, the violent Demon is as meek as a kitten. Under the perverted academic psychology of Plague doctor, it has been divided almost, a huge wound has been opened in the chest, the skeleton under it has long been cut, and the beating heart is clearly visible.

Yes, everything is unknown, whether it is my own “Theory of Evolution” or the truth at the end of the channel, the only thing that really exists is practice, and only practice can prove the truth.

Like the little white mouse in the laboratory, Plague doctor used to have no such resources. He could only modify himself as a little white mouse. However, thanks to the mutual achievements with Lawrence, he already had enough resources. .

If the road ahead is full of fog, then create another little white mouse and another Plague doctor.

Plague doctor thought so, cutting down with the scalpel.

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