Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 35 Seed

These wine ponds and pavilions disappeared after the immortal wine was sucked up by the gourd. Qingyang vaguely felt that this matter should have something to do with the wine gourd. Maybe it was the wine gourd that did all this, but this matter is too complicated, so He couldn't think through his current experience, so he could only put it behind him for the time being.

In any case, these immortal wines were not in vain for the immortal masters who got something for nothing. Now even the wine pool has disappeared, leaving no evidence, and saving myself an explanation. As for the wine gourd and wine pool, I will have plenty of time to study them slowly after I return.

Now I am still at the bottom of the pit, and I must find a way to climb up. Qingyang looked up and found that the length and width of the pit were more than ten feet, and the depth was about four feet. There was a certain slope around it, and it was not the kind that goes straight up and down.

This was easy to handle. Qingyang retreated a certain distance, and then ran forward. When approaching the slope, he suddenly accelerated, and his body started running on the slope based on inertia.

Although Qingyang is not a first-rate master like Songhe Laodao, he has studied with his master for nearly ten years and can be ranked third in front of him, so he still has certain strength. The inertia of running coupled with the lightening skills he specially displayed, his body rose by more than three feet in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the inertia had been exhausted. Qingyang quickly threw out the thin line in his hand and put the hook at the other end on a platform far away. With the pull of the thin line, he finally jumped up from the pit.

Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief quietly and turned to look at the big pit behind him. He was filled with fear. Fortunately, the pit was not deep. If it had been deeper, he might have fallen to his death. Even if he survives the fall, this depth is almost the limit of what he can climb out of. If he can't climb out because of the depth of the pit, wouldn't he eventually starve to death down there?

Fortunately, this time it was a near miss, and I was not injured at all, and the harvest was not small. All the fairy wine was put into the gourd, and I can study it slowly when I go back. If the master knew that he had found the essence of immortal wine for him, I don't know how happy he would be.

In the entire hall, only the pile of black garbage on the far right was left unexplored. After taking a short rest, Qingyang walked towards the pile of garbage on the right.

This pile of garbage seems to be no different from the one in the alchemy room. There is probably nothing good in it. Three black beetles escaped from it last time. Qingyang didn't dare to be careless. He first found a piece of wood and took out the things in the garbage pile. They picked them apart to make sure there was no danger, and then took the spirit plate and went through the entire team of garbage bit by bit.

He did all the work alone, and the efficiency was much lower. He took two breaks before going through the entire pile of garbage. As for the harvest, as expected, I only found a few spiritual woods, and the harvest was less than that of the alchemy room.

After doing all this, Qingyang was about to go to the entrance of the cave to do business. Suddenly he saw a high platform next to him, and there seemed to be a huge wooden box on it. Another glimmer of hope rose in Qingyang's heart. He quickly climbed up the high platform and opened it. That wooden box.

There was still just some blackened garbage in the wooden box. When he dug it open with his hands, four small black things rolled out. Qingyang picked it up and looked at it carefully. He could barely identify the largest one as a peach core, but he couldn't tell the difference from the other ones.

It seems that they are all some fruit cores, seeds, etc., but they have turned black after being stored for a long time. Those that can be placed here must not be ordinary. Ordinary seeds must not be left now. However, Qingyang tried it with the Spirit Appraisal Plate, but there was no reaction at all. He didn't know whether it was because the level of the Spirit Appraisal Plate was too high to detect it, or the spirituality inside had been lost, making it useless.

Since it is not what the immortal master wants, he should keep it for himself, maybe it will be useful in the future. Qingyang casually put a few seeds into the bag carrying food behind him.

Now that the entire hall has been explored, Qingyang took a short rest and returned to the entrance of the cave with a few logs found in the garbage pile. He first sent everything out from the entrance of the cave, and then used his bone-shrinking technique to come outside the cave.

Seeing that Qingyang had returned safely, Taoist Songhe snorted and turned away, deliberately not looking at his disciple. Maybe he was still angry at Qingyang for not listening to his advice. It's just that his eyes were misty, the wrinkles on his face were stretched, and his joy seemed to be unable to be concealed at all.

Others were concerned about the harvest in the main hall, and regardless of whether Qingyang needed to rest and replenish his strength, they all gathered around him to ask about the process of searching for treasures inside. Hu Zhensong also asked while carefully observing Qingyang's expression when he spoke to see if he had anything to hide.

Although Qingyang is young, he has been following an old liar like Songhe Laodao for nearly ten years, so how could he not understand Hu Zhensong's thoughts under such influence? So I divided it into seven parts true and three parts false, and started talking to everyone.

Qingyang had explained most of the situation in the main hall, except for the few seeds and everything about the wine pool. He felt there was no need to talk about the seeds, but the matter about the wine pool was too outrageous, and the consequences would be too great. It's too serious to say nonsense. He only said that he found a big pit on the left side and accidentally fell when he went down to explore it.

I don’t know if it’s because he has a loyal face and looks convincing, or because he’s young and others don’t think he can lie, or because he’s such a good liar that no one is suspicious of his words.

There must be some disappointment in everyone's heart. So much energy was wasted, one person was killed and one was injured in the team. In the end, only two metal plates and a few broken pieces of wood were found. It was really not worth the loss. However, compared to last time when they only found a few pieces of wood in the alchemy room, everyone had already been mentally prepared, and they did not criticize Qingyang harshly.

Qingyang entered through the entrance of the cave yesterday afternoon and stayed in the hall for more than a day. Everyone was delayed in this place for nearly two days. Now, six days have passed since entering this secret place. Immortal More than one-third of the time given by the teachers has passed, and I don't know if the remaining time is enough to explore the entire secret area.

But we are all just ordinary people, not gods who can live without food. We need to eat when we are hungry, drink water when we are thirsty, and rest when we are tired. There is no point in hurrying.

After explaining the things in the main hall, Qingyang found a corner to rest. He used the Bone Shrinking Technique twice and worked in the main hall for another day. He was really tired. The others have been waiting outside. Although they are not tired, for the sake of Songhe Laodao, they can only wait for now, so everyone rested outside the hall for another night before continuing to set off the next morning.

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