Elemental card king

Chapter 46 Strengthening the Little Spirit


Half past eight in the morning.

Municipal Cultural Activity Center, Logistics Management Office.

Mr. Qian looked serious and was ready.

The young man at the front desk was ashamed, and seemed a bit dumbfounded.

On the background of his monitor, a list of material card collections was constantly refreshing and popping up. In less than half a minute, a list was almost half filled. What was outrageous was that the pickers of all the material cards pointed to one person. Su Chen.

Single skill strengthening formula (using summoned beast: elemental demon):

[Blazing Bullets] (Skill) + [Fire Magic Element] + [Violence Factor] = [Blazing Bullets] (Skill)

[Wind Control] (Talent) + [Wind Spirit Powder] = [Wind Control] (Talent)

[Blue Wave Bomb] (Skill) + [Elementary Water Elemental Essence] + [Flexibility Factor] = [Blue Wave Continuous Bomb] (Skill)

[Twining of Thorns] (Skill) + [Demon Seed of Thorns] + [Elementary Wood Elemental Essence] = [Twining of Thorns] (Skill)

New skill synthesis formula (using summoned beast: elemental demon):

[Spiritual Polymer] + [Elementary Spiritual Rune] + [Spiritual Medium] = [Ideology Barrier] (new skill)

[Forged Spiritual Crystal] + [Will Broken Gold] = [Idea Bullet] (new skill)

[Heart of Ancient Tree] + [Vampire Vine Root] = [Life Drain] (new skill)

[Thunder Bone] + [Thunder Wood Fragments] + [Elementary Thunder Essence] = [Thunder Blade] (new skill)

Eight large servings in total.

At first glance, it looks like a mess, and most of the attributes are different. This person has to cultivate several summoned beasts.

But when he thought about the existence of the top talent sequence that could be strengthened in parallel with the same card, the young man who had just graduated could only endure the look on Mr. Qian's face and go to the back warehouse to adjust the inventory.

Not long after, people arrived.

Looking at this tall young figure, Mr. Qian said nothing, his face full of silence.

After the other party took away a stack of sealed card packages, he looked at the departing figure and said: "Young man, work hard."

“Although the resources are all public, it seems that people don’t feel sad if they spend them.”

"But Donghua City also relies on various economic indicators and educational indicators to obtain so many resources from above. This is the contribution of the people of the city."

"So you have to work hard and sprint, at least use the strength of at least seven people."

To this.

Faced with such plain and simple words of advice, Su Chen turned to the other party and said solemnly: "I understand."

After leaving, he headed directly towards the meditation room.

The second market training has begun, and the selection is still going on. According to Wang Liyang's strict standards, everyone has expected that the entire market training team will only have 30 people in the end.

Because 30 people is the minimum number of people for an actual competition team, and it is also an express rule that must not be violated.

As for the task assigned to Su Chen today, the first requirement is to improve personal mental strength.

When he arrived in the morning, Teacher He Yun told him that three students from the training team informed him about the third card in the successful contract.

With the support of three cards, he suddenly stood out from the selection.


When Su Chen arrived at the familiar small meditation room No. 105, he still found that there was only one person inside, Xia He.

"That's right, those three should have gone to insert their cards for training."

In this way, it is a combination of a man and a woman.

"She must be practicing the so-called Taiyin refining method."

After learning that the other party had already successfully understood the Moon Eclipse Chart, Su Chen was not surprised by the inexplicable cold temperament revealed on her body. Maybe her own personality was not like this.

This lunar eclipse picture is only for women to understand and belongs to one of the thirty-six meditation pictures.

Beginners of enlightenment can soak their whole body with the cold moon power to increase their physical strength. They also have the ability to escape into shadows and make surprise attacks under the moon.

Overall, it is very strong.

Su Chen retracted his thoughts, found the yoga mat on the right side, and sat back in the same position.

"Preparations for meditation strengthening have begun, and we are going to give Xiao Ling a big improvement."

This is the promise given by Su Chen.

In the second round of cracking and strengthening, which is expected to take several days to end, the increase in the guardian skills of each different attribute form has been increased by about 60%.

The overlapping enhancement of the same skill seems to be useful at present.

However, if it reaches the third round, I am afraid that the cost-effectiveness of the income will not be high.

As for meditation strengthening, there are too many synthetic formulas that can be used to strengthen Xiaoling.

Pick and choose, and find seven synthesis formulas that satisfy your own mental energy consumption.

Among them, the upcoming ‘thought barrier’ and ‘thought bullet’ are two spiritual skills, which will undoubtedly be the abilities shared by Xiaoling’s seven attribute forms.

He also chose a skill 'Life Drain' for the nature spirit form that was not very good at fighting, and combined it with his own entanglement skill to form a combo skill.

The entanglement skill also received a new bonus from the thorns characteristic.

The rest of the formulas are powerful skills that strengthen Xiaoling's attributes.

"Okay, let's get to work."

When Su Chen sat upright, the first round of boring and intensive meditation officially began.

After a long time, when Xia He opened her eyes, the soft and cold light gradually restrained in her eyes. After she came back to her senses, she glanced to the right, and everything in her sight seemed to be the scene reappearing.

The same tall and strong figure, with the same stack of material cards spread out in an arc in front of him.

This guy is trying too hard. Xia He lowered his eyes and protested silently.

After relaxing for a while while listening to music and reading a book against the wall, Xia He began the next round of practice after relieving his mental fatigue.

Time flies and it’s Sunday afternoon.


Teacher He Yun helped process the files.

"Here is the student records office for Su Chen and others to be stamped." She pointed with her finger.

This is the list of training team members that will be forwarded to the Municipal Education Bureau. According to the procedures, without the third-party signature and approval of the Education Bureau, the Municipal Card Players Association cannot give dangerous driver weapons to students in advance.

At this time, an instructor smiled and said: "It's really fate that has to give us performance results. The educational experience of Su Chen and Xia He was transferred from the provincial capital to Donghua City."

"Ha ha."

"Yundu City lost two generals for no reason."

Hearing this, Teacher He Yun also felt extremely curious. She picked up the student files of the two and compared them, and found that it was true.

She still knew Xia He's specific situation.

What's going on with Su Chen?


I don’t know whether they are destined or not. They go to the same elementary school but belong to two different classes.

After entering junior high school, the school was different, and Su Chen suddenly transferred to Donghua City in the second year of junior high school.

As for Xia He, he transferred to Donghua Private Yucai High School in his first year of high school due to his family's job transfer.

"Missing?" After learning more about Su Chen's parents, Teacher He Yun didn't expect such a thing to happen.


This file was delivered to Wang Liyang, the person in charge of the city’s training team, and his signature was required before being sent to the Education Bureau for sealing.

Wang Liyang didn't look much at the mechanical signature. He just paused for a moment when he came to Su Chen's student file.

This young man is a born warrior. His fierce, fast and ruthless fighting style is really impressive.


Wang Liyang originally thought about what kind of parents could raise such a child, but he found that they were missing.


He took out his mobile phone and made a call. The person from the Civil Affairs Bureau opposite immediately informed Su Chen of his detailed parents' information and the specific location of his missing plane.

At this moment, Wang Liyang's always cold and calm face revealed an intriguing meaning.

He made another call.

"Old Cao, it's me. You can check immediately. Su Chen from Donghua City must be on your foundation's list."

Sunday night.

Su Chen, who ended the training camp early, had dinner at the airport and boarded a plane to Yundu City, the provincial capital.

Just when a white brilliance-like flight path passed over the fairy forest.

Far away, somewhere unknown.

A woman covered in secret pattern knight armor took out her mobile phone. After the communication was restored, she directly checked the more than ten messages that Su Chen had received.

At first, she was a little surprised when she saw that the other party had awakened the elemental control talent.

But when she saw the last message, she couldn't help but call back on the spot.

"You brat, are you going to sell your mother's jewelry?"

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