The water temperature in the Arctic Ocean ranges from -1 to -2 degrees Celsius all year round. Because the seawater contains salt, it does not freeze even below zero.

Swimming in sub-zero water is definitely an unforgettable feeling. If an ordinary person falls into the Arctic Ocean, the capillaries in the body will contract violently, and a large amount of blood will flow back to the heart. In an instant, there is a risk of fainting or even shock. Even if you are a good winter swimmer, It is impossible to stay underwater for more than 15 minutes.

A lowered body temperature will kill you. When a person's body temperature drops to 36.5, he will start to tremble. If it drops to 32.8, he will tremble violently. If it drops below 32.8, he will not even shiver. 27.8 is the death line. Low temperature will cause you to Various enzymes in the body fail, blood flow slows down, and cannot supply organs throughout the body.

If there is no rescue nearby, falling into the Arctic Ocean is a dead end.

Even though Zero and Fingel had strengthened their bodies with bronze thrones, they could still feel the biting cold penetrating their diving suits.

The ancestry of the Yanling and the mixed race only improved their endurance, but did not make them feel any better.

It's still cold when it should be cold, and it still hurts when it should be. It's just that the cold can't affect their normal actions.

Zero counted the seconds in her mind. She only had 10 minutes. When the time was up, she would go into shock.

The mirror eye is not a convenient ability like the Sharingan. The greatest benefit this word spirit brings to the user is not copying other people's word spirits, but extraordinary learning ability.

This is an analytical word spirit that allows her to quickly understand how to use tools in a short period of time. Even if she has never flown a fighter jet, she can become an ace pilot while the mirror pupil lasts. After the word spirit ends, The driving experience gained will not disappear, it is equivalent to her operating a fighter jet in perfect condition.

The copying of the word spirit is only a secondary effect of the mirror pupil and is not practical, because during the copying period, the user's mental power will be continuously consumed. The more powerful the word spirit, the more mental power needs to be consumed.

The Bronze Throne is a word spirit that consumes a lot of money. 10 minutes is the death line Zero has set for himself in his heart.

No matter what happens, she must hold on for 10 minutes before passing out.

One minute had passed since they entered the water. They were still some distance away from the beluga, and all they could see was the dark sea.

"Small toothed whales can dive to 100 to 300 meters underwater, and sperm whales can even dive to the deep sea thousands of meters below. If it chooses to avoid fighting and dive, it will be difficult." Thelma said in the headset .

"The change in the weather is the effect of the word spirit. If it dives into the deep sea, the ice storm will disappear. Then we will just sail away." Fingel also said on the communication channel: "I am afraid that it will not Take the bait and fight a protracted war with us.”

"How are you going to um...seduce it?"

"We can only think of ways to annoy it. It has a very high IQ, but a single whale will inevitably do some impulsive behavior when it gets emotional."

"Come on." Thelma wanted to complain, but she still held it back. She couldn't help much. All she could do was say "come on."

This white sperm whale is much more cautious than Norton's dragon attendant.

During the Kuimen operation, they took away the unhatched eggs of the Dragon King. As the guardian, the Dragon Warrior directly launched an attack from the front. It swallowed the torpedo, jumped from the water and shot down the helicopter, and finally shot down the helicopter from the middle. The Monyach's armor plating was shattered.

If the white whale's frontal combat capabilities could reach this level, it would be difficult to guarantee the safety of Fingel and Zero.

However, judging from the way that guy avoided fighting, its physical strength was probably far inferior to Norton's Dragon Attendant. After all, it didn't even have scales on its body.

Norton's Dragon Attendant is like a warrior fighting in close quarters, while this white whale is more like a mage casting spells from a distance, with thin skin and thin blood.

"It's very close to you." Thelma looked at the radar chart, "You should be able to see its shadow."

"I saw it!" Fingel stared at the huge black shadow under the ice.

The body length of a male sperm whale ranges from 11 meters to 20 meters, but this guy is obviously larger, reaching at least 25 meters. Compared with its body, its head occupies one-third of the body, which is disproportionate. The body is heavy and big, but the tail is light and small. It looks like a big tadpole.

Fingel and Zero are so small in front of it, a 25-meter-long behemoth. Imagine that you are standing in the middle of Wanda Plaza. The entire Wanda building is the enemy you have to face. You can see it at a glance, and even Can't see the whole picture.

The huge difference in body shape brings a strong sense of oppression.

In nature, body size represents combat effectiveness.

The largest creature on land is the elephant, which is more than ten times larger than the male lion known as the king of the grasslands. An adult African elephant is six meters long, three meters high and weighs six tons, while an adult lion is only Two hundred kilograms.

Elephants can easily withstand the bite of male lions, but male lions may die just by being kicked or stepped on by the elephant's legs.

The size difference is only a dozen times, but the combat power is so disparate. The gap between Fingel and Zero and this white sperm whale is more than a dozen times.

Even if it doesn't move, Fingel and Zero can't break through the thick fat layer and cause damage to it. If they want to kill it, they can only rely on heavy weapons.

Zero and Fingel released the thruster buttons and slowly slowed down.

"It's so big." Fingel sighed: "If it was eaten, it might take several hours to reach its stomach."

"Selma, is it still moving away from us?" Zero asked. The visibility was too low. Only a huge black shadow could be seen, making it impossible to observe whether the beluga was moving away from them or approaching.


"We have to find a way to attract its attention. The underwater rifle we are equipped with has an effective range of only 20 meters. We need to get closer." Ling said after thinking.

Three minutes had passed, and Zero began to feel a headache. This was a sign of mental exhaustion. To put it more simply, it was like the drowsy feeling you get after staying up all night and coming out of an Internet cafe.

"Then let's go over and say hello to it!"

"Wait a minute, it's swimming towards you!" Thelma suddenly shouted. On the radar map, the red dot representing the beluga approached Fingel and Zero at a speed visible to the naked eye, more than three times as fast as before.

At this moment, she realized that it was not afraid at all, and its initial distance was just an illusion.

The toothed whale can emit pulse waves through the diaphragm in its nasal cavity and sense the surrounding environment through sonar. When Zero and Fingel swam towards it, it felt that they were two living creatures rather than torpedoes.

It had been waiting for Fingel and Zero to enter its hunting range.

"Just what I wanted!"

Fingel and Zero reacted quickly and swam in the opposite direction.

The beluga opened its huge mouth, swung its tail, and cut through the water with its streamlined body.

Sperm whales usually hunt in the deep sea. Their hunting methods are rarely observed by humans. However, computers can simulate how they hunt. The secret is the diaphragm at the bottom of their nasal cavity that can emit pulse waves. Even in the deep sea where they can’t even reach their fingertips, they can hunt. It can also accurately locate the prey.

Fingel and Zero swam in two directions, but the white whale chose Fingel without hesitation and headed straight for him.

Fingel looked back and saw that the beluga whale's lower jaw was equipped with twenty-six pairs of large, conical teeth, and the upper jaw only had tooth sockets. These were all consistent with the characteristics of a sperm whale.

"My meat is not delicious." Fingel took out the underwater rifle equipped on his waist with one hand, and the pump-type underwater propeller burst out with powerful power, leading him to swim forward.

But the beluga is faster and is shortening the distance little by little.

Fingel adjusted the thruster to automatic mode, freed his hands, and fired the gun into the beluga's mouth.

The purpose was to provoke it. Listening to the whale call behind him, Fingel felt that the effect was good.

"I'll lure it over like this, and you prepare to launch storm torpedoes!" Fingel shouted on the communication channel.

But the sea water froze, and scattered ice crystals appeared around Fingel. The ice crystals instantly covered his surroundings, like a huge cage, and the white whale wanted to swallow him and the ice together.

"Damn it!" Fingel clenched his fist and smashed open the ice, but the ice formed faster than he could smash it open, and he was trapped in the middle.

The propeller drove him forward, and the sharp ice crystals stood in front of him like a sword. He adjusted his posture and narrowly passed by, but the ice crystals in front had condensed into a transparent ice wall.


Zero fired.

Her eyes were rich in gold, and her eyes instantly analyzed the structure of the ice wall and found the most vulnerable point.

Like a fire hammer hitting a corner of the safety glass designed to hit, the ice wall instantly turned into crystal clear crumbs and shattered.

"Thanks!" Fingel crashed through the powder. His diving suit was torn, but his skin, which had been strengthened by the bronze throne, was not damaged at all.

The white whale roared angrily again.

It was angered, and the weak prey slipped away from its eyes again.

It was a great shame for it to set a trap for such a weak prey and still fail.

It's like you bought a mouse trap to deal with a fat mouse that stole your rice, and put cheese as bait, but you found that the fat mouse stole the cheese in front of you, and its mouth was full of saliva. The oily mouse face seems to be asking you to get something more delicious next time, but I haven't eaten enough yet.

At this time, you will also try to kill the mouse.

The white whale swung its tail wildly and accelerated in an attempt to kill Fingel, the fat mouse.

Fingel threw away his underwater rifle and returned to control of the propeller.

The white whale is in hot pursuit, and Thelma says that it will soon be within range.

In order to prevent this guy from giving up, Fingel even took the initiative to slow down, patted his butt and raised his middle finger.

Apparently the beluga understood this internationally accepted gesture, or at least knew that Fingel was insulting it.

Dragons are extremely proud creatures, and subspecies with dragon blood naturally inherit this arrogant character.

Once they realize that you are insulting them, the consequences will be a fight to the death.

Although whales have the largest brain capacity in the world, anger still gets the best of them.

Fingel was a little disappointed. Although this white sperm whale had a high IQ, it was still far behind the one ten years ago. It was not a real dragon, at least it was not the one that destroyed Kasse ten years ago. The dragon of your team.

It was like an ordinary sperm whale that evolved by chance. Perhaps it accidentally ate the corpse of a dragon, or it was bathed in dragon blood. The dragon's blood gave it the power to control ice storms.

Fingel doesn't think its power is extraordinary. After all, using the word spirit consumes the 'spirit' in the body. For such a huge creature as the sperm whale, if it awakens the dragon's blood, the 'spirit' gained will also be huge. , so it can create such an exaggerated effect in the eyes of hybrids.

But it is not an easy matter for a sperm whale to obtain the power of dragon blood.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that bathing in dragon blood makes one invulnerable.

Hybrids can indeed gain strength from high-purity dragon blood, but it requires full-body immersion, and the mortality rate is extremely high because dragon blood itself is toxic.

Fingel could not imagine how this sperm whale evolved. A small bucket of dragon blood was never enough to allow the sperm whale to evolve, and it was impossible to find a dragon blood pool that could soak a 25-meter-long, 40-ton giant.

This guy appeared with the sudden aurora, as if he had swam from another world.

"We've entered the range of the storm torpedoes!" Thelma said in surprise.

"Hurry up! I'm going to be caught up!" Fingel yelled.

He could feel the huge suction coming from behind him. The white whale was sucking water in an attempt to swallow him.

Zero shot from the side, trying to attract the attention of the beluga, but the beluga only had Fingal in his eyes. Perhaps it was a female whale, attracted by the male hormones in Fingal.

"It will affect you too!" Thelma tapped the keyboard anxiously.

In the cabin of the ship, Mance was adjusting the position of the cannon hole, pressing his finger on the launch button, ready to go.

The beluga's attention was completely focused on Fingel. The storm torpedo's launch speed was 200 knots, as fast as an airplane. Without it avoiding, it would be difficult to miss a huge target of 25 meters.

But the alchemy warhead spreads out to a full 30 meters, and a sharp saw tooth rotating at a high speed of 30 meters can cut everything it encounters in half.

Fingel was sprinting towards the blast hole with the white whale, and the 30-meter rotation range would cut him in half.

Even if the Bronze Throne is added, it can't withstand it. The Storm Torpedo was originally designed to fight dragons. The initial imaginary enemy was the Dragon King, which meant that if the Dragon King was hit, it would split in the middle without exception.

"If you don't launch it, I will be eaten! It will bite my bones to pieces!" Fingel urged: "Don't worry, I still have a trump card, launch it quickly!"

"Professor!" In the cabin, Selma turned back to Mance.

Beads of sweat broke out on Mance's wrinkled forehead.

"Old man Mance! Launch quickly!" Fingel's voice broke.

Mance gritted his teeth and took a deep breath: "I will launch on the count of three, so be prepared."


"3, 2, 1!"

Mance hit the launch button.

Storm torpedoes shot out of the bullet holes like roaring fighter jets.

Black flames ignited all over Fingel, spreading to the propeller. The ferocious metal thorns extended, and the power of the propeller suddenly increased, taking him to sprint towards the flank.

The beluga made a long cry, but then the cry suddenly stopped.

Storm torpedo hit.

Eight thousand alchemical blades unfolded, rotating at 14,000 times per second.

The sea was dyed blood color.

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