Blackstone Mansion.

The cherry blossoms on the trees were washed down by the rain, and water gathered on the bluestone floor. The rain fell on the tiles on the eaves, and the clear sound was like playing a classical musical instrument.

Xiaoniaoyou and Tushou sat in the middle of the corridor, looking up at the raindrops.

"Finally found you." Hiroshi Kimura hurried over, wrapped a thick scarf around the two cat owners, wrapped them into a ball and hugged them.

"It's really rare to have such a heavy rain in spring." He took the cat owner into the house. The house was warm and comfortable, the floor was swept clean, and two magnificent cat climbing frames were erected in the center of the house.

The cat climbing frame consists of several discs of different heights. The discs are fixed on a pillar, with fur balls and simulated stuffed mice hanging on them. Soft cotton cushions are placed on it.

On weekdays, the two little guys curl up into a cat cake and take a nap in a certain disk. When they wake up, they jump up and down on it and paw at the fur balls, but this is not their nest.

There was an old cardboard box placed beside the fireplace, with cotton cushions inside.

On the first day they came to Blackstone Mansion, the two siblings chose this place, dragged cardboard boxes from the storage room and built their own nest.

This simple cardboard box didn't seem to fit the two's worth. Hiroshi Kimura once tried to buy them a better cattery, but it was of no use. They only lived in the nest they built at night, and would only go to other places when taking a nap. place.

Fortunately, they are not picky about toys and will play with any toys. Their favorite toy is the cat scratching post. The floor is covered with scratching posts.

Cat scratching posts are actually toys made of cardboard shells. Just like straw ropes, cats will sharpen their claws on them. They enjoy the process of sharpening their claws very much. If they are not provided with scratching posts, they will mess up on the sofa or cabinet. In order to prevent the precious furniture of the Black Stone Mansion from being damaged, Hiroshi Kimura placed cat scratching posts in many places and tied straw ropes to the table legs for the entertainment of the two of them.

Kimura Hiroshi held the protruding ball and wiped the water from its fur with a towel.

He only bathes the cat owner once a month.

This is not because he is lazy. Cats cannot be bathed frequently. This will wash away the oil on their fur, making the hair dry and brittle, and they are also prone to skin diseases.

"It's been 23 days since the last bath." Kimura Hiro murmured, "Although it's a little early, I still have to clean your hair."

The bodies of Tou Shou and Kotori Yu were more or less soaked by the rain. The younger brother's paws were even stained with mud, and the flesh ball left a black paw print on Kimura Hiro's palm.

He closed the door and asked the maid to bring a bucket of hot water.

The next job is a technical job. Neither Tushou nor Xiaoniaoyou like bathing. The younger brother Tushou is okay. He is relatively slow. After falling into the pool, he will be in a daze for a while, and then he will struggle to swim outside. My sister's little bird swims and screams loudly when it touches the water.

If you want them to enter the water safely, you must first massage them. When they relax and close their eyes, you can tentatively throw them into the water.

Whether they can finish the bath safely depends on their mood that day. When they are in a good mood, it will end smoothly. When they are in a bad mood, they will be chased around the house.

The two cat owners seemed to be in a good mood today. Even their sister had no special reaction when she entered the water. She obediently allowed Kimura Hiroshi to give them a bath. They remained quiet throughout the process. It is rare to see her so ladylike while taking a bath. .

"It would be great if I could give you a bath every time as easily as this time." Kimura Hiroshi couldn't help but sigh.

He rinsed the foam off the cat owner's hair with clean water, then took them to the dryer and used hot air to dry the moisture.

Xiao Niao You and Tu Shou were radiant, and a scent of sweet-scented osmanthus drifted into their noses.

The pet shower gel used by Hiroshi Kimura is scented with osmanthus.

"Okay, the washing is done." Hiroshi Kimura patted Tosuke's butt, "You can go crazy everywhere again, but you can't leave the room until the rain stops, do you understand?"

I don’t know if Tou Shou and Xiao Niao You can understand human speech. Over the years, he has become accustomed to speaking like this.

It is said that cats are very spiritual animals. They can understand people's language, expressions and various gestures, and they can also be psychic.

For example, according to folklore, black cats are a bad omen. If you see them, it means that you will be unlucky recently.

This is metaphysics and has no scientific basis, but there are indeed some people, especially the elderly, who insist that black cats are very bad. Once they see a black cat, they will become extremely careful and eat carefully. Kimura Hiroya I was taught this by my grandfather.

When he was young, he and his grandfather went to the beach to catch fish. On the way back, they passed a statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. A black cat squinted its eyes and lay sleeping next to the statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. He was about to leave with a fish basket on his back. In the past, the black cat suddenly stood up and made a sharp cry towards him.

He was startled and fell down. Grandpa quickly protected him behind him and waved the harpoon in his hand vigorously to scare the black cat away.

For a whole week after that, he was kept at home by his grandfather and was not allowed to go out.

He didn't understand it at the time, but he had to listen to his grandfather's words. It wasn't until he regained his freedom and came to the village that he realized that five children from the same village had met to go swimming in the river last week. Two of them drowned, and there were more by the river. Two statues of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Each Ksitigarbha statue belongs to a child who died young, because the Japanese believe that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is the patron saint of children who died young, soothing their souls as they cross the Santu River to the other world.

Kimura Hiroshi didn't know if it was a coincidence or what. He knew both the two children who drowned. Takeru Hatta, 7 years old, and Ichiro Nedada, 8 years old. They were his classmates in school. They often got together on weekdays.

If he hadn't been locked up, he would probably have followed him to the river to swim.

Grandpa believed that black cats would bring bad luck, and the drowned children were the black cats bringing bad luck, but Kimura Hiroshi didn't think so. He felt that the black cats were here to warn.

Think about it from another angle, maybe there is bad luck first, which attracts the black cat, rather than having the black cat first, which brings the bad luck.

This group of black cats coming to you actually wants to remind you that you must be careful in the next period of time, because you are going to be unlucky.

Hiroshi Kimura felt that black cats were misunderstood, so he did not stay away from cats like his grandfather. When he went to study in Germany, in his free time, he would go under the benches on campus to feed stray cats.

He has always maintained a good impression of this little animal.

He sensed something strange.

Even after taking a bath, Kabutori and Kotori Yu were always around him. When they walked to the window, they would stare out the window at the direction of Sagami Bay.

Kimura Hiroshi felt a little uneasy. The behavior of the siblings was really abnormal.

He checked the tableware, which was still full of cat food. This was the first time in nine years that the siblings were surrounding him outside of mealtimes.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Kimura, Mr. Kang is looking for you." the maid said.

Kimura Hiroshi went to open the door. Mr. Kang was a young man who looked like he was in elementary school. Kimura Hiroshi didn’t know Mr. Kang’s real name. He rarely showed up and spent most of his time in the kitchen, listening to what was going on in the mansion. The chef said that Mr. Kang is a very talented little chef who will definitely shine on the world stage in the future.

"Hello." Mr. Kang bowed politely. Mr. Kang had a good tutor and would not cry like other naughty children. When Kimura Hiroshi talked to him, he sometimes felt like he was talking to an adult.

But you can definitely feel that he is a child, and you often hear some weird words from his mouth.

When he pressed the remote control panel of the air conditioner, he said: "The air conditioner consists of two chassis. If you put the two chassis in the same place and then press the cooling air button, will it get hotter or colder?"

When he was using a microwave oven, he said: "There is no fire, but it can be heated. The technology is really incredible."

Or when he was watching TV, every afternoon he and Miss Su Enxi would watch "Hell's Kitchen" in the hall, and he would say: "How on earth did the people in the TV get in?"

Miss Su Enxi would roll her eyes at him and say, "I have told you so many times that there is no one on the TV. This is a recording."

Mr. Kang has always been extremely curious about electronic products, but he seems to be unable to understand how they operate.

This is normal. Children always need a learning process when they first come into this world.

Kimura Hiroshi couldn't read the clock when he was a child. For a long time, the hour hand pointed in the middle of six and seven, and he didn't know whether it was six o'clock or seven o'clock. Adults would know it was six o'clock just by looking at it, but they never knew. People told him why this was, and it wasn't until they met him enough times that he gradually accepted the fact that the middle between six and seven was six o'clock.

"What's the matter? Mr. Kang." Kimura Hiroshi did not neglect Mr. Kang because he was a young man. As a qualified housekeeper, he must maintain his grace when treating everyone.

"It's raining heavily, Mr. Kimura." Mr. Kang pointed outside the corridor. The heavy rain fell, hitting the bluestone floor like firecrackers exploding. "Can you hold my umbrella for me?"

"Hold an umbrella?" Hiroshi Kimura was stunned, "It's raining so heavily, do you want to go out?"

"Just take me to a place where I can see the sea. It's best to be quick, Mr. Kimura. This is a very important thing." Mr. Kang said seriously.

"I understand." Hiroshi Kimura nodded and took out a big black umbrella from the house.

He didn't ask why. Children always have all kinds of strange thoughts in their heads. Maybe they suddenly want to see the sea in a heavy rain.

The black umbrella opened, and a gap appeared in the rain. Hiroshi Kimura held an umbrella for Mr. Kang. The two walked on the bluestone together, with cherry blossoms and water flowing by their feet.

"Did you hear that?" Mr. Kang suddenly asked.

"Yes, the rain is loud." Kimura Hiroshi replied.

"I'm not talking about the sound of rain." Mr. Kang pointed in the direction of Sagami Bay, "Did you hear the sound coming from there?"

Kimura Hiroshi didn't know what Mr. Kang was talking about. His phone rang suddenly, "Sorry, Mr. Kang, please allow me to take a call."

"Okay." Mr. Kang stood there and waited obediently.

Kimura Hiroshi's expression gradually became serious. After hanging up the phone, he said, "It was a call from the Coast Guard. The tsunami is coming, but they said it will not affect the Blackstone Mansion."

When the tide comes, it will be spectacular. No wonder Mr. Kang wants to see the sea. This opportunity may not come once in ten years.

He couldn't help but feel that Mr. Kang was a bit mysterious. In front of this young gentleman, he sometimes had an indescribable feeling: "When you said you heard it, did you mean you heard the sound of the tsunami?"

"No, it's not a tsunami." Mr. Kang shook his head. "Listen carefully. They are hidden under the water and are coming soon."


"Please take me to a place where I can see the sea first."

"Okay, okay."

Kimura Hiroshi took a few minutes to answer the phone, and couldn't help but speed up his pace. If he was slower, he would not be able to see the tide.

They came to the hot spring pool, which faced the sea and was a good auditorium.

Under the high cliff was the turbulent Sagami Bay. After a while, Miss Su Enxi and Miss Mai Shutoku also came over. They held an umbrella together. Miss Mai was holding a black box in her hand, wearing a Wear heavy insulating gloves.

Silvery-white thin lines appear at the junction of the sky and the sea. It looks like a thin layer of silver is plated on the sea surface. It is actually a spring tide touching the sky, with white waves at the head of the tide.

The huge waves smashed against the black wall, and raindrops flew like arrows. Kimura Hiroshi always held an umbrella to cover Mr. Kang's head. The black umbrella was airtight, and not a drop of rain fell in.

"Did you hear them? Their cries?" Mr. Kang said again.

Kimura Hiroshi finally heard it. It was the cry of a baby. Thousands of them. The sound of tides and cries were overwhelming on the sea. The cry was heartbreaking, like the soul of a drowned baby crying.

"Can you handle it?" Su Enxi looked down at the black cliff, "If not, I will have to use another plan."

"Don't worry, I will stop them." Mr. Kang took a step forward and walked out of the umbrella.

Kimura Hiroshi wanted to follow and use an umbrella to block the rain, but to his surprise, Mr. Kang stood alone in the rain curtain. The rain seemed to avoid him, forming a vacuum circle.

The childish eyes were burning with noble gold: "Thank you for bringing me here, Mr. Kimura. I hope you can keep today's affairs a secret. This is a secret between us."

Kimura Hiroshi's pupils suddenly dilated, and lightning like snakes of light struck the sea, illuminating the dense shadows in the tide.

Their long tails were entangled together, the scales on the surface of their bodies glowed with a metallic blue light, but the skin on their faces was withered black, and their baby-like cries were like ghosts in hell singing an elegy together. Kimura Hiroshi trembled violently, I can barely hold the umbrella handle.

But the next moment, a dazzling light illuminated the world.

That's black light, a black sun!

Ten black suns occupied the sky, just like the ten golden crows flying in mythology, and the extremely feathery corona spread from the edge of the black sun.

Kimura Hiroshi suddenly understood that he sometimes had unexplainable feelings around Mr. Kang, and this feeling became stronger at this moment.

The black sun fell towards the waves of the sea, like a black hole that swallowed up everything. The long-tailed monster was swept in and sucked into it. Ten vortexes appeared on the sea surface. The crying disappeared, leaving only the waves quietly beating against the rocks and spinning. of vortex.

The golden light in Mr. Kang's eyes dissipated and he fell back. Miss Su Enxi held his shoulders and caught him.

"Take him to the bedroom to rest. He is exhausted. You must let him have a good sleep." Su Enxi said.

"Yes, Miss Enxi." Kimura Hao said respectfully.

"After seeing all this with your own eyes, you will be a member of our team. Don't forget your agreement with him." Su Enxi looked at the sea.

"As ordered." Kimura Hiroshi couldn't help but use the honorific.

He lowered his head and bowed with the utmost respect.

Thanks to "Tlight1740" for the 1,500-point reward, "Emperor, Lord of Ancient Heaven" for the 500-point reward, and "Tuntun," for the 500-point reward.

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