Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 338 The rain hasn’t stopped yet

Cassel College Headquarters, Illinois, USA.

Late at night, the central control room on the second floor of the library is brightly lit.

Manstein and Schneider stood in front of a giant 3D projection, with a 5-meter-high virtual earth suspended in front of him. As he waved his hand gently, the earth would quickly move to the position he wanted to see.

It feels like God is playing with his creation, giving people the pleasure of lashing out and the joy of having power.

But Manstein and Schneider were not happy about this feeling at all. They just felt a splitting headache and wanted to hit their heads with a hammer and say goodbye to the world.

Nearly twenty red lights flashed on the surface of the faint blue "Earth" at the same time, and sirens sounded one after another.

The entire central control room was filled with the clicking sounds of keyboards being typed at high speed, the hissing sounds of printers working, and the clicking sounds of mechanical cipher machines translating secret messages. The pressure was so overwhelming that my head was about to explode.

No matter day or night, the atmosphere in this control room is the same, and due to the recent "Eternal Night" incident in Japan, more and more rats hiding in the dark can't help but come out and scamper.

If Principal Angers hadn't told them a few days ago that the Japanese branch had been newly integrated into the Kassel Executive Department, thereby welcoming the assistance of nearly 500 new "A-level" commissioners, the difficulties they would have faced would have been unimaginable. .

"Report! The Commissioner of the Executive Department discovered a mixed-race smuggling gang in the Peruvian region. They attempted to illegally transport alchemical equipment to the urban area. It was an alchemical equipment used to expand mental hypnosis. The Commissioner of the Executive Department sent the teachings of these smuggling teams. This group of people is trying to establish a new doomsday cult and brainwash urban residents into a cult. The commissioners are asking for support and applying for violent annihilation of this criminal gang!"

"Let those new Japanese help!"

"This is a financial reimbursement form, please sign it. Our commissioner in Greece is waiting for the funds to be credited! The funds are 70,000 US dollars!" The female secretary ran to Manstein with high heels and handed a copy bill.

"Financial reimbursements less than US$100,000 will all be handed over to EVA." Manstein waved his hand without even looking at the beautiful female secretary.

"Report! Our disguised cigarette factory in Cuba was attacked by the new party. They said that aliens are real. The United States has hidden it from the world for so many years. The Americans relied on alien talents to rise. Now they also We have obtained the support of aliens and want to overthrow the tyranny of the United States and safeguard world peace! The first step is to take over all the cigar factories in Cuba as their source of funds!"

"Knock all these stupid people out and send them to a mental hospital! Damn it, everyone is here to join in the fun!"

Manstein and Schneider were very busy and encountered all kinds of unheard-of stupid things. The execution department was supposed to only deal with dragon-related incidents, but now it has become the world's police.

All this is because of the "hearing" they held in cooperation with the US government three days ago. This hearing was broadcast live to the world on television and online platforms. It was held on Capitol Hill and started at 9 a.m. US time. It lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon.

The special guest sent by the college is Professor Guderian. He is the most suitable to attend such a conference that is all nonsense, because he does not need to be taught, and he is very good at talking nonsense, meaningless nonsense.

In short, this hearing will make people sleepy. Most of the content is a bunch of men and women in formal clothes, sitting under the podium and nodding seriously, and then listening to the people above talking nonsense, only a very small part of the conversation, Gave some clear answers.

For example, "Are there super-powered creatures in this world?"

"Yes, they exist, but it is difficult to see them today. In the ancient documents we have collected, these super-powered creatures can even create earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons."

When netizens hear this, they will just smile with disdain and become extinct? I'm afraid there aren't any at all. Which country doesn't have some fairy tales?

Guderian completed the task of deceiving the public perfectly. After all, this was just a signal to the whole world, and the truth would only be in the hands of a small number of people.

But there are always smart people who make a fuss about this hearing and the anomalies happening in Japan, so more and more uneasiness emerges.

This is also the reason why the secret party was unwilling to announce the Dragon Clan before, because the mixed-race species have hidden this secret in history for thousands of years. It would be okay if it was announced to the public from the beginning, but in this era, if it is suddenly disclosed, it will only cause conflicts.

If it weren't for the terrible disaster brought about by the White King's resurgence, which alerted the hybrids to the prophesied day of the Black Emperor's awakening, they might always regard dragon slaying as a business, a business hidden in the shadows.

"The blood descendants of the White King are really capable." Schneider slumped in a chair, wearing something like a gas mask on his face.

"500 A-levels are a powerful shot in the arm in a short period of time." Manstein also said.

The two were about to light a cigarette and rest for a while, but suddenly, the 3D projected earth model stopped in one position. The coastal area was covered in bright red color, with red lights flashing and sirens blaring.

In the beam, EVA appeared and said shocking words in a calm tone: "Auroras appeared in the Greenland Sea. The violent elemental turbulence was detected at 22.5° and 112° north latitude along the coast of China. The preliminary identification reaction is: Dragon King."

The big red characters instantly occupied the entire screen.

Meanwhile, Church of Santa Chiara, Naples, Italy.

The school board meeting has been going on for nearly a week, and today it is finally time to wrap up.

Sitting in the seat representing Gattuso's family was an old man with deep features and wrinkles. His expression was serious, his eyes were bright, and his pale hair made him look like he had a rigid and stubborn character.

"So what did Pompeii come for?" Elizabeth Laurent frowned and took off her white lace gloves. "Is it because it was his birthday on the first day he came here to sleep?"

Pompeii Gattuso, the head of the Gattuso family, was supposed to attend the school board meeting, but except for the first day, when he fell asleep on the conference table, he never showed up again. Instead, he , was attended by his brother, Frost Gattuso.

Frost said with a straight face and an unkind expression, "I just followed his orders and replaced him."

"So polite to your brother?" Laurent rolled his eyes at him, "When you mentioned him before, it was like a powder keg about to explode."

Frost didn't reply and waited in silence for the meeting to begin.

Angers stepped into the conference room, holding a stack of documents in his hand.

The school directors all sat in their seats and returned to silence.

"The Executive Department sent an SS-level emergency notice." Angers slapped the document on the table, "Dragon King, appears again!"

It was windy and rainy, and security guards wrapped in raincoats drove small trucks to deliver goods purchased to every villa owner in the community.

"Is this Mr. Lu Tianming's house? Please open the door! We are community security guards. The goods you purchased have arrived!" The security guard pressed the doorbell at the gate of the fence and opened the plastic protective cover. There was a speaker there, which was directly connected to the inside of the room.

Looking through the cracks in the fence, I could see that the flowers and plants in the garden had been ravaged horribly by the storm. The weak flower buds were broken off, and there were broken branches and leaves soaked by the water everywhere. The willow tree by the lake looked like a frail little girl, with her waist covered with wounds. The wind and rain bent it, and it was crumbling.

Because of heavy rain, the water level of the artificial lake has risen a lot, almost reaching the shore. Even the path paved with red cobblestones has been submerged in muddy water. The originally beautiful garden seems to have been wantonly destroyed.

With a ding-dong sound, the speaker connected, and a delicate female voice came.

"I'm Lu Tianming's wife. I'm sorry. There was thunder yesterday and the wires of the automatic door were burned out. Please wait a moment. My son will come and open the door right away."

"Okay, ma'am."

"Zihang! The security has brought something. Go and open the door!"

"Okay, Mom."

Chu Zihang agreed, walked out of the study room on the second floor, and followed the stairs step by step to the living room on the first floor.

The bright goose-yellow light chilled the room, the doors and windows were closed tightly, and thick curtains covered the floor-to-ceiling windows. Su Xiaoyan put a mask on her face, lying on the sofa, watching Korean dramas on TV.

"The vegetables and quick-frozen meat bought yesterday should have arrived. Aunt Tong is old and can't stand the wind and rain. Go and help the security guard open the door." Su Xiaoyan patted her face and raised her face to prevent the mask from slipping.

"Okay." Chu Zihang nodded and took out a black raincoat from the locker.

"I don't know when the rain will end. I've finished eating all the food at home and it's not stopping. The garden is almost destroyed by the flood." Su Xiaoyan complained.

"When the rain stops, let's ask the gardening company to clean it up." Chu Zihang put on his rain boots, took out a black raincoat from the locker and put it on.

"Zihang, be careful, the road in the yard is slippery, don't fall."

"I'll walk slower, mom." Chu Zihang took the key, came to the entrance, and opened the door.


The heavy rain fell on his face in an instant, and the air was filled with the smell of moist earth. A large area of ​​the lawn paved with buffalo grass was bent, revealing the light-colored leaf backs. The petals of small daisies fell mixed with mud and water, only A solitary straw pole remained.

Chu Zihang turned around and closed the door. The outer surface of the floor-to-ceiling window was stained with many yellow leaves. The garage door was closed tightly, and a trickle of water gathered in the drainage pipe.

There was a small truck parked at the gate of the villa, and two security guards in raincoats were waiting at the door.

Chu Zihang crossed the muddy path and opened the door.

"We'll deliver it to your doorstep," the security guard said.

"No, I'll just take it back myself." Chu Zihang didn't want to trouble the security guard. He knew that the security guard usually used a trolley to deliver goods, but most of their yard was muddy and was covered with rain. If it is soaked, the tires will get stuck in the mud when the trolley is pushed in, so they have to be lifted manually. It would be bad if the security guard accidentally slips and falls.

"But you have a lot of goods"


Seeing that Chu Zihang was so stubborn, the security guards did not insist on delivering the goods to the door. They took out the list in a waterproof bag and said, "This is the goods list. Please sign for it and check it."

Chu Zihang took the list, and the security guard led him to the back of the minivan and opened the locked cargo door. Many plastic boxes were stacked inside, with labels on them. Most of them were food and ingredients.

The security guard brought over two large plastic boxes with labels such as "Onions 500g x 4", "Alpine potatoes 800g x 2", "Fresh eggplant 200g x 2", "Fruit corn 150g x 10", " Fresh tomatoes 100g x 4”.

The labels on another box read "Bacon 500g x 2", "Quick-frozen beef 2kg x 4", "Quick-frozen pork belly 2kg x 4".

One box contained vegetables and the other contained meat. Chu Zihang glanced at it, checked the quantity in his mind after a few seconds, and nodded.

"The total is 957 yuan, cash on delivery, please sign for it." The security guard handed over a slip and a black pen.

Chu Zihang signed his name under the windshield propped up by the pickup truck, took out the cash in his wallet, and paid. Recently, only frozen meat was sold, and fresh meat was almost unavailable.

"I wish you a happy life." The security guards collected the money, delivered the goods, and drove away.

Chu Zihang returned to the house with two large boxes in his arms.

Due to heavy rain, the vegetable market is temporarily closed. If you want to buy vegetables, you can only order online for delivery, or brave the rain and go to the temporary vegetable market designated by the government to buy.

Heavy rains have brought a lot of inconvenience to people's lives. From the beginning of the holiday, when they were happily lying at home, many people have complained online about when the rain will stop.

The rain doesn't stop, and many industries cannot operate. The food in the refrigerator has run out, and eating and selling vegetables is a problem.

It's fine for families with savings, but for those without savings, the anxiety is getting worse day by day.

The news says every day that the storm is expected to disappear within 1 to 2 days, but looking at this gloomy sky, who knows?

Chu Zihang took off his raincoat and hung it on the hanger. After putting on his slippers, he took the muddy rain boots to the mop corner next to the maid's room to rinse them.

The Maybach came to mind again. Was that an illusion?

On the first day it rained, he saw the Maybach in the rainy night.

The car did indeed appear in front of him, but why did it suddenly disappear again around the corner?

If the Maybach turned at that speed, it would undoubtedly hit the barrier at the door, but there was nothing.

If there wasn't something wrong with his brain, he could only think of one possibility: the Maybach crashed into the Nibelung.

Odin is back again.

"Master, what do you want to eat for lunch today?" Aunt Tong came from the living room with a broom, interrupting Chu Zihang's thoughts.

"The ingredients mom bought have arrived. Let's make a pot of corn rib soup." Chu Zihang put down his rain boots, "It's cold today, let mom drink something hot."

"Okay, Master." Aunt Tong nodded, put down the broom, and went to deal with the ingredients.

Chu Zihang went to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, held cold water in his hands, and washed his face.

The white light illuminated the smooth ceramic tiles, and his shoulder blades were printed in the mirror. The red mark became more and more obvious. The mark that slowly emerged from the skin after that rainy night was like a half-dead tree.

At this moment, there is a faint burning pain in the mark, like the pain that comes after a few days after being accidentally burned by a casserole.

At this moment, Chu Zihang's phone suddenly rang. When he was at home, he never let his phone leave his body, no matter what he was doing.

"The vacation is over." Schneider, the instructor, talked to him on the phone, always seeming to be giving an order.

"What's the mission?"

"Emergency mission, SS level. Elemental turbulence was detected in the coastal area near Qi. It is suspected to be Dragon King. Due to the typhoon, the satellite cannot capture anything, so the nearest commissioner is required to conduct on-site exploration. Detailed mission description Norma has already I'm sending you an email. You just need to detect the situation. If you encounter danger, give priority to your own safety. We are already recruiting personnel and equipment."

"I understand." Chu Zihang took a slow breath. In the mirror, golden pupils appeared, and even the colored lenses could not suppress the golden light.

Who else could be the Dragon King in the rain?

Odin, it's him, he's back!

Chu Zihang's blood had never boiled like this one day, and his whole body was on fire.

The mark on his shoulder blade became more and more painful. He covered the mark with his hand, and veins popped out on the back of his hand, like muscles contracting into a perfect shape like a sculpture.

This time, the entire academy is standing behind him, and he will never escape again!

"The pen name was given by my roommate" and the reward of 5,000 points from "Call me Sir Zhang"

The 1,500 points rewarded by "Xia Wuliu\

,"Thanks to "Belongs to 20210822810454826266", "Shirts Grow Green", "Eat My Euler Boxing", "Only Love Luo Tianyi in This Life", "Lin Qingyu" for the 500-point reward

"Insect Brick", "Smoke 4100", "MKjesko", "Book Friends 20201203221006579", 100 points for the reward

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