Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 369 Drinking, the filming is over

This is a small shop that makes Duan Luo Yaki. There is a fire in the middle of the barbecue table. Beef, fresh fish and vegetables are stuck on the bamboo skewers next to it. The warm air and the aroma of the food are blowing towards your face.

Yuan Zhisheng drove to an inconspicuous shop, located deep in an alley. The signboard was very old, and it was a time-honored brand.

"Although this is your first time here, I am a repeat customer of this store." Yuan Zhisheng burped: "A store like this has the best taste, because they only deal with repeat customers. We don’t spend money on publicity, we limit the ingredients every day, and call it a day when it’s sold out.”

"My uncle often brings Miss Ying and the others here for dinner?" Lu Mingfei took a sip of wine, and Eriyi, who was sitting next to him, sipped her juice.

"It's not very often. Come once a month. If you're busy, come once every two months." Yuan Zhisheng picked up a skewer of roasted beef and put it in his mouth.

The proprietress, wearing a white apron and a white gauze cap on her head, brought another plate of marinated fresh skewers and helped them put them on the grill.

"Young girl, let's have a drink." Yuan Zhisheng raised his glass.

Yuan Zhisheng silently clinked glasses with Yuan Zhisheng and drank the beer in one gulp.

"Actually, I regretted it not long after I came to Tokyo. I still miss the days in the mountains." Yuan Zhisheng poured another drink for Yuan Zhisheng.

"There is nothing good in the mountains." Yuan Zhennu lowered her head and stared at the empty wine glass being filled with wine.

"Did you know? Shikatori Town is gone. When I last visited, the elementary school and shrine in the town were abandoned. Only some old people still lived there. The plastic track of the small playground where we had physical education class was damaged by rainwater. I soaked my hair and made a big bulge. There were burn marks everywhere in the teaching building. I heard that after that day, people in Shikatori Town started running out."

When Yuan Zhisheng recalled the past, he thought he had killed Yuan Zhisheng, so he threw the body into the deep well, locked the mouth of the well with an iron chain, poured gasoline around the well, and ignited a raging fire. He burned down all the bloody basement and deep well, and then fled Shikatori Town like crazy on a rainy night.

After that, Shikatori Town became panic-stricken. The missing girl was not found, and everyone felt uneasy.

The news spread outside the town, causing no tourists to visit the shrine's attractions.

Without the income from tourism, the town quickly began to lose population, and no one wanted to live in a dangerous and poor place.

"I know, I went to see it later." Yuan Zhennu drank beer and recalled those painful memories.

"If Tachibana Masamune hadn't found us, you might have become the next priest of Shikatori Shrine. I might have been moving bricks at a construction site, and maybe I'd be married and have children by now." Minamoto Chisheng said with emotion.

"Do you hate that man?"

"He brought us to hell and made us kill each other, and I should hate him."

"Just should?"

"He has taken care of me for many years, but the facts are right in front of me. If I could go back in time, I would definitely chop him with a knife." Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were firm.

"At least I still believe you in this matter. You will always stand on the side of justice." Yuan Zhennu seemed to have resentment in her words.

"Young girl, I'm sorry." Yuan Zhisheng whispered.

"There is no need to say sorry." Yuan Zhennu looked at the palm of her hand: "I am not a good person. After joining the fierce ghosts, I have done many wrong things. I should have died long ago. If it were not for the sake of asking the king Revenge will not survive until now.”

"Let the past be bygones. We didn't come here to drink today to pursue those old things." Yuan Zhisheng reached out and touched Yuan Zhisheng's head: "If you have resentment in your heart, just use the strength of the wine to hit me as hard as you can. One punch and I won’t fight back.”

"What I hate the most is your self-righteous style. You have always been like this since you were a child. You always like to make decisions for me and never ask me." Getting drunk, the young girl scratched Yuan's childish paws and touched them heavily. He smashed his beer glass on the table.

"Hit me." Yuan Zhisheng exposed his chest frankly.

Eriki stopped eating skewers and looked at the two of them.

Lu Mingfei held her hand and shook his head at her. This was a matter between brothers Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhisheng. They could just watch quietly.

Yuan Jingnu frowned and raised her fist high.

Yuan Zhisheng closed his eyes and acted as you like.

This move seemed to make Yuan Zhisheng even more angry. She punched Yuan Zhisheng's belly hard with her fist, and she could hear the whistling wind of the fist.

This punch left no hand behind, and Yuan Zhisheng hugged his stomach. He rolled from his seat and fell to the ground. He spat out two mouthfuls of wine in a very embarrassed manner.

"Ahem. Let me go. You kid, you are serious!" Yuan Zhisheng coughed a few times and finally got up from the ground.

"You asked me to hit you." Yuan Zhimu drank indifferently.

The landlady was alarmed and looked nervous. She quickly ran over and shouted: "Please don't make trouble in the store, we are calling the police!"

Yuan Zhisheng smiled and apologized, saying that this was his younger brother and they were just joking, but he didn't stop when he was drunk.

The landlady looked suspiciously back and forth between Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhisheng, and then she realized that they looked the same.

Yuan Zhisheng took out a few more banknotes from his pocket and said, "I'm really sorry for disturbing your business."

But the landlady didn't charge them, she just reminded them to be careful and not to disturb other customers.

"Are you feeling good now?" Yuan Zhisheng sat back down next to Yuan Zhisheng.

"It's not bad." Yuan Zhennu continued drinking.

"I never dreamed that such a day would come." Yuan Zhisheng's voice was very gentle.

Yuan Zhisheng sighed, looked at Yuan Zhisheng's belly, and asked softly: "Does it still hurt?"

"I am the 'Emperor'. An injury of this magnitude will recover after a while."

"Stop holding on, if you want to say that I am also an emperor, I know the strength of that punch better than you." Yuan Zhisheng said and poked Yuan Zhisheng's belly.

Yuan Zhi screamed in pain.

Yuan Zhennu took out a small bottle from her arms: "I made my own pain-relieving oil for external application. Apply it on your stomach to make you feel better."

"As expected, I still can't hide it from you."

Yuan Zhisheng took the vial and smeared the green medicated oil on his belly. A cool herbal aroma floated to the tip of his nose. After applying it, as Yuan Zhisheng said, the pain was relieved a lot.

"I still remember when I was in elementary school, we secretly climbed through the window and went out for a picnic without telling my adoptive father."

"Are you going to tell the story about how he found out you had stolen his lighter and whipped you so hard with a belt that your back was covered in bruises and bloodstains?"

"You were crying very loudly at that time. You were giving me abrasion medicine while you were crying."

Yuan Zhennu didn't care about him, she kept her head down and drank wine.

"I'm very happy today."

Yuan Zhisheng finished applying the medicine and raised his glass again.

"Come, let's have a drink together. From now on, Lu Mingfei will also be a member of our family. This family finally feels like a family."

"Do it." Lu Mingfei raised his glass.

Needless to say, the crisp sound of clinking glasses echoed.

Sparks danced on the red-hot coals, and the oil from the fish dripped into the fire, making a crackling sound.

Yuan Zhisheng was drunk, laughing and talking to Lu Mingfei about Yuan Zhisheng's past embarrassing things.

Yuan Zongnu didn't show any weakness, and the two exposed each other's background.

After drinking, the eldest uncle told Lu Mingfei to take good care of Hui Liyi in earnest words, and also asked his younger brother and younger sister to have a boxing match. The loser would drink a drink, but the younger sister drank juice and the younger brother drank wine.

Lu Mingfei felt that they were really a pair of brothers who had a very good relationship. Even though they had been separated for so many years, their relationship was still so deep.

He poured a lot of beer for his eldest uncle and second uncle, and he would not return until he was drunk tonight.

Two days later, Blackstone Mansion.

Lu Mingfei was holding a bouquet of delicate and bright roses, wearing a crisp suit.

The sound of the waves can be heard not far away, and the golden sunlight shines through the bluestone wall onto Eriyi's face, shining brightly.

The sea breeze kisses the girl's white gauze skirt, and the skirt flutters slightly, like the girl's heart rippling.

They were standing at a tide-viewing point in the Blackstone Mansion with a view of the sea. Behind them were sharp-edged rocks and white sea foam washing against the high walls. There was a ferry passing by on the other side of the sea, and behind the outline was the shadow of an island on the horizon. .

The seagulls and the sun were singing together, and the sound of the waves was intermittent.

Lu Mingfei handed over the bouquet, and Huiliyi placed the bouquet on the vermilion bench beside her and threw herself into Lu Mingfei's arms.

Lu Mingfei held her waist, her feet were off the ground, and her flying gauze skirt was spinning.

After turning around three times, he put the girl down and the two hugged deeply.


The clapperboard in the humpback whale's hand clattered. Numbers and names were scrawled on the sides in black marker.

The so-called clapperboard is a small black and white wooden board held by the director during filming. It can make a clear sound and has the number of scenes, shots, director, film title, film company and other information written on it.

When the director takes a picture of the small wooden board, it means that everyone present has to pay attention. Either the shooting has begun, an actor or employee has made a mistake during the shooting, or the shooting has finally ended.

The slate in the hand of the humpback whale has the numbers 2-23 written on it, which means that this is Lu Mingfei and Eri's 23rd and last filming in Japan.

The humpback whale applauded excitedly: "Perfect shot, perfect performance!"

"Thank you for your hard work, our filming work is officially over!"

The filming team was noisy, putting down their equipment and picking up mineral water bottles outside the venue to rehydrate.

Lifting equipment is not an easy task. They use film-level equipment. For example, the camera. The main body may only weigh half a watermelon, but there are many accessories, because people other than the photographer want to see the picture. , you have to install a corresponding number of viewfinders on the machine.

There are also people who are specifically responsible for fixing the focus. The position is called the focus assistant. They also need to add corresponding upgraded components to the camera to assist in focusing.

The director and lighting need to look at the picture transmission, and also need to add accessories. In the bright sun, a matte box and a fly cover are needed, as well as a large-capacity battery. If the lens precision is required, a heavier lens must be replaced.

In addition, there are shoulder pads needed for shaking shots and a fishing rod vest that is easy to hold. After some upgrades, the weight of the camera is enough to compete with a shot put of the same size.

Therefore, cinematography is still a manual job combined with technical skills, which ordinary people cannot do.

"Thank you very much for your help." Lu Mingfei also breathed a sigh of relief: "There will be a closing dinner tonight at Blackstone Mansion."

Everyone cheered and clapped in congratulations.

The estimated shooting time was 4 days, but it took them 6 days to finish. Needless to say, we know the hard work and fatigue involved.

After all, Lu Mingfei and Eri Yi are not professional actors. They often have to shoot more than ten times to reach the standard of humpback whales.

Fortunately, they finally finished the work successfully. The next work of editing the video will be much simpler. A short film of about five minutes can be edited in half a day.

At this point, the filming work has come to an end.

At night, Hiroshi Kimura, the butler of Blackstone Mansion, prepared a sumptuous seafood buffet for everyone.

Argentinian red shrimp, Australian dragon, wave dragon, king crab, fresh large abalone and sea cucumber caught in the morning market decorate the splendid hall.

In addition, there are tempura cooked by star chefs and the latest high-end Kobe Wagyu beef dishes.

The celebration banquet was very lively. After six days of shooting, Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi had already become involved with the filming team. They were drinking and laughing. Some played guitar and some showed off their singing voices. They congratulated Lu Mingfei and Eli. Yi was happily married, everyone was drunk, and was carried back to the guest room by the maids.

They were indeed exhausted these past few days. They had to set up scenes and carry heavy equipment all day long. Because of the tight deadline, they almost didn't finish work until late at night every night. They had to get up very early the next day. It was time to relax. .

But Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi couldn't rest yet. They flew back to China early the next morning.

There are less than seven days left before the wedding date, and the costumes, venue, process rehearsals, and wedding photo shoots have not yet been completed.

Generally speaking, a couple starts preparing for their wedding three months or six months in advance, and Lu Mingfei and Hui Liyi only have two weeks to prepare for their wedding, so all aspects of work are in a hurry.

Lu Mingfei finally had time to meet with Old Tang and asked him to customize a "phoenix crown" for Huiliyi.

In the afternoon, Humpback Whale went alone to arrange the venue and clothing. Lu Mingfei made an appointment with Old Tang.

Su Enxi led Constantine to No. 23, the central villa area. Constantine was pushing a stroller, and Old Tang had the nipple of the bottle in his mouth, sucking on it. It seemed that he was used to life as a baby.

"Please make a special trip." Lu Mingfei led them to the hall: "You can stay here for the next few days. There are still many empty rooms."

"Okay, Brother Lu." Constantine nodded.

Su Enxi said that you are the boss and you have the final say.

After entering the hall, Lu Mingfei took out the poster left by the humpback whale, pointed at the phoenix crown and said, "It probably looks like this. We need to tailor one for Eriyi. With your power, you should be able to do it soon." All right."

Old Tang let go of the bottle and made a few squeaks.

Constantine, who is the baby language translator, is responsible for the translation: "My brother said that if you just want a phoenix crown that looks like this, he can make it in a minute, but it is too shabby to treat it as a wedding gift from him. .”

"How to do it?"

Old Tang waved his arms.

"Brother said that he can engrave alchemical inscriptions on the phoenix crown and add some unique effects. For example, it can double the charm of the person wearing the phoenix crown. However, this will take some time and can be completed in about three days."

"About three days. By that time, the pruned Xifu and the new Xiapei should have been sent back." Lu Mingfei nodded.

"Uh huh."

"My brother said that he needs 10 kilograms of gold, five pieces each of ice jade, chrysanthemum cat's eye, and emerald. They must be pure and weigh more than 15 grams, and 100 diamonds of any quality."

"I'll leave it to you, Secretary Su." Lu Mingfei patted Su Enxi on the shoulder.

"Yes, boss." Su Enxi agreed.

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