Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 287 The Tide of the Black Moon (3)

Black seawater surges in, and the tide advances from south to north. Ota City, Meguro City, Minato City, and Hirakawa are changing from land to sea.

The coastline continues to advance forward, submerging pedestrians' ankles, and is spreading upward at an extremely slow speed.

A mirage-like tower appears on the sea, taller than Tokyo's skyscrapers. A sky-high copper pillar connects the sky and the earth. It is engraved with ancient patterns, and the hieroglyphics and pictures are as exquisite as works of art.

The rain fell down, and the gas lanterns swayed in the strong wind. This scene was like the mythical world-destroying flood. God sent a seven-day flood to cleanse the world.

After a short period of darkness came, lights were turned on in some places, and the lights in the summer moon were also turned on. Boss Whale moved the dusty old diesel generator from the basement with sweating profusely, and with the bang bang There was a clanking sound, and after the light flashed a few times, it glowed again.

"Everyone, the tsunami is coming!" Boss Whale shouted, waving his arms.

His expression was panicked. The sky suddenly went out like a broken light bulb and turned into darkness. Even the power system and communication system failed. He tried to call the police station, but only received the message "You are not in the service area now." "The warm female voice prompts.

This reminded him of an American movie "2012" he watched last year.

This movie was released in theaters in the United States in 2009, that is, on November 12 last year. Humpback Whale got the gun version online and watched the movie with his employees in the break room.

The movie is about a disaster movie, the end of the world in 2012. This prediction is well known all over the world, and Japan is no exception. In recent years, the economy has become increasingly depressed, and many young people have accumulated resentment in their hearts. Many young people even make pessimistic comments online.

This is because the oppression in the Japanese workplace is very serious. Young people, if they are not graduates from prestigious schools such as Tokyo University, can only nod and bow to their seniors in the workplace, and smile when customers insult them, so they feel that this is the way they live anyway. Pain, this worthless world might as well be destroyed altogether.

But the humpback whale didn't want the world to end at all. He watched "2012" with his employees just because he was bored that day. The cold wave in Siberia made the weather suddenly cold, and the ladies were unwilling to go out, so he simply let the employees watch "2012". I took a day off to adjust my condition, so that I could show off my ikebana in a better spirit the next day.

The current scene is really like the plot of that popcorn movie. Disasters happen suddenly. In the movie, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes destroy everything, and the human world turns into a hell on earth, with tsunamis, typhoons, sandstorms, and all kinds of other things. Natural disasters have broken out on an unprecedented scale all over the world. The living people can only embark on the road of survival and experience the hardships between life and death.

The humpback whale looked at the tall copper pillar standing on the sea, and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Are aliens going to take over the earth? Or is it the resurrection of ancient civilization?

He now only hopes that the country and the government are not unprepared for the disaster. In "2012", the protagonist Jackson Curtis and his family found a shelter built by humans before the disaster. In the end, the remaining humans were in "Novo" "Ark" for reproduction and continuation.

But think about it, even if there is a Noah's Ark, only the elite of mankind can take refuge there. How can he, a Cowherd shop owner, be competitive compared with scientists?

Do we just have to wait to die?

Waiting for the sea to flood the city and sinking into the deep seabed, waiting for human archaeologists to dig out his remains thousands of years later and say, look, we have found the fossil of a prehistoric human!

"Everyone, let's take refuge somewhere else." The humpback whale didn't want to sit still and say, "This is just a Cowherd's shop. If the tsunami really comes, we will all be drowned here."

As a former Maritime Self-Defense Force officer, he believed that his psychological quality was much better than that of ordinary people, but when he saw such a scene that could not be explained by common sense, he still couldn't help but panic.

However, the five people in the room were as steady as a rock. Uesugoshi stood up and walked to the edge of the balcony regardless of the storm.

The wind and rain blew his snow-white hair around, and the wide sleeves of his kimono swayed in the wind, like a majestic battle flag.

Yuan Zhisheng carefully supported him, and the two of them looked at the high towers and copper pillars on the sea, their expressions solemn, but not fearful.

Lu Mingfei and the other three also stood up and stood on the edge of the balcony, looking into the distance through the hazy light spots on the roads and skyscrapers.

"I always thought that the Night Food was just a legend, a history that could not be verified." Uesugi said solemnly.

"Heavy rains and floods cleanse the world. After the tide recedes, a new city stands on the earth. Its name is Night Food." Yuan Zhisheng slowly recited the prophecy in "The Emperor's Chronicle".

"What is the food of the night?" Lu Mingfei squinted his eyes, held up a small umbrella with his palm, and looked at the copper pillar.

Professor Guderian told him that the Dragon Clan likes to use pillars to record history. The bottom is engraved with what has happened, and the top of the pillar is engraved with prophecies that have not yet happened.

From bottom to top, it represents the past and the future. For the Dragon Clan, even the rules of physics can be changed with words and spirits. The only thing that cannot be modified is time or fate.

What will happen in the future is the same as what has happened in the past to a certain extent. This is just like the dead and the living are also the same to a certain extent. The living are destined to be the dead in the future.

When the three goddesses of destiny were weaving the threads of destiny in this world, they knew that these threads would be cut, but they still kept spinning until the day when the scissors of destiny opened. The dragon tribe believed in destiny. When this world was born, Everything is doomed.

In fact, now that technology is becoming more and more powerful, a few scholars have put forward similar views. They believe that the state and total amount of all matter were fixed when the universe was born. By observing liquid water, we can determine the surrounding temperature and environment, infer when it will turn into water vapor.

To amplify this point of view and put it into the macroscopic view, if we can observe the state of all atoms in the entire universe, can we predict what the state of the universe will be in the next second, or even the next minute, or the next hour?

In this way, one can predict the future with 100% accuracy.

These scholars believe that the state and changes of atoms have been determined as early as the birth of the universe. Every atom will change in a certain direction from its birth. It is just that this direction is too chaotic, so it appears that it is is unknown.

In fact, history was written at the beginning of everything, and all we can do is wait for that stage to arrive.

This is an assumption derived from theory, but it is well-founded and makes people think deeply.

Lu Mingfei looked at the top of the copper pillar from a distance and found that there seemed to be a blank space at the top. There were no words or pictures there.

What's going on? Is it because I didn't have time to engrave it, or was it worn away?

"The food source of the night, according to legend, is the Nibelung root of the White King. When the food source of the night reappears, it is also the time when the White King wakes up." Uesugi Koshi said slowly, he seemed to have stood for thousands of years in the wind and rain. of rock.

The White King he was talking about was not the only remaining bone. The holy skeleton was the only evidence of White King's existence in the world. Although it contained a large amount of White King's spiritual elements, in the description of "Huang Jiwen", it was just a parasite.

No one can truly control the power of the holy skeleton. Its only function is to parasitize the blood descendants of the White King. But what is parasitized is just a monster. It has power but no king's will. That is not the White King. The family is just afraid of monsters. Power, so call it "God".

"What is that!" Minamoto's pupils shrank, and he suddenly looked towards Kabukicho in Shinjuku, where the Inuyama family's Tamamo-mae Club was built.

But now, the scenery there has completely changed. A tall ancient palace casts a shadow. From the dome to the ground, every inch of space is carefully carved and decorated.

It's like a 3D projection, but it's slowly becoming more substantial, going from virtual to solid.

Uesugoshi's expression became more solemn, "The Nibelungs are affecting reality. It was originally another regular space, like a shadow, but now the shadow is about to overlap with reality!"

"Where is that palace?" Yuan Zhisheng felt that the appearance of the palace looked familiar. He seemed to have seen similar scenes on the murals of the family shrine. Many people wearing sacrificial robes worshiped in front of the palace.

"The palace where ancestors used to worship the sacred remains, or it is also called the well of the remains." Uesugoshi looked at Kabukicho.

Since ancient times, Kabukicho in Shinjuku City has been the basis of the eight Sheki families and has never been lost.

When he was in office, even in the most critical moments, this land was never sold. This was the ancestral motto. However, future generations have forgotten why they should guard this land. Now the reason is finally revealed in front of him. .

That palace was once used to house the holy relics. When Gao Tianyuan was still standing on the earth, during major ceremonies, the ancestors' priests would come here to worship the holy relics.

After worshiping, the priests will add a new seal to the holy body to prevent this dangerous thing from waking up.

Although it looks like a gorgeous palace, its true purpose is a mausoleum, the tomb of the Dragon King.

The tombs of emperors have always been built to the highest standards. Historically, some emperors would work hard for more than ten years in advance to build their own tombs. This Dragon King's tomb also looks luxurious and magnificent, and the craftsmanship is amazing.

Ten thousand years ago, the descendants of the White King still mastered dragon technology. They could travel between reality and the Nibelungs, and could use alchemical technology to create corpse guards to guard the city.

Kabukicho in Shinjuku is the entrance to the Nibelungen, where the most important thing in the entire Takamagahara is hidden, the holy skeleton!

That's why the Sheqi family has been guarding this land. It's just because Gaotianyuan slipped into the deep sea and they can no longer pass through the Nibelungen. This incident was forgotten in the long history.

The humpback whale looked at these people blankly.

He didn't understand what a "Nibelung" was or what a "well of corpses" was, but this extraordinary-looking old man seemed to know a lot.

"Sir, is there any way to prevent this disaster?" the humpback whale suddenly asked. When calling Uesugoshi, the old man's temperament made him involuntarily lower his status and use the honorific title.

If Tokyo was flooded, he would probably drown and die, and there would be no way to promote men's ikebana.

Although many people make comments online and say they hope for the destruction of the world, when the end of the world really comes, you will find that the end of the world is not what you want at all. What you want is to let those damn bosses and customers die, not Dedicate your life to go to hell with them.

Moreover, Humpback Whale is not one of those cynical young men. He just wants to live a good life and implement his flower arrangement.

"If the Night Food Plain and the Well of Hiding Corpses exist, then the dragon veins also exist." Uesugi Yue turned around, "As long as the dragon veins are destroyed, the Nibelung roots will collapse."

"What is Dragon Vein? How to destroy it?" Lu Mingfei asked. Only Uesugi Yue, who had read those ancient scrolls, knew these secrets.

He is probably the last descendant of the White King who knows these things in the world, because when he left the Sheqi Eighth Family, he burned those precious ancient books with a fire.

"According to the description in the ancient scroll, Dragon Vein is a living alchemical matrix. I can't remember the specific details. I only know that this technology is not uncommon. It is mentioned that this technology was used in some emperors' tombs. ." Uesugi Yue whispered: "The emperor used flowing mercury to cast the alchemical matrix.

For thousands of years, mercury will continue to flow, releasing invisible realms and killing intruders. It does not need to be driven by outsiders because it is alive in itself. The dragon vein is alive and scale. Huge alchemical matrix.

It is recorded in ancient books that the ancestors once dug underground rivers in the foundation to build an alchemical matrix, and poured the metal solution of death into it. The metal solution is like human blood. As long as it is still flowing, even if the holy bones are lost, it can Maintain the operation of the night food source and prevent it from collapsing. "

Uesugoshi's words reminded Lu Mingfei of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum.

"Historical Records" records that a miniature river was dug in the tomb of Qin Shihuang, stars were carved on the top wall, and mercury was used as the water in the river. The sun, moon, moon, and rivers flowed over the earth, reciprocating day by day. The emperor's coffin was placed there. In the center of this miniature world, it seems as if he is still alive and still ruling the world.

Principal Angers mentioned several famous emperors in ancient China during his lecture on "Introduction to Dragon Family Genealogy". Many of the tombs of these emperors have not been excavated, and the details inside have not yet been made public.

There is speculation that Qin Shihuang is a pure-blooded dragon. His mausoleum is actually a secret base where he keeps the resurrection eggs. When the right time comes, he will wake up from the tomb.

Kassel has always closely monitored Qin Shihuang's mausoleum because he was afraid of any changes.

Now this speculation seems to be confirmed. Regardless of whether Qin Shihuang is a pure-blooded dragon or not, his cemetery is definitely related to the dragon.

But what we need to do now is not to care about Qin Shihuang's cemetery, but how to deal with the current crisis.

"Then let's set off quickly! Destroy the dragon's veins!" Lu Mingfei raised his knife.

The waves are coming, and the shadows of those buildings are slowly staring at it. Just as the prophecy said, after the sea floods the world, new cities will be built on the earth.

"We alone cannot destroy the Dragon Vein." Uesugoshi leaned on his cane. "If the Dragon Vein exists, it will be all over Japan. Unless we open up all the land in Japan, we will destroy one or two matrix backflows. It's just a useless effort. Someone opened the Night Food Plain. His purpose can only be one, to bring the holy bones back to the Night Food Plain. The first thing we have to do is to prevent the White King from resurrecting! That is Bi Shen. What a terrifying thing! It’s enough to destroy the world!”

Thanks to "MHL Menghunli" and "Braised Purple Eggplant" for the 100 points reward

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