The luxurious gambling room was full of people. Mance took the crew of the Monyach to Vincent's room. The old captain's men removed all their weapons and equipment and stood on the floor together.

Sasha patted Fingel on the shoulder and whispered, "That little girl is really ruthless. What's her name?"

"Her name is Zero, but despite her short stature and small breasts, her fists are harder than the bridge of your nose." Fingel echoed.

Although a peace agreement has not yet been signed, the two men who share the same odor still get along well.

But when Zero's gaze shifted, Fingel wisely shut up, because he felt a chill from behind, as if there was a sharp knife pressing against his spine.

He stood straight at the side of the gambling table and stopped talking nonsense. Mance walked into the gambling room from the elevator and sat down across from Vincent. The two looked at each other in silence.

Next, they will start negotiations. The status of the two parties in the negotiation is not equal, and Mance has the absolute initiative.

He frowned and looked at the old captain, lit a cigar, blew out a puff of smoke, and asked: "Are you Vincent?"

"The full name is Vincent von Andres." The old captain put his bony hands together and grinned, like an old monkey with almost all his teeth. "Kassel Execution Department, right?" What?"

"You know us?"

Mance thought that in the information found by the Executive Department, Vincent's surname was Ludwig, which seemed wrong. The old captain's real surname was Andres. He was very mysterious, and even the Executive Department did not Find out how to find out his past.

"I also know why you are here. Your academy is looking for me only because of that thing."

Vincent had a confident smile on his face, as if everything was in his plan, including Cassel's lightning attack on him this time.

Mance stared at him indifferently and asked in a low voice: "You abandoned everything and rented the YAMAL and came to the Arctic Ocean just to find 'that thing' in your mouth?"

"Of course, anyone would be interested in it, except the dead!" Vincent was full of energy, as if he suddenly looked decades younger.

"What is it?" Mance asked.

"Of course I will tell you! I have been waiting for you, the sons of destiny, for so many years!"

"If only the head of state were still alive. If the head of state could see you with his own eyes, how happy he would be!"

Vincent suddenly went crazy, his eyes were as red as blood, and he was gasping for air like a patient on oxygen. His flesh-and-bone hands were shaking, and he suddenly cried.

Sasha sighed, stepped forward to support the old captain, patted him on the back, and helped him straighten his breath.

Sasha moves expertly, and it seems like this scene happens all the time.

"Do you have epilepsy?" Mance couldn't understand what Vincent was talking about. His behavior was more like a mental illness than a mental illness.

"No, I'm not sick, I'm just excited."

Vincent took a few deep breaths and took the handkerchief from Sasha, still sobbing.

"Sorry, I think I need time to calm down. Please allow me to change my clothes."

"Please do it, but I want to tell you that any little move you make will not be effective. Since you have heard of the Kassel Execution Department, you should know the consistent style of the Execution Department."

"I know, I know, everyone here is a son of destiny who is favored by God and has a reward from God." Vincent nodded repeatedly.

Mance felt that this old guy seemed to have some Alzheimer's disease, but it didn't matter, as long as he could give him what he was looking for, even if he had to go back and change into a set of baby clothes, Mance didn't care.

But when Vincent pushed open the door of the dressing room and appeared in front of Mance again, he was still surprised.

Black high leather boots, breeches tucked into the boots, black woolen jacket, shiny belt buckle, shoulder straps with SS mark, and eagle emblem and skull military emblem on the big brimmed hat.

This suit of clothes was so heavy that the old Vincent could hardly hold it up, but the old weasel still came to Mance with trembling steps, raised his hands in salute, and shouted hoarsely: "Heil Hi-ler! "

Mance suddenly understood what he meant by the head of state. This guy was a remnant of the German army from World War II.

Vincent's lunch suddenly flashed before Zero's eyes, and everything was connected. Today was Saturday, and Vincent's lunch menu happened to be the Saturday lunch menu of the German Navy during World War II.

This man still misses those days to this day, and it seems that enjoying the same brown bread and steak as before can bring him back to the past.

"SS Lieutenant Vincent von Andres, I offer you the highest respect!" Vincent said loudly.

This scene is so absurd. A character who should have appeared in history suddenly appears in front of you.

He walked to the wall. There was a painting covered with black cloth on the wall. His eyes suddenly became dreamy and magnificent: "Children of destiny, please let me reveal to you the last secret of the empire."

"Don't call us the Children of Destiny. We are all humans just like you." Mance interrupted him.

"No, you are different from us! You have the blood of ancient gods flowing in your body. You have special powers and can even control the wind and rain! The leader has been trying to find you before he was alive, and now you appear in front of me naturally. This is destiny! "

Vincent pulled off the black cloth.

The painting suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The blue sea and blue sky, with strange clouds flowing in the sky, mysterious light falling from the sky, illuminating the lonely stone island in the sea.

The center of the island is covered with towering trees, while the periphery of the island is semicircular, like an ancient Roman Colosseum cut through the middle. In the Colosseum, where the VIP seats should have been placed, there are stone caves one after another. In each cave lies a coffin.

A small boat approached the island, and the passengers on the boat were about to land on the island. There was a coffin on the bow, and a human figure tightly wrapped in white clothes stood on the boat, which looked like the god of death and an angel.

The painting style is very realistic, so fine that the leaves of the cypress trees and the gaps in the clouds are clearly visible, as if someone had really seen the island with their own eyes and then painted it.

Fingel touched the scar on his forehead and felt a faint burning sensation when he looked at the painting.

"The name of this painting is "Island of the Dead", and the painter is the Swiss Arnold Böcklin. He painted five "Island of the Dead" in his life, and the Führer collected three of them. This is one of them. , the other two were burned.”

Vincent said quietly and threw a piece of wood into the fireplace.

"It was April 1945. Berlin was invaded and the Führer committed suicide in the basement of the Chancellery. I remember that day very clearly, it was April 30. I was 20 years old at that time, a member of the SS, and concurrently the Führer's secretary. .”

"The head of state loved art and sacred objects during his lifetime. Most of them were burned. I tried my best to save only a small part and took them to Argentina. Some of them are hanging outside, and the other parts are not so easy to trace. I sold it, and that's where my wealth comes from.

The most precious one is the "Island of Death". Critics have made various comments on this painting. For example, the painter is depicting an island that does not really exist, reflecting the relationship between death and life. Harmony between us... Nonsense! Vincent suddenly looked ferocious, "Only a great man like the head of state can see through the essence of this painting!" "

"The head of state said that this island is real! The name of that island in mythology is Avalon!"

The more Mance listened, the more he frowned.

He knew about Avalon. It was an island in Celtic mythology, related to the great king Arthur in England's history.

The myth says that after King Arthur died in battle, his body was taken to the Isle of Avalon in a boat, and when he arrived there, he would rise from the dead.

Time does not flow on Avalon, so it is eternal. It is both an island of death and an island of life.

"So... you have been looking for Avalon in the North Pole? The basis is this painting?" Mance took a deep breath of his cigar.

If it were just because of the farce caused by a painting, then this negotiation could have ended.

The Academy will not care about the obsession of a German remnant to regain the empire. The Monyach was sent to the North Pole to track down dragons, not to listen to the stories of a man who should have been in a coffin long ago.

But Vincent didn't see that Mance was impatient. He was as excited as a beast in estrus. The only thing that could make him stop was to let him finish what he wanted to do.

"I believe that the Son of Destiny will be able to understand the mystery hidden in this painting, just like the Head of State!"

He tapped the leather armor on his chest with a smile on his face:

"No one understands the nature of this world like him. That's what he told me personally. According to the study of ancient Celtic stone carvings, Avalon Island is located in this sea area, and even the longitude and latitude can be calculated!"

"You all saw the aurora, right? That's the signal for Avalon to open! The door to the Island of Death is opened. As long as we can get there, the Head of State can be reborn!"

Vincent's eyes suddenly filled with tears, and he walked to the small altar under the painting.

It is actually a small hole dug in the wall, with two silver candlesticks placed next to it, and between the two candlesticks is a black box.

After saluting solemnly, Vincent took up the black box and returned to the crowd, slowly opening the lid: "In order to... resurrect the head of state!"

On the black velvet, there is a white skull, with a * badge embossed in silver on the top of the head, and next to it are the small words "Adolf Hitler, 20/04/1889-30/04/1945".

Fingel bumped Sasha's shoulder and asked, "Did you know your captain hid a dead man's skull?"

Sasha shrugged and said: "If you have been on the YAMAL for 15 years like me, you will find that there is nothing surprising about all this. The captain sings the legendary stories of the Führer with us every week.", The word "praise" has a special emphasis.

Now everyone can see that Vincent is living in the illusion of the past, and his entire worldview is distorted.

Sasha and others are just employees he hired. Vincent pays and they work. The job content includes accompanying the old captain to sing the praises of the long-dead empire. It's that simple.

"You must be sent by destiny to assist me!" Vincent was convinced of this. "The sea area we are in now is the coordinates of Avalon, but the head of state said that Avalon will only open one day a year. It’s Christmas, December 25th, so I go back and forth across this sea every Christmas.”

"No matter how I search, all I see on the sea are ice floes, but today is different! Today I found you, destiny is mine! We believe that as long as we wait here for a while and wait for the aurora to reappear, we will Can see Avalon!”

Vincent's tone was so enthusiastic that he was holding the skull as if he was holding a supreme holy object.

Mance's last bit of interest in this man had been drained away, and he was certain that what Vincent really needed was a psychiatrist.

However, he did not say what was on his mind, but led his crew to the corridor outside the room.

Although Vincent was a madman, there was something strange about that painting. Mance saw some familiar lines in the handwriting of the painting.

He is a master of alchemical machinery, and all the existing alchemical inscriptions are imprinted in his mind. When the painting was drawn, some rare dragon inscriptions were used, and perhaps some of them Mance had never seen before.

Leaving aside whether Avalon exists or not, judging from the information he received, Odin is now hiding somewhere in the Arctic, and his Nibelungs are most likely in the Arctic Circle.

Mance had a hunch that the painting might have something to do with Odin.

Just when he was about to ask the crew to return to the Monyach to report their findings on the YAMAL, a sudden change occurred.

A piercing siren sounded, and the yellow light at the top of the corridor turned on.

Every cabin on the YAMAL, from the captain's club to the most ordinary sailor's cabin, echoed with this siren, like a tree full of crows starting to howl at the same time.

Ship-wide alarm, the highest level alarm, is usually issued when an unavoidable iceberg appears ahead, or when the watertight compartment leaks seriously and sinking is unavoidable. No one on the ship can ignore this alarm, because it is related to everyone on the ship and whether you can get off the ship alive.

"What's going on! Didn't I order you to let go of your guard? All the children of destiny are my guests!" Vincent yelled in the room.

"Captain! It's a snake, it's a giant snake!" the guard shouted from the communication equipment.

Mance rushed into the room. Vincent's room had surveillance cameras everywhere in the cabin.

Giant blue-black snakes appeared on the screen, and they swam out of the black portholes. Not one, but dozens or hundreds of them. On the small screen of the camera, they looked like they were growing out of black soil. A swarm of green bugs.

This is not the most frightening thing. There is a camera pointed at the sea covered with ice floes.

It was a god wearing a golden mask, wearing tattered white clothes, standing on a lonely wooden boat, with white mist filling the air behind him.

The frail wooden boat moved forward little by little, the ice floe in front of it melted, and the white mist held up a huge black shadow.

Mance's pupils shrank suddenly because he saw clearly what the huge black shadow in the white mist was.

It was a coffin made of iceberg. The coffin chamber was open, and the face of the owner of the coffin chamber could be seen clearly.

It was the body of a beluga whale, badly mutilated, with cut marks everywhere. A thick layer of fat was exposed under the wound, which was filled with transparent white ice, but it was extremely rough, like a worn-out doll with cracks and cotton from it. squeeze out from inside,

There wasn't much blood on it because its blood had long since drained away.

The god's boat dragged the coffin forward, as if to lead it to Avalon, just like the picture of the "Kingdom of Death".

Thanks to "69*6.qdcn" for the 500-point reward, "Miss Cai Yin's little fan brother" for the 400-point reward, "Seven Stripes Galaxy Captain", and "Reader 1505141362789068800" for the 100-point reward

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