Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 92 Crane and clam fight

No matter how fast Ding Gong was, his cultivation level was still lower than that of the lame Taoist. Others could not see where the spear came from, but he had already seen it clearly. Before the spear could stab him, he waved his whisk with his right hand, Wrapping it around the head of the spear and gently moving it to the side, Ding Gong's attack was deflected. Then he swung out his left palm, preparing to give Ding Gong a slap.

However, there were two people on the opposite side. When Ding Gong launched his attack, Pan Po also stepped forward. Seeing that her husband's attack was broken, she twisted her body and stood in front of her husband. Her small shield blocked the lame Taoist's palm. , and the short sword slashed towards the opponent's arm.

The lame Taoist missed the hit, and seeing that Pan Po's short sword was sharp, he had to retract his palm and take a step back. Before he could counterattack, Ding Gong's spear had already stabbed him again.

The strength of Ding Gong and Pan Po is lower than that of the lame Taoist, but the gap between them is not big, especially since the two of them have a tacit understanding of each other and have a tacit understanding. It is impossible for the lame Taoist to defeat them easily, so the scene You come and go, and for a while, we are evenly matched.

The battle between these low-level monks still does not break away from the category of warriors. The main reason is that on the one hand, they are poor and cannot afford magical weapons, and on the other hand, their strength is too low, and they cannot control good magical weapons. Qingyang Watching from the side, there are gains, but the experience is not increased much.

Everyone's attention was focused on the battle between Ding Gong Panpo and the lame Taoist, but no one noticed that at some point, a dirty beggar rolled out from under a table. , secretly stretched out a hand and touched the box on the table.

Of course, there were still many people paying attention to this box on the field. In addition to Qingyang, Ding Gong, Pan Po and Lame Taoist were also paying attention. Why are people fighting? Not just for the Immortal Kowtow Order, it would be a huge loss if someone took advantage of the troubled waters during the fight, so they did not use all their strength during the fight and focused on staring at the box on the table.

At this time, they saw that someone really wanted to fish in troubled waters, and they were immediately furious. It was unreasonable to dare to snatch Grandpa's things. The three of them wanted to rush over to stop them, but they could not stop the fighting, so they could only face that person. The beggar shouted: "Stop!"

The beggar was about thirty years old, his clothes were ragged, and he was dirty and smelly. Even Qingyang sitting behind him could smell a trace of the stink. On such an important occasion for the Tiger Gang, no one with disheveled clothes, let alone beggars, would be allowed in. I don’t know how this person got in.

Since the beggar had taken advantage of troubled waters, how could he shrink back just because of other people's scolding? He saw that the three people could not stop him for a while, so he chose the right moment, so he grabbed the box without stopping.

It was really a fight between the crane and the clam for the fishermen to gain. Ding Gong, Pan Po and the lame Taoist were fighting to death, but in the end, a stinky beggar got a better deal. Qingyang couldn't help but regret a little, why he didn't take action just now, if the one who took action was... I, wouldn’t the Kowtow Immortal Order be in my hands?

Before Qingyang could finish regretting it, the beggar jumped up and flew towards the main entrance of the hall. Looking at this speed, he was obviously no less powerful than the three people in the field, even if he was not as strong as Lame Dao. He is not much different from Ding Gong. He is at least a master at the sixth level of the Pulse Opening Realm.

Qingyang is at the fourth level of Kai Mao Realm, so he definitely can't catch up. Ding Gong, Pan Po and Lame Taoist are bound to each other, so they can't chase him with all their strength. Seeing that the beggar is about to escape from the hall, suddenly a figure blocks his way. At the entrance of the main hall.

The beggar was about to escape from the hall, but he was blocked by someone. If the person facing him was just an ordinary warrior, even a monk with lower strength than him, he would not care, because he only needed to bump into him and he would be able to get over. A person's bones are broken and his tendons are broken, and no one can stop him.

But the man opposite seemed to have been prepared. As soon as he came out, he showed off his momentum. His strength was even one level higher than his own. Moreover, the man's palms were hidden. He was obviously preparing to act as a killer after he approached. The beggar knew that this encounter When it came time to fight, it seemed that it was impossible to get out smoothly, so he quickly stopped and glared at the visitor.

At this moment, Wang Yinlong, who had been shocked from ear to ear by the changes on the field and had not spoken for a long time, suddenly whispered: "Young hero, it's him, it's him. This is the commission I told you about." I am the red-faced strong man who robbed the Jade Buddha in Jinsha Gang.”

Qingyang had also seen the man at the entrance of the hall a long time ago. He was a strong man in his forties, with an ordinary appearance and simple clothes. He looked unremarkable, only the red face was more eye-catching. The red-faced strong man showed off his seventh-level pulse-opening aura as soon as he arrived, and then he forced the beggar back.

What kind of jade Buddha or treasure? Now Qingyang no longer dares to worry about it. The other party's strength has reached the seventh level of the pulse opening realm, and is even stronger than the lame Taoist. How can it be that he is a small fourth level of the pulse opening realm? Can the layer be provoked?

Not only the Jade Buddha, but even the Immortal Kowling Order, Qingyang felt that he was definitely out of luck. In just a short time, he had already attracted four waves of people, and each one was more powerful than the last. He had small arms and legs. , I simply can’t afford to get involved.

With his way of life blocked, the beggar said with a gloomy face, "Who are you? Are you trying to steal the Immortal Order?"

The red-faced strong man smiled and said: "Yes, I came here just for the Kowtow Immortal Order. I am not as famous as Beggar King in Kaiyuan Mansion. Your reputation is so low that Beggar King has never heard of it, right? "

The Beggar King is the name of this beggar. He was originally a beggar leader. By chance, he became a monk and was known as the Beggar King. It's not surprising that someone knows his name, but who is Hong Mantian? It seems that I have never heard of this casual cultivator in Kaiyuan Mansion.

However, many monks are relatively low-key, and it is normal if they have not heard of it. Now is not the time to think about this. The top priority is how to escape from here. The Beggar King said: "There is only one Kowling Immortal Order. What should I do if I give it to you? How about we discuss it? You can put forward other conditions."

The red-faced strong man Hong Mantian shook his head and said: "There is no need to discuss it. Hand over the Immortal Knocking Order and I can let you pass. Otherwise, you will be surrounded by us and die."

While the two were talking, Ding Gong, Pan Po and Lame Taoist had already gathered around. Seeing that others had snatched away the Kowtow Immortal Order, they still slapped each other, so Ding Gong put away his spear and stopped attacking. The lame Taoist also took back his whisk, and the two sides stopped fighting and made peace.

At this time, the three people had already surrounded him, standing in a three-way confrontation with Hong Mantian, blocking all the Beggar King's escape routes. Qingyang watched from behind and was secretly scared. Fortunately, he didn't act impulsively. Otherwise, what happened to the Beggar King would be his own fate. Surrounded by so many masters, he couldn't escape even if he had wings.

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