5 – The Demise of the Uninvited Guests

Yuel was an apprentice priest of the White Order.

Strictly speaking, he had not received formal priesthood yet, but no one thought of him as an apprentice.

Yuel’s ability was the ‘Eye of Insight’.

He could see through the minds of objects and living beings.

The White Order could use his ability to interrogate heretics and weed out unbelievers within the Order.

In effect, he was treated almost as a saint.

In an era where having a single saint or holy woman was a blessing for the Order, two had appeared.

Knowing this, the Order granted Yuel many privileges.

However, as he was not an official saint, he was asked to serve as a probationary priest before becoming a fully ordained one. Of course, this was only a formality.

In reality, a holy knight was assigned to Yuel’s side.

That wasn’t all.

He also had a sacred relic that could deal damage to a 5-star monster, along with an inventory artifact.

A 5-star monster was a being capable of destroying a small or medium-sized city single-handedly.

He had received support from the Order in the form of a relic capable of damaging such a being?

It was a clear indication of how much the Order cared for him.

Even if he did nothing, he was on the verge of becoming an official priest.

It was a privilege that Yuel, a commoner by birth, could never have enjoyed without the ‘Eye of Insight.’

However, Yuel found such privilege uncomfortable.

He knew that there were people who harbored resentment towards his treatment almost as a saint.

Perhaps there were even more people who thought so. In fact, using his ability, he could see that there were many of them.

That was why Yuel had no intention of fulfilling the Order’s proposal to become an official priest just by staying quiet.

If he became a priest like this, it would only lead to more discontent.

A guy without any abilities rising through the ranks just because of a single trait.

Would people accept him in a high position in the worst-case scenario?

To wield influence over the White Order in the future, he needed an opportunity.

All he needed was an incident that would showcase his worth.

If he solved the problem himself, the noise surrounding him would subside.

With that in mind, Yuel traveled to various places with the holy knight assigned to him.

In particular, they climbed the mountain range of the Seil Kingdom, known for frequent monster appearances.

There was no one to stop him anyway, so there was no problem.

As they ascended the mountain, a timely opportunity presented itself.

Characters appear in Yuel’s eyes.

[Den of the Evil God]

It was definitely an ordinary mountain forest path.

And countless vines grew around the tree, making it impossible to see anything at first glance.

When Yuel approached and pushed the vines aside with his hand, a cave revealed itself.

“I don’t sense the presence of a dungeon.”

Having confirmed with his keen eyes, the cave was surely not a dungeon.

Yet, the mark of the Evil God’s Den appeared.

‘If it’s not a dungeon… could it be a hideout for the heretics?’

Yuel’s thoughts had a certain validity.

What was the Evil God?

It was the deity that the heretics, who denied the goddess that the White Church worshipped, revered.

However, it was unlikely that the Evil God had directly descended upon the world. Even if it had, there would have been a divine warning beforehand.

At the same time, the cave was not a dungeon. There was no presence felt from the outside.

Considering these factors, the cave was likely a hideout for the heretics worshipping the evil god.

Looking at the thorough camouflage with vines, they must be meticulous people.

“Fortunately, we don’t feel any traces.”

Yuel and the Holy Knight entered the cave. Contrary to its exterior appearance, the inside was larger than they had thought.

They couldn’t fathom the length of the passage stretching down.

The cave’s darkness especially contributed to this uncertainty.

Not even a single torch could be found hanging on the wall…

“Priest, something’s off.”

The Holy Knight, who had been leading the way, spoke with his hand on his sword.

Yuel also agreed with his words.

Not a trace was felt.

They had wondered if it wasn’t a ruin, but there wasn’t even a trap.

Although they were relieved that nothing happened, they couldn’t shake off a feeling of unease.

It might have already been an abandoned place.

Regardless, just in case, Yuel continued forward while fiddling with the artifact.

It was a sacred treasure provided by the Church.

The Holy Knight had already drawn his sword.

As they advanced cautiously, a woman’s voice reached the two of them.

“Oh my, it seems we have a guest?”

They turned their heads in the direction of the sound.

“A maid…?”

“Horns are protruding! Be careful, Father!”

The owner of the voice reflected in their eyes was a woman in a maid outfit.

But seeing the horns on her head, they easily surmised that she was a monster.

Yuel subtly activated his own abilities, but no information appeared about the adversary.

“What kind of trick is this?”

Tonggyeon’s eyes possessed the ability to see through monsters up to the 5th rank.

He had never used it on a being beyond that, but it should probably work.

The reason for his uncertainty was that even Yuel hadn’t been able to see 6th-ranked monsters.

Such beings were so rare that you might only encounter them in a land known as the Realm of Death.

Yuel assumed that the adversary was using some kind of deception to evade Tonggyeon’s eyes.

“Who are you people? We are members of the White Order, and I am Priest Yuel!”

Yuel shouted while extending the order’s identification.

In truth, he wasn’t an official priest, but for now, suppressing the adversary’s aura was the priority.

“Reveal your identity at once!”

Yuel deliberately shouted loudly, but, contrary to his expectations, the adversary remained composed.

In fact, she even smiled as she replied.

“I am a humble servant who venerates a great entity, Selia Ishaar, is my name. Would you care to tell me why you’ve come here?”

The presence before them introduced herself as Selia Ishaar.

The most important thing was her mention of venerating a great entity.

“A great… entity?”

It was obvious without hearing it.

They were likely a cult that worshipped malevolent forces.

Under the name of the Order, they needed to exterminate these cultists immediately.


At Yuel’s cry, the Holy Knight brandished his sword and advanced.

– Empty

However, the knight’s sword was blocked.

The monster in front of him neither dodged nor resisted.

It simply remained still amidst the swinging of the sword.


As the knight, whose sword was blocked, tried to step back.

“An uninvited guest in the dungeon of a great being, and they dare to attack without warning. Are pitiful humans always like this?”

Celia Ishahahahar’s grip on the knight’s neck tightened even faster.


Slowly, strength drained from his body.

He could not endure the fleeting, vivid pain that flowed through his throat, and all he could do was groan.

The sharp, straight holy sword that had been about to strike the monster in front of him had already fallen from his hand and rolled on the ground.

“What’s going on?”

The pain that had choked his throat disappeared.

The only emotion he felt now was comfort.

“This is strange.”

A warm sensation washed over him.

Then suddenly, someone spoke to him.


It was his daughter’s voice.

“Oh, no.”

Words wouldn’t come out.

Clearly, his daughter was right in front of him.

“Honey, you should eat quickly.”

And a voice from behind.

It was his wife.

Clearly, his wife and daughter, whom he thought had died at the hands of the monster, were right in front of him.


How difficult a life had he lived after his wife and daughter died.

Driven by hatred for the monster, he had dedicated himself to the church and swung his sword.

Tears flowed from his eyes in that instant.

‘Mom, Dad are crying!’

‘Honey, are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?’

Maybe he had been dreaming until now.

A dreadful, horrible dream that should never have existed.

‘Are you happy now?’

His wife spoke with a smile.

He was happy.

He wanted to say he was happy, but strangely, he couldn’t find his voice.

What difference does it make?

He was so happy now.

He wanted to spend his entire life in this moment.

‘Are you happy now?’

Yes, if this isn’t happiness, what is?



“Are you happy now?”

Celia Ishaar giggled and let go of the knight’s throat.

The knight was sobbing with a joyful expression on his face.

“What did you do!”

A very strange scene unfolded in Uel’s eyes.

The knight, who had been choking and in pain, was suddenly laughing.

“I just showed him a dream.”

“A dream…?”

That’s right.

Celia Ishaar had used a skill.

A skill she acquired upon reaching the 6th rank.

[Dream Manipulation.]

It was a skill that manipulated the dreams of others to show them hope, while sucking away their energy.

Even the Paladin was having his dream manipulated, and his energy was being drained in real-time.

Unaware of this fact, Yoel discovered that Celia Ishar was a succubus upon hearing the word “dream.”

He also recalled that the succubus had escaped from the sealing stone at the Order.

“It can’t be…!”

Immediately, he took out an artifact in the shape of a bottle from his inventory.

It was a high-grade relic that the Order had given him for use in emergencies.

This was an urgent situation.

The severity of the situation was high, as a monster had escaped from the Order’s seal.

From noble mtl dot com

The relic in Yoel’s hand emitted a brilliant light.

It was a powerful holy relic capable of handling up to a 5-star monster.

On the other hand, the opponent was a mere 3-star succubus.

Yoel was confident that the creature would vanish without a trace in the face of the relic’s sacred power.

If he could just deal with the creature, his standing would improve slightly.

But that expectation was short-lived.

As the light faded, shock filled Yoel’s face.

He had undoubtedly used the sacred relic.

Yet, the opponent seemed unaffected and smiled faintly, even speaking incomprehensible words.

“Ah, has my master seen me up to this point? You truly are an exceptional person!”

Celia Ishar looked at Yoel as she spoke.

“Your sacred power doesn’t work on me.”

– Grinning

“All of this is due to the benevolent eye of the great one. hehehe, isn’t it really amazing?”

Yoel’s body trembled.

It wasn’t a 3-star.

‘I can’t win this…!’

He needed to run away immediately.

Run and let the Order know.

The opponent was not a mere 3-star succubus.

He had never even considered such a being existed.

It was a true monster.

“If I can just leave this place now, I’ll be done with the priests.

I’ll just go down to some countryside and live quietly.

I didn’t want to die.


In the tense situation, Yuel’s thoughts were jumbled.

He himself couldn’t understand what he was thinking right now.

Did she hear Yuel’s wish?

Celia Ishahahahar maintained a smile and calmly spoke.

“If you wish, you may go, Priest.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Yuel dashed away.

He was anxious that the succubus might change her mind.

There was not much to contemplate.

He ran blindly.

He ran solely with the will to survive.

A paladin?

What does it matter? First, he had to survive himself.

Yeah, this isn’t giving up.

He had to survive first, whether the rescue team came next or not.

So, it’s definitely not betrayal.

How far did he run?

He saw a light in front of him.

Finally, the hope of being able to get out came to mind.

In a relieved heart, he leaped towards the light.


At that moment, Yuel’s vision was cut off.

Yuel’s consciousness was cut off.

In the first place, he couldn’t get out of the dungeon.

The dungeon expanded, creating a small altar.

Yuel’s body ended up on the altar by itself.

Seeing that, Celia Ishahahahar wore a satisfied smile.

– Celia Ishaar repelled the intruder.

– She offered the master ‘Yuel’ as a sacrifice.

– Absorbing Yuel’s abilities. (Remaining time: 6 hours)

A sudden alarm.

Lee Kanghyun looked at his phone.

“What’s this?”

Celia Ishaar was the dungeon’s deputy.

Of course, she had set up the dungeon to manage it, but this was an unexpected alarm.

“Wasn’t the dungeon concealed? So where did this come from?”

The dungeon’s concealment effect had two aspects:

Permanently concealing the dungeon’s aura and hiding its location for seven days.

With six days left, he hadn’t deployed monsters or traps for dungeon defense.

But suddenly, an intruder appeared, leaving him bewildered.

Is it just a simple bug?

He decided to observe it for a while and, if it happened again, to contact customer support as he pressed the close button.

“But why am I so tired all of a sudden?”

Overwhelmed by sudden fatigue, Lee Kanghyun put his phone down and fell into a deep sleep.

– Absorbing Yuel’s abilities. (Remaining time: 5 hours 50 minutes)

– Absorbing Yuel’s abilities. (Remaining time: 5 hours 40 minutes)

The smartphone alarm continued to ring while Lee Kanghyun slept.

Time passed, and before he knew it, six hours had gone by.

– Yuel’s abilities have been absorbed.

However, Lee Kanghyun was still asleep, so he couldn’t check the alarm.

The alarm wasn’t the end of it.

– ‘Eye of Divine Insight’ has been applied to Lee Kanghyun.

– Warning! Collision detected!

– Lee Kanghyun does not have a status window and cannot acquire traits.

– Special diagnostics are being conducted to resolve the current issue.

– ‘Eye of Divine Insight’ is being used to resolve the error.

– Lee Kang-hyun has acquired ‘Status Window’ instead of ‘Eye of Insight’.

– The alarm will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes.

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