Dungeon Maker

Chapter 221

Chapter # 2 The northern army was a large army that could not be found in the history of the magi. The number of laborers included in one large chunk was over 100,000, though not yet.

The movement of the great army was like walking mountains and forests on the earth. Furthermore, the northern armies were not composed of ground troops alone. Several flying monsters and huge monsters covered the sky.

It was a spectacular sight to leave Pia. Indeed, the gangbangers who were observing the northern forces' movement from afar were overwhelmed with wonder and fear.

The king of blessings, Asmodus, was in the middle of such a large army. It was a battle wagon drawn by a giant hydra with seven heads.

It was huge as a wagon driven by Hydra. It was a good place to be a palace to move around.

The king of lust was standing at the window. Instead of the red sky, the gray clouds covered the head. Tracking Traces Cold winds blew through the rain.

The celestial hole was opened again. The appearance of the new person was as it was. The power of the celestial still served as a deadly poison to the beings of the mystery.

Thousand years ago. Indeed, it was a long time ago, but the king of blindness did not feel that way. It was not just because she had lived so long.

If I close my eyes now, it seems to be back to that time. In those days when the kings of sin were gathered together for the first time in the history of miracles, in those days when they were united against the external enemies of the celestial sphere.

The king of lust has not detected his eyes. It was impolite impression. It has been over a thousand years already. There was nothing that reminded me of the past. As if I regret a few times, the past does not change.

When the arrogant operation of the King of Oman, which was supposed to take control of the Magi one morning, failed, the king of bitterness had a different thought for a moment.

What if I just stop fighting like this?

Is it supposed to supress the south?

The king of violence died.
There were no kings and kings of the city.

The king of Oman rose to the position that Mammon had in the past. No, I just skipped Mamon if I were talking about horsepower.

The king of the rage and the king of the sloth still remain the king of greed, but none of them have power comparable to the king of Oman.

Oman, Ji-shi, lust, and the king's territory. Even Mammon could not get such a wide land.

So I just wanted to stop the fight. The South would never be able to prey on the north. If the King of Oman decided, he would be able to enjoy peace in the tension as he did just a few months ago.

The raindrops were cold. The king of lust has awakened from his dream. It was foolish. I have lived for thousands of years but I have not changed yet.

It was never beautiful when I fought against Caven with Mammon. The King of Jessi was forced to surrender forcefully, and the King of Oman expressed a terrible sense of inferiority. The lord of lust has only lingered among such kings.

It was impossible to stop the King of Oman. As the King of Oman was trying to betray Mamon, he could not stop it, and he could not resist the king of Oman.

When Mamon sacrificed himself at the end, he saved the king of blessings when he saved him.
At the moment when Mammon was virtually collapsed, he understood that he was in the face of the King of Oman.

There was no longer the king of Oman he knew himself. On the same day that Mammon rescued him, Oman's king crossed a river that could not be turned back.

The king of lust has turned. There was a big throne in the middle of the dark interior. The king of Oman was asleep halfway down the throne. It did not move as if it was a statue.

The king of Oman devoured the kingdom of Oman. It was not a figurative meaning. He was severely wounded by the violence of the King of violence. He gathered all the aristocratic clans he had born and raised over the last thousand years in one place and killed them all. They ate all their essence.

I did not miss even the misfortunes in the process of making the best one. The number of integers absorbed by the King of Oman was one thousand, and his power of domination minimized the loss of water absorption process.

The king of lust has approached the king of Oman. Abra Sachs and Bifronz were the only survivors who followed the king of Oman on the day of the violence. And they were now somewhere at a distance from the King of Oman. It was because of the fear that he would not be able to take away the essence.

The king of bitterness did not stop footing. After he found himself in front of the throne, he stared at the monster named King of Oman.

What would have happened if the king of lust was himself on the side of the king of greed hundreds of years ago?

What if it had been a thousand years and returned to help the King of Ozman, who had shown his rejection to the King of Oman, who helped him.

The king of bitterness hugged the King of Oman. There were only impossible assumptions this time. The king of blindness could never have done it himself.

A monster that has taken away the flesh of its descendants for thousands of years.
A man who has treated his descendants like dogs and cows for millennia and has created the best one.
A murderer who kills and devours more than a thousand of his own blood.

Nevertheless, he did not covet his own essence and sins of lust. No, I did not think that at all. Just as the lustful king himself can not leave the King of Oman at the end.

The celestial door was opening again. In the South there were 12 laborers of Mammon who experienced betrayal a thousand years ago. It was never possible to achieve such a kind of grand unity to confront the public enemies of the celestial system.

The door of the celestial system was like a time limit. I likened it to the water coming from my feet.

I had to finish the fight before the time had passed.

'When this fight is over.'

If you defeat the southern army, close the doors to the heavenly sights, and finish all the work.

Will the King of Oman be satisfied at that time? Can you shake off the shadow of Mamon and smile again?

The king of lust was no longer thinking. I buried my head in the arms of the King of Oman. I put my cheek closer to find a little warmth.

The king of blindness closed his eyes. I have drawn the future instead of the past.

The garden of life was still. It is because skeletons that were doing farming in the middle of the night under the blue sky disappeared.

There was no ruffling laugh at Skull, and there was not a dragon who was trying to get rid of it by chance. I could not hear the hundreds of plows sweeping in the direction of Death Knight.

It has already been a month longer. And that month was too long for Yuria, who was born and was only a year old.

Trent, the guardian of the Garden of Life, stood in front of the potato field. The gardener, Skazahha, was in the garden of life that left yesterday to make shade for Yuri who is still on the farm today.

She squatted and took potatoes. I squatted and looked around with only my head.

It was vast. When I was with the skull, I had never thought of it, but today I felt it was too wide.

"Do you still?"


Baduk and 낑낑 looked around at the same time. Instead of replying to both of them, Yuria pulled out a piece of paper by rubbing her pocket around her neck. This was the last chicken exchange.

Originally, when she came back, she tried to use it immediately but could not write it. Even after returning, it was because everyone was busy as well as the lady.

It was not unconventional because it was free. Mammon also heard a story about John and Ron, one of the oldest dungeons, Goblin Ranger. Both Caesar and Mamon have been in front of a great battle to control the fate of the entire mystery.

So I could not force it. Yuria decided to wait patiently until the end of the day. When the fight is over, everything will be as it was before. I was a little patient.

"I hope you'll come back soon. Is not it?"

Yuria smiled a big smile. Soonchun and Chan laughed, and the three once again started to taste homemade.

Trent shook the branches for the three. I made a cool wind.

Burketo worked silently as usual. He was out of the labyrinth of greed and participated in this northern expedition, and he was checking the weapons to be used by Mammon's soldiers.

Riccum, the head of Mammon 's defense captain and Black Orc squadron, sat down against the burbur figure and checked his armor.

Burkete was originally silent, and Riccum was a good savior before the battle. Therefore, there was only silence between the two.

Burr picture knocked on the hammer. Rikum, with his head suddenly turned to look at his sword, trying to put a horse on his face.

It seems like it has been a while since Mr.

'But at that time, it seemed to be pretty close.'

I remember when I found a free city with Mammon 's lord. I remember seeing the land worm defeating and seeing the snow flicking.

Rikum smiled unwittingly. I remember when I was fighting against the great army of Embrio. At that time, I thought I was really dead.

'It was awesome.'

It was the first time I saw this dragon, and it was the first time I saw a person who defeated this dragon in a single shot.

Thank you.
King of greed. Riccum shook his head. I wasted my thoughts. The near and far did not matter. Riccum himself was the chief defense officer of the proud Mammon. That was enough.

Burr picture hit the hammer again. The sound was so light.

On the deck of the red giant thyme was a glance at the southern army camp. Tigrius, who was standing alone in the sky, gradually turning to the dark, biting a cigarette. The wind blowing from the north was cold because of the giant rain that is pouring in the far north.

Said Tigris.

"What about Eligos?"

"Eli O'Barney is in full swing right now. And it is night. It's okay because I'll see you anyway. "

Ophelia, next to Tigris, likewise smoked a cigarette. Unlike Tigrius, I felt like I was a goggles.

Mammon was the two people who had been taking care of the outside of Mammon since the days of struggling because of lack of hands. The process of building a fortified city in the northern part of the peninsula was never far away. Grandpa and granddaughter were good.

Tiglius gently picked up a cigarette, and Ophelia poured white, long smoke. I suddenly seemed to think of it.

"How many things have changed? In a short time. "

Yongho followed the will of the king of Oman. The South military was on its way to a place where the doors of the celestial system were opened a thousand years ago, like the northern army.

Only a few days left. A few days later, the destiny of the mage was determined. Tiglius opened his mouth to the north.

"History is … … "

It was cloudy. Ophelia looked around Tigris, and Tiglius painted a decent smile that matched the old man.

"I thought it was only in history."

Ophelia laughed. She laughed like a girl and asked her again.

"Iknow, right. Who would have thought that the landlord of the southern fang village tavern would be here? "

When I see myself with six horns, what does my father say to Delilion? I wonder if he will be pleased or proud, or will he be jealous of himself.

"We met our master very well?"

Although the beginning was mandatory, it was not after that.

"I can not deny it."

Tiglius turned around after capturing all of his cigarettes in a portable ashtray. I was standing in a scene of the history of this one, so I wanted to inscribe the name.

"Everything is youth."

Looking at Tiglius' s hard back, Ophelia, who was briefly flat, scored a gym. I looked at the northern sky where there is a celestial door.

One of the main forces of Mammon, the ministers of the arenas all gathered together and chatted. There were over a hundred people, each a different person, but a thousand years. Although it was in the arena where I could not feel the flow of time properly, a thousand years was enough time to build all kinds of chin.

Among the ministers of the arena, the group of poisoned societies were also the prelates of Mammon. Ecclathon, a teenager before the age of ten, shared his gossip. I blinked a big eye under the gray hair.


Kaizan waved lightly instead of the answer and approached the Caesar. Yuk Krishon hung his head.

"Why do not we have a lump of desire, but why?"

"Originally, the battle has changed emotionally, so it's not like I'm looking at the side of a loved one?"

Some of the Caesars added a voice. Unlike when it was in the arena, it was a lively voice.

"I still have a few days left."

Caiwan, who was moderately answered, sat next to her favorite ancestor, Eucraion. I searched around and asked.

"What about Gion Zion?"

"I'm in love with someone I love."

"Do not go. I will be embarrassed. "

"Are you just a little hit?"

Voices continued between the Caesars. When I was in the arena, the placenta was dull like a dead body. "Do not cry. It's just for a while. I am a member of the first year. I will go back to see you again at night and do not worry about it. "

Tiktigarin Kaiwan lifted one of the empty cups in front of Yuccraión. Instead of filling up the cup of such kaisan, Yu Krishion opened his eyes wide and asked.

"Are you really a little boy?"

Kaiwan was embarrassed by the appearance of Yukraishon, who seemed to be genuinely worried, unlike the other chaotic ghosts. I was worried whether I would answer it, but I filled it with my own hand.

The liquor was also filled elsewhere. Kirti Muka, who gave the kingship to the King of Fury, asked with a soft voice.

"Are you going to find me?"

"Where are you going?"

"You know."

Kiritimuka, who covered his mouth with a hand like a lid, smiled positively. The innocent face of the King of Fury, which was never knowledgeable, rose red.

"Do you want to make a crazy sound?"

"I have not married yet, but I do not care."

Kirtimuka shook his head again and the King of Fury swum around. And Gardimundi, who watched those two people quietly, eventually chose a smile.

As the King of Fury became the servant of the King of Greed, Gardimundi and Kiritimuka also changed. The subordinate relationship with the King of Fury was not cut off but could no longer affect each other. The evidence gained as the King of Fury became a servant was not shared by Gardimundi and Kiritimuka.

Despite the fate of the fate of martial arts just a few days before, Kirti Mukana, the chief clerk, and the king of the raging fury, blushing on the cheek, were all happy. It was two people who said it was fun to spend so much more than to be scared.

Gardimundi, who was in trouble for a while, decided to help Kirtimuka. It was rude feelings to bear to the lieutenant, but the king of the wrathful rage was so cute that I could not help it.

The King of Fury was soon on the onslaught of two faithful friends and consignees.

Gushon and Szaza did not say anything while holding each other in their arms. I enjoyed the warmth of each other through the skin touching each other.

No new decision was needed. It was enough to breathe the day that Mamon left alone. I did not have to take it out of my mouth for the last thousand years.

Scuzha put his lips against Zion in Gion. Giuson dragged Scuzha's slender body to shatter.

Yustia did not see the card point. It was the same as a thousand years ago. I was going to follow the truth.

Yuno did not blame such a youth. Jen and I have been to Silent Richard. The mouth of Richard, who stood silently like a rock, was firmly closed today.

But Richard was never dumb. Yuno still remembered Richard's voice and his screams.

Momon's 12 workers did not talk. I remembered the past. It reminded me of the day that everyone had together.

There was a red carpet on the floor of the captain's seat of the red giant thyme. There was Katarina and Elygos beside Yongho, sitting on top of it. Skull rolled on the floor.

Avatar of Death – Despite being a mythical figure, it was a perfect fit to roll the floor. Yongho laughed as he remembered the skull of his days as a skeleton worker.

Elygos was baking pancakes directly in front of Yongho. It was the scenery that I used to see every day when Yongho was just about to climb Mammon.

The wrinkles were obviously reduced and the body was much better, but Ellogoth also had parts that did not change like a skull. He was the president of the house of Yongho, Mammon, now and now.

"It smells good."

You're Almost There

Ellogos laughed softly and turned a frying pan, which Yongho bought from his family, on the stove.

It was because of Yongho's request that the pancakes were baked without any reason. Although Mamon was not the room of the devil, Yongho felt a nostalgia from Ellogoth, who baked a skull and a pancake on a carpet and floor.

These scenes came out of the RPG game I played when I was a child, and the cartoon I enjoyed. It is a scene where a group of colleagues gather together to talk about a story before the final battle.

At the time, I was grumbling at the last minute why it was a sword, but now it seemed to know. I thought that I wanted to talk to my colleagues with my colleagues, with a big fight that might be the last, and that I was fighting the fate of the majesty.

Five years ago – No, now the Father has told me that six years ago.

'The blood of the devil flows in our house.'

Five years later, Katarina and Eligos came to Yongho himself.

Everything that happened after that.
I have really passed out the goby to die. There were too many things I would not have experienced if I had been a new college freshman.

Yongho turned his head to the side. In the morning, Katarina, weak at night and strong at night, was staring at the pancake with her eyes lanterning lanterns.

"Katarina is the same."


Katarina shook her ears and looked at Yongho. Yongho kicked his tongue out.

"At first I thought it was really cool. You're a hukou. "

Crimson Ogre, because he could deal with the ogre, hesitating to answer the idea of ​​a flashing appearance. Katarina pierced her lips and hit her arm with a rustling tail. She was one of the few rebellions she could do to Yongho.

But it was then.


Yongho raised his voice with a loud voice, and because of his own tail, Katarina, who wanted to be like that, was conspicuously embarrassed and settled his tail.

But it was not. I did not even want to be angry with Katarina in the first place.
Yongho said, laughing as if it were ridiculous.

"Evolution skills are full?"

It was possible to acquire Jinhwa skill through all the daily life as well as the battle. And the room that I just tugged up filled the evolutionary skills of Katarina.

It was not long ago that the consolidation was strengthened, but the evolution has been quite long. It was ridiculous that it was the tailing that took the tail, but it was also a time to be proud.

"Stay tuned."

Yongho invoked the power of evolution. I saw a window of evolution that seemed like a long time without knowing something.

[Name: Katharina (f)] [Race/position: shadow Queen (hybrid)] [Category: main (superlative)] [The dark four-level property: wind/10] [Object nature] [Net Park/Lake(xihu) area-downtown Hangzhou/flame] [Competence of objects] [Charm/HP/agility/skills] [Evolution expert: 100/100] [★ ★ ★ ★ Specialized 7-level attraction | ★ ☆ (5.5)] [Health-specific 5-level | ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (4.5)] [Agile-specific 9-level | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (6)] [HP-specific 9 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ level | (5.5)] [★ ★ ★ ★ Reinforce specific 8 level | ★ ☆ (5.5)] [★ ★ ★ ★ 7 levels enhance properties | ★ ☆ (5.5)] for the first time when facing each other and are not enough to even compare the evolution of the status window of Jin was gorgeous. Yongho, who saw the items of individual nature, could not bear laughter. The innocent yet cozy Hokugo was just a catarina.

"OK, so let's evolve in a short time."

Katarina, who liked to listen to the word "Evolution," flashed cheek to the appearance of Yong Ho, who did not hide the "generosity" of the individual nature. I was nervous and my tail was stiff.

[The power of evil is rising tremendously.]

"Skull curl."

The skull laughed and Ellgos laughed. While Katarina was alone, Yongho raised her hands on the thighs of Katarina. Yongho himself was never so tough. The day I first discovered Amon, I wanted to recreate the moment that made Catherine evolve.

Katarina also laughed at last. Yongho concentrated his consciousness.

It invoked the power of evolution.

The night was deep. When everyone was asleep and woke alone, she looked at the darkness.

It was the same as the past but also different.

The final battle was unfolding under the door of the celestial world, but the object and purpose were different.

There was no unfair betrayal. It was a simple battle to fight against the enemy with all the power.

Citi has always cheated past as well. It reminded me of the most beautiful but most vivid memories.

The moment that Mammon died in the seat of his own hand.
The moment that she himself broke Mamon's last breath.

Mammon said not to cry. I smiled at the last minute.


There was a tomb of Mamon in the blank space below the place where the door of the celestial system was opened. It was in a position to overlook the final battle with the King of Oman.

She leaned herself on her shoulder. Again, I vowed to remind Mammon's last smile. I was determined. No matter what happens this time, it will not produce the same result.

The night was deep.
The dawn is approaching by the side of the seat.

Chapter 75 End of # 2

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