After arriving on the 15th floor, Sakura led Lu Mingfei and Eriki to change elevators midway in order to go to the "ξ" floor, which was not open to the public.

The private elevator rose step by step, and the glass elevator track turned into opaque steel. The elevator stopped and slowly opened the thick iron door.

"We found Herzog's hiding place underground in the western suburbs of Tokyo." Sakura said: "He transformed a natural underground cave into a basement, and we found his notes and personal belongings in the basement."

"What are his personal belongings?" Lu Mingfei was a little curious.

"There are many collectibles. After entering, we found valuable antique mechanical watches hung neatly on the wall, with a total of 623 pieces. In addition, in the compartment, we found 6,522 out-of-print vinyl records. He There is also a room dedicated to displaying books. 5,542 rare books are stored in glass display cabinets. He seems to have a fanatical collecting habit. He collects everything from Buddhist statues from the Nara period to classic erotic paintings. I also Eight Easter eggs made by Fabergé, the royal jeweler to the Tsar, were discovered.”

Sakura led Lu Mingfei and Eriki through the long corridor and stopped in front of a security door. After continuously verifying their irises, fingerprints, vocal cords and ID cards, the heavy gate opened.

Bright lights shine on the shelves, which are as high as the ceiling and display a wide variety of collectibles in the room.

Every antique mechanical watch is rotating, and its appearance is well preserved with no signs of wear.

Out-of-print vinyl records are covered with protective film and posted on the wall. Rare books are packed in sealed transparent glass boxes and embedded in small square areas within the wall.

"Are all of Herzog's collections here?"

Lu Mingfei walked through the gaps between the shelves and felt like he was in an antique museum.

Eriki carefully picked up a watch and turned its spring.

"Most of them are here," Sakura said, "but some have been sold."

"Sold?" Lu Mingfei asked doubtfully, "Why did you sell it?"

"Due to lack of money, our capital chain is not optimistic, so Mr. Uesugi made the decision to sell all Herzog's collection. His original words: These are the things that the stinky rat touched, He doesn't like it if it's piled up in a warehouse and gets moldy, so it's better to sell it to idiots outside for money."

"Did your father-in-law really say that?"

"Yes, Mr. Uesugi also said that he would sell all the antiques in the family warehouse for money. Our technical staff are currently building a cross-country antique buying and selling website. After the construction is completed, Herzog's collection will be There are also antiques from the family warehouse, all of which will be listed on the website.”

"How much are the items in this warehouse estimated to fetch?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"It's difficult to estimate, as the price of antiques fluctuates very high, but based on the small number of collections we have identified, they are worth at least 8 billion yen."

"So many!" Lu Mingfei was surprised.

"But for the projects we are going to implement next, it is only a drop in the bucket. We will have funding problems for a long time to come."

"Maybe I can help." Lu Mingfei thought to himself that he still had hundreds of millions of funds to his name.

He had forgotten to ask Su Enxi sometime.

Speaking of which, he remembered that he was still a creditor of the Sheqi family, and it seemed that the Sheqi family owed him a large sum of money.

"Aren't there any of his notes, experimental records, diaries or anything like that?" Lu Mingfei looked around and found no paper materials left behind by Herzog.

"Yes, there is about a cabinet of files. He is a very rigorous researcher and must take notes on everything. He rarely uses electronic filing and likes to write by hand. All these materials are now piled in the temporary office of the vice-principal. The vice-principal has been there for a week. They’re all studying his notes.”

"What's written in it?"

"We can't understand it. The paper is full of sketched symbols. It reads like a child's doodles, but the vice-principal seems to be able to decipher it."

"I know that feeling." Lu Mingfei recalled the time when his high school math teacher answered the final question for the top students in the class.

The blackboard is filled with incomprehensible mathematical symbols and English letters. If primary school students come in by mistake, they may think that this is an English class rather than a mathematics class.

"Is the vice principal free now?" Lu Mingfei still wanted to see those notes.

"The vice-principal hasn't left his office for a week. He eats and sleeps at his desk. Those files fascinate him more than liquor."

"Take me to him. I have something to tell him."


A few minutes later, Lu Mingfei arrived at the room that was the infirmary not long ago. He walked a few steps forward and crossed the large vault door, which was Eryi's former bedroom.

Sakura walked to a closed office and knocked gently, but after waiting for a few seconds, no one responded.

"Is the vice principal out?"

"The vice-principal only opens the door during meal times these days. We brought him plates at noon and took away the dirty dishes when we served dinner. He doesn't know yet that you and the lady are back to shoot a short film."

Sakura knocked hard this time.

"What are you doing! Didn't I tell you not to disturb me?" The vice principal's voice sounded a little irritable.

"Lu Mingfei and Miss are back and want to visit you." Ying said loudly.

"Lu Mingfei?"

There was the sound of tables and cabinets being turned over, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps. The door was opened, and the vice-principal who had not left the room for a week appeared in front of the three of them, looking slovenly and haggard.

His beard grew wildly, his hair was shiny with white, his nails were very long, his eyeballs were bloodshot, his gray coat was stained with oil, and there was a grain of rice stuck to his collar.

As soon as the door opened, an unpleasant smell wafted out. After all, he hadn't taken a shower for a week. He didn't look like Master Flamel at all. With his current image, if he threw it on the street and put a bowl in front of him, he would definitely There will be well-meaning people tossing coins into the bowl.

Eriki pinched her nose and took a few steps back, fanning herself with her hands as she stepped back.

Sakura didn't show any particular reaction, but she actually held her breath quietly.

But the vice-principal didn't care about other people's opinions. He said excitedly: "I'm looking for you! Come on, come into the house with me!"

"Vice principal, how about you take a shower first?" Lu Mingfei said tactfully.

"Why take a bath! How can I have time to take a bath now!"

The vice-principal looked about to grab Lu Mingfei's hand and drag him into the room, but Lu Mingfei took a nimble step and sideways avoided the greasy hands.

It was obvious that the vice-principal was studying Herzog's notes and was forgetting food and sleep, but Lu Mingfei came here to shoot a short film with Eriyi to be played at the wedding, not to spend time with a smelly person in a smelly room. Smelly old man goes to discuss a dead pervert.

"You young people, when you go to the battlefield, you will know that it doesn't matter whether you take a shower or not?" The vice principal caught his breath and vented his anger angrily.

Lu Mingfei shrugged and moved out of the way.

"Take me to the bathroom. I'll be back in fifteen minutes. You'll be waiting for me here." The vice principal said to Sakura with a stern face.

"Yes." Sakura nodded, and at the same time used the microphone hanging on her collar to call others to clean the room. The main purpose was to remove the odor in the room.

Lu Mingfei and Eliyi sat waiting and chatting about what they would shoot tonight.

Fifteen minutes later, the cleaning staff left, and the vice-principal came back after taking a shower. His hair was still wet, and he changed his clothes. He seemed to be wearing a white coat that he found everywhere. Apparently he just went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, but okay. The smell on my body was washed away, or maybe the shower gel covered it up.

"We can talk now." The vice-principal touched the beard on his chin.

"What did the vice principal find in Herzog's notes?" Lu Mingfei opened the door.

"Well, I discovered a lot and gained a lot, quite a lot. I must admit that that man is a genius." The vice principal sat on the seat behind the desk.

"Can Huiliyi come in?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Yes, of course, why not." The vice-principal extended his hand to invite, "Today we will only talk about what I found in my notes. Soon, I will organize these things and send them to Novo in a way that you can understand. Ma’s database.”

Lu Mingfei moved two stools for himself and Eliyi, and sat at the desk. There were old papers piled up on the desk, and some new A4 papers, but they were full of symbols, probably the vice principal's drafts. .

Lu Mingfei picked up a few and looked at them. They were written with a pen. Some areas were circled and annotated with red ink. The annotations seemed to be in Russian and he couldn't understand them at all.

"The one in your hand is his notes on studying Deadpool's embryo. He found that Deadpool prefers blood to meat during the embryonic stage. He placed a bucket of blood and a piece of raw meat in front of Deadpool in the embryonic stage. The Chamberlain gave priority to drinking blood, and he conducted experiments on a hundred different Deadpool embryos, and the results were all the same," the vice principal said.

"He's doing a controlled experiment?"

"Most of these notes are records of his experiments, using folk records that were widely circulated among scientists in the former Soviet Union. Most of the people who can understand them have been buried, but when I was a professor at Moscow State University, there happened to be I met a friend who knew this technique, and I got his notes and corresponding annotations from him in exchange for a bottle of Tiltridge Farm Vineyard Aged Wine.”

"Herzog was a scientist from the former Soviet Union?"

The vice-principal nodded: "The notes mentioned that he originally served in the military and was a scientist trained by the state. However, in 1971, he received instructions from his superiors to go to the North Pole to implement the 'Black Swan' plan."

"Black Swan Port?"

"Yes, it is the nameless port that was bombed in 1991. Although it is not the man I want to talk to you about, since you are so interested, I will tell you his story first."

The vice-principal took out an old leather notebook from the drawer. It was about the size of a palm and could be carried around. The pages were already yellowed and every page was filled with words.

"This is Herzog's personal notebook, which was filled up twenty years ago. It records his life in Black Swan Harbor and some strange things. A name is mentioned repeatedly in it, 'Bonda' Lev'."

"Bondaryev, I remember there seems to be such a person, who is he?"

"The notes said that Bondarev came to the Black Swan Port before Christmas in 1991. He said that he was a Koberg officer. The Soviet Union collapsed and the port would be secretly eliminated. He came to plan and Together, Herzog took the legacy of the dragon family to rule the world. Herzog believed his words and prepared to leave with him. However, this was just a scam. On the eve of leaving, Bondarev opened his heart. gun, and he fell in the snow.”

"Wait, shouldn't Herzog die at that time?"

"Bondarev aimed at the left chest and fired, but Herzog's heart was on the right side, so he survived by luck. Later, he relied on his many years of experience in the Arctic to successfully come to the city. With his IQ , making money is the simplest thing, he forged the secret recipe of 'beautiful water', defrauded a large sum of money from a cosmetics company, and then took the money to Japan to look for traces of Bondarev."

"This statement seems to have many contradictions with what we know. I remember what Yuan Zhisheng heard from Herzog. He came on the Lenin and carried the ancient dragon embryo to be used for the resuscitation of the White King. sacrifice."

"No, the sacrifice was prepared by Bondarev." The vice-principal shook his head: "As for why I said this, please listen to me first."

"The whole story happened like this. Bondarev drove the Lenin to the Sea of ​​Japan, and then carved an alchemical inscription of sacrifice, and sank the embryo of the ancient dragon into the divine burial place as a sacrifice for the resurrection of the holy body."

"Then he took three embryos: 'π', 'ω', and 'ξ', which were actually Minamoto's child, Minamoto's child, and Uesugi Eri, and entrusted them as infants to a foster family in the mountains, alone. Living on the edge of the Sea of ​​Japan.”

"He was monitoring the movements of the Divine Burial Hall at the seaside. At this time, Herzog arrived belatedly. Herzog guessed that Bondarev would monitor the Divine Burial Hall, so he rented a fishing boat and went there every day. Wandering in the sea where the Lenin sank, one day he discovered a small boat carrying sonar equipment. He followed it and fired at the small boat with a submachine gun, turning the cabin of the small boat into a honeycomb."

"Is that Bondarev in there?"

"It was a dead man with a Japanese face. Herzog couldn't be sure if it was Bondarev, because Herzog also had a Japanese face. Maybe they had plastic surgery."

The vice-principal opened a page of his notes.

"He found diaries and notes on the dead man's body, which happened to record the existence of the three siblings. Then he found Bondarev's laboratory, where there was a deadpool pool that had been built and preliminary research on evolution. Medicine, and even an interpretation of the 'Old Road to the Underworld', and then as we know, he pretended to be a king and Masamune Tachibana, playing house on both sides."

"If this is true, Herzog's development after coming to Japan must be too smooth."

"He also thinks so, as if Bondarev came to Japan just to pave the way for him, and after paving the way, all this was delivered to the door, so he has been tracing who Bondarev is."

"Have you found it?"

"The most interesting thing is this. He didn't find anything. He didn't find anything. The KGB had a total of 22 bureaus at the time, but no one in these 22 bureaus had heard of Major Bondarev, and Black Swan Port, this The port does not exist in any secret files, and his own file in the military states that he died of sudden cardiac paralysis, so he recorded a very crazy idea in his notes."

"what idea?"

"The 'Black Swan' plan was not a task assigned to him by the Soviet military at all."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that there is a huge organization behind Bondarev. Their research on dragons is far better than Herzog. They planned all this. They forged the 'Black Swan' plan through some means. documents, and then selected Herzog to go to the Arctic for execution. It was not the Soviet Union but this secret organization that had been providing living supplies to Black Swan Port.

When everything was mature, they staged this play and prepared all the conditions for ascending to the throne, including the sacred sacrifices, information, and blood exchange materials. Then, at the right time, they launched a puppet to fake death and let Herzog Ge took over all this. "

"If this is true, then why did they do this?" Lu Mingfei was full of questions: "Can't we let our own people come?"

"Herzog couldn't figure out why. Although he proposed this crazy idea, the conditions for ascending to the throne were placed in front of him, almost within reach. He couldn't think of a reason to give up, even if it was someone else's plan. , so what? He felt that as long as he seized the power of the White King, the people behind the scenes would not be his opponent, so he made preparations in the direction of Bondarev's plan."

"It sounds like he has been following other people's arrangements."

"He is a genius, but he cannot resist temptation. To some extent, we may have to thank him, because he confirmed one thing, that secret organization really exists."


The vice-principal turned to the last page of the note and read softly: "Because the awakening of the White King was the work of this secret organization, Herzog wrote a sentence on the last page of the note, 'The White King was expelled by the Black King. In this world, only the power of the Black King can recall the soul of the White King.' This sentence was written by him twenty years later, just last month."

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