Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 473

Take a closer look, it is a ray of light with countless bright white Star Fragmentation dots in the middle.

With just one sniff, Bai Lian felt full.

It is the breath of life!


Say mutation, and the mutation will arrive.

Bai Lian lifts the head, and countless white qi flow suddenly appeared in the green ruins.

Just like the scene she recreated with the past master realm.

Those white qi flowed from all directions and finally merged into Xia Qingqing's body.

Bai Lian slowly released Xia Qingqing.

The wind picked up.

With Xia Qingqing floating in midair as the center, the vibration is quickly transmitted to the entire Qingxu.

At this moment, those cultivators who were exploring the Qingxu have stopped their work.

They turned around, raised their heads, and stared blankly at the white stream that quickly flashed across the sky.

"What happened?"

Someone still knows the answer.

Such as Sea Beast and merfolk hidden in the dark.

After many days of anxious waiting, smiles appeared on their faces.

But the smile didn't last long.

This is just the beginning, the real battle is yet to come.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ――

At a certain moment, when the shaking in the Qingxu was so strong that the ordinary person could not stand, a huge streak appeared on the ground. 's cracks.

The cracks opened wider and wider, and when the vibrations stopped, they were about thirty feet wide.

Bai Lian stared at the world behind the crack.

There is a road under her feet, but because of the thick fog with less than half a meter of visibility in front of her, she has no idea where this road will lead.

But well.

She had an answer in her mind after looking back at Xia Qingqing who was quietly behind her.

This road may lead to the black liquid and Qingshui.

There is a tree there, the name of the tree is Wakaki.

"I'm back again."

Xia Qingqing's voice sounded in Bai Lian's ears, but it seemed inexplicably distant.

Bai Lian turned around.

She thought, she was right.

She smiled back at Xia Qingqing: "Miss Xia, have you recalled everything?"

Xia Qingqing smiled somewhat reservedly, like a gentle lady.

It seems more than just the sound has changed.

Xia Qingqing in Bai Lian's cognition never smiles like this.

Her smile may be impudent or shy.

But I heard Xia Qingqing say: "It can't be said to be recalling it. It's just walking around and picking up the things that were left behind."

Bai Lian Nominate.

She probably knows a little bit, but there's a lot she doesn't understand.

Because she never saw it.

She always likes to guess, but she doesn't take her guesses as truth.

But she doesn't need to worry about these things anymore.

Xia Qingqing took the first step.

Now that we're here, what else is there to say?

She walked this road in the past, she walked this road in her dreams, and now she wants to walk this road again!

Bai Lian took her hand as she walked over.

Xia Qingqing turned her head away in surprise.

It's cold.

As if he was holding a corpse.

This is different from what Xia Qingqing imagined.

But that voice was still her favorite.

"You're still very weak now, so let me guide you ahead."


Simply one word.

A word, a promise.

On this spring day, the sound of the tide suddenly came in from outside.

Bai Lian led Xia Qingqing into the mist.

They moved very fast, so when their silhouettes were completely covered by the thick fog, people gathered in front of the cracks one after another.

Should I go in?

No one dared to try it for a while.

It took a long while before a loose cultivator rushed in.

But something magical happened.

He walked along the straight line and came out of the crack.

He froze in place.

"This road has already been traveled?"

He muttered.

Including Mystic Turtle and Zhao Haiya who came from behind, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and I don't understand the meaning of this sentence for the time being.

They just have to wait.

Wait for the next change that radiates the entire Qingxu.

That change came faster than expected, at least for Bai Lian.

She heard the sound of rushing water in her ears, but what really caught her attention was the conversation between Xia Qingqing and an unknown existence.

"You shouldn't have come."

"It's my choice."

"You've done enough to come back now. Did you just betray your original decision?"

"So, you still don't know what a person is."

What is a person?

Bai Lian glanced back at Xia Qingqing.

This question is unexpectedly profound, and as a human being, she has no answer.

The unknown entity continued: "If you can't find me, go back."

"I'll find you!"

Xia Qingqing's voice was firm.

She believed it.

Just like last time, there is a "leader" in front of her.

Suddenly it started to rain.

The guide held an umbrella for her.

The rain beat on the umbrella surface, and finally fell down along the skeleton pa ta pa ta.

This drop of water is no ordinary water drop.

It has two sides.

Here time seems to be a closed loop, the beginning of the monarchy and the end of the monarchy are linked together.

It reflects the forward silhouette of Bai Lian and Xia Qingqing.

Walking and walking, I walked out of a story that existed in another time period.

There are 129,600 yuan in Heaven and Earth.

This is the beginning of the meta.

The monster beast that came out of the deep sea was created by Heaven and Earth and ruled all over the world.

In that dark age recorded by Human Race, an ordinary girl was born in an ordinary scholarly family.

She grew up normally.

She knows this world in general.

She experienced the tragedy of her relatives being killed by monster beast.

She should have died alone in grief like countless ordinary persons.

Because that is the torrent of the times, that is the wheel of history.

They roll forward and will never give any face to those who fall in front!

But just when this ordinary girl was going along the river in a normal way, she was about to find a place where the current was fast and threw herself into the river.

The unusual encounter finally fell on the girl.

"It's not luck, it's fate!"

Water mist poured from all directions.

In the end, the girl could only hear the sound of water running in her ears.

She was walking on a mountain road that led nowhere.

That's it.

It happened that the girl was tired from walking.

She stopped, guessing that the river beside her was a good place to commit suicide.

She walked slowly to the edge of the cliff.

She stretched out one foot, intending to slide down in this cautiously.

But at this moment, a hand stretched out from the side and firmly grasped the girl's ankle.

That's a man who can't see his face.

The girl only vaguely remembered that the man said:

"Follow me."

The girl just went.

They crossed rough mountain roads, walked through the wind, through the rain, through the heavy snow.

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