Dragon Zero

Chapter 2139: The sixth floor of the temple: the face of the king

A light, six people gathered together, they waited for Payton, Vykoff and Alice to return from the path. After eating something, a few people were drowsy. Dallas closed his eyes and rested beside him. Jennifer, Red and Black Flies and Payton were also taking a nap while Gurando leaned against the stone platform with a manicure knife. , Give yourself a manicure.

"Huh~! Why are your feet so stinky?" Britney covered her nose, and everyone else looked disgusted: "Don't hurry up and put on your shoes!"

Gurando smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I have sweaty feet." He had to put on his boots and socks again.

"How long hasn't you washed your feet? It's so stinking."

Foz came back easily and felt rushing as soon as he entered the room. He finally waited for the smell to dissipate. He took out the scald ointment from his waist bag under the brown-green cloak, and took off the silver half-faced metal mask on his face, revealing the ugliness. Bad face. The wound on his face was purulent due to a second infection, and it was not completely healed. He tried to give himself medicine, but because it was too painful, he couldn't get rid of it, so he had to ask others for help.

In order to break the embarrassment, Gurando smiled and said, "Let me apply the medicine for you."

"You...Did you wash your hands. Don't make me infected again!" Foz curled his neck nervously.

Gurando wiped the clothes casually: "Don't worry, it's not dirty. Man, don't be so delicate, how can it be so easy to get infected, come here and I have a cotton swab."

"Okay... OK." Foz was still a little hesitant, and finally agreed to let him apply medicine to himself.

Although Gurando was a little sloppy and not so particular, he handled the wound carefully. He squeezed out all the pus first, and then began to apply the wound medicine. Foz's face twitched with pain, but he endured it. He looked at the long sword behind Gurando's waist, and boringly asked for words to talk: "Does your sword have a name?"

"It's called the plague," Gurando said.

"Why is it called this name? What a bad idea."

Gurando said: "I found this sword in a town that suffered from plague, so I called it this name."

"Are you a mage? I saw you use magic before, but you can use swords again."

Gurando said: "I know a little bit of everything. Sandpirates like us, many of them have something to learn, how can they be particular."

"Oh." Foz said again: "Big Brother Haifeng is so powerful, everyone who lives in the desert knows his name. Can you tell me his story? I like to hear the story of the hero the most."

"Hahaha, he's not a big hero." Gurando said with a weird smile: "He is a hooligan at best."

Foz chuckled: "You say that your boss, aren't you afraid that he will beat you?"

"He didn't dare, otherwise I would tell him all about his embarrassment and make him stink the street. I know the most about his embarrassment."

"Really? Tell me quickly."

Gurando looked at the other people and said in a low voice: "Others have a rest, I will tell you when I have time. By the way, you should not be Mr. Tyson's biological son."

"How did you know, did you see it?" Foz was curious.

Gurando smiled and said, "You father and son don't look alike at all. You have pink hair and gray-blue eyes. Mr. Tyson has tea hair and a little curly hair."

Foz said: "I was picked up by my father near an oasis in the desert. He told me that I might have been attacked by monsters with my team, and then someone put me in a clay tank and buried me under the sand. Only escaped a catastrophe. Because I looked at me as a child, only two or three years old, and couldn't find my biological parents and family, so my father adopted me."

"Then Mr. Tyson is really good to you. Take care of you so much in life and take you with you wherever you go." Jennifer, who was also adopted, couldn't help but interject: "Not everyone who has been adopted." Can meet a good father."

Foz giggled: "So in the future, when I grow up, I must repay my father and fulfill his greatest wish."

"Oh, Mr. Tyson is already rich, what is his greatest wish?"

Foz thought for a while: "Well...I don't know. His biggest wish now is to see the Sand Temple with his own eyes, and he wants to know the secrets of ancient people worshiping the Sand God."

"That's why he didn't hesitate to take such a big risk to come here."

Alice, Vykoff, and Payton came back. Vykoff said: "There is no danger here. We saw a few fork roads, and it was a dead end just like here. In addition, no other people were found."

Jennifer took out an hourglass and placed it next to him: "This time is leaking for 3 hours and it falls down. Let's rest and rest before we make plans."

Alice raised her head to look at the image of the overlord king: "I always feel that there is something missing here."


Alice raised her chin: "Look, shouldn't he wear something on his head? Isn't it too ugly to look like a disheveled hair?"

Gurando shrugged: "Maybe it's like this. Okay, don't think about it so much, take a rest."

Alice summoned Yeck to caress it: "Yeck, stand guard for us, I'm too sleepy."

Jake lit his invisible small head vigorously.

A few hours passed quickly. Although I didn't get enough sleep and the cold ground made my waist and back hurt even more, I still tried my best to cheer up. After some exploration, they gradually figured out the law of the fork here. Going all the way in, came to the last hall.

"Well, is this the end?"

"Look, there is something on it."

The hall is about several hundred meters wide on the left and right. There is a trapezoidal platform right in the middle. Below the trapezoidal platform there are ten servants on the right. They raised their hands above their heads and held the lamp holders. Two stone statues dressed in the appearance of priests, each holding a lamp in their hands and placing them on their chests. At this time, the lights ignited purple magic fires from the center to the periphery, and then a raging flame was also ignited on the trapezoidal platform.

The purple fire on the stage is a purple ghost-faced stove with gold claws and silver toes as its feet. The stove body has four corners. Behind the stove is a relief stone mural. Between the mural and the stove, there is A face helmet that looks like a bronze texture.

"The four kings killed by Glonass!" Alise thought of the story that made Glonass famous for almost an instant.

The hearts of all those present were tense. Black Fly Omar said nervously: "It won't suddenly fly, will it?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the face helmet enshrined on it really floated slowly from the table as if it had a spirit.

"Hey, you crow's mouth, don't talk, okay!" The crowd stepped back in fright, staring at the face helmet, for fear that it might change.

The face helmet looks a bit old, thin face, like a female face, but it may also be a thin man. The forehead of the mask is adorned with hundreds of purple gems, which are arranged like a purple sun. , Behind the mask is a halo-like layered ring. The layered ring is decorated with hexagonal purple stones of different sizes according to the size of the ring. The outermost layered ring has golden thorns.

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