Italy, Gattuso's family.

Frost came to Pompeii's room with a sullen face. His brother was lying naked on the bed, holding the hot blonde in his arms.

"Damn it! Frost, didn't I tell you that you have to knock before entering?" Pompey exclaimed, pulling the white sheet to cover his chest, exposing his hairy thighs.

The blonde shyly hid in Pompeii's arms.

"The heir of the family has disappeared for several days! Yet here you are holding a fucking French barbecue party!" Frost said gloomily: "You watered-up pig head just wants to mate!"

"Frost, calm down." Pompeo put his arm around the blonde's white shoulders. "You must always remain a gentleman. You will scare the girls."

"Give me the authority to mobilize fighter jets immediately!" Frost shouted: "I don't expect you to do anything, but I must find news about Caesar!"

"Have you eaten gunpowder? If so, then I suggest you go to the private pool in the yard to swim with the beauties in bikinis. Maybe they can help you get rid of the heat." Pompeii sat up slightly, lit a cigar and took a puff. , "Don't worry, Caesar will be fine. He is our destined heir. The family has been waiting for Caesar's birth for hundreds of years. My son will not die because of this setback."

"So you're just going to do nothing and have a week of bullshit barbecue parties?"

"Of course it's impossible. How can one week be enough? At least two weeks! It's rare to go back to Italy, and I must have a good exchange with the new generation of ladies."

"Pompei!" Forrest called his brother by his name, "What on earth do you want to do!"

"I told you, don't worry." Pompeo exhaled a puff of smoke. The blonde held the crystal ashtray, and he shook the ashes on it. "Passy has gone to Japan. He is the big killer of the Gattuso family. He His bloodline purity is the highest among all family members, and everything will work out smoothly."

"Patsy." Forrest was stunned, "Has he gone?"

"He is our weapon of war. Don't you feel at ease with him? Several fighter jets cannot compare to him."

"Are the elders willing to take the risk of sending Patsy?"

"Good steel must be used on the edge of the blade. Plans will always change. We can't take no risks at all. So Frost, get out quickly, I still have business to do."

Frost was silent and turned towards the door. Pompeii shouted from behind, "Before you leave, remember to lock the door, press the lock, and then put it on!"

A tic-tac-toe appeared on his forehead, and the door slammed shut with a loud noise.

In the early morning, the sun shines through the gaps in the curtains and shines on the faces of Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi.

Eriki's eyelashes trembled slightly and she opened her eyes.

She and Lu Mingfei slept on the same bed. They were so close that their breathing could be heard.

Eliyi quietly snuggled into the quilt, buried her head in the quilt, and got into Lu Mingfei's arms. The two of them were facing the same direction. She grabbed Lu Mingfei's hand and placed it on her soft belly.

Lu Mingfei said before that cats will expose their soft belly when they feel comfortable and safe. Now she feels very comfortable and wants to expose her belly.

The warm hands came into contact with her skin, and the hair exposed outside the quilt trembled a few times. She narrowed her eyes, rubbed it again, and found a comfortable position.

Lu Mingfei woke up, the delicate body in his arms was warm and soft.

His mouth was dry and he took a deep breath, trying to calm his inner agitation.

But Eriyi rubbed it again, and the soft touch came through the thin silk pajamas. She could clearly feel Eriyi's fat-free belly on her hands.

Close contact is too much stimulation for a young virgin.

He pursed his lips and tried to pull his hand away, but Eriki grabbed his wrist and continued to keep him in the hugging position.

The girl turned her head slightly, with a little pleading in her big watery eyes, as if to say: "It'll be fine in a while."

Lu Mingfei was immediately defeated. He put down his hand and allowed Eli Yi to control him.

Eliyi squeezed in again, shrank into a small ball, and wrapped Lu Ming's hand.

The two of them curled up in the small bed, enjoying the tenderness of the morning.

At the gate of Black Stone Mansion, Eri was wearing a white pleated skirt. The waves were beating and the sea breeze was lifting her skirt.

"If you have any problems, just ask Su Enxi and she will help you solve it." Lu Mingfei brushed his fingers through the girl's hair.

"When will Sakura come back?" Eriki held up the notebook.

"I don't know." Lu Mingfei touched her head, "But I will come back as soon as possible. If there is anything you want to say to your brother, I will tell you."

"I want my toy," Eriki said.

"I know, I'll let him get it back."

"Well, I will stay at home and wait."

Lu Mingfei stepped forward and kissed the girl's forehead. The two hugged each other for a long time. Lu Mingfei got on the helicopter, the rotors were stirring, and the strong wind messed up the girl's hair. The dark red hair was fluttering in the strong wind. The girl pressed her chest, looked up at the black helicopter disappearing into the skyline, and stayed there for a long time.

Tou Shou came out from behind the door, and Kimura Hiroshi chased after him, holding a hair comb in his hand.

The little fat cat stuck its head out and approached Eriyi step by step.

Only then did Eriki look away, knelt down, and picked up the cat while holding Kasumi's belly.

She hugged the cat tightly and rubbed her face on the cat's plump flesh, as if to say, the male master has left, and now we are the only ones here.

What can cats do when their owners leave the house?

It can only wait for its owner to come back.

Kimura Hiroshi arrived belatedly, and he didn't have time to comb the hair of his two little masters today. The hair of authentic Siamese cats is not strong, but Tou Shou and Xiao Niao Yu have soft down. If they are not combed frequently, they will soon lose their hair. It will get knotted.

Cats have the habit of licking their fur. The sunlight on their fur will synthesize a special vitamin, which is necessary for them to maintain life. If the floating hair is not combed out, they will remove it when they lick their fur. Swallowed into the stomach, it may cause indigestion and vomiting. Diarrhea and illness in pets can be a fatal thing for the owner.

Kimura Hiroshi bowed respectfully to Eriki. This was the mistress of the Black Stone Mansion and his superior.

Eriki stared at the hair comb in Kimura Hiroshi's hand with doubts in her eyes.

The hostess couldn't speak, but Hiroshi Kimura, as an experienced and excellent housekeeper, understood what the hostess was thinking at a glance. He took the hair comb and introduced: "Miss, this is a massage comb for combing cats' hair. It can promote their blood circulation." Circulation, relieving muscle and mental fatigue. Do you want me to show you how to use it?"

Erika nodded.

"Then please put it down."

Eri Yi did as she was told, squatting down and letting Tou Shou get down on all fours.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Kimura Hiroshi immediately grabbed the back of the protruding neck, pressed the rounded needle of the hair comb against its forehead, and combed downwards along the hair.

The kitten narrowed its eyes, raised its ears back, stretched its body, and let out a faint moan.

Eriko's eyes widened and she looked at Toshou curiously.

"This will make the cats feel very comfortable." Hiroshi Kimura's technique was skillful. Under his combing, Takuma's body became soft and his moans gradually became louder.

"Do you want to give it a try?" Kimura Hiroshi handed over the comb.

Eriki took the comb and combed Tashou's hair under the guidance of Kimura Hiroshi.

Tu Shou was lying on his side on the ground, turning over with his feet in the air, exposing his belly.

It seemed very happy. Eriki scratched its belly and felt very happy too.

For the first time, she felt such full joy, and a strong impulse arose in her heart. She wanted to share this joy with someone.

She looked up at the sky. There were a few white clouds floating in the blue sky. The sun was shining on the sea, and the waves were sparkling. The refreshing sea breeze blew by. She brushed a lock of hair beside her ears, touched her lips, and then her forehead. Her dark red hair was fluttering, and her smile was like a blooming rose, releasing vigorous vitality.

Tokyo, Takamagahara.

The cowherds and waiters fell asleep on the sofa tiredly. The ground was in a mess, and the crazy scene last night was vaguely visible.

Kazama Ruri was still the special guest in Takamagahara last night. Takamagahara's popularity is about to explode, and it's hard to find a place.

Lu Mingfei and Kazama Ruri met in the store manager’s office.

"Last night, the members of the Sheqi family were running around in the streets of Tokyo. The fierce ghosts placed spies on the Sheqi family. They ran away and caught everyone. Almost all of them were caught. My brother was determined to fight with the fierce ghosts. The ghosts are fighting a decisive battle." Fengjian Liuli sat opposite Lu Mingfei, and the sun shone on his makeup-covered face, which was white and beautiful.

"After all, something like that happened in Tokyo Peninsula yesterday." Lu Mingfei said: "Were those dead waiters arranged by the king?"

"It's unlikely." Kazama Ruri shook her head, "Tokyo Peninsula Hotel is located in the core area of ​​concern of the Sheqi Hachi Family. With so many deadpools, it's hard to imagine how the king was transported there without being discovered. "

"From this point of view, Deadpool is most likely studied by people from the Sheqi Ba family."

"Tachibana Masamune is very suspicious." Kazama Ruri said, "This man's past is completely blank. When he first came to Shikatori Town, he was just an ordinary member of the executive bureau, and there were not even more than two people in the bureau. Ten, but a few years later he transformed into the underworld emperor and took his brother back to Tokyo."

"Have you investigated him?"

"Yes, but there is nothing useful. He grew up in Russia, and his past resume is only mentioned in a few sentences. No one can confirm whether this is true or false."

"The face I found under the mask, Eriki said, is very similar to Tachibana Masamune."

"It's very similar?" Kazama Liuli frowned.

"Yes, but I have never seen Tachibana Masamune. I don't know what he looks like. Do you have a photo of Tachibana Masamune?"

"No, how could I carry such a thing with me?" Kazama Liuli shook his head.

"Can I find it online?"

"If it cannot be found, the information of the leaders of the eight Sheqi families will not appear on the Internet. If it appears, Kaguya will block it in real time, block the website, and follow the IP address to find the website creator. Their troops will immediately Gather and arrest suspicious persons.”

"It's really strict." Lu Mingfei complained: "Forget it, let's not worry about it for now. I made a very important discovery yesterday. I came here as soon as possible to tell you about this discovery."

Kazama Ruri glanced at the clock on the wall. The hour hand had already pointed to 10 o'clock. It would only take half an hour at most by helicopter.

"Tell me what you discovered." Kazama Liuli chose not to dwell too much on this detail.

Except for the existence of Old Tang, Lu Mingfei recounted the experience of yesterday afternoon in detail.

"So, the person behind the scenes must have a way of remote control." Lu Mingfei said: "The driver is a puppet. My uncle, aunt, and cousin were almost controlled by him, but I don't know how it was done yet. Arrived."

"Puppet? Puppet?" Kazama Liuli touched his chin in thought.

"You said before that the king is like an unkillable ghost. Is there a possibility that what you killed might just be a puppet."

Kazama Liuli touched his chin and lowered his head in thought.

He had never considered this possibility in the past. The general's performance was definitely that of a real person, including his movements and tone. How could a puppet do such a thing?

"The taxi driver you mentioned is just a puppet who acts according to established procedures, but General Wang can talk to me, and I can feel that he is a real person. I will investigate in this direction and tell you if I find anything. "Fengjian Liuli said.

"Okay." Lu Mingfei nodded, "By the way, there is one more thing. Yuan Zhisheng and I have also formed an alliance, and he will also deal with the king. We have the same goal now. Have you ever thought about talking to your brother? Let’s talk.”

Kazama Liuli was silent for a while and shook her head.

"Now is not the time." He looked away and looked out the window.

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth and wanted to persuade him, but suddenly, there was a commotion downstairs.

The door was kicked open, and the elegant Italian dress shoes clapped on the floor. The person who entered was wearing an exquisite evening dress and a dark purple tie, and was carrying a suitcase in one hand.

The waiters and cowherds were awakened by the huge noise, trembled, and looked towards the door.

"I'm sorry for destroying your door, but I have been ringing the doorbell for a minute, and I have no choice but to break in in this way. I will compensate you for your losses and compensate you for a compensation." The brilliant blond man Reflecting the sunlight, he spoke apologetically and seemed polite, but the door fell to the ground and fell apart.

Lu Mingfei and Fengjian Liuli walked down the stairwell, "What happened?"

A beautiful and soft face came into view. He had a pair of strange pupils, one eye was sea blue, and the other was light gold, like a famous Persian cat.

Lu Mingfei was stunned. At first glance, he thought it was Caesar standing there, but if he took a closer look, he would find that they didn't look alike.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. I came here just to inquire about a person. I have no intention of causing trouble. As long as you tell me his news, I will leave." He bowed gentlemanly.

Thanks to "Hankehum" for the 500 points reward, and "Reading Chuunibyou" for the 100 points reward.

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