Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 467

"Do you want me to continue to scold you?"

Bai Lian's face darkened slightly and looked a little dark.

Xia Qingqing was so frightened that she backed away.

"Isn't it okay for me to leave temporarily? But I won't abandon you and run away alone."

How dare you be brave, really.

Bai Lian moved his lips, and finally took back the words that scolded Xia Qingqing.

It will be fine.

Wait for Xia Qingqing and the two to leave.

The picture before Bai Lian became clearer.

She saw it.

Below the sun-drenched blue sea lies a huge shadow!

The black shadow was in the shape of a fusiform, and Bai Lian couldn't see its true appearance.

The black shadow occupies most of the ocean just by floating.

As if the king of the ominous beast had come.

Waves of light bloom on it, like stars cruising.

one after another The old and distant breath surged up, making Bai Lian breathless.

what a guy!

Even when she faced Jue Yuanzi, who was just entering the Transcending Tribulation Realm, she never felt so much pressure.

If this is a real fight, she won't be torn to shreds right away.


This monster is so terrifying and invincible!

Bai Lian was ready to run.

She ran quite crisply, and after raising her right middle finger at the shadow, she hit her Avatar directly.



But seeing the ice fog floating in the air and the ice flowers blooming, Bai Lian disappeared in Heaven and Earth.

"Fortunately, I slipped fast."

Bai Lian was very grateful.

She is familiar with running, you see, the monster slipped away before she could react.

The other side.

The boundless sea.

The moment Bai Lian appeared, the Sea Beast, who was swimming in the sea, suddenly froze.


It lifts the head sharply.

It's people.

With no separation of several tens of thousands of li, it looked at a person.

It didn't respond at first.

A man with white hair and silver eyes, is Eastgod Continent also such a powerhouse?

next moment it wakes up.

It's so hasty!

Bai Lian, that's Bai Lian!

Bai Lian showed this particular form in Peaceful River City.

It's actually not that scary.

What really scares Sea Beast is where Bai Lian is standing now.

If it reads correctly, it's clearly the Sky Pearl Sect.

Bai Lian has a connection with Sky Pearl Sect, it knows this, but it doesn't know that Bai Lian has such a good relationship with Sky Pearl Sect, and will take the initiative to come forward for Sky Pearl Sect.

It's over.

At the moment when Bai Lian raised his middle finger, Sea Beast was so frightened that he lost more than half of his three immortal souls and seven mortal souls.

Bai Lian is clearly saying "I found you, wash your necks and wait to be slaughtered".


When Bai Lian collapsed, Sea Beast plunged into the depths of the sea.

Come here, Bai Lian must have come to find it!

Sea Beast face looks sinister.

It quickly contacted its own companions.

"No, I can't die so easily, I want to defy the heavens and change the fate, I want to transcend this world!"

11th Chapter Great Emperor Road 7000

What's in the depths of the ocean?

is another magnificent world!

Sink three thousandand zhang.

Somewhere in the depths of the boundless sea, this should be an all black, no daylight Dark World.

The deep-sea creatures that live here are supposed to be very fancy.

But the opposite is true.

A soft white light illuminates the area for ten miles.

From a distance, it looks like a big, white and round ball!

There is not a drop of water in the sphere of light.

A variety of plants that can be seen everywhere grow on the soft sand.

Occasionally, spotted ocelots drowsily can be seen walking through the grass.

This is clearly the hidden land of peace and prosperity in the deep sea!

A moment.

The Sea Beast, clamoring to defy the heavens and change the fate, suddenly appeared outside the sphere of light.

Its body is shaking slightly.

No way.

Bai Lian's raised middle finger poked deeply into its weakness!

Even though it is huge, once its weakness is attacked, it will inevitably become weak and weak like other ordinary people and easily defeated.

Sea Beast now just feels that the water is so cold that it even wants to retract its head back into its body.

But after all, it is experienced people who have experienced many years of storms and waves.

The middle finger suddenly lost self-control, but couldn't make it collapse in a long tug of war!

It's very adaptable.

Otherwise it would not have survived from that dark and turbulent era to the present.

Feeling the warmth contained in the white light, Sea Beast came out of the mental imbalance.

defy the heavens and change the fate is not just a slogan.

Although Bai Lian is the emperor, the main battlefield of the emperor is in Immortal World after all.

She has come to the Nether now, and even if there are thousands of magical things, she has to abide by the rules of the Nether.

The people of the lower world are the strongest but barely possess the power of Human Immortal.

This is the rule written in the Great Dao.

No one can break through this limitation unless they have the power to grind the Great Dao.

Obviously, Bai Lian, who is "only" the Immortal Emperor, does not have this ability.

There are rumors that the Azure Emperor has the power to rival the Earth Immortal before it ascends to the Immortal World.

Sea Beast, who lived through that dark age firsthand, snort disdainfully about it.

"Just kidding!"

After all, the strength of the Azure Emperor comes from Ruomu. Although Ruomu is amazing, it is difficult to say that it can compare to an Immortal Emperor. How can it help? What about Azure Emperor breaking the limit?

But the Azure Emperor is still very difficult to deal with.

With the powerful recovery ability that is close to Dao, Human Immortal is not necessarily her opponent in general.

The Azure Emperor of Wood Walk is in charge of thousands of plants and trees in the world, and enjoys the name of "Spring God" among mortals.

She once by the strength of oneself turned the frost-covered Beiluzhou into covering the mountains and plains are fertile soil for spring flowers.

It was not until she resigned from the throne and disappeared in the world that Beiluzhou slowly returned to its original state.

Sea Beast at first's plan is to find a way to find Wakagi first, then try to steal Wakagi's roots, soar to Immortal World in one fell swoop, and directly become a quasi-emperor admired by thousands of people.

But since it has been targeted by the villain Bai Lian, it has to change its plans.

“Faster rather than slow.”

Sea Beast muttered.

The longer it drags on, the stronger Bai Lian will be, and there will be little chance of him dealing with Bai Lian.

Now it might be able to take Bai Lian, Wakaki, and the Azure Emperor, who is probably still alive, together in a desperate fight.

While thinking about it, a crack suddenly appeared on the light ball in front of Sea Beast.

crash-bang ——

The undercurrent is turbulent, and the sea is easy to change.

Sea Beast dodged immediately into the crack.

It came to the depths of that hidden land of peace and prosperity, but seeing the streamer flickering, a merfolk slowly emerged.

"You're here."

Sea Beast slightly nods.

It's coming.

It came with a strong desire to break free from the bondage of fate.

This world was Sea Beast's world!

Whether it is Eastgod Continent, or Beiluzhou, and many overseas immortal mountains are obediently acknowledge allegiance under the crown of the sea emperor.

That era lasted thousands of years.

Thanks to some of the powerhouses that survived the last era taking the lead, the Human Race was able to find a foothold under the attack of the Sea Beast.

Sea Beast doesn't take Human Race very seriously.

According to their judgment, the powerhouse of Human Race will be dead in five thousand years at most, and it will be completely reduced to the ration of Sea Beast.

At this moment, the Azure Emperor appeared.

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