Dragoon fighter

Chapter 69 - Tailor-made plan?


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Although the enemy's smuggling team was destroyed this time, it did not damage the root cause. The revenge of the 'Red Scorpions' will give us a headache later. On the surface, we are beyond the reach of the 'Red Scorpions'. This is a disadvantage. But it can also be turned into an advantage, so I suggest taking the initiative to strike first. This is the plan our intelligence team has formulated for this. Lieutenant Colonel Xie once again pulled out a piece of information and handed it to Colonel Feng. [Search for the latest updates at.br\u003e Captain, this is the plan proposed by Captain Li Muchin, the sister of our genius intelligence agent Gemini team. The name of the plan is 'Driving Tigers and Devouring Wolves', so that the 'Red Scorpions' will take care of us flawlessly. Lieutenant Colonel Xie also put a lot of thought into this aspect.

Obviously, in order to wash away their shame, the elites of the entire intelligence team screamed and fought back, and even took on the task of facing the enemy on the front line.

The large screen on the wall flashed, and a map appeared, with several blocks of different colors adjacent to each other covering the map.

Lieutenant Colonel Xie used a remote-controlled laser pointer to continuously enlarge the map. On a map shrouded in red, a red light spot circled and explained: This is the control area of ​​the Red Scorpion, right at the junction of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The Zilkum Desert is basically a vast and sparsely populated area, where armed rebellions by East Turkestan elements once occurred. Although the Chinese and Kazakh government forces have encircled and suppressed many times, their control over this area is still relatively weak. , they can flee to Uzbekistan anytime and anywhere. Uzbekistan has always been in political instability. There were large-scale riots a year ago. The government is completely unable to cooperate with us, so there is no way to eradicate it directly from the government's perspective. Then in Red Scorpion The slightly smaller light yellow shrouded area adjacent to the control area pointed out: This is the control area of ​​Latika Osam, nicknamed the 'Holy Mercury Mirror'. A typical nationalist, he has no talent on his hands. There are so many Red Scorpions, which mainly rely on mineral development and natural gas industry as their main sources of income. They have been spying on the territory of the Red Scorpions for a long time, and there have been frequent frictions on the adjacent borders.

The red light spot of the laser remote control is constantly moving. The map on the big screen does not show the common administrative areas for ordinary people, but regional power organizations.

The green area here is the area controlled by the Merland tribe. It has certain economic exchanges with the 'Red Scorpion' and is a neutral area. The lavender area here is the armed control area of ​​Mythica Kadra. The arms production is Mainly, agriculture, animal husbandry, aquatic products and food processing industries are secondary, and they are in a competitive relationship with the 'Red Scorpion'. And here, here, to put it bluntly, this area is basically an armed separatist area controlled by local warlords, a real Three No Matters area. . Fortunately, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have two major countries, China and Russia, participating in a number of joint assistance and construction projects. The lives of the people here are much better than in Africa where tribal wars occur.

Lieutenant Colonel Xie's plan is neither complicated nor simple. Don't some people like to cause division in China? Since you like to create divisions so much, you might as well create divisions within the separatists, win over this one, attack that one, and then fan the flames of trouble on your border. Find more things for you to do. If you don’t have the energy to come to China to engage in three or four things, this is China has already mastered this strategy of combining vertical and horizontal forces during the Warring States Period two thousand years ago, but it has only been applied abroad a few times.

Intelligence has confirmed that the 'Red Scorpion' has two retired F-14s purchased from external forces, as well as modified armed helicopters, which pose a great threat to surrounding forces. The deterrent power of this kind of air control makes the 'Red Scorpion' Those forces around Scorpion don't dare to act rashly. Take a look at this satellite remote sensing aerial image. Team leader Xie called up a picture, and there was a small airport in the desert basin.

Looking at the picture, Colonel Feng touched his chin and said, Evaluate whether we can apply for the use of space-based laser weapons for direct strikes.

I'm afraid not, the cost is too high. Although it is cost-effective to attack satellites directly, it also exposes the location of space-based armed satellites. The cost of each launch is far greater than our benefits. Lieutenant Colonel Xie shook his head. Obviously, this highly efficient He has already considered the idea that the several space-based armed satellites China has secretly deployed in space are mainly used to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads.

While the United States was still developing interceptor missiles, the Chinese had already quietly sent space-based armed satellites into the sky.

Colonel Feng saw a person with the same name on the action plan compiled by the intelligence team, and his expression changed, What are you going to send him...? Let him go, this, how can this work? It's ridiculous, this is too dangerous! Even if it's... The cost of using space-based weapons is too high, so we can’t let him go, so the cost is not small.”

Just kidding, no matter how whimsical the intelligence team is, no matter how bold and unexpected the plan is, they can't cross professions so outrageously.

He?! Absolutely. Regarding him, I can say with certainty that many people have misjudged this guy, and we don't have a better candidate. He is not as simple as he appears. I will also send my twin stars. , he will be closely protected in secret. Please rest assured, leader. Even if he cannot complete the task, his ability is enough to protect himself. The people in the first squadron have personally tried his skills. We cannot treat him as an ordinary person. Think about it. , who can come to our 'Dark Night', who is not the King of Soldiers, Captain Feng, when did you become so unsure of your own vision. Lieutenant Colonel Xie calmly flattered Captain Feng and racked his brains for a solution. Through this plan, the chips were once again added, Team Leader Ji of the staff group has also reviewed this plan and said it is feasible.

Many people in the Dark Night intelligence team are familiar faces to many overseas organizations. They are recognized as soon as they appear, which is greatly disadvantageous in operations. The short service life of intelligence personnel is a headache for him. A few hidden talents But the generals were reluctant to use them until the critical moment, and they all used them in this operation.

So Lieutenant Colonel Xie's eyes moved to other departments, and it happened that there was one person who caught his eye. He was not only a stranger, but also capable of fighting and killing. He had a decisive personality. Not to mention that he couldn't be a man with a thousand faces, at least it was not easy to be a mercenary. The secret is revealed, who has ever seen someone who dares to be so cruel to his own people.

I still have reservations. Your intelligence team will test him first and get the test results later. If it doesn't work, you must not let him out. Dark Night cannot afford such a loss. This is simply not doing the job properly. Your intelligence team is too courageous. Colonel Feng was obviously not a person who could be easily persuaded, but seeing as this plan was indeed eye-catching and had unexpected effects, in the end a bottom line was drawn.

Everyone wants talented people who are capable, loyal, decisive, and can come in handy at critical moments. It's not easy to find one from other places, but Captain Feng takes good care of him. Every member of Dark Night is his heart and soul.

Don't worry, leave it to me! The more Lieutenant Colonel Xie thought about it, the more he felt that the plan provided by Gemini was feasible. With Gemini's cover, he sent him over, tried to deflect him, and used evil tricks to attack his biggest enemy. With so many amazing tricks to rely on, there is no guarantee that Red Scorpion will still have the energy to retaliate, and he may even be unable to protect himself.

This kind of plan requires a generalist to be able to execute it perfectly. If there are too many people, it will easily attract the attention of some parties and may encounter many obstacles.

At this juncture, where can you find someone who meets this condition? Do you really think that everyone is James Bond 007? !

But now there happens to be such a person who meets the requirements. Of course, Lieutenant Colonel Xie will not let him go for nothing.


What? Xie, what on earth are you planning! You still want to harm people! I tell you, no way, you are not welcome here, get out! In the hangar of the air crew, Team Leader Pan's roar was heard again. As soon as Lieutenant Colonel Xie came out from Colonel Feng's place, he excitedly found the air crew. As a result, without even starting a conversation, he directly hit a big snag with Team Leader Pan, who still had a strong prejudice against the intelligence team.

Now Team Leader Pan is very cold towards the intelligence team, especially Lieutenant Colonel Xie, and he doesn't look good every time he sees him.

You, you, surnamed Pan, don't think that I am afraid of you because you are fierce! So what if I borrow someone? If you don't want to, just tell me! The clay figurine still has a certain earthy nature. Lieutenant Colonel Xie blushed and was so angry that he wanted to talk to Pan. The team leader started training, and Team Leader Pan’s words were like a slap in the face.


Naked and slapped in the face, he finally couldn't hold back his emotions.

What? Let's start the fight, okay! Team leader Pan shook his big centipede face and rolled up his sleeves. Since he was a soldier, Lao Pan has never been afraid of anyone. He has been in confinement and written self-criticism, but he still failed. His fiery temper was gone. If it weren't for his bad temper, he would have been a lieutenant colonel-level cadre by now.

In the corner of the hangar, Lin Mo, who was carrying a large bucket and cleaning the casing of his favorite machine, was startled by Lao Pan's lion roar. He turned around and saw the two enemies facing each other again at some point, and hurriedly ran away. He came over to break up the fight: Hey, what's wrong with you guys? Let's talk to each other if you have something to say.

Lin Mo dropped the bucket and quickly stepped in, separating the two guys who were already blushing and thick-necked.

Second Lieutenant Lin, you came just in time. I have a plan here that requires your participation. Take a look. I have already asked Captain Feng for instructions. I just need to do a few more tests. The tasks in this plan are still not completed. It's up to you to do it, I will never force you here! Fortunately, Lieutenant Colonel Xie still maintained a trace of calmness and quickly pulled Lin Mo to talk about the business, so as not to be delayed by this bastard named Pan, and the intelligence team was defeated. We can all count on this person to fight, and Lieutenant Colonel Xie is willing to fight with his old face.

Xiao Lin, let's go, ignore him, this guy has no good intentions! Team leader Pan stopped the paper handed over by Lieutenant Colonel Xie, frowned and glared at this shameless guy, his expression even worse.

Uh, Lao Pan, can you let me take a look first? Anyway, it's up to me whether Lieutenant Colonel Xie says it's okay. If I don't agree, I'll waste some time at most and it won't be a loss. Lin Mo saw that Lieutenant Colonel Xie was really pitiful. , every time he met Lao Pan, he was scolded bloody.

When Team Leader Pan heard this, he was really not a brat who knows what is good and what is wrong. He said angrily: It's up to you! Give me a message later. Listen to me, Old Pan, be careful and don't be taken advantage of. If you don't do it well, the intelligence team is the most scheming person. Not wanting to see Lieutenant Colonel Xie's stinky face for a moment, he patted his butt, turned around and left.

Thank you, Second Lieutenant Lin, for your understanding. I will give you a short moment to take a look first! Lieutenant Colonel Xie deliberately lowered his posture and presented the plan he had shown to Colonel Feng before with both hands.

Okay, let me take a look first! Lin Mo took it and read it carefully one by one.

After turning the page and reading for the first time, Lin Mo raised his head and glanced at Lieutenant Colonel Xie with deep meaning. Lieutenant Colonel Xie looked at Lin Mo expectantly and laughed a few times. Lin Mo didn't say anything, and continued to look at the next page. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, and he couldn't look away.

He is the only person in this world

Mom is so awesome. Lin Mo couldn't help being surprised while watching. Compared with the contents of the plan in front of him, the war in another world was like a fight between kindergarten children. There was no structure. This plan was simply too shocking. The shooting was amazing.

Lin Mo felt silently for the Red Scorpion organization from the bottom of his heart. This was simply a desperate plan tailor-made for it, but the requirements for the executors were not low. They had to be able to master cold weapons, firearms, and various means of transportation. He is proficient in all kinds of martial arts, and it is not easy to identify the soldier's identity.

The gun calluses on the hands of ordinary soldiers would fail at the first level, but for someone like me who had just graduated from college, the hand specially used to hold the joystick was simply a natural disguise.

It seems that this plan is also tailor-made for you? !Lin Mo was a little confused and raised his head again to look at Lieutenant Colonel Xie, trying to find the answer from his expression.

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