Dragon Zero

Chapter 2198: chat

Ten-star city is a very beautiful metropolis. Clean and tidy is the second thing. The layout of the city is very planned. If you look down from the air, it is clear which is the main road and the branch road, and it is very organized, even if it is the first. People who come to this city once only have a contour of the city in their minds, so they will probably not get lost.

Although Ten Star City is close to the sea, the sea breeze and climate on the east can affect it here. The sky is always blue as washing, and the floating clouds are always pure as milk. . Of the three hundred and sixty-five days in a year, three hundred and sixty days are full of good weather, and the surrounding city is rich in products and water, so it is not without reason that it is called the city of angels blessed by the heavens.

This morning, Bige Low led his little brother Mio to wander around the city. The team members who stayed here for the time being are basically leisure and fun these days, so unhappy. A few days ago, Scar had returned to the station to arrange related affairs. After the head of the group Ba Naogan left temporarily, all the main affairs were in charge of him, but this is only a superficial reason. There is no major event in the group now. It should be Tyrannosaurus Emma. The Sen deputy group can handle it. Everyone knows that he has to go back to Chidomiji, just to see the Mayor of Sally in the County of Sykes. He has been thinking of the female mayor for many days.

Irina has something to do these days. She has contained the Wing-ear Red Dragon for a while, but the cooperation between her and the guardian can’t be very tacit. After learning about this, the administrative officer of Ten Star City took the initiative to help her. Introduced the most famous local animal trainer, this animal trainer specializes in the guidance of the Disman Dragoons to get along with and domesticate the dragons. He has extremely rich experience and is known as the first dragon trainer in the whole continent. Not only can you recognize all kinds of dragons, but you can also discover what abilities and potentials the dragons have, and how to cultivate and guide the growth of the dragons.

On the first day Irina took the Wing-eared Red Dragon to the outskirts, the dragon trainer Bangor told her that the Wing-eared Red Dragon was in a critical period of power growth. If it is well trained, it won’t take long. Curse lines will be successfully grown behind the ears, and magic gems will grow in the bone lines under the forehead of the head. If the guidance is not good enough, the magic power of the dragon cannot form enough magic power on the head, the magic crystal may not be formed, and the curse pattern that grows will be restored again. It may be necessary to wait until the next peak period of power accumulation. A few dozen or a hundred years later.

As soon as Irina heard that it was okay, she hurried to find Bangor to help guide the growth of the dragon. Bangor was originally an extremely proud and arrogant person. Although he pointed out the current problems of the Wing-eared Red Dragon, he didn't mean to offer any help. In his opinion, it is really a lot of help for a useless mercenary to train the dragon. There is no benefit at all for boring things, and he wouldn't do such things. However, Irina did not rush people to go to make soft and hard soaks every day. Later, when Afro accompanied Irina to see him, he not angrily agreed to help, and said before Afro left: " I think you promised to help your father, this kind of thing will never happen again!"

Therefore, Irina basically stayed in the suburban hotel during this period, and went to the mountains every day to find Bangor to help train the dragon.

Luo and Mio played until noon. They were a little bored and went to the restaurant to eat. They just ran into a few people including Moya and Tula from the Fortress Hunter Corps with Iveco, and they all joined together. As soon as I went to the table, I realized that the female man Moya was discussing with Iveco about the possibility of joining the **** mercenary group.

Originally, the situation of the **** mercenary group was deteriorating. First, financial constraints, and second, the reputation did not rise. The mercenaries who had joined in the previous period could not be retained. Not only that, but many old mercenaries were gone. But the situation is different now, and the future **** development will not be bad. The fortress hunter group that also participated in the Sun Temple incident lost its boss, so it proposed to join the **** mercenary group to develop.

Luo immediately agreed with this, and Iveco nodded again and again. During the process of finding people, dozens of brothers brought by Iveco were brutally killed by the nameless wolf king, which caused the team members to drop sharply again. It was the time when there was a shortage of people. If the fortress hunter army can lead other personnel to join, it can add some fresh blood. Of course, it is still necessary to investigate the identities of their personnel one by one. In case some people have serious criminal experience or are wanted in many places, then they have to be prepared and carefully considered. However, the attitude of soliciting has to be expressed first.

The clever Tula understood their worries and said: "Iveco boss and Brother Luo, you can rest assured that we have done some illegal things before, but it is absolutely fine to say serious crimes. You think, We were originally people whose main business was hunting in the forest. We haven’t yet reached the point where we are going to rob the house. At most, we are looking for someone who is alone to blackmail some money. Joining your mercenary group in the future will not bring you too much. trouble."

Moya ate the food on the table, and said with a chuckle: "In addition to the members of our army, a few people have told me that they want to join in." After she said this, she took the big duck leg and ate it. stand up.

Tula added: “It’s the mercenaries of other teams who came here with us and were deceived by the nameless bones to the temple. When chatting with them before, a few privately asked me if they could leave the group and join the blood. In fact, I just wanted to come in and get the light. I wrote down the names, and the three of Lukewen, Woods and Jasmine were the most active."

"Let's look at this later." Iveco said worriedly: "A lot of things have not been determined yet. Will the Holy Garden invite us to the Holy Garden? Will the people from the Disaster Relief Society give us enough bonuses? Everything has to wait until you get it. If things don’t happen, they will clamor to leave again, so going in and out is not good for the unity of the team. But if you join in a group, we still trust."

Everyone agrees.

After lunch, I returned to the annex where I was staying and found that the scar was back.

"Scar, deputy group, I thought you wouldn't come after you went." Saien teased: "The date with the beautiful mayor is not going well?"

Scar looked tired, lying on the sofa and said: "This time I went back to the mercenary station to deal with the funeral of the brothers who were killed, and paid a lot of money to the families of the victims. Of course, all the money came from Xiduo. I didn’t mess with the rewards given by the elected king of the United States and the thank-you money paid by the steward of the governor’s house in the West.”

"Hey, hey, no one says you spend money arbitrarily." Thain said.

Iveco said to the side: "This time you have worked so hard to get scars. I originally brought them out. I should take care of the follow-up matters."

"Hi, it's okay, you are also a victim, everyone is a team."

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