Dragoon fighter

Chapter 67 - Sending off comrades

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He actually dared to draw a gun in the base. Is he arrogant or daring?

Maybe what Lao Pan said is right, these intelligence agents are simply lawless.

Lin Mo watched vigilantly as his twin sister pulled her younger sister out of the restaurant. At the door of the restaurant, he heard the unconvinced voice of his twin sister Xiao Bing coming in: Lin, if you know the truth, if you want revenge, just come to us directly. Sisters, I'm fine. I don't want to change my name or surname. My name is Li Mubing. You wait for my aunt, we'll see!

Li Muxin?! Li Mubing?! Lin Mo recited the names of these prickly twin sisters in his mind, shook his head, and sat back at the dining table. Soldiers will stop him, and water will cover him. In the base, do you really dare to shoot? It's nothing more than scaring people.

If I hadn't had some troubles, I might have been bruised and bruised today. The little girl in the intelligence team is really not simple, and she is also very courageous.

This kind of guard firearm was not enough to threaten Lin Mo, but if Li Muxin hadn't forced Lin Mo with a gun, I'm afraid that this little girl Li Mubing would have been in bed for at least a week due to concussion.

The window of the cafeteria was still busy preparing dinner, turning a blind eye to the brief fight in the restaurant. It seemed that this had become an unspoken rule of the dark night. On the wall were strong and powerful calligraphy: Do not waste food, and damage public property must be compensated.

After dinner, at eight o'clock, almost all the frontline combat squadron members and members of each group who could spare time came to a small auditorium in the underground base. A black and white photo was hung in the auditorium, and the bright red national flag covered the martyrs. .

In the early morning battle, six members of the first squadron were seriously injured, 17 were slightly injured, and one person died. Twenty-two members of the Red Scorpions were annihilated and 11 were captured.

Lin Mo also met the sacrificed soldier, the sniper and observer codenamed Spanner: Qin Baosong. When Lin Mo first came to the base that day, he was among them when he greeted some members of the first squadron for the first time. .

Qin Baosong is very young and handsome. He is only twenty-three years old this year and has six years of military service. He is a shooting ace selected by the Hainan Military Region. While his peers are still enjoying youth and joy, he has already carried out nearly every life and death. Over seventy missions. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured and died after being hit by a rifle grenade at close range during this operation. He even had no time to leave any last words and passed away forever.

The small auditorium seems to be specially used as a farewell hall for martyrs. It is hung with black and white curtains and elegiac couplets. The other room is almost full of black and white portraits, not only of combat troops, but also of other departments, such as the Dark Night Brigade. All the martyrs left their last portrait here to let everyone remember that they are still members of the Dark Night.

Everyone who comes in will automatically take off their hats, lower their heads and stand silently in the queue to observe silence. Although they suppress their emotions, some people still wipe their tears from time to time. Every farewell is like a piece of flesh being cut out from the heart. .


In the revolutionary career, we often break up, and we always have two different feelings...

Beware of the cold wind from the north in the middle of the night, take care along the way...

Do you remember when you signed up to join the army? Do you still remember the first time you put on the military uniform?...

The usual sad music was not played in the auditorium, but Farewell to Comrades and Good Comrades and Brothers were played repeatedly.

Although emergency treatment was done on the remains and he put on a brand new military uniform, you can still see that the left half of Spanner Qin Baosong's face was almost blown to pieces, and the dark purple blood clots had coagulated.

After Lin Mo entered the auditorium, he stood silently among the people attending the farewell ceremony like everyone else. He saw many people in the base, including the entire first squadron, and even saw the twin sisters who were causing trouble for him at noon. He stood there Behind Lieutenant Colonel Xie, the leader of the intelligence team, I feel more at ease.

Dark Night Captain Feng Chenye, political commissar Qiu Dong, No. 1 Squadron Leader Huang De and other middle-level leaders in the base stood beside the martyrs' bodies, waiting for those who came to say goodbye.

Soon, except for the important positions who could not leave their posts, everyone who could come in the base came, and the auditorium was filled with darkness.

Colonel Feng was the host of the farewell ceremony. When he stood in front of the portrait of the body, the music playing in the auditorium stopped.

Our good comrade and hero Comrade Qin Baosong left us in the battle early this morning. It has been seven years since he joined the army at the age of seventeen. He has strong political skills and excellent military qualities. He can perfectly complete the tasks assigned by his superiors every time. Mission... Colonel Feng did not hold a speech script in his hand. He relied on the memory of each Dark Night team member to write down the life resumes of the martyrs one by one.

Although it is a simple and straightforward retelling, Qin Baosong's life is deeply engraved in everyone's memory and will be with everyone forever.

The farewell ceremony was very simple, only half an hour, but everyone's eyes were red and their hearts were heavy.

Hounds must eventually die on the mountain, and generals will inevitably die in battle. This is the fate of a soldier.

Every time he goes on an expedition, no one knows whether he will be able to come back alive, or whether his comrades will never come back together. We carry guns and fight together. Those who play with death will cherish their comrades around them every minute. The four irons of relationship are together. Carrying a gun always comes first.

Either you die young, or you die without a whole body, and you are unable to enjoy the sweetness of life. Someone has to do such things, leaving the small family for everyone, for the sake of peace and happiness for your loved ones, for the peace and stability of the entire country, He would rather transform into a ruthless bloodthirsty Shura, silently endure all kinds of life and death tests, and be reincarnated in hell forever.

Lin Mo still feels the same pride and touch that belongs only to soldiers in this world.

After leaving the auditorium, Lin Mo felt someone filming him.

Xiao Lin! If you hadn't made a decisive decision this time, I'm afraid you would have been one more person lying at the farewell ceremony tonight. A rough big hand pressed on Lin Mo's shoulder. The voice was very familiar. It was the boss of the air crew. Team Leader Pan’s voice.

Thank you, Lao Pan. I will always be careful! Lin Mo turned around and saw Lao Pan raising a thumbs up to him. He clenched his fist and bumped it with Lao Pan.

Lin Mo still had an unknown last-ditch life insurance, but he couldn't tell Lao Pan about it.

We, the common people, are going to be happy today... Lao Ma, the custodian of the arsenal area, weighed a bunch of keys in his hand, shook his head, and went straight to his post carrying a bag of cooked beef.

Old Ma! Let's go get some food!

Yeah! Extra food today, haha, I won two hundred yuan in the lottery two days ago! Treat yourself well! The wrinkles on Lao Ma's face almost made his eyes squint.

From time to time, he would meet an acquaintance, and Lao Ma would say hello in a particularly cheerful mood.

Recently, Lao Ma's life has been particularly good. It seems that the small salary every month, like squeezing out toothpaste, no longer makes him worry about the moonlight every month. He is in a good mood, eats hemp fragrant, and his complexion is also good. It's not good to be rosy.

Returning to his duty room in the warehouse area, he locked the key to the warehouse in the iron cabinet, hummed a tune, returned to his desk, opened the bag of red and fragrant beef with soy sauce, and took a big sip of the meat. Taste, this is beautiful!

I couldn't wait to pick up a piece and stuff it into my mouth. I chewed it for a few times. It was fragrant, tender and chewy. The old horse was so happy that I went to heaven.

Hey, in another year, we will quit and go home and buy a big house, so as not to be looked down upon by that brother-in-law all day long. Hmph, having a house, a car and money is great, we are also rich now! While stuffing it into his mouth, he shook his head.

Rich man? Then you have to live your life! An unexpected voice interrupted Lao Ma's mood.

What?! What?! Lao Ma suddenly opened his eyes and stopped chewing. He turned his head suddenly, only to find that a girl suddenly appeared in the duty room.

How to reply? !The duty room in the warehouse area has two layers of stainless steel grilles and a fireproof and bulletproof door. Even a grenade may not be able to blow it open. It was obvious that I was the only one in the room just now.

Hmph!~ The girl was playing with a strange-shaped steel needle in her hand, as if she was showing off something.

Lao Ma ignored the delicious food in his mouth and reached for the desk drawer without hesitation.

In the drawer is a loaded 5.8 mm caliber domestic standard self-defense pistol, which is the standard self-defense weapon in the duty room.

Bang!~ A foot wearing a military boot and Lao Ma's hand kicked the drawer handle.

Ah!~~~ Lao Ma screamed because of the bone-piercing pain from his fingers to his heart, and even his voice was out of tune! In his mind, he should have heard the movement of the guards coming over, but there was no sound. You know, outside But there is a squad of soldiers guarding this place, and they will not miss any slightest sign of trouble.

You scream! You scream! No matter how loud you shout, no one hears you. Even if they hear it, they won't come to save you! The girl's feet were hard pressed, and she didn't mean to move away at all. The old cowhide The leather boots and super-hard and super-wear-resistant beef tendon soles make the military boots a weapon with high lethality.

You, who are you? This is an arsenal, what do you want to do? This is a crime, you will be shot on the spot! Let me go! The old horse screamed in pain and even threatened the uninvited man. He wanted to shout louder for the girl who was coming, but no one came over.

Apparently this uninvited guest was not intimidated by Lao Ma. Instead, he held a strand of hair beside his ear with one hand, looked at the forty-year-old man with a joking tone, and said: I committed a crime? You want to shoot me? Okay. Ah, let's see, who will shoot whom first? As he spoke, he turned his head to the side and shouted: Sister! It's your turn.

What?! Before Lao Ma's mind could turn around, he heard a loud bang on the desk, and several thick handmade ledgers from the ammunition depot area of ​​the arsenal were hit heavily in front of him. Suddenly, He struggled in fear as if he had been struck by electricity, and kept shouting loudly: What do you want to do, what do you want to do? This is an important military area!

Tell me! If you tell me the truth, you will suffer less! Another girl, whose face was exactly the same as that of the girl who stepped on the old horse, calmly pulled up a stool and sat in front of the old horse, her waist straight. Straight, with the proud curves of his chest clearly visible, his eyes full of knowledge and wisdom seemed to penetrate the old horse's soul in an instant.

Who are you? Lao Ma moved his throat up and down in fear, and forced himself to swallow a mouthful of saliva. Two teenage twins who looked exactly the same, although they looked sweet and cute, and looked like movie stars, But it made him feel the trembling and fear in his bones. He endured the pain but still resisted.

Preview of the next section: Section 68 - The Lao Ma’s Wail

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