Mance put out the sparkling cigar in the ashtray, "You mean you figured out how those snakes move?"

"Absolutely." Fingel held the back of his head with both hands and glanced at the sea outside the cabin glass. "A lot of things that I didn't understand before were suddenly understood after I took a look here."

"It turns out that's what it's like. It turns out that it's like doing a very difficult math problem. The answer depends on a sudden flash of inspiration. Mathematics really depends on intuition. Mathematics Those who can get perfect scores have been determined since birth." He smiled, feeling high-spirited at this moment.

Mance went back to ten years ago in a trance, when the talented boy won the first place in the Kassel Mathematics Competition, holding the gold cup with the same bohemian smile on his face.

"Listen up, Old Man Mance. Next, I will tell you everything I analyzed. You must remember them all. After you get out of here, go to Lu Mingfei immediately. Only he can solve this matter. Neither can anyone else." Fingel took a deep breath and sat upright, his eyes firm.

"Looking for Lu Mingfei?" Mance frowned, "Why are you looking for him?"

"I will explain the reason. The first thing I want to show you is the scar on my head."

Fingel lifted up his bangs, and the hideous scars were connected together to form the shape of the World Tree.

"This is a wound left by my participation in the Greenland ice sea mission ten years ago. At that time, the Monyach was also sailing. There were three professors in charge of this mission. You, Professor Schneider and Professor Heidi, and there were a total of six dive teams. The people, namely Eva Elonisco, Lloyd Eli, Alekdev, Zhu Han, Christie Veranica and me, are all contemporary leaders of the academy, with a pedigree rating of A."

"Of course I won't forget it." Mance said with a serious expression: "Lloyd and Christie are both my students. They were one of the most dazzling rising stars of the year. It was they who helped you win a day of freedom from the principal."

"It's been so many years." Fingel stretched out his hand, as if to catch the yellow light falling from above, "I still remember the bet I made with the principal at that time, six to one, if the six of us can win from him, After taking away the 'important documents' he protected, he promised that on September 4th every year, we could let go of school rules and have fun for a day."

"That victory and defeat was held outside the campus, and the use of word spirits was not restricted. The surrounding environment suffered a heavy blow." Mance also recalled the past, when the six people wearing dark green school uniforms stood in the sun, with silver-plated The school badge shines brightly, as if there is no place in the world that they dare not enter.

"Let's revisit the previous topics when we have a chance." Fingel interrupted Mance: "Do you still remember that after the ice incident, only one body was salvaged among the six people in the dive team, and it belonged to Eva? ·Elonisco."

Fingel struggled to pronounce the name.

Mance knew why. Eva Elonisco was the lover of Fingel von Flins. One of them was the president of the student union, and the other was the vice president of the student union. The two of them successively became the disciples of the vice-principal. You can see them walking together everywhere, the boy holding the girl's hand, as if he will never get tired of it.

After the Ice Sea Incident, the person who suffered the most must be Fingel.

He woke up from the hospital bed and suddenly lost his friends and lover. According to his oral account and the examination of the "black box" of the diving bell after the incident, when the strange dragon appeared, he gave up his diving bell. It was given to Eva who was attracted by the "door", and then his head was severely injured by the dragon and he passed out.

Eva should have been pulled up to the surface by the diving bell and survived, but she actually chose to give up the chance of survival.

She opened the hatch of the diving bell and stuffed the unconscious Fingel into the diving bell, but she stayed in the deep and lonely deep sea.

She knew that Fingel's password to open the cabin must be her birthday. This boy who always held her hand and refused to let go even though his hands were sweating would only use her birthday as the password.

Since then, Fingal has been acting crazy. Mance has always believed that he suffered a severe head injury, coupled with such strong nerve stimulation, leading to mental disorder.

But now it seems that his temperament has not changed much compared to ten years ago, and there is even more sedimentation and heaviness.

It had been a long time since I heard the name "Eva Elonisco" from his mouth, and Mance suddenly remembered that seemingly transparent white dress.

Eva, that erratic girl likes to run around in the garden of the college with her calves bare, like an elf in the forest.

"Eva is very lovable," Mance said.

"Everyone will like Eva. This is a matter of course." Fingel stared at the palm of his hand: "But what I want to say is that the bodies of the remaining four people in the dive team have not been fished out, and even the remains of the bodies and No fragments of the diving suit were found.”

"I remember you said that the four of them swam through the door."

"That door has a powerful attraction. Even Eva was fascinated. Except for me, the other five people took the initiative to open the diving bell and swam towards the door. This should be the world behind the door. "

"Why do you say that?" Mance frowned.

"This scar also has one on the tail fin of the beluga whale." Fingel pointed to the scar that spread from the top of the forehead toward the scalp. "If you compare it carefully, you will find that the two scars are the same even down to the smallest details. It’s just a different proportion.”

"This is a mark?" Mance suddenly realized.

"That's right." Fingel nodded: "This is the mark left by that dragon, and Avalon is the Nibelung of that dragon, the sea area where the Monyach and YAMAL are anchored. It should be that Avalon is at the border of reality. In addition, the border of Avalon can also be opened where the 'door' exists. Through the 'door', you can go back and forth between Avalon and reality."

"We have found the owner of that 'door'. When Odin appeared, Chu Zihang said that he saw the same door in the water, so Avalon is Odin's Nibelung. "

"Indeed." Mance said after thinking about it: "The basis for all aspects is very sufficient."

"There is a wild mulberry tree near the farm in my hometown." Fingel whispered: "I first discovered that mulberry tree when I was eight years old. It was December and the farm was covered with snow. , I took a knife and slashed the bark of the mulberry tree three times, thinking that in spring, when the snow melts and the mulberry tree grows fruit, I will be able to find it more easily among the trees."

"you mean"

"The reason for the mark on my forehead is also the same. That guy has been waiting for me to grow a 'fruit' so that he can bring me back."

"Fruit?" Mance slowly turned his head.

"That black flame was what I suddenly awakened six years after the Greenland incident. It was exactly the same as the feeling of awakening the spirit of speech."

Fingel snapped his fingers, and a small cluster of jet-black fireworks ignited in his palm.

He picked up a pen on the table, and the black flames spread to the metal, extending in the shape of the pen, and the metal also extended with the flames.

"Using it will bring considerable side effects to my body. Even if it burns for just a few seconds, I need to rest for half a month to regain some strength.

I can feel that its fuel is my life, but on the other hand, the power it brings to me is also very powerful. If it explodes with full force, I am confident that I can split the Monyach in half with one knife, but so far I have I haven't tried it yet, so I just gave this move a name, called 'The Dark Killing Flame Demon Sword'. "

"You never told me."

"Not many people in the world know about this. You are the third one. The other two are Lu Mingfei and the principal."

"So. This 'black flame' is the 'fruit' that grows on you?"

"Yes." Fingel nodded: "This is also the reason why the snakes do not attack us. As long as they feel the breath of the 'messenger', they will not regard us as intruders."

"Messenger, you mean that!" Mance suddenly looked at the location of the isolated island, those ancient sarcophagi.

"Yes, those who meet the qualifications will be 'marked' by Odin and plant the seeds. When the seeds sprout, grow, and bear fruit, they will be taken to the Island of Death and become his new 'messengers.'"

The black flame in Fingel's hand suddenly dissipated.

"I felt very strange after I came here. I only used the 'Black Flame' fourteen days ago. I should have been weak, but just by breathing the air here, I felt power pouring out. A warm, cozy feeling, like a baby curled up in its mother's womb."

"But I am not a baby, and this is not my mother's womb. The only explanation is that this Nibelung has set rules at the beginning of its establishment. It will replenish life force for specific people. The legend of the Island of Death It is true, it can really resurrect the dead, but you will no longer be you after resurrection. If my guess is correct, go to the coffins on the island and look through them, and you will find King Arthur's coffin. "

"It's just that King Arthur put on white clothes and a dark golden mask and became the ferryman of Avalon. He worked 24 hours a day. Only when he was so tired that he could no longer hold on, could he lie down in the coffin and have a good sleep. Sleep, and among those coffins, one is prepared for me."

"Wait a minute. Schneider and I also dived into the seabed during the ice incident, but why are there no marks on us?" Mance knocked on the wooden table.

"It's easy to understand. You didn't encounter the dragon, but Schneider and I both encountered the dragon head-on." Fingal said: "And our encounters were completely different. I only suffered a head injury. A heavy blow, but Schneider, he was frozen in the ice. When the dragon attacked me, it didn't want to kill me, but it blew on Schneider and really wanted to freeze him to death."

"Indeed." Mance said solemnly: "If we had rescued Schneider a few minutes later, he would have been a corpse, but when you were pulled aboard, your vital signs were still stable."

"When I was eight years old, I would only make cuts on the bark of the mulberry tree because I wanted to eat mulberries, and Odin would only carve 'marks' on the people he wanted."

"What's the basis? Is it bloodline?" Mance remembered that although Schneider was a tenured professor in Kassel, his bloodline rating was only B-level, while Fingel was a rare A-level.

Fingel shook his head: "If it was blood, there would be no mark on the tail fin of the white whale. That guy was just a subspecies contaminated by dragon blood, and was not born with dragon blood.

Moreover, I am the only one who has been marked in Operation Ice Sea, and the rest of the A-levels are dispensable to him. Odin’s standards for marking are probably very harsh. Not many people in the world can meet them. Maybe there are only two or three in the same era. But this object does not have to be a human being, it can also be other animals. In addition to beluga whales, there may also be elephants or lions. "

"In Norse mythology, it is said that Odin has already known about the Twilight of the Gods from prophecies, and in order to deal with it, he gathered up enough troops and sent Valkyries to collect the souls of the dead and turn them into heroic warriors. Is he hoarding troops?" Man Si smelled an extremely dangerous scent.

"It's probably close to ten." Fingel shrugged: "And this matter definitely didn't start recently. He may have been preparing for it for thousands, or even tens of thousands of years. Did he see the coffins deep in the cave? He might even have dug up those coffins made of gold.

I can also tell you that each of those envoys in white has the combat power of a dragon king. There may be hundreds or even thousands of these guys. In addition, there are thousands of people with high-risk threats. Spiritual beasts, those that swim in the water, those that fly in the sky, those that run on the ground. Just thinking about them makes me feel like this world is going to be destroyed. "

"." Mance's heart stopped when he heard this.

From Fingel's description, he felt a kind of boundless despair.

What will the recovery of the Black King be like?

Is this what humanity will face on the day of the decisive battle?

"In short, mortals like us can't solve this kind of thing. We can only hire someone else." Fingel picked up the coffee pot and poured himself a cup of hot coffee. He burned it on the chair with a look written on his face. .

"You said you asked me to find Lu Mingfei. Do you think Lu Mingfei can handle this matter? Why? Also, what is the way to get out? Why do you want to entrust this matter to me?" Mance asked. .

"Mance, although I have always felt that you, the people responsible for decision-making, are responsible for the deaths of Eva and the others, you are still the person I trust most on this ship. After all, we have known each other for 12 years."

Fingel looked Mance directly in the eyes.

"Go to Lu Mingfei and tell him all this. If anyone in this world can handle this matter, it must be him. Principal Ange can't deal with the doomsday. He is just a dragon slayer, not a savior, but Lu There is obviously no miracle in him."

"As for how to get out," Fingel drank the bitter coffee in one gulp, "Come on, I can't feel the bitter taste anymore, you can go out soon."

"Is there no other way?" Mance suddenly understood how to get out.

But Fingel didn't answer him, he just clapped his hands, and a petite figure walked in from the door.

Ling's long, light blond hair was tied up behind his head. He reluctantly handed over the wombat in his hand and put it in Fingel's hand. He said softly: "It's called Zorro. I will come back. Ataga and the others will." Help me find you."

"Although I have passed the age of sleeping with a doll, I will cherish it." Fingel smiled and rubbed Zorro the bear's head: "Baby, it's just you and me from now on."

"Zero? What's going on?" Mance looked back and forth between the two of them.

"Let's talk about it when we go out, Professor Mance." Zero said calmly: "I will take you to find Lu Mingfei, and you will understand then."

"Also, the one-eyed dragon king wearing a mask is not Odin. His real name is Loki, the God of Lies."

An hour later, the Monyach was connected to Eva's network on the ice covered with ice floes.

Mance looked at the time displayed on the computer screen in a daze.

The date marked there is: 2012/1/24, 23:12

There are still 332 days until 2012/12/21.

God, it seems like things have changed

(End of Volume 3)

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