23 – The Highlights of the Incubus Dungeon (1)

If you ask me to pick the country closest to the Demon World, everyone will say the Kingdom of Seil.

The Demon World was an unknown land, and no one knew exactly what kind of monsters were living there.

Just guessing based on past records.

So, since the Kingdom of Seil is adjacent to the Demon World, is it a dangerous place where it is invaded by monsters every day?

I could say with confidence that that was not the case.

There was a huge wall between the Kingdom of Seil and the Demon World.

Because there was a mountain range right in the way.

Therefore, the reason why the Kingdom of Seir was relatively safe could be explained by the existence of this huge mountain range.

With such a huge mountain range, the kingdom was given special privileges.

And there was one more being who received this preferential treatment.

“Ha… ha….”

The person who was running at full speed just a moment ago stopped for a moment and was out of breath.

The person taking a deep breath was a small girl.

But the fangs that protruded from her mouth were different enough to be called a human.

Her name is Aren.

She is a vampire at the same time.

“Mom, Dad… Where are you….”

Aren said sadly.

My parents, who I played with until not long ago, are no longer around.

“… “Bad guys.”

Aren was living in a small dungeon made up of vampires.

But her quiet did not last long.

Suddenly, people armed with pure white armor raided the dungeon where Aren was living.

It was such a sudden thing.

The dungeon was powerless to stop their surprise attack.

Only Aren was able to escape by taking advantage of her small size.

I was lucky.

After that, she ran aimlessly.

Even when the Holy Knight chased after me, I just looked ahead and ran again.

It was very difficult to run while holding the sword that his parents gave him, but Aren ran courageously.

As a result, she was able to escape the Holy Knights and escape all the way to where she is today.

A huge mountain range adjacent to the Demon World.

“Just go a little further.”

If you cross this mountain, you will reach the Demon World.

“Then we can meet her mom and her dad again.”

Before we broke up, my parents spoke.

I will follow you later, so go to the demon world first.

If I go to the demon world, I will meet my parents again.

Aren firmly believed in her.


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But she couldn’t eat anything all day.

Even that was a fatal situation for Aren, who was small in stature.

“I’m hungry… I miss my mom…….”

She was about to cry again.

“Let’s be patient. I have to endure it….”

You shouldn’t cry now.

You need to have a little more strength when it’s time to cry.

Aren mumbled and wiped away her tears.


A squirrel approached Aren, who was crying.

“hehehe, it’s a squirrel.”

Aren’s expression brightened at the appearance of the cute squirrel.

I felt like all the difficult emotions I had just had were melting away because of the squirrel.

“Squirrel friend, come here!”

Aren stretched out her hand toward her squirrel.

Did the squirrel also know her feelings?

The squirrel, which was wary at first, soon climbed onto Aren’s palm.

“Your friend is screwed!”

Aren gently wrapped her squirrel with a short sound with her tongue.


She lifted the squirrel up with her hand wrapped around it and sunk its molars into her body.


“hehehehe, my friend.”

Aren’s expression overflowed with joy.


It felt like drinking sweet juice.

Red liquid was falling drop by drop from the corner of Aren’s mouth.

“See you later, squirrel friend!”

After sucking up his self-proclaimed friend, he placed the former squirrel on the ground and stood up.

There was still a way to go.

Staying here was not a good option. Because you never know when scary men might come after you.

That’s why Aren stood up courageously.

“Let’s do our best!”

For the day when she will meet her mother and her father again.

Aren carefully held the sword her parents gave her.

Her parents had explained something about her sword, but there was no way that young Aren would remember.


Aren’s eyes turned to the floor.

She found a snake crawling on the floor.

“A long-lasting friend!”

With the sword wrapped in her arms, she snatched the snake with one hand.

“Let’s go together. “Mashin is a friend.”

At least for the time being.

Aren’s mouth didn’t look bored.

* · * *

Celia was busy wandering around the dungeon.

It was none other than an internal inspection of the dungeon.

When she heard that the Holy Knights had appeared nearby, Celia immediately prepared.

Fortunately, she had ample funds to make such preparations.

Where did you get these magic stones? .’

The great master gave as many as 20,000 magic stones.

This was enough preparation to greet the Paladins.

“I wish we could set a trap here.”

Celia pointed to the inside of the dungeon. She

As she inspected, she said the necessary parts.

“Please use traps that can be installed quickly.”

In relation to this, she was dealing with the Demon World Chamber of Commerce.

The person in charge, ‘Moru’, had a smile on her face.

Moru was recently a hot topic in the Demon World Chamber of Commerce. She was

0 Because her performance was rising rapidly.

In the meantime, she had been discriminated against within the company based on the fact that Moru was a mixed race succubus, a cross between a succubus and a human.

But she was lucky that she was now assigned to be in charge of the dungeon.

That was her turning point.

The current dungeon where she was in charge was not usually a wealthy place.

‘I know you used a lot of magic stones last time…’ .’

This time, she requested replacement of not only the traps but also the weapons used by the monster soldiers.

“In addition to the traps here, we have added weapons for use by goblins and skeletons. Can we do it like this?”

“It doesn’t matter how much magicite you spend, so you need the highest quality possible.”

Even each and every weapon was required to be of good quality.

“But Mr. Moru?”

“Yes! “Just tell me.”

“Is there any equipment like armor?”

The weapons were okay, but the armor was poor.

No matter how good your attack is, if your defense is breached, what good is it?

“Of course! At our Demon World Shop, we stock not only adventurer equipment but also equipment captured from religious orders. In particular, the church’s armor is of good quality. But the price is….”

“Shall we talk about that?”

“Ah! Yes!”

Anvil answered happily.

If this deal went well, she wouldn’t have to worry about performance at all.

‘This person must go with you until the end.’

Moru glanced at Celia next to her and thought.

As she is the best regular, we decided to accommodate her as much as possible.

* · * *

One thing had to be corrected.

Despite the promise that I would not be able to play the game for a while, I played the game without fail.


A simple game title appeared on the screen.

Although it was actually close to an idle game, it had its own fun.


In particular, should I say that the characters are a bit three-dimensional?

Even now, several characters were busy moving around the dungeon.

Everyone seemed busy except for area 1, where the undead lived.

“But who is this guy?”

A person with a face I had never seen before was next to Celia.

I immediately clicked to see who the character was.


The name was Anvil.

Looking at the description, she was a merchant belonging to the Demon World Chamber of Commerce, and there were two stars next to her.

The merchant was moving around with Celia.

“Ah, the dungeon was developed through this guy.”


If you ever need to do something in the future, you will just have to remember the name Anvil.


Anyway, if I’m that busy, there’s nothing for me to do.

Actually, I had one purpose for entering the game.

I was planning to dispatch Celia to assist in another dungeon to kill time.

But Celia was working hard.

What if she gives me extra work here?

I must be an evil employer.

But in this situation, what was the point of leaving out Death Knight?

Someone has to guard the dungeon.

“This dungeon seemed like something special….”

[Dungeon Support & Dispatch] A unique dungeon appeared on the list.

Incubus Dungeon.

On the outside it looked like an ordinary place.

The problem is that the dungeon was not located on the El Dorad continent.

“Another dimension?”

A part that broke my expectations appeared.

Because it was interesting, I wanted to dispatch it right away.

There is an incubus dungeon.

If you are talking about an incubus dungeon, it is a monster with the opposite characteristics of a succubus.

“No matter how you look at it, Celia is the perfect fit.”

I looked at the screen with a wistful heart.

“Well, there’s still time.”

The time was displayed next to the Incubus dungeon.

– Remaining time: 1 day, 2 hours and 16 minutes

Perhaps it would be okay to dispatch it only within this time?

Since in-game time and real time pass equally, Celia’s work will almost be finished before then.

I looked at the dungeon changing with pride.

* · * *

Vice-guild leader’s office of the Phoenix Guild.

Two people were talking there.

“Jeong Yerin said she will enter the dungeon tomorrow?”

Vice-guild leader Taeyoung Jeong asked back in a cold voice.

“Is that so? “She seemed to have made up her mind and made thorough preparations.”

Jung Woo-jin responded to Jeong Tae-young’s words.

Jung Woo-jin is not as good as Jeong Tae-young, but he is in a position to manage the Phoenix Guild’s personnel rights and dungeons.

They were Jeong Ye-rin’s older and younger brothers.

“Brother, think about it. “What a great opportunity.”

This dungeon had a goblin lord.

Goblin Lord is a class A monster.

And her younger sister Jeong Ye-rin is a B-level healer.

All of the team members under team leader Jeong Ye-rin were C- or D-level hunters.

No matter how much Yerin Jeong is a B-class hunter, she is a non-combat healer.

In fact, it was safe to say that the party in question was a C-rank hunter at its highest level.

With that configuration, you can enter a dungeon with a goblin lord? Of course it was crazy.

But they did not stop it.

“Then give us as much support as possible. “That way, you won’t be able to say anything later.”

Rather, I expected Jeong Ye-rin to enter the dungeon.

I planned to provide enough support so that even if Jeong Ye-rin died later, there would be no talk.

In fact, to them, Jeong Ye-rin was nothing.

Still, she is in a situation of what if.

They were planning to nip Jeong Ye-rin in the bud to prevent her from growing any further.

And when a good opportunity comes, how can you just pass it up?

‘Your mother will like it.’

In particular, their mother hated Jeong Ye-rin.

No, it went beyond avoidance and was closer to disgust.

Because it was her husband’s child from another wife.

But now that too is over.

Good news will come soon.

“Oh, by the way, are you preparing well?”

Jung Tae-young, who seemed to have remembered something, asked a question to Jung Woo-jin.

Jung Woo-jin was also scheduled to enter another dungeon.

“Okay then! Who am I? “I’ve already sent all the reconnaissance to that dungeon.”

“Then what if I prepare in the dungeon?”

Maybe it’s a low-level monster.

As the level increases, the monster’s intelligence also increases.

If we scouted openly, the monsters could have prepared.

That is why it is said that high-level dungeons are difficult to clear.

The dungeon that Woojin Jung is preparing is B grade.

It was by no means a low-grade dungeon.

“Don’t worry bro.”

Jung Woo-jin laughed as if it was no big deal.

“The only incubus there was.”

“Is that true?”

What is an incubus?

Unlike the succubus, it was a dream demon targeted only at women.

But this is a dungeon that only has incubus.

“Then it would have been all men.”

It was natural for a dungeon with only incubus to be comprised of only male hunters.

Because men do not get brainwashed by the incubus.

No matter how much the Incubuses prepare, it is useless.

‘Jung Woo-jin succeeds and Jeong Ye-rin fails….’

It seems like the sky was on Jung Woo-jin and his side.

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