"Your parents actually put you in foster care with relatives! What did they think!"

"They had no choice but to live there. In fact, they were not used to it at first. My uncle and aunt were quite tolerant of me."

"Then your parents just ignored you for seven or eight years?"

"No, they send alimony back every year and write me letters."

"So you can't contact them now?"

"There should be a chance before the end of this year. They are also the commissioners of Kassel and are performing a secret mission. The principal said that he will take me to see them at the end of the year."

"Your parents are away, do you have to postpone the wedding?"

"We'll talk about the wedding separately. Anyway, we need to get the certificate first. You also have to buy an engagement ring for Eri. Get all these things ready first. Although it's a special period, the process must be completed."

"That's right. If you can't, just let your uncle and aunt attend. Marriage is a matter between two people. Your parents haven't been here for seven or eight years anyway. There's nothing you can do if you miss your son's wedding."

Yuan Zhisheng and Uesugoshi talked about it and settled the matter.

"After you get married to Eriki, you must shoulder your responsibilities." Yuan Zhisheng said seriously, "You must protect her."

He emphasized this matter over and over again because he felt very uneasy.

The situation in Japan is becoming more and more confusing. Even if he kills the god, he can't guarantee that the secret party will leave the "Emperor's Blood" alone.

It is necessary to find a backer for Eri Yi.

Today, Lu Mingfei has well proved his capital as a backer.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't think the paper certificate had much protection, but with the marriage certificate, he would at least feel a little more at ease.

"Tomorrow you go to the Shinjuku Ward Office to apply for a marriage certificate." Minamoto took out his mobile phone and used Google Maps to mark the location. "The office staff here are more experienced. I will notify them in advance and let their most professional people help. It won’t take long for you to go through the formalities. You can take photos, get your certificate and stamp it, and it will be over in 15 minutes at most.”

"I understand." Under the guidance of his uncle, Lu Mingfei entered the map navigation.

To be honest, he was in a very uneasy mood right now. To describe it as a stormy sea might be a bit too much, but at least it was at the level of a storm.

After all, it is a marriage, get a marriage certificate!

Although he had already made up his mind to marry Erika as his wife, he only realized in a daze when he really got busy with the matter of getting the certificate:

He, Lu Mingfei, is a 19-year-old citizen of the People's Republic of China. He has a wife. She is a legally binding wife, not one of those affectionate game wives on the Internet.

And my wife is so cute, let me go, this is not a dream, right?

Lu Mingfei quietly pinched his thigh flesh.

Yeah, it hurts.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath, picked up the wine bottle and blew into his mouth expressionlessly.

But the ice-cold whiskey couldn't suppress the restlessness in my heart at all.

I probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

If you were to get a marriage certificate with the girl you like tomorrow, you would be too excited to sleep.

This is exciting and exciting, but it also brings responsibility.

A marriage certificate is more than just a certificate. Its true meaning is a vow of love. Because of love, two people in love swear to each other that from now on, they will only dedicate their love to one person and become a family that will never be separated.

"That's it. It's time to rest." Yuan Zhisheng put down the empty wine bottle in his hand.

They only sat here for maybe half an hour, eating some sushi, sashimi, and sashimi, and drinking a bottle of wine.

The goal has almost been achieved, and the matter between Eryi and Lu Mingfei has been settled, instead of just talking empty words.

In Japan, after a woman marries a man, she usually changes her surname to his.

In other words, starting from tomorrow, Eri Yi can change her name to Mrs. Lu.

This also means that she has left the Sheqi family.

More than ten years of imprisonment should have come to an end long ago.

"Then where should I sleep tonight?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Let's go to the room and sleep." Eriki shook the notebook.

The room she was talking about was her boudoir, the bedroom she had lived in for more than ten years.

Yuan Zhisheng nodded and patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder: "Go ahead and go to bed early. Don't stay up late at night."

"The wedding hasn't happened yet! Don't do anything bad, kid!" Uesugiyue glared at Lu Mingfei with a fierce look in his eyes.

Although he doesn't object to his daughter marrying this boy, as a father, he will inevitably feel unhappy. His lovely daughter has become someone else's cabbage after only knowing each other for less than a day.

Lu Mingfei nodded repeatedly, saying that he would strictly abide by the rules of husbandhood. He had been a good man who kept his integrity since he was a child. Before meeting Eli Yi, he had not even kissed her for the first time, and he had never even held the little girl's hand.

After arranging their accommodation, they took the elevator and returned to the "ξ" floor. Gen Zhisheng sent Uesugi Yue back to the ward, and then led Lu Mingfei and Eriki through the alloy door.

This is an antique wooden walkway, with wooden sliding doors on both sides. Candles are lit behind the sliding doors, and the aroma of white sandalwood surrounds the walk.

It didn't feel like a girl's boudoir, but a meditation room in a Buddhist courtyard. It was completely different from the cute princess-style room Lu Mingfei had in mind.

Eri is a girl, does she live in a place like this?

"The road here is very winding. It's easy to get lost if you go out alone. If anything happens, just ring the bell and someone will come to deal with it immediately." Yuan Zhisheng opened the door and pointed to the rope with the bell attached to the wall. And he took out a black card from his arms, "This card can unlock all security doors, don't lose it."

Yuan Zhisheng touched Eli Yi's head and looked at the windowless room.

A married girl is like water being thrown away. This is probably Eriki's last night at Genji Heavy Industries.

Eriki's toys were also packed up and taken away, and now all that remains in this house are memories.

But no matter whether the memories are good or bad, this is after all the place where Eriki has lived for more than ten years. It will always be a bit reluctant to leave here.

That's not right. Why would you be reluctant to leave the cage? You should be happy.

Gen Zhisheng smiled and recalled the time when he and Eriki played "Street Fighter". He seemed to be the one who was reluctant to let go.

Eriki finally looks like an 18-year-old girl. She wears beautiful clothes and carefully braids her hair into a beautiful hairstyle. Youth and vitality gradually appear on her body.

He was also sincerely happy for Eriki. After contacting her tonight, he found that Eriki had become much more cheerful and no longer as lifeless as before.

These are changes that cannot be seen in the Sheqi Ba family.

The younger sister has gained her own happiness, and the elder brother will certainly be happy.

"Good night, go to bed early."

After Yuan Zhisheng finished speaking, he left without saying anything sensational. He himself was not very good at sensation.

We have to prepare for the meeting with the girl tomorrow, and prepare to kill the god and the king.

Only Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi were left in front of the door.

The wooden floor was spotless due to years of scrubbing, like a bright mirror.

Before entering the room, Eriko took off her short-heeled shoes and stepped barefoot on the floor.

Lu Mingfei also quickly took off his shoes, his soles feeling slightly cold on the ground.

The golden candlelight illuminated Eri's exquisite back. She was wearing the blue strapless dress she bought in the afternoon, revealing her straight shoulders and the beautiful curves of a girl. Before dinner, they took a bath and changed clothes.

The room is paved with tatami mats, and three paintings are hung on the walls. The plain white walls have no unnecessary decoration.

These three portraits depict Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu and Susano'o, the three sacrificial positions passed down from ancient times to the eight Seraki families.

Except for lights, there are not many things in this room that can be called "electrical appliances". There is an LCD TV hanging on the wall and a connected PS game console. There is also a DVD player on the game console, and there is a small Cabinet, through the glass window case you can see that there are animation discs inside.

There was also a computer desk in the corner. Lu Mingfei remembered that Hui Liyi got the computer at the end of last year. At that time, he and Hui Liyi were playing online games. The staff took Hui Liyi's mobile phone to send a message and asked him What online games should I install?

Eriki opened the closet, where miko uniforms were hung neatly.

She seemed to be looking for something, and after entering the house, she rummaged through the boxes and cabinets.

Lu Mingfei walked in and looked around.

Without the TV and PS game console, it would feel like entering a temple.

The decoration style of this room is too old, full of age and lack of girlishness.

Boys always fantasize about what a girl’s room looks like, thinking that there may be a lot of stuffed dolls, a pink bed with bears printed on it, and wind chimes hanging by the window. When the wind blows, they will make a crisp sound. sound.

In my mind, I always think that a girl’s room is very delicate and smells like flowers.

A girl like Chen Wenwen would have a bottle of dandelion seeds on her desk, and neat books stacked on the bookshelf. If it were Liu Miaomiao, there might be a piano worth hundreds of thousands in the room, and elegant European style furniture everywhere. furniture.

Before coming here, he thought Eriyi's room would be in a two-dimensional style, with anime posters on the walls, anime character pillows on the bed, and many figurines. However, the actual situation was completely different from what he thought.

It's so monotonous here, so monotonous to the point of being boring.

Such a room was suitable for meditation, but as Hui Liyi's boudoir, Lu Mingfei felt that it was unqualified.

He sat down and imagined how Eriki had lived in the past.

Maybe he was staring at the three paintings on the wall all day long, or he was soaking in the bathtub in a daze.

The scenery remains unchanged, there is no one to communicate with, and the only fun is the PS game console and the occasional anime CD.

But no matter how fun the game is, you will get tired of it, right?

No matter how good the anime is, it will be gone after watching it. Watching it again is called aftertaste, watching it for the third time is called feelings, and watching it for the fourth or fifth time is simply boring and has nothing to do.

Such a small house has held a girl's 18 years.

Lu Mingfei recalled the time when he and Eryi played online games in the past.

Every time before going offline, he would say goodbye to Eriki and say: "Goodbye, let's play together next time."

At first, Eriyi would type and say: "I haven't had enough fun yet."

But Lu Mingfei rarely continued to accompany her. Later, Huiliyi stopped saying these words and just said "goodbye" obediently.

After saying goodbye, Lu Mingfei still had his own life, taking classes in Kassel, having supper with Fingel, or completing coursework.

Where is Eriyi? What can she do?

Are you looking at the paintings on the wall in a daze again?

Or playing with her toys, playing house with Barbie Master Yoda, and taking a bath when she feels sleepy. No wonder she loves bathing so much. Soaking in the bathtub and rubbing bubbles is at least more fun than sitting in a daze.

She always asks herself on QQ: "What is Sakura doing?"

At most, I asked more than a dozen times a day. Lu Mingfei was not able to reply immediately every time, but when he saw it, he would patiently chat with Eryi and send some emoticons to each other.

This is probably one of the few joys that Eri has. Even if she has a computer and is connected to the Internet, she is always asking: "What is Sakura doing?"

The two of them would chat a few words every day, which became a habit.

Lu Mingfei didn't find it annoying. When chatting with Eryi, he would also be amused by the strange brain circuit.

But he never thought about what Eryi was doing when he didn't reply.

What else can you do?

No matter how many times she went online, she could always send the sentence immediately: "What is Sakura doing?"

When he ignored her, she kept waiting.

It turns out that Eriyi's world is so small, so small that it makes people feel distressed.

After sitting for a while, Eriyi finally found a metal jar in the back room. It seemed to be used to hold candies. The spray paint on the outside had a pattern of cherries and photos of candies.

She walked out holding the jar, opened the lid and showed it to Lu Mingfei. It was filled with paper cranes folded from red paper.

Lu Mingfei once told her that paper cranes of different colors have different meanings.

White and black are usually used at funerals to represent wishes for the deceased, while blue and yellow are usually given to patients to wish them a speedy recovery.

The red paper crane is said to be like a rose that expresses love among students.

In the past, in high school, girls would fold 999 paper cranes and give them to the person they like, which is basically equivalent to sending a love letter. It is said that if the person you like accepts the paper crane, then the god of the paper crane will May your lovers finally get married.

"This is the paper crane I folded before I ran away from home and gave it to Sakura." Eryi took out the written note and put the jar into Lu Mingfei's arms.

Lu Mingfei didn't expect that Hui Liyi would remember the words he mentioned casually.

"Thank you, I like it very much." Lu Mingfei smiled while holding the jar.

Erika also smiled, and it was obvious that she was very happy.

She ran to the closet again and fumbled around in the bag of the miko uniform.

Her eyes lit up, and she took out a round cake-shaped thing from the bag of the miko uniform and wrapped it in oil paper.

Carefully peel off the parchment paper, and there is really a piece of cake inside.

Lu Mingfei quickly recognized it as a cherry blossom cake by smelling it. The last time he came to Japan, he bought a few big bags as a souvenir to take home to eat.

The shelf life of this kind of cake is generally 20 days, so it looks like this cherry blossom cake is quite fresh.

I remember that when they first met, Lu Mingfei gave half of the cherry blossom cake to an unknown miko, and today, the miko returned the cherry blossom cake to him.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself, maybe this is fate.

Thanks to "Wan Mo Qing Shu" for the 5,000 points reward

Thanks to "02丿", "Book Friends 20210130173611399", "leeci123", and "Emperor, the Lord of Ancient Heaven" for the 100-point reward

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