Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 357 The sequelae of violent bloodshed

The medical staff set up a small white tent on the muddy grass.

In the tent, Chu Zihang was sitting on a small plastic stool. The wounds on his body had been professionally disinfected and bandaged. Bandages were wrapped all over his body. At this moment, he was undergoing the next examination. The nurse gently held his hand. He held his wrist and measured his blood pressure with an electronic meter.

Soon, the results came out.

In clinical medicine, hypertension can only be diagnosed when the systolic blood pressure is above 140 mmHg and or the diastolic blood pressure is above 90 mmHg.

As for Chu Zihang, his measured blood pressure was 328 millimeters of mercury.

A blood pressure of 180 millimeters of mercury is at risk of blood vessel bursting. If a normal person's blood pressure reaches 328 millimeters of mercury, blood will come out of the nose, mouth, and ears, and within a few minutes, he or she will die.

However, the flexibility of blood vessels of mixed-race species is much higher than that of ordinary people, so Chu Zihang is still alive and well. He just feels a little tight in his chest, his head is dizzy, his whole body is weak, and he wants to lie down in bed and sleep.

This is a normal phenomenon after a bloodbath. In the past, after using Bloodshot in a mission, he would book a hotel room locally, lie on Simmons' soft big bed, and sleep until he woke up naturally.

He usually spends the rest of the day in bed, and when he wakes up, his physical condition is much better.

But there was no way he could tell the nurse that he had used Bleeding Blood.

Although this young nurse who was temporarily transferred may not understand what violent blood is, once she reports it to Cassel, Chu Zihang will face strict scrutiny and have his personal freedom restricted.

"Why aren't you dead yet?" The nurse covered her mouth and looked at the numbers on the blood pressure meter. Even among mixed races, the blood pressure of 328 mmHg is extremely scary. This is already three to four times higher than normal blood pressure. times, the highest measured value of the mercury sphygmomanometer was only 300 mm of mercury. This was the first time in the nurse's career that she had seen such a high blood pressure.

Chu Zihang raised his head and glanced. The nurse's face turned red. She realized that she had said the wrong thing and quickly changed her words: "I'm sorry, I'm not cursing you to death."

"No, I mean, I'm stupid, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The nurse was incoherent.

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside the tent.

Xia Mi slipped in from behind the curtain, holding two plates with ready meals in his hands.

"Senior brother, I'm here to deliver it to you." Her energetic voice suddenly stopped. Her eyes went back and forth between the crimson-faced nurse and Chu Zihang, and finally stopped at Chu Zihang's wrist.

The nurse's white and smooth little hands were holding Chu Zihang's wrist.

With a straight face, Xia Mi put a dinner plate in his hand on the folding table in front of Chu Zihang where a stethoscope, a thermometer, and a syringe were placed. Then he occupied a small bench and took big gulps into his mouth with a spoon. Serving the meal, he stared straight into Chu Zihang's face while eating.

Lu Mingfei and Eliyi also squeezed in from outside the tent. The small tent, which was originally spacious, suddenly seemed a little crowded.

"Well, I'll go out and report the data to the section chief first." The nurse seemed to feel embarrassed and left the tent as if running away.

"You can't tell, senior brother. In just a few minutes, you have captured the heart of another girl." Xia Mi's cheeks were bulging with rice, and the iron spoon was inserted into the rice bowl like a sharp knife. Then scoop up a piece of beef.

She chewed hard and swallowed the food in her mouth.

"Be careful of choking." Chu Zihang said with concern.

"I didn't have breakfast, I'm hungry!"

"What kind of plane is this?" Lu Mingfei glanced suspiciously, and took Eli Yi to sit down beside him. The folding table was used as their dining table.

"Brother, what did the doctor say?" Lu Mingfei helped Hui Liyi open the straw of the milk carton and inserted it through the hole sealed by the tinfoil.

"They helped me bandage my wound. In addition, they also measured my body temperature and blood pressure." Chu Zihang opened his white shirt, revealing the bandage on his underwear.

"Is the injury serious?"

"I feel fine." Chu Zihang said calmly.

But the doctor felt bad, so he said in his heart.

In fact, the doctor strongly urged him to be hospitalized and sent to a well-equipped ward.

But hospitalization means more complete examinations, blood draws, and urine tests.

From these items, his physical abnormalities can be detected.

Especially his blood, the bloodbath had just ended, and the blood flowing in his body was more like dragon blood.

Dragon blood and human blood are two completely different liquids.

Dragon blood has a strong corrosive effect on human blood. This effect can sometimes strengthen the human body, just like the hero in mythology who bathed in dragon blood to obtain a hard and indestructible body. However, most of the time, dragon blood is not effective against human blood. Humans are highly toxic.

The blood of high-risk hybrids has similar characteristics to dragon blood. The uncontrollable, hot evil blood will react violently with human blood.

At this moment, the blood flowing in Chu Zihang's veins had this kind of nature, which was easy to detect.

So he resolutely refused to be hospitalized, and talked on the phone with his supervisor, Schneider, and obtained a "permission not to be hospitalized."

"After dinner, we plan to go back. Where is senior brother?" Lu Mingfei helped Hui Liyi open the can of yellow peach.

"I'll go back with you. I told my mother that I want to go home for dinner at night." Chu Zihang said.

"Okay." Lu Mingfei nodded.

"What about you?" Lu Mingfei asked Xia Mi again.

"I have a day off tomorrow." Xia Mi sucked milk through a straw.

"Then you stay at our house for a day and find someone to take you back tomorrow?" Lu Mingfei asked tentatively. It seemed that Xia Mi didn't want to go back to BJ yet.

"It doesn't matter, I can do it." Xia Mi deflated the milk carton in one gulp, then quickly opened the yellow peach can and took a bite of the pulp.

Chu Zihang looked at her devouring food, hesitated, and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"So what if I'm hungry?" Xia Mi said angrily, "Can't girls eat big meals?"

"If you're hungry, take this too." Chu Zihang pushed the plate in front of him.

"What's this? To please me," Xia Mi said with a snort, "Please, did you make a mistake? I originally gave this to myself."

"I've had breakfast." Chu Zihang said coldly.

Xia Mi suddenly stopped holding the spoon in his hand and looked up at him.

"I'm full." She winked at Lu Mingfei, picked up the empty plate and walked out.

"What's the matter between you two?" Lu Mingfei looked at the direction Xia Mi left.

"I don't know, maybe I'm not good at talking." Chu Zihang silently picked up the iron spoon to eat.

Eriki held the milk carton and took small sips while looking at the entrance of the tent with a cute look on her face.

"Senior brother, I just asked the principal about your father." Lu Mingfei chose to change the subject: "The principal said that your father is one of the top ten super executives in Cassel."

"I don't know much about this side of my father." Chu Zihang looked at Murasame lying in the corner.

"What's your deepest impression of him?" Lu Mingfei was a little curious about the man named Chu Tianjiao.

"I like to eat braised large intestine, so when I eat grilled chicken wings, I have to make it twice as spicy." Chu Zihang said without thinking: "I am often reminded to remember to warm milk for my mother before going to bed."

"That doesn't sound like it has anything to do with top ten executives."

"Before that night, I just thought he was an irresponsible man."

"Then do you still remember how your father and mother got together?"

"How did we get together?" Chu Zihang was silent for a few seconds and said, "Mom said that dad was a smooth-tongued man. At that time, she was a pillar in the dance troupe, and dad would wait for her to get off work at the door of the venue on time every day. She felt that My father was funny, so he got married in a daze, and then gave birth to me in a daze."

This is basically Su Xiaoyan's exact words. When she was eight months pregnant, Su Xiaoyan heard that giving birth would be very painful, and asked the doctor if she could abort the baby because she was afraid of the pain.

However, abortion cannot be performed if the pregnancy is more than seven months old. On the one hand, the seven-month-old embryo is too large and the risk of surgery is extremely high. On the other hand, the embryo at this time has initially developed self-awareness and can no longer be counted as a child. A dead thing, but a living person.

When I was a child, my mother often told Chu Zihang that it hurt when she gave birth to you, so you should grow up quickly so that you can protect your mother when you grow up.

Chu Zihang always remembered these things.

"It doesn't sound very romantic, hahahaha," Lu Mingfei laughed awkwardly.

Why is it different from the Chu Tianjiao that the principal learned about? After all, he is also an S-class person who has only met in decades. Lu Mingfei thought that Chu Tianjiao would be a cool image like a senior brother, but it turned out that he sounded like a little kid. A hooligan is still the kind of hooligan who wears tight-fitting shoes and specializes in deceiving beautiful girls.

"Yes." Chu Zihang responded lightly, lowered his head and ate spoonful after spoonful.

He chews very carefully because he can't produce much saliva now and can't swallow large pieces of food.

After lunch, the nurse came in with a pale-haired doctor, ready to take the temperature and blood pressure again.

Lu Mingfei and Eriyi helped him carry out the empty plates, and met Xia Ya who was showing off canned fruits next to the chef's table.

Xia Mi winked at Lu Mingfei again.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Mingfei asked quietly.

"I have something to tell you. You guys come with me to find a place where no one is around." Xia Mi said furtively.

"Is there something you can't say here?"

"It's not good to be heard by others."

In the end, the three of them found an abandoned stone accumulation area. Next to it was a rusty support. In the large and small puddles, black tadpoles with big tails were swimming. Eri Yi squatted down and looked through the water. Carefully poke the tadpole's head with your finger.

"There should be no one here." Lu Mingfei stopped and said, "Just tell me."

Xia Mi said: "Chu Zihang's current situation is very dangerous. One step beyond it will lead to an abyss."

"Senior brother? What's wrong with him?"

"In the battle with Odin's Dragon Attendant, he used a certain method to purify his dragon blood. And this is not the first time he has used it. Privately, he should have used it no less than ten times."

"That method should be called violent blood. I heard Principal Angers say it."

"His current state is similar to that of your girlfriend before the blood transfusion, but it's not that serious, but it's fast. If he uses it a few more times, his body and mind will start to transform into Deadpool."

"So that's it? I thought you were."

"What do you think? Do you think I like that piece of wood? A human whose lifespan is less than a hundred years?" Xia Mi blew upward, and the hair on his forehead flew: "Are you kidding? I am the Dragon King. He is here In front of me is a little brat with no hair at all. How could I like him? It's just that this guy made me very angry before, so I want to take revenge."

"I didn't say you liked him." Lu Mingfei muttered softly.

"Anyway, do you understand what I said? If this continues, Chu Zihang will die and become a deadpool without self-awareness. Odin should be happy to accept him as a subordinate."

"Just give him a blood transfusion. It's the same as when Eriki was there."

"It's up to you to prepare yourself. I'm just telling you this." Xia Mi said, "But transfusing blood for him is not a simple matter. First of all, his physique is not as good as your girlfriend's, so he can't bear it. For the blood of the Dragon King, you have to find pure-blooded dragons and cocoon them to obtain fetal blood. But other dragons will not cooperate with you like my brother and I. Secondly, you also need to ask Norton to prepare new props. These things It's all troublesome and consumes energy and money. What kind of relationship do you have with him? Is it worth doing this for him? He's not your wife."

"That's true." Lu Mingfei said, "But it's impossible for me to watch my senior brother become a deadpool like this."

"Actually, it's not bad. As long as he doesn't use the secret method with great side effects in the future, the situation can be stabilized for the time being. But even so, it will be difficult for him to live past 30 years old. That kind of method will overextend his life."

"Is the situation so serious?"

"I suggest you tell him about it, but I think he should know very well that he won't live long."

Lu Mingfei sighed.

I think the senior brother is pursuing power so desperately just to defeat Odin.

But just leave Odin's affairs to him. Senior brother, there is really no need to work so hard. Wouldn't it be nice to retire early and live a retirement life?

When Odin's lair is found later, and Odin's Dragon Attendant is captured and exchanged for blood for the senior brother, the matter will be resolved smoothly. I am afraid that the senior brother will use "violent blood" later, which will worsen the physical condition again.

"Let me talk to him sometime." Lu Mingfei was still thinking about how to speak.

The three of them walked back to the camp. Chu Zihang put on black casual clothes and walked out of the small white tent.

Mai Shutoku drove an off-road vehicle with large tires and drove over from the other side of the viaduct.

Because the bridge is broken, we can only reach here by taking a detour from a distance.

When the four of them gathered together and were about to get in the car and leave, suddenly, a dark-skinned muscular man from the school administration department called Chu Zihang to stop.

"Please wait!" He took out a stack of photos. The film that framed the photos was soaked with water, but fortunately the photos could still be seen clearly.

He put the photo in Chu Zihang's hand, and everyone gathered around to see it. It turned out to be a photo of Chu Zihang and Su Xiaoyan, but from the perspective of the shooting, it seemed to have been taken secretly.

Chu Zihang in the photo looks a little childish. At that time, he was still in junior high school or elementary school, holding his mother's hand, with the tall Ferris wheel behind him. The young Su Xiaoyan was very beautiful, and her figure looked slender and graceful because of dancing. She wore a Wearing sunglasses, holding a strawberry-flavored cone in his hand, there is a faint trace of cream on the corner of his mouth. Judging from the perspective, the photographer seems to have taken the photo lying down in the grass.

It was obviously a candid photo, but it made Su Xiaoyan look very atmospheric, like an artistic photo taken in a photo studio.

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