Elemental card king

Chapter 34 Xia He

After Xia He had a full meal, he declined the invitation from a female student at the same school to take an after-dinner walk and returned to the meditation room.

When we arrived, there was no one inside.

She returned to her yoga mat, took out wireless headphones and a book from her small bag on the ground, and quietly listened to music while reading a novel.

After half an hour, she placed a cute and cute cartoon cat bookmark on the page and closed the book.

Xia He continued to practice alone in a quiet and peaceful meditation room.

Nine o'clock.

There was a touch vibration from the delicate watch in her hand, and her meditation was forcibly interrupted.

It's time for the alarm you set.

Xia He's cold face turned slightly to the side, and she looked at the figure sitting cross-legged not far away. The row of material cards also appeared in front of him again, but there were three missing.

After taking another look, she left the door of the meditation room quietly and quietly.

After being reserved for the municipal selection competition, the closing time of the Municipal Cultural Activity Center came to 9:30.

When Teacher He Yun and other teachers visited the venue, the students who stayed one after another were expelled and left.

However, after arriving in the meditation room, everyone stayed outside the corridor and chatted softly, and no one bothered Su Chen inside.

"What a crazy cultivator, you can really sit still."

The meditation room uses a lot of sound-absorbing materials. After closing the door tightly, they are not worried about the conversations outside affecting the people inside.

"One afternoon and one night, this kid will soon stop being a human being."

"It's really disappointing. People who are more talented than you work harder than you. Once you are left behind, you will never be able to catch up."

At this time.

Teacher He Yun smiled and said: "According to the current fashionable saying of lying down, people who are better than me are still working hard, so what's the use of my hard work."

For a moment, everyone burst into laughter.

"The overall quality of this class of students can only be said to be average. If we use the evaluation cycle every five years as a reference, there is indeed a mental problem. It is completely different from my generation."

Although they had strong objections to Wang Liyang himself, there were a lot of crybabies, despondent people and people who gave up halfway in the venue.

Before participating in the actual card competition, don’t you understand that this is a real game?

Still, I just want to come here to mix up resources.

"Fortunately, this year we have the golden couple Su Chen and Xia He. If they win the national training team quota together, this year's performance evaluation will directly exceed the standard." A teacher said with a smile.

"The golden boys and girls are here." Some people were speechless.

"Hmph, if performance incentives break new highs, I think it's okay to be your parents."

filial piety.

It's so filial.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when Su Chen walked out.

When he was returning home, he took a ride from Teacher He Yun.

What a pity.

Su Chen actually felt a little motion sick.

"It's like the moon is turning."

His side face was pressed against the car window, and he looked at the bright moon in the night sky with a pair of listless eyes. Suddenly, he seemed to find that there was a whirlpool in the moon, waiting for him to feed him material.

No need to think too much, he was confused.

"You, it was too intense at the end of the day." Teacher He Yun also noticed that Su Chen was indeed a little too sleepy.

The strengthening of meditation will inevitably create a devouring vortex during the fusion process. The card master cannot relax his mind and must not let go of his concentration.

Once the conscious perspective moves, the reinforcement ends.

When Su Chen was in the junior card master stage, he was able to continuously strengthen the fusion vortex four times a day, which is really admirable.

However, a normal card master can only do this once a day at most.

This may be his happy trouble of eating seven times the resources.

After returning home.

Su Chen soaked leisurely in the bathtub, stretched out his arms, and leaned firmly against the edge of the bathtub. After squinting for a while, he regained a lot of energy.

The copying of the colorless and transparent divine card has long ended.

However, the Fire Card obtained is the original light green quality version.

It was copied too early.

"Keep it as a souvenir."

Su Chen doesn't need to strengthen it anymore.

Take up time.

After all, the strengthening and copying functions of the mysterious colorless card cannot be used at the same time.

He started copying it again.

".It is estimated that it will take 23 hours and 37 minutes to complete the copy."

The long-lost 23 hours has returned.

The quality has ushered in a transitional color, and after the effect has improved, the copying time has also ushered in an increase. As a result, the time required for the two-star card will inevitably increase a lot.

And he is only a junior card master. No one at this stage can contract a three-star card. Even if the colorless god card can ignore his own mental power and successfully copy the three-star card, he estimates that it will take at least ten days and a half to start. Unable to copy successfully.

"Not a good deal."

The copy function is created out of nothing, and the cracking process takes a long time.

In comparison, enhanced functions are the most cost-effective.

The premise is to provide material cards for colorless god cards.

Su Chen made some calculations in his mind and began to tentatively make arrangements for strengthening the next half month.

The second round of copying and cracking strengthens the guardian skills of Xiaoling, and at the same time, obtains more material card resources related to spiritual attributes from the City Card Master Association.

"So be it."

Su Chen fell asleep not long after he got up after taking a bath.

The next day.

It's not eight o'clock yet.

Perhaps learning from yesterday's lesson, no one from the actual competition was late, and even arrived quite a bit early.

When Su Chen arrived, he also heard that many people had been kicked away yesterday afternoon.

At the end of the day, 51 people left.

In addition, a rumor spread quickly.

"I heard that the person in charge was indeed from the army and caused a big trouble. Not only did he turn in his driving force, but also his military position was removed. He only retained the original rank of lieutenant colonel and his salary. No wonder he was so unhappy yesterday. Could he be angry with us? Woolen cloth."

If the news is absolutely true, it is undoubtedly a great irony for the superiors to assign a lieutenant colonel to teach a group of junior high school students.

"That's indeed what it sounds like. The instructors at the Municipal Association seem to be in awe of him."

"One code equals one code. The material resources and food and meal subsidy for this class are not as high as usual. I dare not say that I am not taking advantage of others."

Some people have a love-hate relationship with the leader.

But if you think about it carefully, if the news is true, a lieutenant colonel who looks to be in his early thirties is still a young officer in a prosperous and peaceful era, then the gold content is too high.

Besides, the other party didn't seem to have any background, otherwise he wouldn't have been treated so badly.

So, what kind of strength does this guy have?

"Follow him and you will surely learn real skills."

Wishful thinking cannot win the favor of the other party.

Not long after he arrived, several people were kicked off the list.

Small meditation room No. 105.

There are still two figures, one on the left and one on the right. The man is tall and handsome, and the woman is tall and cold.

Another day has come to an end.

The two seemed to strictly abide by the rules of the meditation room, each maintaining solemnity and concentration, saying nothing to each other, and never disturbing others.

Sitting down cross-legged, I meditate and practice for several hours.

During their lunch, they looked at each other and nodded, looking at each other in silence.

In the afternoon.

The card of earth acquired the characteristic of counter-shock. Su Chen's seventh enhancement was over, and not a single material card was left lying on the ground.

"it's over."

Su Chen's body fell back and lay on his back.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt a vague whirlpool slowly rotating in the dark field of vision, and the space of consciousness seemed to be vaguely distorted.

This is not a kind of tempering of willpower.

The situation is better than yesterday, at least I was given some more rest time.


At this time, a sound like flowing ice spring broke the ethereal and quiet atmosphere here.

After Su Chen, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes, he could see the back of Qianli sitting upright on the left side. Xia He did not look back, but just raised his mouth while resting and reading.


Su Chen responded.

This is the first complete conversation between the two.

Like an unexpected ripple, the indoor atmosphere gradually returned to tranquility.

Perhaps as his aunt knew, Su Chen, who was starting a new life under the supervision of someone else, did not want to show a trace of disappointment, and he resisted from the bottom of his heart to see the disgusting look on his guardian's face, so he just wanted to do everything right at this stage. As good as it gets.

Puppy love between minors is naturally forbidden in his heart.

Su Chen declined the love letters she received over the years.

At least at this stage, Su Chen must grasp the future at a critical point in his life.

After all, many opportunities will never come back if they are missed.

Women will only affect the speed of your meditation practice.

One minute later.

Someone gently opened the door outside the meditation room. It was Teacher He Yun.

Seeing the two people in the room taking a rest, she suddenly said with a solemn face: "Su Chen, the leader is calling you, so be mentally prepared."

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